by Banson Wilcot PhD
27, 2021
Principia-Scientific Website
Spanish version
Banson Wilcot PhD holds degrees in Marine Biology and
Biochemistry, with a focus on dermatology and lipid
biochemistry, and taught university courses for 12
Wilcot has been professionally editing and critiquing
foreign-source research papers for publication and grant
for 16 years (1000+ items).
Being a generalist, he has edited papers ranging from
coal-fire dynamics, nanotechnology, material science,
electrochemistry, all areas of biochemistry and
molecular biology, and organic applications as well as
oceanography/marine biology and many marine
research topics. |

Ample historical data is available for cycles of
influenza and its impact on overall death rates.
Technocrats have successfully buried influenza data,
and dishonestly rolled it into COVID-19 deaths.
To say this is corrupt is an understatement because
tens of thousands have died because of it.
Of course, regular influenza has not vanished.
There are tests to determine whether a sick patient
has a strain of influenza or COVID-19, but those
tests are not being used or reported.
Thus, every case is being wrongly reported as
At the end of 2020 many statisticians, doctors and independent
scientists noticed something amiss about this extraordinary year.
The Office of National
Statistics, Public Health England shows that the numbers for
death from influenza and those from Covid-19 are askew...
Despite the media and government 'pandemic' presentations, we need
to step back and consider the larger picture.
Sometimes it is difficult to see the forest for the trees, but
perhaps we have succumbed to seeing a single tree and ignoring the
rest of the forest.
Is the fact that one
virus has suddenly been given a name, Covid-19, (with wildly
hyped media coverage) taken our focus off the overall reality of
the annual flu season group of viruses?
Has one name and
media hype high-jacked our lives?
With the 2019-2020 flu
season, there have been a number of reports of
Covid-19 illnesses in the UK and
USA well before the end of 2020.
Just today there was a
report of Covid-19 illnesses in China as early as August, 2019.
Until the introduction of the PCR test for Covid-19 in late
February, Covid-19 cases and deaths did not exist.
This gives the impression
that the virus appeared just then, while it was undoubtedly present
much earlier as part of the flu season, from numerous anecdotal
Various reports indicate
symptoms typical of Covid-19 in the U.S. as early as
November-December, 2019 and likely even earlier.
With growing attention given to the virus and the increasing
availability of
PCR testing, we started receiving
regular accounts of the number "cases" of the virus.
Stepping back a bit and
looking at general numbers and ignoring the contentious PCR
'accuracy' regarding positive and negative cases,
we see an overall
pattern that is very similar to past flu seasons...
Cases of flu-like illness
generally start in October/November and last until March or April in
the UK. [1]
The observation can be made that this fairly well describes the
2019-2020 flu season, including Covid-19. The 2019-2020 Covid-19
death numbers appear as a spike because there was no PCR test
until about the middle of the flu season, giving the impression
that Covid-19 physically appeared late in the season.
No, the test appeared
late in the season...
Despite the testing
results, the UK government actually declared the 'pandemic' over in
March, but then, oddly, imposed a lockdown a week or two later.
The government declaration of the pandemic's end can be considered
innocently valid and devoid of politics.
The advent of
lockdowns and more could then be
considered political.
[So often, when an
event occurs, the first observations prove to be the most
honest, while the spin and changes come later.]
Much confusion has been
generated by different accounting systems regarding illnesses and
There are disparities in
the cause of death, whether with the virus or without, and with an
over reliance on the PCR test. In addition, many Covid-19 cases were
diagnosed solely from symptoms, ignoring the fact that such symptoms
are often seen during the flu season.
The observation that some people loose their sense of smell and
taste with Covid-19 clearly ignores that these effects occur in
every flu season, but now people are told that this is diagnostic
for Covid-19.
[Dogs are animals and
can have spots, but all spotted animals are not dogs.]
We have always taken
these symptoms in stride and happily waited until our senses
Suddenly, these symptoms
are unique and diagnostic of Covid-19...
It simply defies
If they suddenly reported
that you could get a flesh-eating disease from a hang-nail, we would
suddenly start considering every incipient hang-nail as a
life-threatening event, when, in fact, they are not.
No careful lines have been defined to tell whether deaths have been
due to,
a single virus
multiple viruses
(conditions already burdening an individual's health)
a virus with
complications, such as pneumonia...
Bacterial pneumonia often
has a chance to take hold when one's lungs are compromised by a
flu-type illness.
[Note that subsequent
pneumonia is not a comorbidity.]
Curiously deaths from
influenza in the US have recently dropped to about zero; more
on this below. [2]
Making our understanding of illness and death in the UK and other
regions more difficult are the inclusion of diagnoses determined
solely by the PCR test and others solely by symptoms.
It is very clear that the
traditional symptoms of cold and influenza broadly overlap those of
Covid-19, thus making definitive diagnoses very difficult.
Add to this the purported
rate of false positives from the PCR test (now +97% according to the
WHO) [3] and accounting of nonlethal "cases" becomes what
they call "problematic."
To really eliminate the many possible confusions and conditions that
can be placed on death rates and possible death causes, it is useful
to step back and look at the overall death rate, from all causes,
for a country or state.
The focus here is on the
UK, but the US also provides some guidance. [4]
First, the concept of a 'pandemic' needs to be addressed...
A 'pandemic' is the
movement of a disease, bacterial or viral, that moves around the
world and has a higher than normal damaging effect.
Until recently this
was described as a higher than normal mortality...
The definition has
been changed at WHO's website such that,
the flu season is now
a 'pandemic' despite death rates being within a normal range...
(It is also curious that
the definition of herd immunity originally included the
benefits of natural and vaccinated immunity, but the definition now
only includes vaccinated immunity. Very curious...)
Flu season viruses move around the world every year, largely
deriving from farms in Southeast Asia where flu-type viruses are
exchanged and hybridized between fish, pigs, and chickens and
eventually transmitted to farmers, thus starting the next round of
viruses for the annual newly-defined "pandemic."
From teaching
Environmental Science, I learned that there has been an effort to
break this chain of virus evolution by encouraging farmers to
specialize in only one major livestock, thus decreasing viral
exchanges between these species.
This virus hybridization
(mixing) is the source of the H#N# marker recombinations that
vaccine labs try to detect early for each new flu season and then
attempt to offer appropriate vaccines.
The flu season in the tropics is actually all year round and,
because of the humidity, virus transmission is low but constant.
However, in the more
temperate regions, transmission blossoms when Fall arrives and
people start spending more time indoors, in a relatively closed
environment, and closer to each other.
It is a bit counter intuitive that humidity (which
goes with warm temperatures) decreases transmission rates...
It is a good deal in
the tropics, sunlight on clear days kills viruses and humidity
is always on the job.
Small water droplets
containing virus, from speaking, coughing, sneezing, and even
breathing, tend to gain weight under humid conditions and fall to
the ground more quickly than under dry conditions.
Flu season in the Southern hemisphere appears to mirror the Northern
hemisphere, but flu viruses are likely introduced to the south by
air travel during their summer and, thus, possibly starts and
dilutes their six-month later flu season over a longer period.
For all of this, it is very difficult to see the forest for the
tree (Covid-19, highlighted by the PCR test), but one statistic
that sums up and ignores all the various causes of death and various
biases in categories is the overall death rate of a country or
state, [4] such as the UK, which is a well-defined
population with good reporting capabilities. [6]
There are some interesting aspects to death rates.
Again, from Env. Sci.
teaching, when a heat wave hits a city, as happened in Paris a
number of years ago, the death rate rises as people succumb to the
physiological burden of heat.
However, after the heat
wave is gone, the death rate tends to dip below normal for a time.
This indicates that the
heat wave took people who were already very frail and likely to die
in the near future, in a couple of weeks or months, the old "one
foot in the grave," which is not an inaccurate description in many
With cold snaps, there is also a spike in the death rate, but after
it is over, there is no dip in the death rate, as it goes back to
This is because cold does
not discriminate and kills all ages. Heat tends to impose a
physiological burden on those already heavily burdened, but cold is
a much simpler core temperature problem that is a critical problem
for all ages.
That said,
Is there anything we
can learn by comparing the death rates from the last year of
"the Covid" and previous years?
Focusing mainly on
the UK as a single, well-defined population and putting aside
all reporting bias and possible cause of death confusions, what
do the overall death rates tell us?
It has been speculated,
not unreasonable, that many more people died from Covid-19 at home,
fearful, unwilling, unable to go to hospital, and thus not counted
in the Covid death total.
However, overall deaths
in the UK in the last year would also include those who died at
Overall deaths
effectively eliminates all biased death factors and includes deaths
not immediately reported.
The excess total deaths for the UK show a well-defined peak in the 2nd
quarter of 2020, from mid-March to mid-May. Looking at the age
break-down, it is clear that those over 45 and particularly over 65
were most susceptible to whatever virus or viruses of the flu season
were making people ill.
The rest of the year
showed a low (normal) death rate that was low until Fall, when the
new flu season arrived, which showed then a broader peak more
similar to a flu season. [1]
It is a realism that every year more people have aged or developed
infirmities that make them susceptible to a flu-like illness and/or
The fact that there
is an annual peak does not indicate unusual illness or
mortality; it's the flu season that we have had for many
We need to resist the
temptation to think that we are seeing something new in our
By the same token, with a
focus on flu-type infections and the elderly, it is easy to conclude
just from the effective hyping of such deaths that many people are
Elderly with complications die from complications all year round,
just more in the flu season and this is very usual. It is curious
that suddenly the public has been sensitized to the elderly death
rate, as if it was a new thing.
Suddenly, a virus is
singling out the elderly, while, in fact, the elderly are always at
risk, while the risk to other age groups varies from season to
It is also clear that the overall death rate in 2020 was exceeded by
the five years of 1999-2003. [2]
I need to define the
death rate here,
as it is based on the
deaths per thousand people, which eliminates the fact that
populations were lower in earlier years.
It's a given that
larger population might have a higher death total from a given
disease, but not a higher death rate.
Diseases work on the
susceptible individuals of a population and, thus, it is a
proportion of the population that becomes ill or dies. [6]
That said,
how does the death
rate in the UK for 2020 compare to previous years?
It is clear that the
death rate in the UK for 2020 was not exceptional compared to
previous years. [4]
How can that be?
If you have Covid-19
as well as influenza killing people, what is going on?
An observation has been
made that, for some mysterious reason, influenza, as of April in the
US, dropped to zero and continues at zero in the latest flu season.
In light of the apparent missing influenza, claims
have been made that masking, distancing, and lockdowns were
completely effective against influenza, but then there is no talk
about its failure in stopping Covid-19, which is a virus of the same
size and transmission mode.
Then, we are told that Covid is still around because people are not
masking and such properly, which means influenza should also still
be around in the US.
Since these are
infectious viruses,
how can these
restrictions be effective against one virus and not the
It does not make sense...
It is also easy to find that US states with strict mandates have the
same rates of PCR-positive cases as those who do not. The conjecture
can be made that influenza cases are largely reported as Covid-19,
based either on a positive PCR test result or on symptoms alone.
In the US, it is clear that there has been a monetary
incentive for diagnosing the disease and encouraging
The cessation of other
medical procedures and tests during this period clearly is going to
lead to increased overall deaths. The fact that there appears to be
no excess deaths despite this, indicates that the C-19 virus
itself was not as lethal as they claim...
Overall, the death rate in the UK is not out of line with the normal
death rates from other years and clearly not close to the highest in
the last 22 years. [1]
It is difficult to
consider influenza deaths when there appears to be a bias toward
categorizing influenza and other causes as Covid-19 deaths.
Every year and, for that matter, all year long, there is a
population of health-critical individuals who may be overwhelmed by
a flu-like illness and open to pneumonia complications.
questionable Covid-19 PCR test
appears to be keeping the presence of Covid-19 alive, possibly
detecting viruses of the current flu season.
The WHO is now admitting that that,
this test can be
97% false positives or more, with higher processing cycle
numbers. [3]
The argument could be
made that we have an epidemic of testing.
A little exploration of the Office of National Statistics, Public
Health England shows that the numbers for death from influenza
and those from Covid-19 are askew. [7]
They show 4649 cases
mentioning influenza and only 380 with influenza only. This means
92% of these cases had other complicating conditions.
However, the same week
they report 6057 cases mentioning Covid-19 and 5387 mentioned only
Covid-19, with 89% being Covid-19 only.
This defies logic...
What happened to
pneumonia? It is well-known that flu-like illnesses open one up to
pneumonia but, according to the above numbers, 89% of deaths from
this virus were ONLY from this virus...
That does not
correlate with the many reports of illnesses with complications
and does not at all correlate with the US CDC's report that only
6% of their Covid-19 related deaths were from Covid-19 only,
which means 94% had comorbidities or complications, such as
This is pretty much the
exact opposite of UK statistics. [8]
the CDC is not that far off from
the UK's own death numbers, showing a small fraction of defined
Covid-19 deaths, showing 13,844 deaths from Covid and 50,000 with
Covid. [9]
One could ask what
happened to influenza.
There appears to be a
strong tendency to list illnesses as Covid-19 to make the
situation appear more dire and possibly more profitable.
In the US, there is a
financial incentive to diagnose Covid-19 and encourage
A sad fact is that unethical medical personnel can
talk people into feeling sicker than they really are, particularly
when they are primed by fears of a deadly virus.
From multiple points of
view, looking at the lack of a proper virus isolation and
description, the highly variable Covid-19 symptoms, and the fact
that a variety of viruses comprise the flu season, I believe that
this undescribed virus is most likely not present anymore, but there
is no way to show that it is or not because the only "evidence" is
the poorly designed PCR test.
It is very hard to prove
a negative...
[1A] "More
evidence of 'suspicious activity' at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology emerges"
Euromomo, Graphs and Maps
Surge in COVID Coincides w/ Suspiciously Mild Flu Season"
[3] "COVID-19
A Very Different Truth"
[4] "Beware
Those Excess COVID-19 Death Analyses"
[5] "WHO
exposed - How health body changed 'pandemic' criteria to push
[6] "Neither
US Nor UK Have ANY Excess Deaths From COVID19"
Weekly deaths for January 1-8, 2021
[8] "How
Many Americans Has Covid-19 Really Killed?"
[9] "Breaking
UK Govt's OWN NUMBERS Expose Their COVID19 Fraud!"