are stuck inside the COVID Cult, trapped in fear, giving away their power and worshipping
official narrative?
The COVID Cult 'Marches On' in 2021, leaving natural unalienable rights, people's livelihoods and human freedom decimated in its destructive wake...
The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has just tried to tell people they have to wear not 1 mask but 2 masks when traveling using some form of public transport:
This is the same CDC, you may recall, whose own figures were analyzed by Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Genevieve Briand to show that there were no excess deaths in America in 2020.
It is also the very same CDC, you may recall, that has admitted that it has never had any true viral isolate of the alleged novel virus SARS-CoV-2, and that it concocted the digital SARS-CoV-2 genome of 30,000 base pairs from an actual specimen of 37 base pairs.
The consequences of this giant fraud are far-reaching:
He applied his theory to past genocides in history.
However, the same process and stages seem to be happening right before our eyes in the COVID plandemic.
Hat tip to Henna Maria for her video analyzing how these stages apply to the COVID cult and scamdemic:
The Planned SPARS Pandemic and the Limits of Tyrants
Before we get into the 10 stages, we all need to realize that the COVID scamdemic isn't going anywhere.
It's only going to get worse until enough people stand up and challenge it.
If the masses continue to act as acquiescent zombies, this fake pandemic may be pushed all the way until 2025, and will probably be 'augmented' with a false flag bio terror attack or a "Pandemic II" as NWO frontman Bill Gates predicted.
Diana Lenska exposed another simulation called the The SPARS Pandemic which details a scenario where a new virus infects humanity in 2025, and lasts until 2028.
We all how know how these 'simulations' have a strange and disturbing habit of becoming real... just a coincidence, of course.
At this juncture, it is worthwhile remembering this very important quote from Douglass Frederick:
...all tyrants seeing how far they can push you into accepting their control and tyranny, and the abrogation of your rights.
The World Bank classifies COVID as a "project" that is planned to continue until the end of March 2025:
The World Bank classifies COVID as a project ending in March 2025.
Are you going to accept this...?
Final Thoughts on the COVID Cult and Its Implications
I write this as a warning of 'what could happen' (in the hopes that it can be averted) not as a prediction of what will happen.
This information underpins the need all the more for us to fully humanize (not dehumanize) in the face of the COVID cult, which like the NWO itself, is a decidedly anti-human agenda.
It also underpins the need for us to come together regardless of petty differences, and refuse to participate any more in the polarization (us vs. them) that is being foisted upon us.
This is one of the main reasons why The Freedom Articles is non-partisan and always will be.
I refuse to pick political sides like it's a game of football, when both sides are deeply corrupt and when both sides are controlled by the exact same force...
We need to stop wasting our time with political theater of no consequence.
Every single person on Earth has a choice to make.
The COVID agenda is already forcing you to choose a side, and so much is riding on your choice, not least your children's future, and the future of humanity on Earth...