from VeilOfReality Website
This model is the basic modus operandi of the hyperdimensional Matrix Control System that has been working through human civilizations for thousands of years.
The masses react
mechanically (under the
illusion of "free will")
to the problem/reaction/solution stimuli, subjected to
interferences and manipulations of the occult forces who exist
beyond their five-sensory perceptions while they remain distracted
by the shadows projected onto the wall of
their endarkened cave.
By accepting these beliefs - by IDENTIFYING with them, especially - and promoting them to the world at large, people are assisting the negative realm agenda out of their own (manipulated) free will.
It is a very "simple" (yet cunning) set-up, for most people do not question these beliefs, their thoughts, nor their resulting actions and emotional reactivity.
It's an excellent strategy from the archontic perspective - a "stupendous maneuver" of "the predator that took over humanity", as Don Juan Matus said:
Many other esoteric and
shamanic teachings have talked about the same occult force feeding
on humanity's trauma through organized conflict (from interpersonal
to international levels). I have explored this topic in-depth in past essays: The so-called "alien invasion" (an issue that does not entail what many people "assume" it does) has already happened eons ago, and is an on-going operation which lies behind the veil of awareness, outside the scope of our five-sensory perception.
The Trap of Identification and Group Consciousness
We can see the Matrix strategy of stalking via programming people with religious dogma (any religion, from 'indigenous' to Abrahamic… it must also be mentioned that atheism - the other side of the belief coin - is, in fact, another archontic mind control program of reductionist materialism) and corrupted spiritual teachings (as we can see in the distortions offered up by the so-called New Age Movement).
However, many people who can see through the deception on that level are not always aware of how the "Divide and Conquer" manipulation operates in "less obvious" ways, via "socially accepted" beliefs, ideologies, and institutions - all of which are also installed into our mind-patterns by occult archontic forces, manipulating us like puppets on strings.
To put it bluntly, the moment you identify yourself as a,
...and/or identify yourself with any ideology/belief system, be it socio-political, from,
...or religious/spiritual dogma (including the religion of government)… are contributing to the ongoing creation process of division, separation, and fragmentation.
This process, in turn, fuels the "Divide and Conquer" frequency - regardless of your well-meaning intentions - for one side/identification/ideology (that you support/consent to) always creates the other 'controlled opposition' side, with all its fragmented variations.
It's the game/trap of duality.
All of these external approaches and conditioned identifications are based on mind and thought - the over-riding male aspect of consciousness (regardless of gender).
It cannot see/perceive wholeness - it remains adrift from the present moment, is caught in the linear time trap (past or future), always dissecting, dividing into parts, imposing premature "solutions" to a fragmentized view of the world and reality, mistaking symptoms for causes… blind to both the mighty occult forces (and Nature's/Divine Will) acting on and through us.
It's a closed loop and a downward spiral, creating more entropy, division and separation.
This head-centric existence is disconnected from the feminine aspect of consciousness that's rooted deep in the body, which only perceives wholeness (beyond the five senses), interrelationship and true oneness; this Being-ness is fully embodied, not adhering to any external authority/group/movement and their ideas and ideologies of what one "should" do.
This 'receptive/flow' state is connected to - and ONLY "listens" to - Nature, the Divine, and non-verbal guidance within (which is itself only accessible through partnering with the "eternal Now", which the mind alone cannot access); it respects the individually-unique expression of the Divine at any given evolutionary stage (level of Being), for "oneness" does not correlate to "the same"… every expression of the Whole is a unique signature of Source Consciousness.
However, the core issue goes beyond a person's identification with beliefs and ideologies - or rather, how any of these identifications mentioned above might lead to actions/behaviors that are also in alignment with the negative realm agenda (and represent Service To Self motivations).
If you tell others how they "should" live - or try to implement/support a system/ideology with certain rules that everyone "should" obey, or certain lifestyles everyone "should" live by… if you identify with a particular lifestyle (including the identification with/attachment to a certain diet, preaching what people "should" or "shouldn't" eat, coming from a moral superiority complex ) because you think/believe that will "save" the world or humanity, or is more "spiritually-advanced"… you are caught in the trap of the homogenization of humanity (the craving to make everyone the same).
This ideology also displays traits of the martyr/savior complex, which is a trap in itself, especially if you see yourself as "better" than - and thus, look down upon - others (i.e., the trap of superiority)… judging people who don't do as you do (as opposed to discerning how their and your own thoughts/beliefs are curtailing their/your sovereign expansion)… and in that state of supremacist disassociation, "THE MATRIX HAS YOU".
When we project onto others what works for us - and try to "make everyone follow the same do/don't script" - we fall into the aforementioned trap:
This trap is the underlying agenda of the Matrix, playing out on unseen levels and through a myriad number of STS (Service to Self) behaviorisms that are masquerading as operating on STO (Service to Others) frequencies.
We see this mechanism manifesting on a global scale through the roll-out of a socialistic New World Order agenda, but it's also found embedded within many spiritual and alternative circles/groups, and even in the so-called "truth movement" (whose members, ironically enough, may even be aware of the NWO agenda, albeit on a superficial 3-D level).
On a personal note, I don't belong to (nor promote) any group, nor do I use any one particular work/teaching/modality as a sole foundation - or "lens" - to look through, nor do I see any one thing as THE answer/way, for that doesn't exist in my experience…
As a result, I don't attach myself to any "spiritual/esoteric" group/movement.
I've been there, done that, and have dealt with the resulting trap of unconscious hive/group-mind thinking, which is not obvious at all when you are caught in its web.
I learned this the hard way, when I failed to trust/heed my intuition with regards to a personal disagreement I felt with the "group consensus" (based on my own personal experience/intuition/research), which resulted in me not speaking up (based on insecurity, lack of self-love and wounded "need to belong") so that I wouldn't be rejected/attacked by the group I belonged to, and identified with.
I see this "cultish" thread weaving through many groups to varying degrees, especially when a group is centered around one particular teaching/source or "awakening modality" that promises "enlightenment", "DNA activation", etc. - which results in (unconscious) hierarchy and dogma.
It shows itself when group members (mechanically) always agree with each other, creating an "echo chamber" that never sincerely questions the validity of the source/teachings they identify with and follow, but instead take everything as the 100% 'gospel' truth.
It is also readily apparent when the group founder/leader attacks anyone who doesn't agree with her/him (or gets triggered easily), with all of the group members jumping on the bandwagon, attacking the "outsider".
These behaviors create and feed the "Divide and Conquer" frequency.
If there's one thing I've learned on my own path - via experience and working with people one on one for ever a decade - it's that what works for one person may not work for another, and there is no judgment in that.
Anyone who claims that their particular work/teaching is the "best" or "only way" - if there is obvious dogma, claims to "save the world", etc. - is someone who has been influenced by both Matrix STS thinking and the virus of "homogenization".
These individuals do not understand the vast differences that exist between levels of Being, and the soul lessons awaiting each person on their particular, unique path towards awakening.
Beyond understanding (and seeing) how this archontic mind manipulation virus is blatantly working through the machinations of consensus reality cult-ure, the awakening process involves grasping how these programs can arise through ourselves in everyday life situations - especially via group identification (in all its forms and variations).
This is an important key in establishing sovereignty, as vital as energetically-freeing ourselves from "external" control.
There can be no true sovereignty as long as we remain slaves to our own mind-loops and thoughts, chained as they are to the beliefs, group-think, and ideologies which we find ourselves identifying with.
We mistake unity for uniformity. There are vastly-different levels of Being that exist within the seven billion people currently residing on Earth.
ALL humans are a fractal expression of the One/Divine (including those whom one might consider "evil"), whose lives are playing themselves out on a co-creative stage.
"We" are being pushed by the Divine force to let go of these illusory identifications we take so much pride in attaching a sense of self to - and, in doing so, truly making a courageous choice in evolving towards a completely different state of consciousness/Being… not merely a shift, but a quantum leap
This is not going to happen overnight, let alone in our "lifetime" nor in the near "future".
It's a slow and tedious process, for the resistance contained in humanity's lower nature (maintained and fed by occult forces) is strong.
However, the more we hold onto these mind constructs/identifications - and operate/live from them, without any sincere internal effort to become conscious transducers for Divine Will - the "harder" we make it on both ourselves and the rest of the world… again, this is the case regardless of our well-meaning intentions.
It will get more intense and chaotic as the journey continues, and we have seen nothing yet.
Usually, people do not question their ingrained beliefs - nor engage in sincere self-work - until they suffer, and there are vastly-different lessons for each and every individual to take on-board.
During this Time of Transition, the Light and Dark are increasing exponentially in parallel patterns.
The Awakening process does not consist of a linear upward movement which bequeaths only love, bliss, and peace; rather, it is a spiral, expanding in all directions, up and down, in and out, bringing awareness to All That Is.
You cannot reach the light without having fully explored the dark, for all is coming forth to be acknowledged - to come into the light, brought into awareness, and to be made conscious.
It is what the path of conscious evolution implies.
The Bigger Picture and Mind Trap
The potential for an "awakening" has never been greater, yet at the same time, the potential for distraction and deception has also increased (especially with the dawn of transhumanism), for the occult hostile forces would never relinquish their grip on a food source so easily.
The 'dramas' will continue to build up in intensity until "we" - or a certain fraction of humanity - can/will transcend this dualistic fear-based mutant mind-Matrix (via esoteric self-work, acting as embodied frequency anchors of the Divine Force).
Yet, this opposition of "dark vs. light" also serves as a teaching-function, and creates the necessary friction to ignite the alchemical fire required for the evolution of consciousness.
All there is, exists as lessons. This is the whole "purpose" of duality (hence "evil" serves a teaching function, as it manifests as part of the One as well).
This 3rd Density existence is an intermediate stage/phase, the threshold to cross ("many are called, few choose to answer the call") before we become self-realized, soul-individualized beings with a fully-activated genetic birthright to explore… transcending even entropy and death itself.
But this is a highly individual process, different for each soul to experience.
We all have our unique path and process, and no externally-delivered mind solution will speed it up nor bring radical/true change (rather, it's more like changing the tapestry of the (invisible) prison surroundings instead of breaking out of the cage altogether).
Oftentimes our choices will simply feed and support the reality people are trying to fight against (with all of their focus centered upon external "fixing" processes), for they perceive an "error" in creation, trying to get rid of the "other side" - as if "God" or the Divine or Source made a mistake.
The Inner creates/reflects the Outer (not to be mistaken with the New Age distortion of "Reality Creation").
All of the perceived "chaos" we see on the world stage (including "Climate Change") is a reflection of who we are inside:
Disillusionment is a painful but necessary process, for the old needs to die before the new can be born.
We are in the birth canal, awaiting the delivery of a new humanity… and any birthing event is simultaneously painful and beautiful… ask any mother!
However, "we" still have a long way to go in this culmination, even though it's all right here, right now.
Welcome to the paradox of it all - the mind is a powerful ally for growth and expansion, yet our thoughts will never, ever understand (or grasp) the expansive nature of our human life...
They are, in fact, a hindrance to the 'allowing' process, for mind is the "doorway" through which occult hostile forces control and manipulate us.