by Patrick Wood
February 14,
Technocracy.News Website

John Podesta
All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the
shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska.
NORAD says it doesn't
rule out aliens.
Washington creates a
UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens.
A top 4-star general
in charge of US airspace says he isn't ruling out aliens.
Well, this was
unexpected, wasn't it? Not really...
This writer was watching closely when
Trilateral Commission member
John Podesta left the Obama
Administration in 2015 where he served as Counselor to the
He is currently Senior
Advisor to President
Joe Biden for clean energy
innovation and implementation,
that is, he is in
charge of doling out all Green New Deal spending in the United
Actually, Podesta is
credited as being the chief architect of the entire US 'climate
policy' starting way back when he served as President Bill
Clinton's Chief of Staff.
When Podesta exited his stint with Obama in early 2015,
Washington Post carried a story, Obama aide John Podesta says
'biggest failure' was not securing the
disclosure of UFO files.
I listened to the
interview and heard him say this with his own mouth.
The architect of all
climate policy and the creator of the Green New Deal policies is
worried about UFOs and aliens and having not released the UFO
files from places like
Area 51 in New Mexico?
This struck me as being
completely out of context, out of nowhere.
I have scratched my head
ever since… until now:
The UFO/Alien card is
finally being played...
This UFO/alien nonsense
has been brewing for a long time and Podesta's name keeps coming up.
In a 2022 article by TMZ,
Yep, I Sent Officials To Area 51 In Search Of
Aliens, Bill Clinton flatly admitted his
search for evidence of aliens:
Former President Bill
Clinton made a pretty stunning and important revelation... he
said during his time in office he sent federal agents to Area 51
in Nevada to find if aliens were among us.
Clinton told James Corden on 'Late Late Show'... he and Chief of
Staff John Podesta,
"sent people to
Area 51 to make sure there were no aliens."
He also said he
wanted a full briefing on
In 2016, Podesta's email
account was hacked.
NBC News
reported this on October 31, 2016,
When hackers broke
into Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta's private
email account, little did they know they were entering the
Twilight Zone.
There, amid the grist and gossip about the inner workings of the
campaign - and some pedestrian tidbits about Podesta's personal
life - was irrefutable proof that UFOs were on the radar of one
of Washington's best known power brokers.
Today, this Trilateral
Commission operative is in the center of the Biden Administration,
rubbing shoulders with fellow Commission member Susan
"Benghazi Sue" Rice, who is Biden's Director of the
Domestic Policy Council.
It isn't too much of a leap to figure that the current outbreak of
UFO mania has something to do with John Podesta and
Trilateral Commission strategy to conquer the world for Technocracy.
Podesta pushed
both Clinton and Obama to open up the UFO
files, and now he is likely working on the Biden
The question remains,
Why now...?
First, it's a
huge slight-of-hand that masks other events taking place;
think staging of WWIII, global financial collapse, another
WHO-orchestrated pandemic, Great Reset, etc.
Second, it
conditions the world for a unified, global response to a
new, unseen enemy that can only be spearheaded by the United
The key here is the "unseen"
However, Trilateral
Commissioner John Podesta is not unseen, and I would
suggest that
Technocracy's war on the world is
about to get a lot more intense in 2023...