by Dr. Joseph Mercola
July 15, 2020
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
The controversy over
hydroxychloroquine is perhaps one of the most
perplexing and frustrating. Doctors and health experts around the
world have spoken out both for and against the use of the drug, some
reporting spectacular benefits while others warn of mortal dangers
In an international poll of 6,227 doctors in 30 countries, 37% rated
the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine as "the most effective
therapy" for COVID-19. In Spain, where the drug was used by 72% of
doctors, it was rated "the most effective therapy" by 75% of them
French microbiologist and infectious disease expert Didier Raoult
reported a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin
administered immediately upon diagnosis led to recovery and "virological
cure" - nondetection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal swabs - in
91.7% of patients
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has found treating COVID-19 patients who had
confirmed positive test results "as early as possible after symptom
onset" with zinc, low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin
lowered mortality fivefold
Zinc appears to be key. If given early, zinc along with a zinc
ionophore such as hydroxychloroquine or quercetin should, at least
theoretically, help lower the viral load and prevent the immune
system from becoming overloaded
There's no shortage of controversies surrounding the
pandemic, but the controversy over hydroxychloroquine is perhaps one
of the most perplexing and frustrating.
Doctors and health experts
around the world have spoken out both for and against the use of the
drug, some reporting spectacular benefits 1 while others warn of
mortal dangers. 2
Game-Changer or Deadly Treatment?
In one international poll 3 of 6,227 doctors in 30 countries,
rated the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine as "the most effective
therapy" for COVID-19.
The poll was done by
Sermo, the world's
largest health care data collection company and social platform for
In Spain, where the drug was used by 72% of doctors, it was rated
"the most effective therapy" by 75% of them. The typical dose used
by a majority of doctors was 400 milligrams per day.
French science-prize winning microbiologist and infectious disease
Didier Raoult, founder and director of the research hospital
Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection,
reported 5,6 that a combination of
hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin, administered immediately upon diagnosis, led to
recovery and "virological cure" - nondetection of SARS-CoV-27 in
nasal swabs - in 91.7% of patients.
According to Raoult, the drug combination,
"avoids worsening and
clears virus persistence and contagiosness in most cases."
cardiac toxicity was observed using a dose of 200 mg three times a
day for 10 days, along with 500 mg of azithromycin on Day 1 followed
by 250 mg daily for the next four days.
The risk of cardiac toxicity
was ameliorated by carefully screening patients and performing
serial EKGs.
As reported by The Highwire (see video above), July 2, 2020, Raoult
is quoted as saying failure to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to a
COVID-19 patient "should be grounds for malpractice."
University of Oxford investigators claim the drug is useless and
shouldn't be prescribed at all in hospitalized patients. 8
Hydroxychloroquine deniers
"are guilty of mass murder."
Vladimir Zelenko.
An interesting website tracking hydroxychloroquine trials is 9
It lists more than 40 studies and meta-analyses
showing positive results of the drug, compared to nine that have
reached a negative conclusion.
The Zelenko Regimen
Vladimir Zelenko,
a primary care physician in Monroe, New York, has also reported
excellent results using the drug.
He told radio host Sean Hannity
he'd had a near-100% success rate using hydroxychloroquine,
azithromycin and
zinc sulfate for five days.
"I've seen remarkable
results; it really prevents progression of disease, and patients get
better," he told Hannity.
In the video above,
Del Bigtree interviews Zelenko about the criticism levied against
him for promoting use of the drug.
According to Zelenko,
hydroxychloroquine deniers,
"are guilty of
mass murder"...
He points out
hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades and is safe even for
pregnant and nursing women, so he felt very comfortable prescribing
it off-label.
He prescribed,
200 mg of hydroxychloroquine twice a
500 mg of azithromycin once a day
220 mg of zinc once a
...for five days.
The treatment was
initiated within the first five days of clinical symptoms of
COVID-19, based on "clinical suspicion" of SARS-CoV-2 infection (not
lab confirmed testing, as test results took three days and viral
load typically explodes by Day 6).
June 30, 2020,
Zelenko and two co-authors published a study
currently in preprint, which found treating COVID-19 patients who
had confirmed positive test results,
"as early as possible after
symptom onset" with zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin "was associated with significantly less
hospitalizations and five times less all-cause deaths."
As noted by Zelenko
in Bigtree's interview, the real virus killer in this combination is
actually the zinc.
The hydroxychloroquine merely acts as a zinc
transporter, allowing it to get into the cell.
The antibiotic,
meanwhile, helps prevent secondary infections.
Concerted Coordinated
Effort to Inhibit Use of Effective Drug?
According to Dr.
Meryl Nass, the wildly divergent views on
hydroxychloroquine appear
to have little to do with its safety and effectiveness against
COVID-19, and more to do with a concerted and coordinated effort to
prevent its use.
In the video
above, Chris Martensen Ph.D., also reviews the "profound lack of
integrity" we're currently seeing when it comes to
Indeed, there are
several reasons for why certain individuals and companies might not
want an inexpensive generic drug to work against this pandemic
(A 14-day supply costs just $2 to manufacture
and can retail for as little as $20.
One of the most
obvious reasons is because it might eliminate the need for
a vaccine
or other antiviral medication currently under development.
Hundreds of
millions of dollars have already been invested, and vaccine makers
are hoping for a payday in the billions if not trillions of dollars...
In a June 27, 2020,
blog post, Nass points out:
"It is remarkable that a series of
events taking place over the past three months produced a
unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar
policies about the drug in the U.S., Canada, Australia, NZ and
western Europe.
The message is that generic,
inexpensive hydroxychloroquine is 'dangerous' and should not be
used to treat a potentially fatal disease, COVID-19, for which
there are no (other) reliable treatments.
Hydroxychloroquine has been used
safely for 65 years in many millions of patients.
And so the
message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses,
but dangerous when used for COVID-19. It doesn't make sense, but
it seems to have worked.
Were these acts carefully orchestrated?
You decide.
Might these events have been
planned to keep the pandemic going?
To sell expensive drugs and
vaccines to a captive population?
Could these acts result in
prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually
transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich?"
The fight over
hydroxychloroquine may also have political underpinnings.
As noted
by investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson in a May 18, 2020,
Measure report,
"never before
has a discussion about choices of medicine been so laced with
political overtones."
Trials Undermine
Safety and Efficacy by Using Toxic Doses
Nass' article 17 lists what has occurred with regard to hydroxychloroquine so far, the intention being to keep it as a
living document that will be added to as time goes on.
Nass says she wrote it in such a way that it might be read as a,
do list... to be carried out by those who pull the strings,"
...with the
intention of suppressing use of the drug.
At the time of this
writing, Nass' list 18
contains 27 bullet point entries. I highly
recommend reading through it, as I will only highlight a select few
Several items on Nass' list detail the various ways in which safe
and effective use of the drug were undermined, which allowed for a
false narrative of danger to be crafted.
For example, Nass points out that three large, randomized
multicenter clinical trials all used excessive dosages known to be
These include the following.
She also discusses these trials in other in-depth articles:
The U.K.
Recovery Trial
23,24,25 - Funded in part by the Bill &
Gates Foundation,
Wellcome Trust and the U.K. government
through Oxford University,
26 this study randomly assigned patients
to usual care or to one of five primary drug treatments:
They also used
convalescent plasma.
Patients received 2,400 mg of hydroxychloroquine during the first 24
hours - three to six times higher than the daily dosage
recommended 27 followed by 400 mg every 12 hours for nine more day
for a cumulative dose of 9,200 mg over 10 days.
The trial ended its hydroxychloroquine arm on June 4, reporting
"no benefit."
The Solidarity
Trial 28
- Launched by the World Health Organization (WHO)
and funded by 43 countries and 203,000 individuals and
organizations, 29 this trial also compares standard of care against
four drug options, including hydroxychloroquine, among patients in
35 countries.
Strangely, the WHO does not specify the daily dosage used in the
However, the registration of the Canadian
30 and Norwegian
portions of the trial lists a dosage of 2,000 mg on the first day,
and a cumulative dose of 8,800 mg over 10 days.
This is only 400 mg
less than the U.K. 32 Recovery Trial's toxic dose.
The hydroxychloroquine arm was halted May 25,
33 following the
publication of the Surgisphere study
34 in
The Lancet. June 3, after
tremendous controversy had been raised over the veracity of the
study, and a day before the study was retracted for using fabricated
data, 35,36 (and this despite having undergone peer-review), the hydroxychloroquine
arm was restarted. 37
June 17, 2020, the hydroxychloroquine arm was stopped again, this
"based on evidence from the Solidarity trial, U.K.'s Recovery
trial and a Cochrane review of other evidence on hydroxychloroquine."
The REMAP-CAP Trial (Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial
Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia)
Here, patients
either received nothing, a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir,
or hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with lopinavir and
REMAP used the same toxic dose as the
Recovery Trial but for six
days instead of 10. What's more, only critically ill hospitalized
patients were included in this trial.
Nass addresses other concerns
as well in her June 19 blog 40 about this study.
Is Lifesaving Medicine
withheld to Ensure Profits?
What possessed the study designers and investigators of these three
huge clinical trials to use such exaggerated dosages?
Hydroxychloroquine has been on the market for
65 years and both
toxic and the effective dosages for a variety of ailments are well
Doctors who have reported excellent treatment results in
the field stayed within the recommended hydroxychloroquine dosages.
Were they trying to purposely sabotage these trials using dosages
known to be toxic?
Doctors have also reported that best results are
observed when the drug is administered early, while symptoms are
still mild or moderate, yet in these trials the drug was not given
until it was too late.
A July 1, 2020, retrospective analysis
41,42,43 of 2,541 patients in
the Henry Ford Hospital System in Detroit, Michigan, found use of hydroxychloroquine alone cut mortality by more than half, from 26.4%
to 13.5%.
(Hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin had a
mortality rate of 20.1%, and azithromycin alone had a mortality rate
of 22.4%.)
More than 90% of the patients had received the drug or drugs within
48 hours of admission into the hospital. No adverse heart-related
events were observed among those given hydroxychloroquine.
All three trials above that used toxic hydroxychloroquine doses
- Recovery, Solidarity and REMAP - also failed to include zinc, which
appears to be a key factor. As noted by Zelenko above, the
hydroxychloroquine is really only used to drive the zinc in to the
Nass observes:
"The conclusions to be drawn are frightening:
WHO and other national health agencies, universities and
have conducted large clinical trials that were designed so hydroxychloroquine would fail to show benefit in the treatment of
Covid-19, perhaps to advantage much more expensive competitors and
vaccines in development.
In so doing, these agencies and
'charities' have de facto conspired to
increase the number of deaths in these trials.
In so doing,
they have conspired to deprive billions of people from
potentially benefiting from a safe and inexpensive drug,
when used properly, during a major pandemic. This might
contribute to prolongation of the pandemic, massive
economic losses and many increased cases and deaths."
Facets That
Need To Be Discussed
Aside from that, there are two additional facets of what's going on
that are not yet being discussed:
What we're seeing happen right now is that patients are being
turned into guinea pigs en masse. As of June 16, 2020, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration stated the only way a patient should receive
hydroxychloroquine is by enlisting in a clinical trial.
Similarly, in the U.K., treating
physicians have been asked to enroll all hospitalized
COVID-19 patients into the Recovery and REMAP trials. As of
July 9, 2020, Recovery had enrolled more than 12,000
subjects. 46
What this means is that thousands of patients are having their
treatment selected via randomization by computer rather than by
their own doctors' choice of treatment.
The U.K., by the way, has
one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in Europe already.
47 By
removing physician and patient choice of treatment, the death toll
might end up being far worse than it needs to be.
Now that doctors
are being groomed to accept having their patients treated by
randomization rather than with the treatment any given doctor
believes to be best,
Secondly, three recent papers
48,49,50 argue that the excessive
doses of hydroxychloroquine used in the Recovery Trial were not
actually toxic.
This creates a serious contradiction that has yet to
be addressed.
As noted by Nass in an email to me:
"For argument's sake, say they are right, and even high doses are
Well then, why are the FDA, European Medicines Agency,
pharmacy boards, governors, etc. restricting this drug that is so
safe you can even overdose it and be fine?
Either the drug is so toxic at normal doses that it can't be used
for a life-threatening illness, or it is perfectly safe at extremely
high doses. You can't have it both ways."
Zinc Is a
Crucial Key
In conclusion, let us circle back to where we started - with the
reports of treatment success.
A study
51 posted on the prepublication
server medRxiv, May 8, 2020, compared outcomes in hospitalized
COVID-19 patients treated with either,
hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin alone
or Zelenko's triplet regimen of
hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc
While the addition of zinc sulfate had no impact on the length of
hospitalization, ICU duration or duration of ventilation, univariate
analysis showed it was associated with other positive effects:
Increased hospital discharge frequency
Decreased the need for ventilation
Decreased ICU admission rates
Decreased the rate of transfer to hospice for non-ICU patients
Decreased mortality
As noted by the authors:
"After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our
protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53
…) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained
significant (OR 0.449 …).
This study provides the first in vivo
evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine
may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19."
In short,
to maximize
effectiveness, you need zinc.
As explained in "Is
Quercetin a Safer Alternative to Hydroxychloroquine?" hydroxychloroquine acts as a zinc ionophore,
meaning it shuttles zinc into your cells, and zinc appears to be a
"magic ingredient" required to prevent viral replication.
If given early,
zinc along with a zinc ionophore should, at least theoretically,
help lower the viral load and prevent the immune system from
becoming overloaded.
As noted in the preprint paper,
"Does Zinc
Supplementation Enhance the Clinical Efficacy of Chloroquine /
Hydroxychloroquine to Win Todays Battle Against COVID-19?" published
April 8, 2020:
"Besides direct antiviral effects, CQ/HCQ [chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine] specifically target
extracellular zinc to intracellular lysosomes where it
interferes with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity and
coronavirus replication.
As zinc deficiency frequently
occurs in elderly patients and in those with cardiovascular
disease, chronic pulmonary disease, or diabetes, we hypothesize
that CQ/HCQ plus zinc supplementation may be more effective in
reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality than CQ or HCQ in
Therefore, CQ/HCQ in combination
with zinc should be considered as additional study arm for
COVID-19 clinical trials."
So far, no major
clinical trial has bothered to follow this rather commonsense
advice. Unfortunately, due to the corruption and politicization of
science on this matter, it's hard to offer any clear
In the end, it probably comes down to who you
- An All-Natural Safe Home Alternative
That said, if you
suspect you've contracted COVID-19, it probably wouldn't hurt to
give a version of Zelenko's regimen a try, at the first sign of
As explained in "Is Quercetin a Safer Alternative to
quercetin is also an ionophore and has the same mechanism of
action as hydroxychloroquine - it improves zinc uptake by your
So, you might not
need the drug.
You could also swap
out the antibiotic for a natural antibacterial such as olive leaf or
oregano oil. You can find more information about this in "How
to Improve Zinc Uptake with Quercetin to Boost Immune Health."
Personally, I'm
taking quercetin and zinc at bedtime as a prophylactic each day.
reason it's best to take them in the evening, several hours after
your last meal, and before the long fast of sleeping, is because quercetin is also a senolytic (i.e., it selectively kills senescent
or old, damaged cells) that is activated by fasting.
So, why not
maximize the timing and use of quercetin?
Sources and References
1 - April 6, 2020
2, 8 -
The Guardian June 5, 2020
3 -
Sermo April 2, 2020
4 -
Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection
5 -
Travel Medicine and Infectious
Disease May-June 2020; 35: 101738
6 -
New York Times May 12, 2020
7 -
J Med Virol. 2020 May 3
9 -
10 - June 30, 2020; 2020070025, DOI:
11 -
Youtube, Garbage Science: Be Wary of What You're Being Told
12 -
Science Magazine April 10, 2020
13 -
Good Rx Hydroxychloroquine
14 -
Gates Notes April 30, 2020
15, 17, 18, 19 - June 27, 2020
16 -
Reuters May 27, 2020
20, 44 - June 14, 2020
21, 37 -
Age of Autism June 16, 2020
22, 40 - June 19, 2020
23 -
Recovery Trial
24 -
BMJ 2020;369:m1626
25 -
Science Translational Medicine June 5, 2020
26 -
Recovery Trial Protocol 2020
27 - Hydroxychloroquine
28 -
The Solidarity Trial
29 -
World Health Organization
March 27, 2020
30 - Identifier:
NCT04330690, CATCO Solidarity
31 - Identifier: NCT04321616
32 - July 7, 2020
33 -
NBC News May 25, 2020
34 -
The Lancet May 22, 2020 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31180-6
35 -
May 29, 2020
36 -
Zendo May 28, 2020 Open Letter to Mehra et al and The Lancet
38 - Solidarity Clinical Trial for COVID-19 Treatments
39 -
REMAP-CAP, COVID-19 Antiviral Therapy (PDF)
41 -
International Journal of Infectious Diseases July 1, 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.099
42 -
Epoch Times July 2, 2020
43 -
Just the News July 3, 2020
45 - Covid-19 Treatment
46 - June 16,
47 -
The Guardian May 29, 2020
48 -
medRxiv June 23, 2020
49 -
medRxiv June 16, 2020
50 -
Moru Tropical Health Network
June 20, 2020
51, 52 -
medRxiv May 8, 2020 DOI:
10.1101/2020.05.02.20080036 (PDF)
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PLOS ONE 2014; 9(10): e109180
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