by Kit Knightly
23, 2021
Off-Guardian Website

Light up the
lone candle
on the saddest
birthday cake in the world!
The most
destructive public policy of the century
is growing up
doesn't look
like slowing down.
And so we come to March 23rd, and lockdown's first
birthday. Or, as we call it here, the longest two weeks in history.
1 year.
12 calendar months.
365 increasingly
grueling days.
It's a long time since "2 weeks to flatten the curve", became an
obvious lie.
Sometime in July it
turned into a sick joke...
The curve was flattened,
the NHS protected and the clapping was hearty and meaningful...
...and none of it
made any difference.
This was not a sacrifice
for the "greater good". It was not a hard decision with arguments on
both sides.
It was not a
risk-benefit scenario...
The "risks" were in fact
certainties, and the "benefits" entirely fictional.
Lockdowns don't work...!
It's really important to remember
Even if you subscribe to the belief that "Sars-Cov-2" is a
discrete entity (which is
far from proven), or that it is incredibly
dangerous (which is demonstrably untrue), the lockdown has not
worked to, in any way, limit this supposed threat.
Lockdowns... Don't...
They don't make any
difference, the curves don't flatten and the R0 number doesn't drop
and the lives aren't saved (quite the opposite, as we've all seen).
Just look at the graphs.
This one, comparing "Covid deaths" in the
UK (lockdown) and
Sweden (no lockdown):

Or this one, comparing "Covid deaths" in
(lockdown) and Florida (no lockdown):

From Belarus to Sweden to Florida to Nicaragua to Tanzania, the
evidence is clear.
"Covid", whatever
that means in real terms, is not impacted by lockdowns...
Putting the entire
population under house arrest doesn't benefit public health.
In fact, it's (rather
predictably) incredibly counter-productive...
The damage done by,
been discussed to death.
The scale of the
impact cannot be overstated.
Dr. David
Nabarro, World Health Organization (WHO)
special envoy for Covid-19, said this of lockdowns
back in October:
"We in the
World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the
primary means of control of the virus [...]
look at what's happened to the tourism industry... look what's
happening to small-holding farmers [...] it seems we may have a
doubling of world poverty by next year.
We may well
have at least a doubling of child malnutrition [...]
This is a
terrible, ghastly global catastrophe."
terrible, global catastrophe... A doubling
of childhood malnutrition...
The "pandemic"
didn't do that, lockdowns did that...
They were never going to achieve
their stated aims.
And what's more, they were never
to achieve those aims.
Too often soft
language in the media talks about "misjudgments" or "mistakes" or
Supposed critics claim the government "panicked" or
"over-reacted". That is nonsense. The easiest, cheesiest excuse that
has ever existed.
they say, with an emphatic shrug and shit-eating grin
"I guess
we done messed up!"...
Unflattering, but better than the truth.
Because the truth
is that the government isn't mistaken or scared or stupid... they are
malign. And dishonest. And cruel.
All the suffering
of lockdown was entirely predictable and deliberately imposed. For
reasons that have nothing to do with helping people and everything
to do controlling them.
It's been more than
apparent for most of the last fifty-two weeks that the agenda of
was not public health, but laying the groundwork for the
"new normal" and "the great reset".
A series of
programs designed to completely undercut civil liberties all across
the world, reversing decades (if not centuries) of social progress.
A re-feudalization of society, with the 99% cheerfully taking up
their peasant smocks "to protect the vulnerable", whilst the elite
proselytize about the worth of rules they happily admit do not apply
to them.
And we've all had
lives ruined and a year of precious time wasted. For nothing...
been locked up for two weeks that lasted 365 days.
For nothing...
...or rather,
for everything. Because that's what they are trying to take from
us. Everything. And the only way to stop them is not to let
them. To simply refuse consent...
Let's not let
lockdown get a second birthday...!