by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel
24, 2021
NRHZ Website

Covidism =
Irrational Belief In Authority
This article makes an important point
regarding blind
faith and deference to authority
being key causes
for the widespread mass hysteria
and compliance
with Covid lockdowns.
exists an unfounded public hysteria
driven by the
media and politicians.
It is
outrageous, this is the biggest hoax
ever perpetrated
an unsuspecting
This is what top Canadian pathologist and virologist Dr
Hodkinson told Canadian government officials about Corona back
in late November 2020 during a Zoom conference call. 1
And he is right...!
We can only stop this
pandemic hoax and give our children a future worth living if we
realise that we are both victims and perpetrators. Don't hand over
power to anyone!
Every few years we elect corrupt politicians to high
government offices and regard them as respectable authorities.
Politicians immediately
associate this ascription with claims to power, create a
relationship of superiority and subordination and enforce the will
or instructions of the global power elite on the citizens.
These mendacious
politicians can neither be trusted today nor in the future, wrote
Leo Tolstoy as early as 1905. 2
For more than a year they have been stirring up irrational
fears and a public hysteria and panic of a
terrible choking death with their loyal mass media without any
Yet the deliberate
stirring up of irrational fears has been an instrument of discipline
and domination by unscrupulous despots for centuries.
They are doing the work
of the devil, not the work of God. We do not
have a medical problem worldwide, but a political one! We are
all to be panicked into obeying so they can do what they want with
But despots not only stir up unfounded fears, they
use religion for their
satanic plans.
The state and the
church have been allies and henchmen, respectively, since time
Both want us to
believe in the so-called authorities and show absolute spiritual
obedience - a so-called cadaver obedience!
Ignatius of Loyola,
the founder of
the Jesuit Order, demanded this as
early as the middle of the 16th century:
According to divine
providence, we should let ourselves be led and guided by the
superiors as if we were a dead body or the staff of an old man
with which one can do what one wants...
We are
And that's how most of us behave too!
Many adults react to
these politicians like children or like primitive man
In the form of a
"magical belief in authority" - uncritical, and clouded by
moods, feelings and promises of happiness...
And this has
Belief in authority
inevitably leads to allegiance to authority, which usually
triggers the reflex of absolute spiritual obedience and
paralysis of the mind.
Full-headed adults can
then no longer think for themselves and judge rationally, and hand
over decision-making power to immoral politicians or to a
supernatural being who is supposed to guide us as a "deity" until
the end of days and protect us.
That is why priests receive massive financial and ideological
support from the secular authorities. And this obedience is drilled
into us humans from childhood!
All this leads, among
other things, to the fact that citizens worldwide,
locked up at home or in
segregation camps,
themselves from relatives, friends and neighbors
health-threatening mouth guards
day in, day out
vaccinated with an unproven
and therefore lethal vaccine
denounce fellow
citizens who rebel against this madness to the
perpetrators at the same time
Due to the unfounded fear reaction, the religiously conditioned
belief in authority and the absolute spiritual obedience reflex,
we show no compassion for our fellow human beings in distress and
suffering and abandon them.
This goes so far that we
even fail to protect our own brood, our children, who have fallen
into great distress as a result of the criminal swindle and some of
whom no longer want to live.
In doing so, we are
blocking our entire future. Yet it is compassion for all creatures,
that makes human beings truly human, said
Albert Schweitzer.
Think about what I have said and to get out of the belief in
Wake up and have the
courage to use your common sense - before it is too late...!
(1) ORBIS(nju:S),
Contra Mainstream Blog, 22 November 2020
(2) Hänsel, R. (2020). Handing over power to no one! A
psychological manifesto of common sense. Gornji Milanovac. ISBN
978-86-7432-119-5. The "Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ" published
the entire text in three installments. An abridged version was
also published in the NRhZ and additionally in "Rubikon" as well
as in English in "Global