June 29, 2021
OrwellCity Website
Similar version in Spanish

We already know that the vaccine that's being forced on the
population right now is harmful enough because it indeed contains
graphene oxide.
But it turns out that they're a real nightmare when
you consider that the ones that use the mRNA technology are
modifying the human DNA, turning people into
We have translated for you Dr. Chinda Brandolino's words on
the topic:
Well, you know that in 2013, in the United States, the Supreme Court
ruled that the Human DNA, the human genome, cannot be patented
because it is a product of nature.
But if it is genetically altered,
it is patented.
When you modify the genome with an adenovirus vaccine, that
vaccinated person is already a transgenic, transhuman person.
according to what is legally established in international law, it
will be the property of the owner of the patent. But the most
dramatic thing of all is that because when transhuman that person
will not be considered human according to the Human Rights we know.
I have not yet had time to tell to you, but the situation is
extremely serious and I have the feeling that even our people, as
happened to us recently, do not realize the seriousness we are
It is not only the disease that it is going to produce,
often fatal, but also the fact that the survivors will have a
modified genome and that this modification will be passed on to
their descendants.
And that because their genome is modified, that modification is
And everything that is patented belongs to the patent
holder. I don't know if you understand what I'm saying.
And that has
to make you leave here today, today, with all the strength to resort
to all the means to alert the population, because it is the last
possibility we have.
Where, as Maria José recently said: 'pass it on
and fight'.
These people have enough money to achieve, no matter how badly it is
done, to give the definitive approval to this.
We are lost today.
You have to be soldiers. We have to be soldiers. We have to alert
the population. I don't know if you understood me. I am not going to
extend scientifically the synthesis.
And I have seen the deaths and
I have seen the causes of death. But that is not the most serious
thing, but what will happen to the survivors. So the only thing I
ask and remind you is that we are soldiers of life and defenders of
the human species.
That's all.
Dr. Chinda Brandolino
More background on
the case
In a court case in 2013, in which the Association of Molecular
Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics, Inc was involved, the Supreme Court of
United States ruled that human DNA cannot be patented because it was
'a product of nature'.
But at the end of the ruling, the Supreme
Court ruled that if a human genome were changed by mRNA vaccines
(which are currently being used), then
the genome can be patented.
This means that all people who have received
the vaccine are now
technically 'patented' and something that is patented is 'property'
and will fall under the definition of 'transhuman'.
Those people who
are legally identified as 'transhumans' do not have access to Human
Rights or any rights granted by the State. This is because they are
not classified as 100% organic or human.
Therefore, technically
anyone who has this vaccine could no longer have access to Human
Rights. There have been some legal documents discussing this
recently, so clarification should be available soon.
The mRNA is
CRISPR technology (Moderna has described it as their
'operating system') and is looking at technology to reverse the side
effects, as you would with a computer.
There is currently a patent
linked to this technology:
WO2020060606 - Crypton-currency
System using Body Activity Data.
The technology will be placed on your body, then assigned a barcode
and attached to the crypto-currency.
The technology tracks your body
activity and when you reach a 'satisfactory amount of activity', you
will be paid your crypto-currency. This is the short version of the
patent, but you should examine it properly.
If you want to know more about the topic, watch
the following video: