by Makia Freeman
February 21, 2019
Freedom-Articles Website
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media /
independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior
researcher at, writing on many
aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of
the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how
humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. |

SSP experiencers keep giving credence
to the idea of a Breakaway
SSP experiencers (those who claim to have been, or still are,
part of the SSP -
Secret Space Program) continue to step forth in
multitude. It seems the floodgates have opened as more and more SSP
experiencers recover their memories and go public with their
I think the terms SSP experiencers and
SSP experiencer
(rather than SSP asset or SSP agent) are good ones to describe these
brave individuals who, in all cases, have undergone severe trauma
and mind control as they were inducted into highly secretive and
otherwordly military programs...
The Plot
Thickens - SSP Composed of Many Groups and Corporations with
Varied Interests and Missions
The revelations of SSP experiencers such as,
...has given us
clues that there is a whole other world going on behind our backs, a
phenomenon that ufologist
Richard Dolan termed the
Even if not all of these people are credible, they do
corroborate each other on certain themes and details, such as the
idea of,
A Brief Overview of the Different Secret Space Program Groups
According to the various SSP experiencers, there are various groups,
organizations and corporations involved in the SSP such as,
Here's a brief breakdown of what they each do, from what we can
ascertain so far:
ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate):
According to
Disclosure Wikia, the ICC is a,
"conglomerate of corporations from
all over the world that build aerospace technologies... basically all
of the corporations that have come together, pooled their resources,
and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system."
According to
Elena Kapulnik (see below), the ICC has 11 bases on Mars which
include manufacturing plants, labs, R&D and weapons facilities.
this presentation, she states that the ICC space station platforms
are based on original schematic designs of Wernher von Braun
(Operation Paperclip Nazi scientist smuggled into the
U.S. at the end
of WW2 to work for NASA).
She reveals the companies involved in
building infrastructure on ICC Mars bases, a mixture of U.S. and
German companies including,
LOC (Lunar Operations Command):
Again according to
Disclosure Wikia, the LOC is a,
"demilitarized zone on the Moon. It is an area
where SSP personnel rendezvous before going further out into the
solar system and beyond.
It serves as a neutral zone for the various SSPs.
It also acts as air traffic control for our solar
system. LOC has three sites:
LOC Alpha
LOC Bravo
LOC Charlie"
MDF (Mars Defense Force):
The MDF is the main defense organization
on Mars.
Both Randy Cramer and
Penny Bradley (see below) describe
its main function to defend the Mars Colony Corporation from the
indigenous Martians species, including a native reptoid and
insectoid (Raptor and Mantid) ET species.
Solar Warden:
Solar Warden is a program run by the
U.S. Navy,
responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the
Solar System.
It patrols and defends our solar system.
Some SSP
experiencers have suggested that Solar Warden's real purpose is to
protect the surface of the Earth to thwart
ET Disclosure.
Warden was created in 1970s and 80s, and is a mid-level SSP; the ICC
has more advanced ships.
Nacht Waffen:
This a German term literally meaning
"Night Weapons"
but better translated as "Dark Fleet."
We know about this thanks to
the revelations of
Penny Bradley (see below). Penny was transferred
to the Nacht Waffen from the MDF as a punishment.
SSP Experiencers #1 - Kevin Trimmel
SPP Experiencer Kevin Trimmel claims he was abducted by a white
TR-3B triangular UFO and placed into the SSP, specifically into an
operation called Solar Warden which has he states has been running
since the 1970s.
Kevin became an empath, was loaned out to ICC on
Mars and trained in remote viewing. Then in 2009, his blank slate
memory wipe broke down and he started his recall.
Kevin claims there
are 2 factions of the NWO:
Body Voltage, Reincarnation Trap and Saturn's Rings
Kevin garnered some interesting ideas during his time in the SSP.
recalls how his superiors kept emphasizing how he must increase his
body's voltage or electricity (measured in MHz) to increase
They also taught him that when you die, if you want to be
able to
navigate the afterlife and to have
control over
reincarnation process, you have to be able to bring your energy/MHz
high enough; otherwise you will be involuntarily reincarnated
Soul-Catching Net - Are We "Recycled" at Death to Remain in the Matrix?).
Kevin also states
that the rings around Saturn are a technology, as has been exposed
by Norman Bergrund and
David Icke.
SSP Experiencers #2
- Ileana Star Traveler (Elena Kapulnik)
Ileana Star Traveler (real name Elena Kapulnik) claims she was
abducted by Reptilian ETs during the ages of 2 and 10, that her DNA
was changed and that she grew up on Mars.
She worked for a company
Monarch Solutions where they trained her psionic abilities, then
worked for the ICC in a quantum time leap program.
Monarch Solutions
is a company that uses cloned bodies with "consciousness transfers",
i.e. cloned people with no intrinsic soul but who carry the soul or
consciousness of another person. She was kept young, often leapt
timelines and was finally released back into normal life in 2014.
Elena has natural psychic abilities which she says the SSP harnessed
to open space/wormhole portals (not time portals) by giving her
SSP Experiencers #3
- Penny Bradley
Penny Bradley is unique among all SSP experiencers in terms of
She underwent all sorts of misadventure and abuse in the SSP but managed to survive
- and recall her 55 years in the program!
Penny was first traumatized by being raped regularly at age 4,
starved of affection, starved of food, made to feel cold and
The amount of detail she reveals is quite extraordinary,
such as detailed accounts of battles on Mars with,
the native Reptoid
and Mantid ETs
15 ft wide spiders
the Nacht Waffen
human soldiers
being hooked into ships' computers
regeneration tanks
wiping technology
time travel
the true
atmosphere on Mars
Since she was mind controlled, Penny has 4 altars of which she has
partial memory:
"Penelope Valkyrdin"
pilot in MDF, transferred to Nacht Waffen as a
navigator as punishment for emotional meltdown.
"Lieutenant Penelope Bradley"
in Kruger, a mercenary company (which
competes with Monarch Solutions). Both companies use cloned bodies
with consciousness transfers.
The 2nd Kruger alter, a cyborg altar with no emotion
Penny can't
remember this altar's name, but she was surgically altered with a
permanent chip behind her left ear (looks like a bluetooth) which
gives her a VR (Virtual Reality) screen. This screen has information
like air speed, wind direction and gives a readout of every person
who comes into her periphery.
A sex slave altar on Mars who died her hair and who was part of
Monarch Solutions.
Death is Not an Option
Penny recounts that the SSP was brutal at times.
Death was not an
option to escape; her masters would routinely kill people then put
them in regeneration tanks to resuscitate them.
The Main "Product" of the ICC
According to Penny, in the SSP, clones are considered soulless and
are treated horribly.
The main product the ICC is selling to ET
groups (thousand of races) is cyborgs designed to be robotic
supersoldier slaves with a human consciousness.
The reason for this
is that it requires a human consciousness to operate the weapons,
ships, external exoskeletons worn in battle, etc.
The ICC is
literally selling fellow humans beings in exchange for advanced
alien technology!
Prepare Yourself Psychologically
It's always important to stay open to new ideas.
Yes, this stuff is "far out", but so are so many truths of the worldwide conspiracy and
NWO which were initially thought of as crazy and which were later
Obviously we need more concrete evidence to confirm the
existence of the SSP, but ask yourself:
why do all these SSP
experiencers have such vivid detail and such a correlation of
general themes, if they are all delusional hoaxers?
Remember, one of
the reasons that the SSP is so secret is because the torture (child
kidnapping, rape, trauma, ritual abuse and mind control) that takes
is so horrific.
Their accounts of the German/Nazi influence on the SSP matches up with my research on how and why
the Nazis really won
the war...
I strongly believe we all need to psychologically prepare ourselves
for the very real possibility that these incredible secret programs,
operations and projects are going on behind our backs.
It is a
massive understatement to say that, if true, these programs will
totally and fundamentally change our idea of who we are and what our
place in the cosmos is.