May 13,
2021 Information sent by MGGdeCh
Is this a possible COVID vaccine antidote? The drug suramin is derived from pine needles, which can ingested as tea, to inhibit blood coagulation and RNA replication.
Dr. Judy Mikovits thinks so...
Mikovits, who was featured in the Plandemic film, recently revealed the name of it (which you can hear in this below video excerpt):
The disturbing horror stories of the COVID vaxxed never seem to end.
The point of the COVID non-vaccine is to program your RNA to make spike proteins so that your body will make antibodies against them, antibodies which will supposedly protect you against SARS-CoV-2.
While there are many problems with this theory - including the fact there is no real SARS-CoV-2 and that spike proteins rest on the unfounded assumption of an isolated and purified virus - there is also the distinct danger that these artificially-induced spike proteins will cause you harm.
This is where the possible COVID vaccine antidote comes in.
Possible COVID Vaccine Antidote - Suramin
Suramin is a drug which has been used as medicine for conditions such as African sleeping sickness and river blindness.
It has been know to the medical profession for 100 years.
Recently a small randomized clinical trial conducted the University of California San Diego found that a single intravenous dose of suramin produced dramatic improvement of core symptoms of autism, aka autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
So what is suramin exactly?
It turns out that it's yet another pharmaceutical drug which is an extract of a natural substance, in this case pine needles...
This follow the Big Pharma business model of bio-piracy:
The article 'Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion' does a good job of going down the rabbit hole to reveal what suramin does and where it comes from:
Extremely interesting! It reveals that suramin inhibits blood coagulation or blood clots (a major theme throughout the entire COVID op) - the very issue that caused officials to be wary of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines, causing many European nations to ban them, and also causing the US CDC at one point to halt them.
Blood coagulation is also a theme of COVID itself, even before the advent of vaccines. What is also very fascinating is that suramin has the reported ability to decrease the activities of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis.
This is exactly what the other 2 COVID vaccines - those made by Moderna and Pfizer - are trying to promote.
So, in plain English, this stuff could potentially slow or stop all the horrible blood clots people are suffering, plus potentially block the inappropriate RNA and DNA replication that the mRNA devices are trying to engender.
Suramin is Derived from Pine Needles
So where does suramin come from? Pine needles...
It is one of many phytochemicals or plant chemicals that comes from pine needles, as the above article summarizes:
Why Take Suramin when You Could Make and Take Pine Needle Tea?
Why take a synthetic and isolated version when you could take the full-spectrum natural substance?
Final Thoughts
As always, do your own research.
I am not claiming suramin and/or pine needle tea is the COVID vaccine antidote, but rather a possible COVID vaccine antidote.
If you are going to make your own, make sure you research what you're doing - be careful with the yew pine (which is not a true pine and can be toxic, although it does have some medicinal properties).
The cypress is not to be used as an essential oil in high doses, but normally safe otherwise. Overall, however, pine needle tea has amazing health benefits.
Being aware of natural substances which can block DNA and RNA replication may be very important knowledge in the years to come as we face an increasing virulent nanotech invasion carried out under the rubric of Operation Coronavirus...