by Steve Kirsch
April 06,
SteveKirsch Website

Independent data from the
UK and New Zealand show the same thing:
the more you
vaccinate, the greater your chance of getting infected...!
It was supposed to be the
other way around, wasn't it?
It doesn't get any more insane than this:
The more you
vaccinate, the greater your chance of getting COVID.
Vaccinate 3 times and
your risk of getting COVID is 3 times worse than an unvaccinated
Government data from
Australia, New Zealand, the UK, shows that the more
you vaccinate, the more likely you are to being infected:
The Covid-19 Scam & Vaccines
(see section entitled "Fully-vaccinated infected at twice
the rate of the un-vaccinated" for the UK data)
NZ Ministry of Health data shows
'Triple Vaccinated' are now more vulnerable to Covid
Infection and Hospitalization than the Unvaccinated
Record breaking wave of Covid-19
across Australia sees deaths 1700% higher than
the start of the Pandemic; & the Fully Vaccinated account
for 4 in every 5 of them
UK Government COVID-19 vaccine
surveillance reports: Look for Table 13 or 14
entitled: "Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection,
hospitalization and death in vaccinated and unvaccinated
For Weeks 4 and
beyond, look at the first two columns. You'll see that the
numbers get worse and worse and worse over time.
There is no way
to explain this effect other than the vaccine is making
people more and more susceptible to infection over time,
likely by destroying our natural immunity.
Here is the most
recent table (from Week 13):

So the vaccine is working
exactly the OPPOSITE of what it is supposed to do. It is helping you
to get the virus!!!
In any rational world, we would stop the vaccines immediately.
But, hey, this isn't a rational world.
Instead of stopping
the vaccines, the UK government stopped the data...!
I'm serious. You can't
make this up.
Check this out:

When the numbers show the vaccine not only don't work and are
harming people, they fix that by stopping the collection and release
of the data.
This is how science
now works.
It's about belief in
authority, not data transparency and evidence.
The latter is "old
school" thinking.
Your government wants you
to know that they can always be trusted to do what is good for
people and you shouldn't ask questions, but just blindly follow what
you are told to do.