by Cap Allon
April 05,
Electroverse Website

We have changed the 30-year averaging period
from which we compute anomalies to 1991-2020,
from the old period 1981-2010.
This change does not affect the temperature trends.
The Version 6.0 global
average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for
March, 2021 has come in at -0.01º C below the 30-year baseline, down
from the February, 2021 value of +0.20º C, and down substantially
(approx. 0.6Cº C) from where we were around a year ago.
A continuation of this downward plunge is highly
probable over the coming months (with the odd bump along the way -
climate is cyclic after all) as low solar activity and La Niña
conditions persist.
According to the 15x NASA/NOAA
AMSU satellites that measure every
square inch of the lower troposphere (where us humans reside),
planet Earth was actually warmer back in 1983 (above image).
In addition,
the global average
oceanic tropospheric temperature anomaly is -0.07º C - the
lowest since November 2013.
Also, the tropical
(20N-20S) departure from average is -0.29º C - the coolest since
June of 2012.
While Australia, at
-0.79º C, is the coolest reading since August 2014.
Bottom line,
Grand Solar Minimum is
intensifying - and fast...
Sunspots (a great
barometer for solar activity) have remained sparse in 2021, even at
a time when the next the next
solar cycle (25) should be
The Solar Minimum of cycle 24 began bottoming-out way back in
late-2017, and went on to develop into the deepest minimum of the
past 100+ years - and it is still proving reluctant to release its

Solar cycle 24 - as a
whole - was also the weakest of the past 100+ years:

The next Solar Cycle
(25) will fire-up soon enough.
However, it is forecast
to be
the weakest of the past 200 years
(by NASA), which would take us back to
Dalton Minimum levels.
Furthermore, SC-25 is also seen as being a mere stop-off on the
Sun's descent into its next full-blown Grand Solar Minimum - a
multidecadal period of cripplingly low solar activity that further
reduces global temperatures (research Maunder Minimum, 1645-1715 -
and while you're at it, see that NASA correlates past solar
shutdowns with prolonged periods of global cooling

The lower latitudes are
refreezing in line with,
The MSM (Mainstream
Media) needs to wake to these facts and warn the
population of what's really coming...
There is no man-made heat-induced catastrophe on the horizon, quite
the opposite is occurring:
the COLD TIMES are
returning, and the crop loss, civil unrest and famines these
periods bring are all-but upon us...
Prepare accordingly:
learn the facts,
relocate if need be, and grow your own...
