by Jon Rappoport
August 12,
NoMoreFakeNews Website

Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak
Life inside the quarantine
Yes, once again, dear reader, we buckle up and venture into the mad,
mad world where no one proved a new and unique
coronavirus exists, but where all leaders assume it
Brief background:
once a person accepts
the notion that a new virus is exploding in epic fashion across
the world, he is committed to a few inescapable propositions
that flow from this assumption.
The most important
nothing will stop
the virus except the acquisition of natural immunity by the
And how would this
natural immunity be gained? Through mass exposure to the germ.
In other words,
living life is the answer.
Not containment. Not lockdowns.
The genie does not go
back in the bottle...
lockdowns, millions of people
would, sitting in their homes, percolate the virus - and once let
out of prison, the spread would escalate unchecked:
If you don't think that
is a correct picture (of their "virus world"), read numerous public
health and press accounts detailing how quickly this supposed germ
advanced across the planet.
A lightning strike here,
a lightning strike there, a strike everywhere.
For example,
medicalxpress.com, July 30, 2020,
reports on a CDC study published in The Lancet:
"During the first 11
weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, 32,459 COVID-19 cases were
identified from 99 countries and locations outside mainland
Try putting that back in
the bottle...
the only method for
victory would be mass exposure, through living, leading
to mass immunity.
This is the implication of accepting the notion of a new virus
rushing out from a source.
the Chinese regime achieved nothing
by locking down 50 million people. Less than nothing...
Of course,
the mass lockdown
model was soon copied by every nation on
Amidst bursts of ecstasy,
the World Health Organization (the
WHO) and
the CDC had their decades-long
dream realized:
Medical dictatorship
pressing down on billions of people.
There is more to say about the Chinese lockdown.
Even falsely assuming a
new virus was discovered,
how did Chinese
authorities diagnose the early cases?
They had a limited number
PCR test kits.
Those they did have
would register many false positives, based on cross-reactions
with harmless coronaviruses - because that is what the PCR
On top of that, Chinese researchers and doctors were claiming
pneumonia was the cardinal symptom of the new epidemic.
But studies indicate
roughly 300,000 people in China die every year
of pneumonia - going back long before the supposed emergence of
the new virus.
Early in 2020, China health authorities announced they were
resorting to a different diagnostic test:
CT scans of the lungs.
Really? To detect the
presence of a new virus? What test could be more irrelevant?
It would be on the order
of walking around Beijing with a blindfold on searching for a needle
in a haystack in Detroit...
But nothing deterred the WHO/CDC or
Bill Gates or
Anthony Fauci or
Donald Trump or the motley
collection of political leaders around the globe...
Lockdowns were laid on...
Still more:
If Chinese
virologists working in their Wuhan labs trying to characterize
"the new coronavirus" had merely looked out the window, they
would have seen the cause of the pneumonia in the city:
rank deadly air
In the summer of 2019,
risking arrest and disappearance, residents of several large Chinese
cities, including Wuhan, had gone out into the streets
protesting the air quality, which contains an unprecedented toxic
mix of early industrial and modern industrial compounds.
But this fact was ignored.
Instead, 50 million
Chinese were imprisoned - ending those street protests, as well
as the Hong Kong rebellion...
Non-discovery of a
new virus:
lockdown of 50
million people,
...the wrong action
for producing immunity against a virus, the emulation of that
action across the world; and here we are...
I decided to go back and
comb through statements of mainstream epidemiologists who are
supposed to be on "the good side of the argument."
Of course, they all
believe in the existence of the virus.
I was not impressed by their remarks. At some point they appear to
gargle and choke and recommend half-measures. We should open up this
but lock down that. We could have put in place more stringent
measures early on.
They dance around the
fact that, once you accept the existence of a new virus
launching out into the world, there is only one cure:
the acquisition of
mass immunity.
And you get that by
Exposing yourself to
the germ.
You can't dance your way out of it.
I've never accepted the
existence of a new virus.
I've written close to two
hundred articles painting an entirely different picture of what is
going on, and I've presented a great deal of evidence for my view. I
continue to do that.
I haven't forgotten
about the
vaccination addicts who
actually believe injecting seven billion people is both doable
and effective.
Stepping into their world
of fantasy and pseudoscience, even their own experts are now
claiming COVID immunity - which they measure by antibody response
- wanes quickly.
A vaccine would need
to be injected in annual boosters, just as the seasonal flu
vaccine is...
So how are they doing
with that flu vaccine?
They report millions
of flu cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths
If that's mass immunity,
a chicken is a rocket ship.
They're going to shoot up seven billion people every
year and still not attain immunity? A twisted pipe dream, even if
you accept conventional vaccine theory - and I don't.
We're not even getting into devastating vaccine "adverse effects," a
subject I've been writing about and exposing for 30 years.
Suffice to say, Vaccine King Bill Gates is not only a
sociopath, he's wrong about his own
Judging by the failure of the flu vaccine, the logic of his position
would drive him to the conclusion that a severe and permanent and
forever lockdown of the global population is necessary.
Unless and until the
population could be reduced to an exceedingly minor fraction of
its present total.
Now, if a vaccination
could accomplish THAT…