by Tyler Durden
April 10,
ZeroHedge Website
Italian version

via Vatican media
Perhaps topping all other kooky 'more progressive than thou'
statements of the past years, Pope
Francis this week said
something that sounds like he's been quoted in an Onion or
Babylon Bee headline, as if he's in competition for hyperbolic
absurdity with
Greta Thunberg...
Instead it's CNN, and it's all too real - Francis actually implied
in new statements on the coronavirus pandemic that it's nature's
revenge for people ignoring climate change.
Pope Francis has said the
coronavirus pandemic is one of
"nature's responses" to humans ignoring the current ecological
CNN reports.
The remarks were cited in a Wednesday interview with The Tablet
and Commonwealth magazines, wherein the pope further
described the crisis as an opportunity for mankind to,
"slow down the rate
of production and consumption".
"We did not respond
to the partial catastrophes.
Who now speaks of the
fires in Australia, or remembers that 18 months ago a boat could
cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who
speaks now of the floods?" the Pope said.
"I don't know if these are the revenge of nature, but they are
certainly nature's responses," he
added, strongly suggesting that
the ongoing deadly COVID-19 outbreak could be part of nature's
'response' - given the pandemic was the focus of the interview.
"There is an expression in Spanish: 'God always forgives, we
forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives'," the pope said in
an interview published Wednesday in
The Tablet, a United
Kingdom-based Catholic weekly.
He actually said
something similar in an interview with a Spanish journalist over two
weeks ago, saying at that time when
pressed about climate change and coronavirus:
"Fires, earthquakes…
nature is throwing a tantrum so that we will take care of her."

AFP via Getty
The 83-year-old Pope himself appeared ill weeks ago, but has tested
negative for the novel virus twice, according to reports. He's been
celebrating mass at the Vatican, including for Palm Sunday, in an
empty St. Peter's Basilica.
Recall that near the end of last year Pope Francis was so fed up
with 'climate-change deniers' that he was on the verge of declaring
a new sin:
"We must
introduce - we are thinking - into the Catechism of the
Catholic Church the sin against ecology, the
'ecological sin' against the common home, because it's a
duty," the pope told an audience of legal experts at the
Vatican in November 2019.
But we should point out
that any attempt to equate 'man-made
climate change' with a global pandemic, however remotely,
is a truly new and strange notion given the deadliest outbreaks in
history like the 'Black
Death' which wiped out an estimated 75-125 million people
in the 14th century was obviously long before the advent
of industrialization, mass consumption, and the threat of the "carbon