- Bank for International Settlements / Banco
de Pagos Internacionales
Bank for International Settlements - BIS
Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) Chief talks 'Absolute Control' of Money
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Forcing Central
Banks to Liquidate
Bank for International Settlements
Blasts Crypto-Currencies as Fatally Flawed as Money
Bank for International Settlements
Declared 'Bastion of Global Technocracy'
Bank for International
Settlements - How The Rothschilds Control and Rule The
Bank for International Settlements
on Big Banks
Español |
Bienvenido a la 'Nueva Economía'
BIS creates 'Innovation Hubs' to
Plot the 'Future of Money'
BIS engages AI to Monitor all
'Global Bank Transactions'
BIS General Manager 'Outlines
Vision' for Central Bank Digital Currencies
BIS proposes Hybrid Retail CBDC
BIS Quarterly Review March 2014
- International Banking and Financial Market
BIS - The Most Powerful Bank in
The World Announces The Crash
Central Bank of Central Banks Says "The World is Unable
to Fight Next Global Crash"
Central Banks - Special Report
Bloomberg - 2018
Central Banks to Back Off -
Warning Comes from The Bank of International Settlements
Español |
Conozca el Grupo Secreto que Controla el Mundo y del que
Nadie Habla - El BIS
Español |
El BIS, el Organismo Financiero Mas Poderoso del Mundo,
Advierte de la Llegada de Otra Gran Crisis
Español |
El BIS - Instituciones Financieras
Project Icebreaker - Goodbye Financial Freedom...
Italiano |
Il BIS, l'Organismo Finanziario Più Potente del Mondo
Avverte che Arriva un'Altra Grande Crisi
Meet the Secretive Group that Runs the World - The BIS
One Bank to Rule Them All - The Bank for International
Ruling The World of Money - BIS
- The Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is 'A
Bastion of Global Technocracy' - Bloomberg
The BIS - The Bankers'
The Dark Past of the 'Bank for
International Settlements' - BIS
The Threat of Financial
Transaction Control
Who Controls The Money? - An Unelected, Unaccountable
Central Bank of The World Secretly Does
Most Prestigious Financial Agency - Called the "Central
Banks' Central Bank" - Warns of...
- International Monetary Fund / Fondo
Monetario Internacional
Español |
Argentina, el FMI y la Deuda que
Nunca se Investigó
Collapse of Ukraine Government -
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures
Exerted by the IMF
Italiano |
Come i Programmi dell'FMI fanno
crescere la Corruzione
Español |
se Explica la Nueva Crisis Económica Argentina que pone
en Jaque al Gobierno de Macri?
Español |
Datos del FMI muestran que el
Dominio del Dólar se Desvanece
Defending The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Financial Terrorism
Did the IMF Pay-Off the Ecuadorian
Government to surrender Julian Assange to British
Does the IMF Actually Want to Cause a Greek Debt Default?
Español |
El Congreso de EE.UU. da su Brazo a Torcer y Aprueba la
Reforma de Cuotas del FMI |
Español |
El FMI constata la debacle de
Europa y EE.UU. |
EU/IMF Revolt
- Greece, Iceland and Latvia, May Lead the Way
Eurozone Crisis Has Increased
IMF's Power
Español |
Evo Morales Destaca Logros Sociales tras Liberarse de
Organismos Capitalistas
Fmr. IMF Chief Sent to Jail as
Spain Prosecutes 65 Elite Bankers in Enormous Corruption
How the IMF Programs can Increase
Hungary Throws Out Monsanto and The IMF
Hungarian Prime Minister Uses Facebook Page to
'Unfriend' IMF, Rejects Alleged Loan Conditions
Hungary Becomes First
European Nation to Ban Rothschild Banks
- The IMF and the Rothschilds
Español |
Hungría Se Deshace de Monsanto y
del FMI
Iceland Was Right, We Were Wrong -
IMF and WEF - From 'Great
Lockdown' to 'Great Transformation' - The COVID
IMF Blames Neoliberalism for Low Growth and Increased
IMF Bullies Argentina
IMF Calls For Huge New Round of
Bank Bailouts
IMF Chief Lagarde to Stand Trial
IMF Issue Working Paper on Eliminating Cash
IMF Plan to Loot Ukraine Revealed
IMF seizes on Pandemic to 'Pave
Way for Privatization' in 81 Countries
IMF's Epic Plan to Conjure Away
Debt and Dethrone Bankers
In Stunning Reversal IMF
Blames Globalization for Spreading Inequality - It Causes Market Crashes
Español |
Islandia Tenía Razón, Nosotros
Estábamos Equivocados
- El FMI
Español |
Las "Reformas" y el FMI -
Llanamente Privatizaciones
Español |
- ¿Le
Pagó el FMI al Gobierno Ecuatoriano para Entregar a
Julian Assange a las Autoridades Británicas?
Español |
Los Países que nos Hemos Librado
del FMI estamos Mejor que Antes
- Evo Morales
Español |
Los Países Ricos Hicieron que El
FMI Recuperara Poder e Influencia - Gendarme Financiero
Meet the Real IMF
- The International Monetary Fund
Español |
Mientras Rusia Crecerá más de lo
previsto, la Economía de EE.UU. se Hunde - Lo dice el
Pillaging the World - The History and Politics of the
Regime Change at The IMF - The
Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?
Español |
Representante Griego Revela que
Fondo Monetario Internacional ha Manipulado la Prensa
sobre la Crisis...
Español |
Rescates Financieros del FMI en
Argentina nunca permitieron Salir de las Crisis - Dice
Español |
Saquear el Mundo - Historia y Política del Fondo
Monetario Internacional FMI
The History and Politics
of the IMF - With Ernst Wolff
The IMF Has Put Argentina on The Road to The Worst
Punishment It Can Possibly Give
The International Monetary Fund
The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing -
IMF Working Paper
Triggering Economic Disaster
- The Insidious Role of the International Monetary Fund
Tunisia and The IMF's Diktats
- How Macro-Economic Policy Triggers Worldwide Poverty
and ...
Español |
- ¿Una
Dolarización Innecesaria y un FMI Impopular? - La
Experiencia y el Futuro del Dólar en Ecuador
U.S. Dollar 50% Devaluation and IMF Part of Global
Central Bank?
When the IMF Meets - Here's What Happened at the Global
Plutocracy's Pow Wow in Peru
Why the Globalists Engineered the
Ukraine War
Wikileaks Reveals IMF
Plan to "Cause a Credit Event in Greece and Destabilize
Bank - Banco Mundial
A Developing Evil - The Malignant
Historical Force behind the Great Reset
Español |
Banco Mundial exportó Aparatos de
Prueba de Diagnóstico de Covid-19 en los años 2017 y
Español |
Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación
con el Corona-Plan
Carbon Scam by United Nations and World Bank Behind
"Genocidal" Land Grabs
Covid-19 Strategic Preparedness
and Response Program - Proposed 25 Projects under Phase
Español |
Escándalo - El Banco Mundial
exportó Aparatos de Prueba de diagnóstico de Covid-19 en
los años 2017 y 2018
Global Banking - The World Bank
- The August Review
Italiano |
Liste di Documenti della World
Bank rivelano che 'Il Programma COVID-19' finirà a Marzo
Español |
Millones de Latinoamericanos de
Clase Media caen en la Pobreza - Covid-19
New World Bank Policies
Imperil Environment and Land Defenders
The World Bank
The World Bank as a Political,
Intellectual, and Financial Actor - It's First Half
World Bank and Multinational
Corporations Seek to Privatize Water
- Top 25 Censored Stories for 2001
World Bank Document lists
'COVID-19 Program' ending in March 2025 - Stunning
World Bank Nominee Tied to
Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates and Soros
World Bank Seeks Global
Water Dominance by Privatization of Municipal Systems
World Bank Warns of Food Riots as Rising Food Prices
push World Populations Toward Revolt
World Bank Whistleblower Karen
Hudes Reveals How the Global Elite Rule the World
Additional Information |
Are We About to See a "European
Monetary Fund?"
A Stronger IMF and World Bank
- A Threat To Peoples of Both the South and North
Bolivia's President Declares
'Total Independence' from World Bank and IMF
BRICS Announce $100 Billion
Reserve to Bypass the FED and Developed World Central
BRICS - A Window to the Light or
the Latest Make-Believe Deception
Emerging Nations Launch New Development Bank
Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank and IMF
Español |
BRICS - ¿Una Ventana hacia la Luz
o el Último Engaño de Hacer-Creer?
Español |
China abre Nueva Línea de Crédito a Irán de 10 Mil
Millones... en Euros y Yuanes
Español |
Covid, el Cambio Climático y el
Gran Reinicio - Una Tapadera y una "solución" para el
Fallido Sistema Financiero
Deutsch |
Das Zerstören von Nationen durch
IMF und Weltbank aus geheimen Dokumenten des IMF-WB
Español |
Deudocracia y Catastroika - La
Crisis (Global) Griega
Deutsch |
Die Globalisierer die aus der
Kälte kamen
Español |
Ex-Ejecutiva del Banco Mundial
declara que Criaturas No Humanas Controlan el Mundo
Manual (FM) 3-05.130 - Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional
Español |
Grecia - La Lección que Todo el
Mundo Debería Aprender
and World Bank Destroying Countries - Secret
Documents Taken Away from IMF-WB
Large Number of Countries Set to
Sign on to China-Backed Investment Bank AIIB
Meet the Secretive Committees that Run the Global
Español |
Naciones Emergentes BRICS Lanzan Nuevo Banco de
Saudi Arabia Invasion Set For Summer, BIS to Be Nuked,
Chaos Continues
The Chicago Plan Revisited
The Federal Reserve Cartel - Eight
Families own the USA BIS, IMF, World Bank
Globalizer Who Came In From The Cold
The Gradual Rise and Rapid Decline of the
Middle Class in Latin America and the Caribbean
'New Development Bank' - The BRICS
Tequila Crisis - The Prelude to Europe’s Economic Storm
The Tower of Basel - Secretive
Plans for The Issuing of A Global Currency
Western Looting of Ukraine has Begun
Why Does The SEC Protect Banks’ Dirty Secrets?
WikiLeaks Tweets Army Manual
detailing how U.S. weaponized Banking Cartel to Take
Down Nations
Italian Prime Minister Dares to Defy the Troika
Español |
tras Los BRICS Llega el N-11
- Otra Pieza Mas en el Gran Engaño
Books - Treatises |
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
- by Stephen Mitford Goodson
Tower of Basel - The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank
that Runs the
World - by Adam Lebor
Multimedia |
Deudocracia y Catastroika
War by Other Means - IMF and World
Bank are Weapons of War
- by John Pilger
Related Reports |
The Global Elite
- The Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File