
Image Credit: Unknown
McDonald's is well
known for its unhealthy foods.
Back in 2004,
Morgan Spurlock decided
he would
live off the fast food giant for one month, to see if it really
was as bad as people were claiming.
Within those 30 days,
the then 32-year-old Morgan gained a mind blowing 24 1/2 pounds, his
cholesterol levels reached dangerous levels, as did fatty
accumulation in his liver.
He also experienced,
McDonald's has also
caught serving expired meat,
low wages, abusive conditions and union-busting"
theft, poverty-level pay and mistreatment of pregnant workers",
...around the globe.
They have also been
caught sourcing their meat from
multiple companies that abuse and torture animals.
Thus this fat
deranged obese clown is much more appropriate for children to see,
as opposed to a deceptive average built smiling clown, that fools
our associative memory into thinking eating their unhealthy food is
fun, exciting and relatively healthy.
Kellogg's Cereals

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Popaganda
Aside from the fact
that Kellogg's has spent millions of dollars ensuring
GMO foods are
not labeled (because
they use them in their products), they also use high fructose
corn syrup, which is linked to a
number of diseases and health problems.
They also had,
massive recall on several of their brands in
2010 and
2012 for potentially harmful ingredients, one of them
potentially carcinogenic.
In 2010, they were
also found to have engaged in
deceptive advertising practices, regarding some of the alleged
health benefits of their cereals.
In 2013, they got
caught spreading propaganda and
"education" about "white
privilege," which some people consider to be inciting racial
division and tension.
But perhaps the
most disturbing scandal the company was caught in, is in 2016 when
Amnesty International found Kellogg's palm oil
provider Wilmar
International were using 8 to 14-year-old children
for slave labor and engaging in human trafficking.
Kellogg's claimed
ignorance of the matter, but Amnesty's Human's Rights Director
suggested this was not true.
Thus these two
images, which portray the Truth about the deception, propaganda,
slave labor, and unhealthy living associated with the multi billion
dollar corporation, are much more accurate than the friendly,
happy-go-lucky characters that fool us into believing otherwise.

Image Credit: PETA
Although the
original Colonel Sanders may not have envisioned a massive
international corporation that fuels the factory farming industry,
which is
renowned for its unethical treatment and outright torture of
innocent animals:
that is precisely what is going on today.
What these poor
animals experience - in this case, chickens - is beyond disturbing
to say the least, and enough to make a narcissist cringe.
You can watch the
video for yourself below.
I understand Pamela Anderson is not the
ideal source for information but please try focus on the message
rather than the messenger:
KFC is actually
owned by parent company
Yum! Brands, which also
controls other unhealthy fast food stores, including,
Of course, KFC is
not alone in fueling the factory farming industry - which the World
Health Organization said is
linked to cancer - the aforementioned McDonald's, and the
overwhelming majority of fast food giants around the globe do so too
- and they should be boycotted as a result.
Thus this psychotic
looking colonel is a more appropriate depiction of KFC than the
original friendly warm old guy, which gives no indication of the
murder and suffering that goes on behind the scenes.
In fact, this is an
accurate representation of the entire factory farming industry,
which keep us ignorant about where our "food" comes from; which is
plain old torture and murder - whether we want to face that harsh
Truth or not...
Mr Clean (Proctor &

Image Credit: Unknown
Proctor and Gamble,
the parent company of Mr. Clean, has a long history of conducting
unethical experiments and tests on innocent animals, including cats
and dogs.
Like Kellogg's, P&G
sourced their palm oil from Wilmar International who were
using small children for slave labor and engaging in human
trafficking practices.
Like Kellogg's, the multibillion dollar
giant claimed they didn't know...
The company has
also been
caught manipulating the market through price fixing, and
was fined nearly $1 million in China for false advertising
For a list of
companies to shop from that do NOT test their products on animals,
please go
HERE and
Quaker State Oats

Image Credit: Unknown
One of the lowest
possible things anyone can ever do, is deceive innocent children -
especially mentally challenged children - and then abuse them
through unethical experimentation.
And that's precisely what
PepsiCo's subsidiary, Quaker State Oats did.
In the 1940s and
1950s, researchers from the Quaker State Oats Company, MIT and
Harvard University
carried out illegal experiments at the Walter E. Fernald State
School on mentally challenged children.
Parents were told
that their kids would simply be eating Quaker State Oats, but what
they were not told is that the food their children were being fed
was laced with radioactive calcium and iron as part of a covert
In 1998 the
company paid $1.85 million to their victims.
Their parent
company, Pepsico - like Kelloggs mentioned above -
spent $2.5 million to
prevent genetically
modified foods from being labeled because they also use them in
their products.
The company has also been in the spotlight for,
It should also be
mentioned that
another lawsuit was filed against Quaker Oats for misleading
consumers by portraying their foods as being healthy, even though
they contained trans fats, which have been linked to,
Quaker Oats Company
also produce,
Life cereal
Natural Foods
Mr. T
Aunt Jemima
granola bars
monster puffs
porage oats,
other name brands which should all be boycotted considering this
companies inexcusable history.
Monsanto & Bayer

Image Credit: Organic
Consumers Association
Sometimes referred
to as "the world's most evil
Monsanto has a
long history of unethical behavior and human rights abuses that make
the rest of these companies look like amateurs.
Monsanto was
originally founded as a chemical company, and were instrumental
in the development of the first ever nuclear weapons in the
Manhattan Project.
They also helped destroy Vietnam
with their development of
Agent Orange (a deadly herbicide and defoliant chemical)
that has resulted in roughly one million Vietnamese with
disabilities and deformities, including 100,000 children.

Above is Nguyen Xuan
4 years old at the
time of this picture,
at the Tu Du Hospital
in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
He has been deformed
since birth
from what is believed
to be
the effects of Agent
Image credit: Paula
Bronstein /Getty Images
The U.S. government
has also
documented significantly higher cases of, veterans that were
exposed to the dangerous chemical.
Monsanto also caused massive
amounts of environmental damage in Vietnam, where more than
3,100,000 hectares of forest were contaminated and destroyed.
By any
measure of logic, the company should be forced to pay all of its
earnings to the people of Vietnam (who suffer to this day) as
reparations, and then also forced to shut down.
But this is just
the tip of the iceberg for Monsanto...

The company has
been caught,
They've been linked to
India's epidemic of farmer's committing suicide,
bullying independent farmers, and - despite claiming to distance
itself from its controversial past - the company still works with
the military and
produces white phosphorous according to government documents.
The truth is this
company has such a long history of corruption, that they should
be shut down for good.
But that will most likely never happen since
the company's tentacles reach high up into politics, and other
circles of power and influence.
For example, Michael Taylor - a
former vice president of Monsanto - was
appointed by Barack Obama (who
claimed he would label GMO's when running for president but
never did) as senior adviser to the FDA.
If that's not a conflict of
interest, I don't know what is.
You can watch a
documentary and exposition on Monsanto
It should also be
mentioned that Monsanto has since merged with
Bayer, a company with
a history of human rights abuses and corruption so bad that they
actually rival Monsanto.
Their parent
IG Farben, used Jewish slave
labor during world war 2 and helped produce
B, which was used to murder hundreds of thousands of Jews.
As you can see,
both of these companies can justifiably be called evil for obvious
Thus an image invoking the mental association of
is a more authentic representation of their true character.

Image credit (without
added Nestle logo):
Daniel Rosenthal
Nestle is another
massive corporation enveloped in human rights abuses and other
notable unethical practices.
In the 1970s Nestle
began aggressively marketing a new baby formula through the use of
propaganda and underhanded policies that made it sound like
their product was scientifically proven to be just as good as a
mother's breast milk.
primarily targeted the poor, and also handed out free samples of
their "milk" to hospitals.
reportedly resulted in the malnutrition of many babies, and even
some deaths.

Image credit: YouTube
This policy of
propaganda and deceptive marketing, followed by reports of babies
deaths emerged
again in 2011 in Asia.
Yet in spite of
the BBC reports that Nestle extracted 36 million gallons of
water out the region, which they then bottled at an astronomical
If that's not infuriating enough, the company was doing this
during a 5 year major drought and water crisis, even though the
civilian population were forced to cut back on their water usage.
A group of
environmental organizations
filed a law suit against Nestle for this.

Image credit:
Activist Post
The company also
news headlines in 2013, when their CEO proclaimed access to
water should not be a human right
on camera.
according to
The National,
"At the World Water Forum in the
Netherlands in 2000, Nestlé and other corporations with a
financial interest in controlling the world's drinking water
succeeded in having access to it officially downgraded from a
'right' to a mere 'need'."

Image credit: Unknown
Apple is one of the
most popular and innovative companies on the planet.
They make some
incredible gadgets, but when it comes to human rights, Apple is
shamefully uninnovative.
In 2006, The
Mail on Sunday did an
undercover investigation into working conditions in China and
discovered what could justifiably be called human rights abuses.
company made workers put in shifts of 12 hours a day (some of them
15 hours) for just £27-£54 a month (they were also forced to live
on site and pay for their own food, which came out of their
The key corporation
employed by Apple, is Foxconn, a Chinese multinational electronics
company with a horrible reputation for its abuse of workers (including
physically abusing them), along with child labor, and has
been referred to as both a "sweat
shop" and a "labor
The company gained
international recognition after more than a dozen of their workers
committed suicide in 2010 by jumping from the building due to
harsh working conditions.
In 2012
150 workers threatened to commit suicide
if working conditions were not improved.
The company has
since placed "suicide
prevention" nets around its facilities to prevent this from
happening, and claimed they would also increase wages.
Apple, however, is
just one of Foxconn's clients.
The company also
manufactures other major products, including,
Unfortunately most
of us are guilty of purchasing these products, including myself, but
that doesn't make it okay or absolve us of personal responsibility.
It should also be
mentioned that a key mineral that has been
used in Apple's iPhone is
coltan, which is mostly found
in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) -
one of the richest pieces of land on the planet - yet has some
of the poorest people due to foreign exploitation.
The mining of this
mineral is often
done by child labor.
Since the public
has become more aware of this, Apple has
claimed they will no longer source from the DRC.
In 2013, leaked NSA
documents showed that the spy agency has
access to Apple's user's private data,
including text messages, photos, personal location, microphone, and
...were included, and
all companies denied knowing about it.