by Cap Allon
January 04,
Electroverse Website

The last decade in the UK went down as the 'second' hottest of the
past 100 years, at least according to the Met Office's temperature
dataset AND this recent article from the BBC.
But taking the Met's politicized, warm-mongering, UHI-ignoring
data as read, for arguments sake, the simple fact remains:
the 2010's have come
out cooler than the 2000's - the agency may be in control of the
spin, but it hasn't been able to fudge the findings.
Dr Mark McCarthy,
from the Met Office in Exeter, said it was,
"a consequence of our
warming climate".
That's right, Mark -
despite this most recent decade coming out cooler than the previous
one, the AGW juggernaut must keep-on rolling, your funding depends
on it, doesn't it?
And even in the face of
such evidence to the contrary, you can't bring yourself to stop and
ask… why, or how… the 2010's were cooler than the 2000's?
I was told average temperatures would rise "linearly" - always up
and up and up on an endless march to catastrophe if no action was
taken - as depicted by Michael Mann's now infamous Hockey
Stick Graph:

Now, I can buy a year or two falling out of line - local weather
patterns and natural ocean current-fluctuations etc. can explain why
2018 was cooler than 2017 and 2016, for example.
But an entire decade dropping by the wayside?
No, this appears to be evidence that the sun has had its say, that
its Grand Solar MAXIMUM has run its course and that its
activity is now waning, likely ushering in the onset of earth's next
cooling cycle - perhaps even the next
Grand Solar MINIMUM:

Furthermore, the BBC is
also trying to paint 2019 as a disastrously 'hot' year...
But the reality, again according to the Met Office's own
warm-mongering data, is that 2019 was merely the 11th
warmest on record - hardly signs of an impending fiery 'doom'...
And serving as a further indication of how hard it is for the Met to
tell it's arse from it's elbow, I'll leave you with this recent
quote from Dr Mark McCarthy:
"We are expecting to
see an increase in winter rainfall, so wetter winters and drier
summers - but we could still experience dry winters and wet
Bases covered - the AGW
Global Warming) juggernaut is safe to roll-on for at
least another decade.
Or is it…

…natural climate cycles
can scupper even the best-laid frauds.
And as the lower-latitudes continue to refreeze, as depicted by the
below Total Snow Mass for the Northern Hemisphere chart, a
period of GSM-induced
global cooling is likely that
natural climate cycle.

NASA Predicts Next Solar Cycle
be Lowest in 200 Years
(Dalton Minimum Levels) + the Implications
Prepare according - relocate if need be, and grow your own...

In the last 30 days,
the United States set a Total of 7,112
new All-Time Low Temperature Records
vs. just the 1,605 Max

Greenland just set a new
all-time Record-Low Temperature