Randy states that he is a
Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps.
This is consistent with the
secret military service that Randy is claiming. In the Army,
Air Force, and Marines, Captain is the first qualifying
intelligence rank. It is the rank, for example, that an
officer must hold to be given access to intelligence reports
classified "Top Secret" or above.
The corresponding rank in
the U.S. Navy is Lieutenant Commander. This is the rank that
Courtney M. Hunt of the CIA and Dr. Eldon A. Byrd of the
Navy told me that I am listed in Navy records as having
reached in order to document my service in
Project Pegasus
and the Mars Project.
Randy's rank mirrors my own, despite
the fact that he was attached to another branch of the
military and, in all likelihood, was unaware of my secret
Naval rank because I had not widely revealed it.
Randy claims that he was born in
1970 and that he began training for Mars in 1987 at age 17.
This is a young age to begin such dangerous service and
tends to strain the credibility of anybody offering such an
account. Seventeen was, however, the average age of the five
Mars jumpers that have been identified as being among the 10
American teenagers who were trained to go to Mars by Major
Ed Dames at College of the Siskiyous in Summer 1980.
Barack H. Obama, born 8/4/61 (age 19)
Andrew D. Basiago, born 9/18/61 (age 18)
William C. McCool, born
9/23/61 (age 18)
Regina E. Dugan, born 3/19/63 (age 17)
William B. Stillings, born 12/22/66 (age 13)
Do the
math. 19+18+18+17+13 = 85
85/5 = 17
Clearly, the fact that
Randy stated that his age at onset of training was 17
without knowing that this was the average age of our cadre
of Mars visitors when we began training is probative of his
Randy says he was part of the
"Mars Defense Force."
When we were training to go to Mars in
1980, Major Dames told our class that the three major
reasons we were being sent to Mars were:
to help
establish on Mars an extraterrestrial defense regime
protecting Earth
to create a basis under public
international law to claim Mars as U.S. territory by sending
temporary visitors and permanent settlers there
acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to our presence
From 1981 to 1984, I took the jump room in El Segundo to
Mars about 40 times in furtherance of these goals.
The fact
that Randy states that he began training three years after
my trips to Mars ended to participate in the establishment
of a U.S. military presence on Mars is consistent with the
developmental time line. It would have been several years
later that such a military build-up would have begun.
fact that Randy was sent there not only as a Marine but as a
settler harkens back to what Major Ed Dames told us about
how Mars would be staffed during our training in Summer

Randy claims that the ship that
he traveled to Mars in used teleportation based on "wormhole
I have given extensive public testimony that
when the jump room morphed from a box into a cylinder
half-way through our "jumps" to Mars, a wormhole, spiraling
clockwise, formed at the far end of the cylinder.
I have
also described how my father, Raymond F. Basiago, who took
one jump to Mars in May 1984, was the point man between
Parsons and the CIA on
teleportation, which remains a secret
technical capability of the U.S. defense community.
It would
have been far easier for Randy to cite the space planes
addressed frequently by sources within the aerospace
community. But he didn't. He cited the far-harder-to-prove
technology of teleportation and, in so doing, corroborated
my teleportation account.
How very interesting.
I have testified how I and my
colleagues used teleportation to reach Mars via "jump rooms"
that left an elevator shaft on Earth and after teleporting
to Mars invisibly arrived in elevator shafts within U.S.
facilities on Mars.
Since Randy was a Mars settler, he could
have imitated my testimony and stated that he, too, reached
Mars via jump room. After all, we now have six whistle
blowers whose testimony supports the existence of jump rooms
to Mars.
They are:
Michael C. Relfe
Arthur Neumann
D. Basiago
Laura Eisenhower
William B. Stillings
Bernard Mendez
Laura even cited the acronym for the Mars
jump rooms that we were given in our jump room training 25
years earlier.
She was told during the recruitment effort
directed at her in 2006-07 that she would go to Mars via
"ARC," which stands for "aeronautical repositioning
But Randy Cramer didn't ape the testimony of the
six whistle blowers that Mars is being reached via jump
room. Instead, Randy testified that his teleportation was
facilitated by advanced space craft that were more versatile
in their movements than the jump rooms that we took to reach
Mars. This makes perfect sense.
As military men on Mars,
Randy and his comrades would have needed such a spacecraft
to provide a rapid response capability above the surface of
Randy states that the air on
Mars is breathable.
This was the previous testimony of
myself and my fellow Mars jumpers
William B. Stillings and
Bernard Mendez. The fact that Mars' atmosphere is breathable
has been established in photographs showing Mars' blue
skies. I have testified as to Mars having blue skies, Randy
as to the skies of Mars ranging from blue to purple in
Oxygen is a clear gas that refracts blue.
The Martian
atmosphere is oxygen-laden as a result of oxygen seeping
from its lithosphere, hence,
its blue skies, now visible not
only in Mars rover images from its surface but in satellite
images showing the blue halo that envelopes the Red Planet
like a thin azure canopy of gelatin.
Case closed as to
whether or not
Mars is habitable. It is...!
Randy describes how on Mars, he
was outfitted in a full body suit.
The Mars jumpers were
not; we were always dressed in our street clothes. The rust
red dust clinging to my hiking boots was once noted by my
mother at our home in the San Fernando Valley and by a
classmate sitting next to me at a lecture at UCLA.
Nonetheless, Randy's description of blue bodysuits being
worn by a phalanx of the Mars Defense Force corresponds
exactly to a group of Martian humanoids dressed in blue
bodysuits that I found in NASA-JPL image
PIA10214 and
included in my paper "The Discovery of Life on Mars" in
Like I, Randy has described the
U.S. facilities on Mars as "small."
In light of the fact that
our comparative testimony about this topic could have fallen
into any one of nine combinations of large, medium, or
small, it is conspicuous that our testimony is congruent and
that we agreed without revealing our evidence to the
other that the American facilities on Mars are small.

If descriptions of large, medium, and small
were set as the parameters of our mutual descriptions of the
U.S. buildings on Mars, then there was only a 13.71% chance
that we would have randomly testified similarly as to this
Randy describes how the
indigenous Martian civilization is "almost all underground."
This is highly accurate. I have given dozens of radio
interviews and public talks in which I have described the
Martians as living "primarily underground."
After I
published "The Discovery of Life on Mars" in 2008, a senior
career CIA officer telephoned me and informed me that the
Martian underground civilization numbers about 1 million
individuals consisting of several typologies living
I have since described how a member of the
Martian species Homo martis martis once met Courtney Hunt
and me at the entrance to the jump room facility called "The
Corkscrew" and took us on a brief tour of the Martian
underground, which was cavernous and decidedly "Tolkienesque."
In telling these details of his
experiences on Mars, Randy Cramer strikes me as the very
kind of individual that was selected for the Mars jump room
He is highly intelligent, has a superb memory, is a
composed and resilient individual, is spiritually strong and
emotionally calm, and is highly articulate.
The vocabulary
that he demonstrated on 'Awake in the Dream'
Radio included such
graduate-level words as "psionically," "covertly," and
"seditious" - not bad for a Marine when you're going to
send him to Mars and ask him to report back.