by Robert O. Young
PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
April 28, 2022
DrRobertYoung Website

Why did
Denmark announce
the Immediate
of All COVID-19
The Danish Health
Authority said the country was in a "good position" to return to
normal, noting that the epidemic was under control.
"Therefore we are
winding down the mass vaccination program against Covid-19,"
said Bolette Søborg, director of the department of
infectious diseases.
Albert Benavides,
Dr. Young:
Faulty Reports at CDC
VAERS Hides Depth of Vaccine Crime!
Informative discussion and presentation of CDC
VAERS (vaccine
adverse events reporting system) data recording anomalies with
long-term medical biller and data analyst Albert Benavides who
describes how data is being delayed, withheld, and wrongly reported
by health professionals and CDC, as evinced in the records
themselves, giving rise to mass discrepancies in the number of
deaths, severe injuries, women's reproductive-health issues and
other damages being reported.
The CDC is Deleting
an Alarming
amount of Injuries and Deaths
their Reports
General under-reporting of vaccine injury as revealed by the Harvard
Pilgrim Study of 2010 in addition means the numbers of deaths (over
26,000 so far in CDC VAERS) and severe events being reported errs
very much on the conservative side.
Sharing his own "VAERS Dashboard" - an app converting figures to
graphs for easier visualization and analysis - Albert Benavides
reveals several astonishing outcomes of his close reading and data
analysis in relationship to the number of JABS received and the
resulted injury or death as listed below:

Since only
initial reports are made public, later reports on death
or recovery are missing in each case, skewing the number
of deaths being reported
Data input entry errors and irregularities means the data on
deaths or severe events is not being accurately tallied, the same
with lot numbers and vaccine maker attribution.
Many other aspects
are pointed to by Albert in this detailed presentation, further
information on which can be found at the following

Just like the government and people of Denmark, we also question the
administering of the vaccine in face of such overwhelming evidence
of harm and have discussed the nature of radiation sickness - an
actual translation of coronavirus being radiation poisoning - now
being passed off as COVID, while vaccine damage is also being passed
off as COVID.
We also discussed the actual nature of disease, what vaccines do to
the human body, and what true health is.
The following chart is a 29 year analysis for all vaccines compared
to the COVID vaccine injuries to the female reproductive system in
the year 2021.
The data is shocking!

Contrary to the propaganda issuing forth from
the pharmaceutical
industry and the medical establishment, vaccines are not feel-good
healthcare treatments:
they are deadly toxins known and seen now to
cause major injury and harm...

In the case of the
found by electron and
optical microscopy and energy spectroscopy to be loaded with
toxins, they are deadly dangerous and now causing embolisms,
clots, aneurysms, palsy, paralysis, heart attacks, miscarriages,
and sudden death...
Indeed the phenomenon of graphene-induced radiation sickness being
passed off as COVID and a gene-modifying
graphene-loaded substance
being passed off as the COVID vaccine has now led to the complete
exposure of all vaccines:
None are harmless, benign, and "safe and effective" as virulently
All cause damage to brain and body, while the COVID
vaccine compounds exceeds the harm caused by
all other vaccines
over 30 years of their administration, as verified by the figures.
The astronomical numbers of
deaths and injuries recorded post COVID-vaccine
points to this catastrophe, which will not stop until people say:

Since governments and regulatory bodies are not heeding the alarm
signals and halting the COVID vaccine like Denmark, it is NOW up to us, to decline this deadly injection and bring this rollout and
mandate madness to a halt!