by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 22, 2023
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
Dr. Anthony Fauci is making the media rounds again, saying he hopes
people will comply if mask recommendations return
In January 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ordered the wearing of masks on public transportation. A court order
issued in mid-April 2022 ultimately blocked enforcement of the
order. So, it has now been legally clarified that the CDC cannot
mandate anything. They can only make recommendations, which Fauci
also recently confirmed
The 2023 Cochrane review of
"Physical Interventions to Interrupt or
Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Viruses" found masking had no
effect on confirmed infection rates. The review also found no
difference between medical/surgical masks and N95/P2 respirators
Fauci is still doubling down on masking, saying masks work
"on an
individual level" even though randomized controlled trials show it
makes no difference on the population level
If mask recommendations are renewed this fall, do
not comply...
Do Masks Protect
Here's the
Conclusive Evidence
The Cochrane Library
- the
gold-standard independent research organization -
has been
reviewing the use of physical interventions
to reduce
respiratory illnesses
like COVID and
influenza since 2010.
Here's what
their 2023 updated report
has to say about
medical and surgical masks.
From the start of the COVID-19 'pandemic', health experts have been
unable to unify around a cohesive message about face masks.
virtuoso of contradiction, Dr.
Anthony Fauci - then-director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a
prominent face of the White House COVID-19 response team - publicly,
flip-flopped on
the usefulness and need for masks multiple times...
The First Recommendation Was the Correct One
In January 2020, he said,
"Americans shouldn't be wearing masks
because they don't work."
This stance was reiterated in March 2020,
when he stated 1 that,
"people should not be walking around with
masks" because "it's not providing the perfect protection that
people think that it is."
At the time, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agreed, as did Dr.
Amesh Adalja, a Johns Hopkins Public Health expert, 2 and Surgeon
General Jerome Adams,
who took to Twitter urging Americans to stop
buying masks, saying they are "NOT effective," 3
...and that if worn or
handled improperly, face masks might actually increase your risk of
infection. 4
Logically, only symptomatic individuals and health care workers were
urged to wear them.
However, by June 2020, universal mask mandates
had become the norm and we were told we had to wear them because
there may be "asymptomatic super-spreaders" among us - another lie.
By July 2020, Fauci claimed his initial dismissal of face masks had
been in error and that he'd downplayed their importance simply to
ensure there would be a sufficient supply for health care workers,
who need them most. 5
Triple Masking and Other IQ Tests
Fast-forward a few weeks, and by the end of July 2020, Fauci went to
the next extreme,
flouting the
recommendation to wear goggles and full face shields
in addition to a mask,
...ostensibly because the
mucous membranes of your eyes could potentially serve as entryways
for viruses as well. 6
This, even though a March 31, 2020, report 7 in JAMA Ophthalmology
found SARS-CoV-2-positive conjunctival specimens (specimens taken
from the eye) in just 5.2% of confirmed COVID-19 patients (two out
of 28).
Toward the end of November 2020, the asymptomatic spread narrative
was effectively destroyed by the publication of a Chinese study
involving nearly 9.9 million individuals.
It revealed not a single
case of COVID-19 could be traced to an asymptomatic individual who
had tested positive. Still, the propaganda machine churned on,
ignoring the evidence at hand.
Around December 2020, recommendations for double-masking emerged,
and this trend gained momentum through extensive media coverage as
we moved into the first weeks of 2021. 10
That two masks would be
more effective than one is just "common sense," Fauci told
CNBC in January 2021. 11
Undeterred by scientific evidence and logic, by the end of January
2021, "experts" started promoting the use of three 12,13 or even
four 14 masks, whether you were symptomatic or not.
The suggestion to self-asphyxiate turned out to be one step too far,
however. In the face of public ridicule, other experts encouraged
the return to common sense, as impaired respiration can worsen any
number of health conditions.
True to form, while promoting the concept of double-masking as
recently as January 29, 2021, 15 by February 1 that year,
"There is no data that indicates double-masking is
effective," but that "There are many people who feel... if you really
want to have an extra little bit of protection, 'maybe I should put
two masks on'." 16
In other words,
the suggestion is based on
emotion, not actual science...!
Fauci also went from,
promising a mask-free existence once the
vaccine rolled out, to insisting that mask-wearing was still
necessary after vaccination because vaccine-resistant variants might
pop up, to proposing we might need to wear masks every flu season in
The fact is, Fauci knew masks cannot block viruses and that claiming
otherwise was unscientific.
He told the truth in a private email to
a colleague back in February 2020, in which he stated that masks are,
"not really effective in keeping out viral particles, which are
small enough to pass through material." 17
Masking people up
reinforced the idea that we were living in dangerous times though.
It fed people's fears, and that's the effect they were after.
Fauci Hopes People Will Mask Up Again
As we head into fall, Fauci is now making the media rounds again,
saying he hopes people will comply if mask recommendations return.
Why media still believe that people will listen to Fauci is a
mystery of its own.
In a September 2, 2023, CNN interview,
said: 18
"I would hope that if we get to the point that the volume of cases
is such and organizations like the CDC recommends -
does not mandate anything - recommends that people wear masks, I would hope
that people abide by that recommendation..."
Funny he should say that...
Recall the CDC not only mandated but
ORDERED the wearing of masks on public transportation in January
However, as noted on the CDC's website, 19
the order became
unenforceable due to a court order, issued in mid-April 2022.
Remember that when the CDC renews its mask recommendations.
can't mandate or order you to do anything...!
Also remember that Fauci
just confirmed the CDC has no authority to do anything but make
Gold Standard Science Review Found No Benefit
Cochrane Reviews have long been recognized as the gold standard in
evidence-based health care as their analyses look at the whole body
of published science, and every few years, reviews are updated to
include the latest research findings.
For example,
reports on "Physical Interventions to Interrupt or
Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Viruses" - which includes mask
wearing - were published in 2009, 20 2010, 21 2011,
22 2020 23 and January 2023. 24
During 2020 and most of 2021, mask proponents tried to cast doubt on
studies showing that masks had no impact on the spread of
respiratory viruses because they weren't specific to COVID-19.
This was actually irrelevant because masks cannot block viruses that
are much smaller than the gaps in the fabric, and SARS-CoV-2 is even
smaller than the flu virus.
Still, the lack of COVID-specific trials
kept the counterarguments going.
That all changed in January 2023
By then, COVID-specific mask trials had been conducted, and
all were included in the Cochrane Library's systematic review.
In all, the 2023 update added 11 new randomized controlled trials (RTCs)
and cluster-RCTs to their previous 2020 analysis, bringing the total
number of RCTs to 78.
Six of the 11 were conducted during the COVID
'pandemic', and three looked at the spread of COVID-19 specifically.
Yet, as in previous reviews,
there was no evidence to support mask
The SARS-CoV-2 virus, it turns out, behaves just like other
influenza viruses and easily penetrates these barriers.
As noted by the authors:
"Medical or surgical masks
- Ten studies took place in the
community, and two studies in healthcare workers.
Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing
a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a
flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people).
probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID
confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people)."
Type of Mask Makes No Difference
In summary,
the 2023 Cochrane review found that surgical masks did
not significantly reduce the risk of flu-like/COVID-like symptoms in
the general population.
Surgical masks also did not affect the risk
of laboratory-confirmed influenza and COVID.
So, masking had no effect on confirmed infection rates (which are
more important than self-reported symptoms).
The review also found
no difference between medical/surgical masks and N95/P2 respirators. So, none of the new studies changed anything.
Masks failed to
prevent influenza transmission before the 'pandemic', and they still
fail to prevent respiratory infections, including COVID.
I can't tell you if they work or not,
but it's more likely than not
that they don't work.
Dr. Tom Jefferson
By late February 2023, The New York Times even allowed the
publication of an opinion piece by conservative columnist Bret
Stephens titled, "The Mask Mandates Did Nothing - Will Any Lessons Be
"When it comes to the population-level benefits of masking, the
verdict is in: Mask mandates were a bust," Stephens wrote.
skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally
censored as 'misinformers' for opposing mandates were right.
mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong.
In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge
their error, along with its considerable physical, 28
psychological, 29 pedagogical 30 and political
31 costs...
Cochrane report ought to be the final nail in this particular
CDC Director Made False Statements About Cochrane Review
It has not become the final nail in the coffin, though.
In her
February 2023 congressional testimony, then-director of the CDC Dr.
Rochelle Walensky doubled down on the CDC's mask orders, arguing
that the Cochrane analysis only relied on a "small number" of COVID-specific
trials - as if more would somehow change the results.
It's rare to be able to say that science has conclusively shown
something to be true, but we're as close as we can get to absolutes
when it comes to
mask wearing...
On top of that lame argument, she
falsely claimed the Cochrane Library editor-in-chief had,
the summary of that review," 32 which never
happened. 33
The editor, Karla Soares-Weiser, did however add a comment to the
review stating,
"The original Plain Language Summary for this review
stated that,
'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2
respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on
the studies we assessed.'
This wording was open
to misinterpretation, for which we apologize." 34
But nothing was retracted. The plain language summary states that to
this day...
Moreover, while Soares-Weiser claimed that interpreting
the results as "masks don't work" was an "inaccurate
interpretation," and that an accurate interpretation would be that,
"the results were inconclusive," the lead author, Dr.
Tom Jefferson,
insists the findings were unequivocal.
"There is just no evidence that they (masks) make any difference.
Full stop," he told investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi.
33 And
N95 masks are no better. "Makes no difference," Jefferson said.
Did Cochrane Library Editor Succumb to Pressure?
Soares-Weiser added her "apology" to the review after being
contacted by New York Times columnist, Zeynep Tufekci, who'd rebuked
Jefferson's statements in a March 10, 2023, article titled "Here's
Why the Science Is Clear that Masks Work." 36
"Tufekci argued that despite no high-quality data, we could
conclude, based on poor evidence, that masks DO work," Demasi
wrote. 37
In a September 8, 2023,
article, science journalist Paul Thacker added: 38
"In my own communication with Cochrane scientists, they find
Tufekci's behavior boorish and unprofessional. 39
In retrospect, it's
clear that Tufekci colluded with Cochrane's Soares-Weiser, who runs
the organization, but was not involved in the mask review.
After the two canoodled earlier this year, Soares-Weiser rushed out
a public statement to please Tufekci and New York Times editors, but
has had to hire the pricey consulting firm Envoy to deal with the
fallout and scientists' concerns over her leadership style.
Scientists have demanded that Soares-Weiser explain why she talked
to Tufekci about their review, and published a statement criticizing
it, without first consulting them...
It's obviously embarrassing to Cochrane that they are now spending
money on a consulting firm to clean up the mess Soares-Weiser
created with review scientists.
Her actions have even caught the
attention of Johns Hopkins researcher Marty Makary, who tweeted
40 that Cochrane is now caving to political pressure
from partisans who want the science to conclude that masks
At the time that Tufekci published her essay, Jefferson sent her
editors a letter pointing out numerous errors.
The paper chose to
ignore this. But Jefferson set the record straight yesterday during
an interview with Michael Smerconish, who hosted Jefferson on his
radio program. 41
Jefferson pointed out in the interview that powerful people in
public health, like Anthony Fauci, could have ended all the
controversy over mask use by funding large studies to draw more
conclusive results on masks.
'The whole story of the
'pandemic', since 2020, is that nobody (or
very few people) have stepped forward and filled that gap,'
Jefferson said.
Institutions in the United States are now starting to implement mask
policies, Jefferson noted, without offering any proof to people that
they work.
'How are they going to justify this?'...
'We could find
no evidence that masks make a difference,' Jefferson told Smerconish..."
More Likely Than Not That Masks Don't Work
Smerconish also interviewed Jefferson in a CNN segment (video
above), September 9, 2023, asking him point blank,
"Do masks work,
in your opinion, in stopping the spread of COVID?"
Jefferson pointed out that
none of the three COVID-specific trials
found a beneficial effect of masking.
"It is impossible to show that
something DOESN'T work," he added.
The science of masking looks at,
"is it more likely than not" for it to work, "and at the moment,
there's no evidence of that being the case" Jefferson said, adding
"I can't tell you if they work or not, but it's more likely than not
that they don't work."
Fauci, the Science Denier
Smerconish also interviewed Fauci, 42 asking him to comment on the
Cochrane review's findings, and Jefferson's comment to Demasi, that
policymakers were basing their mask recommendations on,
studies, flawed observational studies." 43
Indeed, the primary piece of "evidence" for the CDC's
original mask recommendation was an anecdotal story about two
symptomatic hair stylists who interacted with clients while wearing
masks in the salon.
Of the 67 clients who
agreed to be interviewed and tested, none tested positive for
SARS-CoV-2, which according to the CDC was evidence that the masks
prevented spread of infection in a real-world setting. 44
"How do we get beyond the finding of that [2023 Cochrane] review?"
Smerconish asked Fauci.
Fauci's response?
There are "other studies"
that show masks work "at an individual level," Fauci said, adding,
"When you're talking about the effect on the epidemic... as a
whole, the data are less strong."
Of course, Fauci didn't cite any of the "individual level" studies
he's referring to, but with that comment he basically confirmed
Jefferson's conclusion that,
decisions were indeed based on
nonrandomized studies and flawed observational studies - like the
anecdotal hair salon "study" - not gold-standard RTCs.
Despite that, Fauci again doubled down, telling Smerconish,
"There is no doubt
masks work.
Different studies give different percentages of
advantage of wearing it, but there's no doubt that the weight of
the studies... indicate
the 'benefit' of wearing masks." 45
Jefferson Responds to Fauci's Comments
At Demasi's request, Jefferson responded to Fauci's comments:
"So, Fauci is saying that masks work for individuals but not at a
population level? That simply doesn't make sense.
And he says there
are 'other studies,' but what studies? He doesn't name them so I
cannot interpret his remarks without knowing what he is referring
It might be that Fauci is relying on trash studies. Many of them are
observational, some are cross-sectional, and some actually use
modeling. That is not strong evidence...!
Once we excluded such
low-quality studies from the review, we concluded there was no
evidence that masks reduced transmission."
As mentioned earlier, Fauci went from disparaging mask wearing in
January through March 2020, only to make an abrupt about-face weeks
At the time, he defended his flip-flopping saying,
facts change, I change my mind."
But as Jefferson told Demasi,
none of the facts had changed: 47
"There were no randomized studies, no new evidence to justify his
flip-flop. That's simply not true...
What Fauci doesn't
understand is that cloth and surgical masks cannot stop viruses
because viruses are too small and they still get through."
In conclusion, Demasi
writes: 51
"As it stands, the Cochrane review will continue to be the subject
of attacks because it presents a major roadblock for implementing
masking policies.
Jefferson says he doesn't know what motivates
people to ignore the facts.
'Could it be part of this whole agenda to control people's behavior?
Perhaps,' he speculated.
'What I do know... is that Fauci was in a
position to run a trial, he could have randomized two regions to
wear masks or not.
But he didn't and that's unforgivable'."
Mask Harms Revealed
While we have no evidence showing masks prevent the spread of COVID,
we do have evidence showing mask wearing can cause harm...!
example, in its December 2020 interim guidance on masks, 52
the WHO
noted that mask disadvantages included,
"a false sense of security".
"Several studies have demonstrated statistically
deleterious effects [of masks] on various cardiopulmonary
physiologic parameters during mild to moderate exercise in healthy
subjects and in those with underlying respiratory diseases."
A German registry of
reported effects among children found 68% experienced some sort of
impairment, such as,
irritability, headache, poor concentration,
reduced happiness, reluctance to go to school, general malaise,
impaired learning and fatigue. 53
Other investigations have revealed,
children are exposed to
potentially dangerous elevations in carbon dioxide when wearing a
face mask, 54 and health care workers who wear masks for six or more
hours have been found to be at higher risk of respiratory infections
due to mask contamination. 55
A dozen different
volatile and potentially hazardous chemicals have also been
identified in medical masks. 56
Research 57 by German physician Dr. Zacharias Fögen has also linked
mask mandates to,
significantly higher COVID-19 case fatality rates.
"These findings suggest that mask use might pose a yet unknown
threat to the user instead of protecting them, making mask mandates
a debatable epidemiologic intervention," he concluded.
He proposed this as-yet unidentified threat might be related to a
phenomenon called the "Foegen effect."
The general idea is that,
breathing through a face mask forces deep re-inhalation of virions,
which might make COVID-19 infection more likely and/or more severe.
He suspects mask wearing may also exacerbate the effects of long-COVID
for the same reason.
In addition to the above, prolonged mask
wearing has been linked to: 58
Facial alkalinization, dehydration and enhanced skin barrier
breakdown, which can increase your risk of bacterial infections
Increase in headaches and sweating
Decreased cognitive precision
Medical errors
Interference with social learning in children
Obscured nonverbal communication
Distorted verbal speech
Removal of visual cues, which is detrimental to people with hearing
Do Not Comply
In closing, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already vowed to
enforce any federal mask mandates that might come down the pike, and
hopefully, other states will follow suit.
But even if they don't, remember that,
CDC can only make
recommendations. They cannot order you to do anything...
At this
point, it's imperative that everyone simply say "no" and peacefully,
refuse to comply with mask wearing, because it's impossibly to
comply your way out of tyranny, which is what the COVID spectacle
has always been about...
Sources and
1 Life
Site News July 31, 2020
2 Market
Watch March 2, 2020
3, 5 NPR
July 1, 2020
March 2, 2020
News July 29, 2020
Ophthalmology March 31, 2020; 138(5):575-578
8 Nature
Communications November 20, 2020; 11 Article number 5917
9 Cell
Commentary December 15, 2020; 2(1): 29-32
10 Forbes
January 26, 2021
January 25, 2021
12 Summit
News January 27, 2021
13 Daily
Mail January 27, 2021
14 News
Punch January 28, 2021
15 WJHL.com
January 29, 2021
16 PJ
Media February 1, 2021
17 Newsweek
June 2, 2021
18 Fox
13 Seattle September 5, 2023
19 CDC
Expired Order on Face Masks May 12, 2023
20 The
BMJ 2009; 339: b3675
21 Cochrane
Database Syst. Rev. January 20, 2010; (1): CD006207
22 Cochrane
Library July 2011; 2011(7): CD006207
23 Cochrane
Library November 20, 2020
24, 26, 27 Cochrane
Library January 30, 2023
25 YouTube
Cochrane November 17, 2020
August 30, 2022; 11(8): 4869-4870
29 Waterloo
News June 21, 2021
30 NPR
January 28, 2022
31 Soc
Sci Med April 2022; 298: 114836
32 YouTube
February 2023, 1:23:05
33, 35, 37, 43 Maryanne
Demasi March 15, 2023
34 Editor's
Statement on 'Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce
the spread of respiratory viruses' review
36 New
York Times March 10, 2023
38 The
Disinformation Chronicle September 8, 2023
39 The
Disinformation Chronicle April 12, 2023
40 The
Disinformation Chronicle Marty Makary Tweets
41 Spotify
The Smerconish Podcast interview with Dr. Tom Jefferson
42, 45, 46, 47, 51 Maryanne
Demasi Substack September 4, 2023
44 CDC.gov
Human Studies of Masking and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission
48, 50 SPhosp.org
N95s - Sufficient Protection for COVID-19? (PDF)
49 WHO.int
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Contact and Droplet Transmission
52 WHO
Interim Guidance December 1, 2020
53 Research
Square March 1, 2021
54 Environmental
Research September 2022; 212, Part D: 113564
55 BMC
Infectious Diseases June 3, 2019; 3(19): 491
56 Environment
International March 2022; 161: 107122
57 Medicine
February 18, 2022
58 MedRxiv
May 25, 2021