Vernon Coleman
April 22,
VernonColeman Website
Spanish version

I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested
and unnecessary
Covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of
populations around the world.
I now believe that the deaths and the maimings weren't side effects
at all:
they were the main effects...
And in addition to the
deaths and the serious health problems (heart disease for example),
the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a
new population of 'zombies'...
It is because of this
brain damage that so many people readily accept,
digital currencies,
the banishment of cash and other steps towards total slavery...
The vaxxed are different
to the rest of us:
They don't notice
what is happening.
In the land of the
vaxxed, the cretin is king...
(The alternative
explanation is that the vaccine pushers were so ignorant
that they didn't realize what would happen.
And I don't think
that these arrogant, wicked people will want to be thought
stupid. They would rather be recognized for what they are.
The vaccine
pushers took the bows, the honors and the money.
When justice
prevails at last, they will pay for their heinous sins...
Incidentally, I
find it nauseating that doctors in the UK are on strike for
more money but that they and their trade union leaders
encouraged the jabbing and denied that there were serious
It was back in December
2020 that I first started warning about the serious health problems
which would affect the gullible folk who succumbed to the lies and
misinformation shared so widely and enthusiastically by governments,
the medical establishment and the
mainstream media:
On 13th
December 2021 (16 months ago) I
issued a specific warning about the
brain damage that would be caused by the Covid-19 jab.
The media and
the millions ignored the warning, of course.
Here is what I said back in December 2021:
It has been
established that there is much that no one yet knows about the
Covid-19 jabs and the eagerness of the
Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK to license a product about
which information appeared to be lacking has never been
adequately explained.
We do know however
that, as I was the first to reveal, the MHRA received a huge sum
of money from the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - which has
financial links with jab producers such as
As far as the effect
the brain is concerned the big question is,
can the lipid nanoparticles
(LNPs) carry the mRNA jab across the blood brain barrier...?
The blood brain barrier
is a semi permeable barrier of cells which prevent some substances
in the blood from crossing into the protective fluid around the
central nervous system.
It is vital to know if this happens because if it does then all bets
are off as to what might happen to the brain.
And after all,
lipid nanoparticles
are already used to deliver other drugs across the blood brain
If the LNPs carry the
mRNA jab into the brain then the neurons, the brain cells, might be
marked as 'foreign' by the body's immune system.
And as more booster
jabs are given, the problem will get worse.
The worry is that brain cells might be targeted and killed by
cytotoxic T cells.
It has now been established that mRNA has been found in all human
tissues except the kidney.
It has been found in heart, lung, liver,
testicles - and brain...
Japanese study, for
example, showed that the vaccine does end up in the brain.
Also worrying is the fact
that researchers have called for studies to investigate any
relationship between jabs and acute CNS
How much damage will
this do?
How long will it take before brain damage can be identified?
I don't have the foggiest idea.
And nor does anyone else...
In a normal experiment
with a new drug, doctors would be looking and checking all the
possible problems before releasing the drug for widespread use.
But the Covid-19 jabs are being rolled out to billions without any
one having the faintest idea what will happen.
If you have been
jabbed, the first certainty seems to be that the mRNA vaccine
will enter your brain.
The second certainty is that the more Covid jabs you have, the
more dangerous this will be.
How many of your brain
cells will die is something only time will tell...
And children, of course,
will be more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable anyway and
because they are likely to live longer.
Some experts, advisors and regulators will tell you that the risks
are small.
But how can they know
And what is 'small'...?
They told us that the
blood clotting problems were small.
In my view, having one of these jabs is the equivalent of taking a
huge dose of LSD and waiting to see what happens.
And hoping that
you're not going to end up like an ageing rock star who thinks that
the Cuban Missile Crisis is the biggest threat currently
facing mankind...
And, remember,
'the Covid-19 jabs
don't stop you getting Covid-19 and they don't stop you passing
it on.
According to the
NHS's own guidelines in the UK you can still get or spread
Covid-19 even if you have had three jabs.
If this jab were
being given for a lethal disease with a 50% mortality rate then
the risks might be worth taking.
It's not and they're not.'
That is what I said in
December 2021...
And now that we are in 2023, I believe that at least some of those
promoting the Covid jab must have known that the jab would cause
serious brain damage.
And I now believe that the millions who were jabbed are already
showing signs of serious brain damage:
their behavior is often quite
The other day, for example, I saw hundreds of people sitting on a
sandy beach on a cloudy, windy, freezing cold day. The people were
all wearing winter coats, hats and scarves and they were just
sitting there, staring into space and doing nothing.
It was scary.
It was like something
out of the Twilight Zone.
Look around and you too
will see strange behavior among those who were jabbed.
Their brains have
definitely been affected...
I believe that the
promoters of the Covid jabs knew that this would happen.
The jabs have created
millions of modern day, real life 'zombies'.
And so, of course, the 'zombies' say nothing when bank branches
They have accepted
that cash is dangerous and out of date...
They will welcome
digital currencies...
They cheer on the
senseless, cruel war in Ukraine because they
have been brainwashed into believing that it is justified.
And they don't object to the '15 minute cities' which will
effectively imprison them...
I even believe that the
doctors and nurses who are striking for more money are doing so
because they have been brain damaged by the jabs they accepted so
The vaxxed are different to the rest of us...
The promoters of the
Covid-19 jab have created a new species of sub-humans...