in a Billion' chance Covid emerged from Nature -
Scientist tells Lawmakers
Italiano |
Stati degli USA cercano di deporre Fauci ed altri Alti
Funzionari nel Caso della Censura BigTech del...
Aldous Huxley foresaw our Despots
- Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine Crusaders
Anthony Fauci America's high
priest of Scientism 'Wears Out his Welcome'
Anthony Fauci and the 'Spanish Flu Epidemic' in 2008
Anthony Fauci is Out "Sidelined"
by Trump - Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to the 'Coronavirus
Task Force'
Anthony Fauci's Horror Experiments
- Children and Dogs...
As serious 'COVID Vaccine Side
Effects' grow Dr Fauci Disappears
Bioweapons Criminal - Anthony
Fauci bought off Top-level Scientists to Cover-Up lab
origins of Covid-19
Italiano |
Bugie, Propagandisti e Il Gran
COVID-19 may Turn Out to be like a
"Bad Flu Season" - Anthony Fauci
Covid Update - What is the Truth?
Doctors Speak Out on Censorship
and 'Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci's False Information' Hydroxychloroquine
Documentary Unveils Disturbing
Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global
Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID
Panic Treatments'
Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George
Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the
'Big Pharma Mafia'
Dr. Fauci-Mengele 2.0's NIAID
Replacement is a Psychotic MK Ultra - Mask, Lockdown and
Español |
El Año en que la Experiencia
Español |
El 'Doctor' Anthony Fauci -
Sociópata al Servicio de las Farmacéuticas dice Robert
F. Kennedy Jr
Español |
El Mito de las Vacunas - Sus
Peligros y Consecuencias
Elon Musk declares "The Hammer of
Justice is Coming" for Fauci...!
Español |
El por qué Fauci y la Cábala
Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...
Expert or COVID-19 Accomplice? -
The Fauci Files
Fauci - A Conversation in Hell
Fauci admits Social Distancing
Rules had No Scientific Basis
Fauci and the CIA - A New
Explanation Emerges
Announces he is 'On His Way Out'
Fauci confesses that Covid
Vaccines could never have worked as Claimed
Fauci declares "You Use Lockdowns
to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane
Fauci deposition Transcript -
November 23, 2022
Italiano |
Fauci e la CIA - Emerge una Nuova
Fauci Hints at when all COVID-19
Restrictions may Finally End in U.S.
Fauci makes 'Surprising
Concession' regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Español |
No Puede Explicar por qué los que se Recuperaron de Covid
tendrían que Vacunarse
Fauci's 'Latest Prediction' on
Masks shows this is all about 'Controlling People'
rather than 'Controlling Covid'
Fauci's 'Perjury of Striking
Audacity' - Excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan
Fauci, Trudeau and other Covid
Tyrants - They backtrack their Crimes Against Humanity,
claim they 'Never did...
Italiano |
Fauci - Una Conversazione
Gates, Fauci, Daszak 'Charged with
Genocide' in International Criminal Court
- 'Genetic
Fingerprint' reveals Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2
Good News - Fauci's Out and Common
Sense Might be Returning
How Fauci created The Covid
Italiano |
Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato
il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di
spingere "I trattamenti...
Español |
Informe Final sobre el Covid-19
del Senado de EE.UU.
Is Anthony Fauci Responsible for
Killing More People than Hitler did in Nazi Germany?
Is WHO Director Tedros a
Terrorist? - Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton
Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and...
Ivermectin 'Works throughout All
Phases' of COVID according to Leaked Military Documents
Italiano |
La Misteriosa Morte del più Famoso
Critico di Fauci... la sua Nemesi il Dr. Kary Mullis!
Italiano |
La Pista del Bio-Terrorismo Covid
riconduce ai collaboratori del PCC Anthony Fauci e Peter
Español |
Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y
Anthony Fauci
Español |
La Verdadera Agenda detrás de la
Enloquecida Carrera por Inyectar a todos los Niños del
Liars, Propagandists and The Great
Español |
Lo que se Renombró como "COVID"
siempre ha sido solo una Variación de Enfermedad Similar
a la Influenza
Military Documents about 'Gain of
Function Research' contradict Fauci testimony Under Oath
More Mask Masquerades - Covid
Masking had No Effect
mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy
Never Forget - For 2 Years,
Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and
Destroyed our Livelihoods
NIH-Moderna Confidential
Español |
- "Niños
Conejillos de India" - Los Crueles Experimentos con
Niños autorizados por el doctor Anthony Fauci
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Over 2 Billion will
Suffer Gruesome Vaccine Injuries - World War 3 Global
Catastrophe - Dr. David E. Martin
Lessons Learned - Scientific Debate Silenced with Deadly
Peter Hotez vies for power as
'Fauci Steps Down'
Español |
Publican declaración de Fauci en
caso de Censura de Grandes Empresas de Tecnología
Español |
Publican más Evidencia sobre el
Posible Origen del Covid-19... y apunta a Estados Unidos
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and 'The
Real Anthony Fauci'
Science is Not to Be Trusted
Smart Doctors leave a Clueless
Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Speechless
Seek to Depose Fauci - Other Top Officials in Big
Tech-Government Censorship Case
Thank You, Dr. Fauci - A 2024
Documentary about the 'Origins of COVID-19'
- "That
Simply doesn't Make Sense" - Lead author of 'Cochrane
Mask Review' responds to Fauci's Dismissal...
The 7-Hour Deposition of Anthony
The Covid Bio-Terrorism trail
leads back to CCP collaborators Anthony Fauci and Peter
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
The Fauci Dossier - David E.
The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci's
Most Notable Critic... His Nemesis: Dr. Kary Mullis!
Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill
Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War...
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
The Scheming of Bill Gates and
Anthony Fauci - A 'Formidable and Nefarious' Partnership
The Triumph of the Apocalyptics
Traitors of Humanity? - Covid and
Health Officials...
Two-Faced Fauci
Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal
mRNA Flu Vaccine"
was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of
Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)
When will the Criminals be
WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not
Mandatory Vaccination'
Why hasn't Fauci been Fired and
put under FBI Investigation yet?
Will Fauci 'Be Held Accountable'
for Lying to Congress?
Additional Information |
Español |
- ¿Deberíamos
Confiar en 'La Ciencia' de la Industria Farmacéutica?
Español |
Detengan el Holocausto
Embalmers finding Numerous Long,
Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics -
Covid Vaccines
Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
Government wants to 'Dictate
- "Herd
Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the
Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to
Español |
La Corrupción de la Ciencia - El
Escándalo del 'Estudio de The Lancet' sobre la
Español |
La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In
Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la
Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal
proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
Nuremberg Code Punishable by Death
- 'Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms'
have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline
Stop Holocaust
The Corruption of Science - The
Hydroxychloroquine 'Lancet Study' Scandal
The more 'You think You Know'? -
Maddening Covid-19 Flip-Flops keep Population Scared,
Obedient and Ignorant
Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!
Español |
Un "Grupo de Sociópatas" está
Impulsando la Vacunación Masiva - Dice médico defensor
de la Hidroxicloroquina
Emails |
Fauci Email shows that Daszak was
Manipulating Bat Coronaviruses to make them Attack Human
Español |
Fauci es Expuesto después que los
Correos Electrónicos de la FOIA 'Conectan los Puntos'
New Emails reveal Fauci's Role in
shaping 'Highly Influential Paper' that established
COVID 'Natural Origin'...
Fauci Emails:
Part 1a -
Part 1b -
Part 1c -
Part 2a -
Part 2b -
Part 2c
Español |
Tucker Carlson expone a Fauci
después de que los correos electrónicos de la FOIA
conectan los puntos
Book- Treatises |
A Plague Upon Our
House - by Scott Atlas
Covid-19 - Navigating the
Uncharted - by Anthony Fauci
Predominant Role of Bacterial
Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza -
Implications for...
next-generation Vaccines for Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and
other respiratory... - by A. Fauci
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
- A Document prepared by Dr. David E. Martin
The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill
Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on...
- by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. |
The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying
Bioweapons Arms Race - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. |
Multimedia |
Fauci Doubles Down - 'Put On Your
Fiery Clash Between Rand Paul and
Dr. Fauci - Each Accuses the Other of Lying
Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 -
Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and
Italiano |
Intervista all'immunologo Anthony
Fauci - Inmezzora
Plandemic - Interview With Dr.
Judy Mikovits
Español |
Rand Paul increpa a Fauci por
financiar investigación de Coronavirus mejorados en
Smart Doctors leave a Clueless
Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Speechless
Thank You, Dr. Fauci - A 2024
Documentary about the 'Origins of COVID-19'
The Late Kary Mullis, the Inventor
of PCR Test, on Antony Fauci
The Mysterious Death of Dr.
Fauci's Most Notable Critic
Real Anthony Fauci' Part 1 - A Documentary
Real Anthony Fauci' Part 2 - A Documentary
Related Reports |
Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era
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Global Reset - Great Reset
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Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater
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The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
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The WHO - World 'Health'
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Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene
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Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File