by Sherry Swiney
February 15,
KeyholeJourney Website
Sherry Swiney has a B.A. in Business Administration from
San Francisco University, and two years of Civil
Engineering from Heald Engineering College.
is Lead Quantity Surveyor for The Venus Project. Sherry
researches quantum physics, as related to spiritual
development and physical well-being, archaeology,
organic gardening, alternative healing, paranormal and
other unusual topics.
is a co-author with Jerry Marzinsky of
Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the
Spell of the Ivory Tower." |

"Our goal is to win
ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower
of the entire world."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Wait, something's wrong
with that quote...
Here, let me correct it:
"Our goal is to
realize ultimate control of our individual abundance, health,
well-being and reality."
There, that's better...
That's in alignment with who we are.
The former is an
assay of who we are not; written by a non-human entity
that does not appreciate life.
This species has no
concept of compassion.
It only knows the
cold domination of hive mind.
One has to wonder how the
corrected quote is possible when most of the world is under
communism. Oh, it's not called that everywhere yet, but rest assured
Rothschild ultimate goal seems to be nearing completion.
Millions of people are
They believe in the
fear scenario.
They don't want
freedom because it takes effort.
They want safety
handed to them.
They hide behind the
cloak of learned helplessness.
At this point, their
chances of freeing themselves seem slim...

Those of us who have not fallen prey know that,
fear is like a
witches brew.
It is concocted from
something that is not real.
It is first imagined,
and then we have the choice to believe it or not.
Long gone are the days of
falling for these nasty shenanigans.
We realize that
merely false evidence appearing real. Now we know we
cannot go solely by what we see or hear.
Still, many of us realize the "impossible dilemma" we face, and are
perplexed by how to step into our true power with the goal of living
in freedom. I admit that I too am baffled.
So, let's learn together
how to get out of this mess in which we find ourselves.
The answer is not
separate from the problem.
ever goes away until it
teaches us what we need to know."
We did this to
Through our ignorance
We are the responsible ones
Through our unconscious power of creation
We created their dream for them
Through our unawareness
We are the responsible ones
Through our belief that no one could be so evil
I am sorry,
please forgive
thank you,
I love you
It's not that no one
can be so evil
It's that no human can be so evil
We are created by
We are Love
We love and we are loved
Our nature is kindness,
compassion, curiosity, creativity, boldness, fearlessness.
Our nature is not
cruelty, obsession, greed, aggression, ownership of others. The
source of life, the source of nature, the source of universal law,
loves us.
We are given full
authority over our thoughts, our behavior, our actions.
Our gifts are
Our power is unlimited.
Yet we cower under those to whom we have foolishly given
Why did we do that to
ourselves, to our world...?
is the first
step towards knowledge.
It is a sign of courage
intellectual bravery
to ask questions
and seek
Robert O. Young
The only way to win the game is NOT TO PLAY; it is
their game...

Nothing is as it seems.
We live in an illusion
but don't know it. It's a game, a constructed dream, and we don't
know we are playing a game within that dream. We think it's all
The way this matrix works
is the stronger the belief in this dream, the more fortified it
This is what we need to
know so we can get out of the mess we find ourselves in today.
Throughout the years, many have spoken to this point. More of us are
listening than ever before.
To break through this
illusion, there is much unlearning to do. Once everything is
unlearned, we become detached and the Matrix changes, their dream
We literally wake up and
find ourselves in a different world here on Earth that has always
existed behind the veil that's been pulled over our eyes.
We believe someone
can own us and has authority to rule us. Unlearn that...
We believe all laws are just. Unlearn that...
We believe centralized systems work. Unlearn that...
We believe hierarchical management is the only way. Unlearn
We believe we are helpless. Unlearn that...
We believe we
must follow orders.
We think writing
laws on a piece of paper makes them real and gives them
authority over us.
We believe in
government and banking.
We think we must
have government and we must pay taxes on our labor to
support government.
We believe
political parties are different from one another.
We believe two or
three choices give us freedom of choice over who should rule
over us.
Unlearn all of
We believe the
history in school books, and the bible lessons in church.
We believe public
schools are good for our children.
We believe all
doctors care about us.
We believe our
employers care about us.
Unlearn all of
We believe what
we hear on the news, what we read in the news online, even
though the news outlet stories have been proven concocted
time and time again.
Unlearn that...
In fact, unlearn everything because everything we've been taught
about ourselves and this world in which we live is false.
Our minds have been
invaded. We've been changed. Had we been aware of our own
thoughts, we could have prevented this takeover.
But we weren't, and
here we are living in a world, being pawns in a game that masks
our full potential. Some of us are so entrenched it will take
more lifetimes before being able to see this.
Those of us who are
ready to step into our true power need to get busy with all this
unlearning, dropping the fear, and get busy practicing our
I know the science and have heard the testimonies of those who have
consciously created their personal dreams.
I've experienced some
miracles in my life but I failed to observe my creative thoughts,
feelings, and actions at the time. Lately, when I have an intuition,
then find out later that it was accurate, I try to remember how it
felt when the intuition came to me.
Intuition seems to come
when I am not thinking and suddenly I know something or sense
something specific. It's only recently that I've begun to pay
attention to these phenomena.
With practice, I will
improve this innate skill.

We are energy beings. Everything about us and everything in this
universe is energy.
Science tells us we have an energy field around us that extends
about six feet from our body. I suspect it goes out much farther but
we don't have the equipment to measure wider distances.
Science also tells us
that we influence the field with our thoughts and feelings. In turn,
this influence affects our body as well as our reality, which
affects our health and the world around us respectively. It's like
an "if/then" loop.
Put another way we live
within a toroidal field that is always rotating. It works like a
magnetic circuit. This field connects to the gazillions of other
fields that make up this universe.
This means our influence
is greater than we can imagine.
With this information, we can see that if we believe the stories we
tell ourselves, we create those stories in our lives, and to a
greater extent, we create those stories in our world.
So, the question is,
What stories are we
telling ourselves?
Are we repeating
stories given to us in the game or are we being honest with our
thoughts and feelings?
When we search within
seeking the truth, the answer will solve the problem.
Thoughts are things that often become words, which often evoke
feelings, which then affect the field, which in turn affect our
health and well-being.
How many times have we
heard someone say,
"Oh, he/she makes me
First, we know that no
one can make us sick (unless they jab us with poison).
Next, we understand that
this is just a saying that does not affect us directly. Ah, but it
affects the person saying the words. If this saying is a habit, then
there is no surprise when that person does get sick.
So our words have more
power than we realize.
A forgetful person may repeatedly say,
"my memory is shot"
or "I have such a lousy memory."
If this is a habit, they
create having a bad memory.
However, if they change
that habit to something like,
"I have an excellent
memory," soon enough that's what they will have.
Our words are very
powerful. This knowledge can be applied to everything in our lives.
With practice, this
innate skill will improve.

Have the courage to walk away from world domination.
It is not in our best
interest. Rules only have power when we give them power, when we
believe in them, when we fear them. These manmade rules are not for
us; they are against us.
Think about that. Walk
away from that...
Fear of dying has kept us locked in chains, yet there
are worse things than dying.
We were not given the
spirit of fear by Source.
That fear is a
mind control construct of the game.
Living in slavery,
being permanently damaged by false advice, false medication,
false politics, false rules, and false wars are much worse than
First and foremost, we
don't die...
Numerous people have
returned from death (termed "near-death") to tell you, we do not
die. As mentioned earlier, we are energy beings.
Science tells us
energy can be changed but it cannot be destroyed.
Every avatar wears out
and dies at some point but our spirit, our essence, our energy,
never dies.
Fear of death is a mind control
construct of the game.
Unlearn that...

Real Work
It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.
(Collected Poems)

Religions and associated
scriptural interpretations are mind control components of the
Unlearn that...
gods in the Christian bible,
for example, are the non-human entities that are in this
Stop listening to them...
Stop looking for a savior. This makes you lazy, dependant, and
impotent. No other is your savior. YOU are your savior.
Source/God, the one who
loves you so much, the one who breathed life into you, the one who
freely gave you Nature in all her abundance, will help you but
Source will not do it for you...
What great parent
does not want their child to grow up, stand on its own two feet,
to think for itself, to be independent, to be self-sufficient,
and to become great like itself?
If Source becomes your
savior, doing this for you, then you have learned nothing
at all...