by Cap Allon
May 06, 2020
Electroverse Website

A meridional (wavy) jet stream flow
- associated with low solar
activity -
is in full swing, dragging brutal
polar air
anomalously-far south/north...
Record (sometimes historic) COLD is currently buffeting vast regions
of the globe, from North America to Australia, Europe to Southern
You really do have to hand it to
the global warming cabal -
even in the face of such extreme odds - and logic - they're doggedly
pursuing their absurd "world on fire" rhetoric:
Though it's easy to paint a picture when you're in control of the
brush strokes.
Using debunked climate models and fraudulent
temperature datasets will see you arrive at whatever conclusion you
desire - it's really that simple.
Ignoring the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, as
the IPCC do,
and then extrapolating those cosmopolitan temperature readings out
to the rest of the planet will of course skew the picture.
When natural vegetation
is replaced with buildings, pavement, and spurious heat sources like
air conditioning units, cars, and
ice cream trucks are added, the
microclimate around thermometer sites changes.
For example, as pointed out by Dr.
Roy Spencer, this time last year
Miami International Airport set a new high temperature record of 98F
for the month of May.
The thermometer in
question is at the west end of the south runway at the airport, at
the center of the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale metroplex:

GFS surface temperature analysis
around midnight, 28 May 2019.
Furthermore, U.S. government agency NOAA are adjusting the cooler,
rural data to match the urban data, instead of the other way around.
And and on top of that obfuscation and fraudulent extrapolation,
where no thermometer station coverage exists - so the majority of
the planet then - our friends NOAA simply "guess" or "fill in the
With this guesswork the agency, in partnership with a few small
fractions of other organizations (such as NASA's Goddard Institute
for Space Studies), have managed to craft a wholly unnaturally
linear temperature trend that is supposedly on course to deliver
Earth an "unprecedented climatic catastrophe" within the next few
months/years/decades - nobody can quite agree on the time-frame…

And for those still buying the rhetoric, and happy to cite the above
Temperature Anomaly graph as proof of the coming heat-induced
Why the multidecadal
pause in rising temps between 1940-1980…?
emission were increasing substantially during this time…?
And if that innocuous
question is hurting your head, its because the answer is
the Sun - a
forcing the IPCC refuses to even factor into its models.
The planet as a whole has been substantially cooling for at least
the past 5 years - even
NOAA's own datasets confirm this.
And that cooling trend is continuing into May, 2020 - just as the
Northern Hemisphere hits a key growing stage.
Expect vast crop
losses moving forward.
Mitigate these by growing your own.
Now is the time to get
your hands dirty.
North America (May 10)

South America (May 7)

Europe (May 13)

Southern Africa (May 11)

Australia (May 21)

The truth is out there, for those willing to search it out.
TIMES are returning in line with,
Even NASA agrees,
in part at least, with their forecast for this upcoming
Cycle 25 revealing
it will be "the
weakest of the past 200 years," with the agency
correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global
cooling here.

Don't fall for
bogus warm-mongering, UHI-ignoring political agendas - our
future is one of ever-descending COLD.
Prepare according - learn the cycles, relocate if need be, and grow
your own...