by Ali Le Vere
03, 2019
GreenMedInfo Website
Le Vere holds dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Human
Biology and Psychology, minors in Health Promotion and
in Bioethics, Humanities, and Society, and is a Master
of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Having contended with chronic illness, her mission is to
educate the public about the transformative potential of
therapeutic nutrition and to disseminate information on
evidence-based, empirically rooted holistic healing
more at @empoweredautoimmune on Instagram and at
Science-based natural remedies for autoimmune disease,
dysautonomia, Lyme disease, and other chronic,
inflammatory illnesses. |

Revolutionary research
illuminates that
a new frontier
of personalized
medicine lies in the virome.
Rather than
harbingers of disease,
viruses are
intrinsic to immune modulation
and to disease
The microbiota, composed of the
thirty-eight trillion bacteria that inhabit the corporeal
body, have garnered unprecedented publicity in recent years.
However, unbeknownst to
most of the public, mammals are also populated by a staggering host
of chronic viruses called
the virome, which elicit significant effects upon disease
susceptibility and physiological homeostasis. (2)
Ranging from innocuous to potentially lethal, an enormous array of
endogenous viral elements, RNA and DNA viruses that infect host
cells, and viruses that infect the microbiota are present in all
adult humans. (14)
The quantity of viruses
present in fecal matter, in fact, rivals that of bacteria, at
upwards of one billion viral particles per gram. (3)
Many viruses elude
annotation, representing novel viruses that are yet to be
classified. (4,5)
Latent or
Stealth Infections Enable Viruses to Evade Immune Detection
Infection with multiple herpes viruses, for instance, is an
inextricable part of the human condition, to which more than 90% of
humans are subject. (6)
Because the ancestral
herpes viruses infect birds, reptiles, and mammals, pioneering
researcher and world-renowned expert in immunology, virology, and
infectious disease, Dr.
Herbert W.
"Skip" Virgin IV
"The herpes viruses
have been studying you far longer than you have been studying
the herpes viruses". (7)
In fact, herpes viruses
co-evolved down species-specific lines with the speciation of
mammals in evolutionary history. (7)
Following immune clearance of the primary infection, the herpes
virus adopts a dormant state called latency by expressing an
alternative gene set which inhibits its central lytic functions, one
of the two cycles of viral reproduction. (8)
Latency enables the virus
to hide from the immune system and permanently persist within the
host. (8)
For example, after acute
infection, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) replicates in
epithelial cells and migrates to the sensory neurons via nerve
termini where it enters a latent phase in its stronghold, the
trigeminal ganglion in the dura mater. (8,9)
Latency, which was formerly considered to be a parasitic state,
renders the host vulnerable to subsequent reactivation of the virus
and secondary infections at peripheral sites. (8)
Recurrent episodes of
infection, ranging from cold sores to eyesight-threatening ocular
herpes and neurological herpes encephalitis can occur with
successive viral re-activations. (9)
As articulated by Aranda
and Epstein (2015),
"Latency is an
adaptive phenotype that allows the virus to escape immune host
responses and to reactivate and disseminate to other hosts upon
recognizing danger signals such as stress, neurologic trauma or
growth factor deprivation". (8, p. 506)
The Virome
Protects Against Bacterial Infection
In a paradigm-shifting revision, however, researchers discovered
that latency may confer health benefits for the host.
Barton and colleagues
(2007) found that mice that harbored latent infections with
murine gammaherpesvirus 68 or murine cytomegalovirus, genetic
analogs to human pathogens Epstein-Barr virus (the causative agent
behind mononucleosis, or the "kissing disease") and human
cytomegalovirus (CMV), respectively, were resistant to bacterial
infection by Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia pestis.
The mechanism whereby this occurred was by virally-stimulated
up-regulation of the antiviral cytokine interferon-gamma (IFNγ).
In turn, IFNγ created
systemic activation of macrophages, a cell subset which are vital to
the non-specific, innate immune defenses which are first deployed on
the scene of pathogen invasion and can curtail bacterial
infectivity. (10)
Infection with a chronic virus effectively "upregulates the basal
activation state of innate immunity against subsequent infections"
and "may also sculpt the immune response to self and environmental
antigens through establishment of a polarized cytokine environment".
(10, p. 326)
Therefore, rather than being completely pathogenic,
"our data suggest
that latency is a symbiotic relationship with immune benefits
for the host". (10)
The Virome
Alters Disease Susceptibility
In genetically susceptible individuals, viruses can modify risk for
chronic disease.
For instance, lymphocytic
choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) can inhibit development of diabetes in
rodent models, whereas it exacerbates glomerulonephritis, or acute
inflammation of the kidney, in certain inbred populations. (11)
In those with
abnormalities in genes related to viral recognition, including
toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and TLR9, early life infection with
severe rhinovirus (the common cold) is strongly implicated in
development of asthma. (12, 13)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) levels are enriched in autoimmune patients
with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus
erythematous (SLE), and multiple sclerosis (MS). (14)
Researchers speculate
that chronic EBV infection could incite autoimmune disorders through
mechanisms including molecular mimicry (the immune response becomes
misdirected against self) or the bystander effect (self-tissues
become caught in the cross-fire). (15,16)
Another virus which alters disease risk is norovirus, a virus which
is culpable for the vast majority of epidemic non-bacterial episodes
of gastroenteritis (stomach flu) in humans. (17)
For instance, in mice
harboring a mutation in the autophagy gene Atg16L1, which enhances
predisposition to Crohn's disease, intestinal pathology was induced
when murine norovirus infection was present. (11)
When mice with the
Atg16L1 mutation and murine norovirus were administered the toxic
substance dextran sodium sulfate (DSS), which induces inflammatory
bowel disease, there was an increased amount of DSS-induced colitis
as well as the presence of DSS-induced villus atrophy signifying
enhanced intestinal damage in a manner resembling Crohn's disease.
In concert with the susceptibility gene, the virus induced
aberrations in granule packaging in ileal Paneth cells, a
specialized intestinal epithelial cell that secretes granules
containing antimicrobial peptides and lysozyme, contents which
change the intestinal environment. (11,18)
These same Paneth cell
abnormalities were observed in humans with the Atg16L1 mutation,
which means that presumably norovirus could trigger Crohn's disease
expression in humans with this genetic propensity as well.
In addition, the combination of the virus plus the gene mutation led
to a distinct profile of gene transcription.
The authors conclude that
susceptibility gene interaction can, in combination with
additional environmental factors and commensal bacteria,
determine the phenotype of hosts carrying common risk alleles
for inflammatory disease". (11, p. 1135)
Stated differently,
viruses can trigger disease onset in genetically vulnerable hosts.
The Virome
Changes Genetic Expression and Autoimmune Risk
In the aforementioned study, the presence of the murine norovirus
led to substantial changes in gene expression in the Atg16L1-mutant
animals compared to the wild-type (normal) animals. (11)
For instance, there were
complete inversions in the levels of expression for genes regulating
carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, intracellular protein
traffic, and protein targeting and localization, indicating that
genetic vulnerabilities may determine the way that viral infections
influence our transcriptional identity. (11)
These alterations in gene expression may elicit significant effects
on the immunophenotype of the host.
The immunophenotype is
the basal level of activation of the immune system upon challenge
with antigens, or immunogenic material against which an immune
response is directed. (19)
Thus, changes in gene
expression due to chronic viral infection may influence the way the
immune system responds to future pathogenic invaders.
Differential expression of genes in response to viral infection may
also influence susceptibility to and progression of chronic disease
pathogenesis. (19)
Latent infection with
gammaherpesvirus 68 in mice has been shown to produce differential
expression of genes in the spleen, brain, and liver, leading to
marked changes in the transcriptional status of organs of the host.
Most modifications in
gene expression occurred to immune-related genes, and in particular,
it was demonstrated that latent viruses regulated expression of
genes that conferred risk for autoimmune disorders including celiac
disease, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis. (7,19)
Infection Complements Immunodeficiency
Mutations in the Hoil-1 gene produce a disorder of both
immunodeficiency and chronic inflammation, which renders people with
risk alleles extremely susceptible to bacterial infections. (7)
In order to examine the
implications of this mutation, MacDuff et al. (2015) studied mice
with equivalent mutations, which died when infected by certain
bacteria and parasites including,
Toxoplasma gondii
...due to impaired
production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that are required for
resistance to these pathogens. (20)
However, researchers state that latent murine herpesvirus 68
"rescued HOIL-1
deficient mice from lethality during Listeria infection and
induced high levels of the protective cytokine, interferon-gamma
(IFNγ)". (20, p. 3)
IFNγ is a cytokine which
the body produces upon viral exposure, which promotes neutralization
of viruses with antibodies and killing of virally-infected cells by
immune cells called cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK)
cells. (20)
Therefore, this virally-induced IFNγ production leads to a form of
immunomodulation which can protect the host from bacterial
Likewise, in mice with genetic mutations in immune-related genes
encoding proteins for interleukin-6, an inflammatory intercellular
signaling molecule, and caspases-1 and caspase-11, enzymes which
function in programmed cell death, chronic herpesvirus infection
dramatically protected these immunodeficient mice from Listeria
monocytogenes infection. (20)
In other words,
"chronic herpesvirus
infection stimulates the immune system, and so allows it to
compensate for the lack of cytokine production associated with
various immunodeficiencies". (20, p. 2)
Differences in viral
elements may account for why people with the same genetic
predilection have vastly different clinical presentations.
This is another example
of how genes should not be equated with destiny, as expression of
genetic mutations is influenced by environmental triggers, including
viral elements.
Thus, it is possible that
infection with latent viruses, which develop a symbiotic
relationship with the host, may be a future therapeutic strategy for
favorably changing the clinical presentations of particular
immunodeficiency-related genetic disorders.
Commensal Microbes Influence Viral Pathology
Researcher Herbert W. "Skip" Virgin IV and his
colleagues developed the hypothesis that viral immunity and viral
pathogenesis would be governed by ‘transkingdom metagenomic
interactions'. (7)
In other words, the
interplay between all genetic sequences in or on the host, from
either human genetic material or commensal microorganisms residing
within the human body, would dictate the course of a viral
Helminths, for example, which are
parasitic worms that infect mammals, can promote viral replication
by both inhibiting the antiviral effects of the cytokine
interferon-γ (IFNγ) and by inducing production of the cytokine
interleukin-4 (IL-4), both of which culminate in reactivation of the
murine γ-herpesvirus infection. (6)
The helminth likewise
activates the transcription factor Stat6, which elicits downstream
changes that induce viruses to move from a latency phase to active
infection. (6)
In this instance, the
virus senses and responds to the immunological milieu of the host,
which is influenced by the helminth.
Norovirus, the most prevalent cause
of acute infectious gastroenteritis, is another example of a virus
that can latently infect the human intestine. (22)
In fact, norovirus is
present in 21% of people with immune deficiencies and is
asymptomatically shed in the feces of 3-17% of humans, which can
lead to the chronic norovirus epidemics. (23)
Norovirus represents another example of a transkingdom interaction,
as the bacterial microbiota in the gut can foster viral persistence
of this viral subtype. This phenomenon was demonstrated by an
experiment where antibiotic administration, which presumably
decimated the microbiota, prevented persistent murine norovirus (MNoV)
infection. (24)
However, restoration of
the microbiota with a fecal transplant reversed the inhibition of
persistent intestinal norovirus infection and led to viral
reactivation in the lymph nodes, ileum, and colon as well as viral
shedding in the stool. (24)
The enteric microbiota, at a mechanistic level, can perpetuate the
infectivity of viruses by,
"the direct
facilitation of viral infection, including bacterial
stabilization of viral particles and the facilitation of viral
attachment to host target cells; and the indirect skewing of the
antiviral immune response in a manner that promotes viral
infection". (25, p. 197)
The effect of
the microbiota on the viral
infection, however, is mediated by the host immune system, and
certain immune-related genes are required for the
antibiotic-mediated suppression of the viral response.
This is illustrated by
data showing that with mice who were genetically manipulated to be
deficient in certain genes, such as interferon-gamma, the
antibiotics had no effect on decreasing viral persistence. (24)
Interferon-lambda, or
type III interferon, a cytokine which is used to treat hepatitis C
in humans, can both prevent establishment of persistent infection
with intestinal norovirus and can cure persistent viral infection.
These examples represent evolutionarily conserved interactions
between organisms of divergent kingdoms, such as bacteria and
parasites, along with host molecules such as interferon, which
influence the infectivity of chronic viruses.
Alterations are Related to Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases
In a multi-center clinical study, researchers analyzed the viromes
of cohorts with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) compared to
household controls. (27)
It is well-established
that patients with
Crohn's disease and ulcerative
colitis have diminished species richness and phylogenetic diversity
in their gut microflora compared to healthy cohorts. (27)
However, when their
viromes were sequenced, increased numbers of
bacteriophages, or viruses that
infect and multiply within bacteria, were found in the IBD
populations. (27)
In particular, signature bacteriophages were found to be IBD-subtype
specific, with different viruses appearing in ulcerative colitis
versus Crohn's disease. (27)
In addition, a
significant expansion of Caudovirales bacteriophages was
observed in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. (27)
Rather than virome
changes occurring secondarily to microbiome changes, researchers
speculate that a predator-prey relationship exists between the
virome and microbiome. (7)
Within this paradigm,
bacteriophage introduction changes the microbiome, shifting to a new
equilibrium state of enhanced disease vulnerability. (7)
The researchers conclude
"These data support a
model in which changes in the virome may contribute to
intestinal inflammation and bacterial dysbiosis… the virome is a
candidate for contributing to, or being a biomarker for, human
inflammatory bowel disease and [we] speculate that the enteric
virome may play a role in other diseases". (27, p. 447)
Not only will this body
of literature have implications for other disorders in which
microbial dysbiosis, or bacterial imbalance, plays a role, but it
also paves the way for the development of condition-specific
probiotics and even provirotics, or viruses that elicit beneficial
effects on the host.
It also raises questions
about the utility of probiotics already on the market, which may
fall victim to infection with bacteriophages when ingested by the
host, which could theoretically exacerbate some conditions.
Implications of the Virome
In summary, when examining the relationship between the genotype, or
the genetic constitution of an organism, and the phenotype, or the
observable characteristics resulting from the interaction between
genes and environment, the virome must be taken into account.
In the meta-genome, there
are layers of interactions between bacteria, parasites, viruses, and
host physiology, which can influence disease risk. (7)
Viruses are essential to the convoluted and dynamic network of
microorganisms that reside within the body. (14)
Early life infection with
certain viruses has even been demonstrated to change the expression
of genes related to vaccine responses in both mice and humans,
(7) which may account for why some individuals are more
susceptible to vaccine injury than others.
Further, vaccinations may deprive the body of favorable
immune-modulating effects of some viral infections.
Contrary to the dualistic
view of Western medicine, most viruses are neither innately good
nor bad, as,
"one virus could have
multiple adverse and beneficial immunomodulatory effects on the
host that are dependent on the anatomical location, host
genotype, and the presence of other infectious agents and
commensal microbes". (14)
This confirms what
Louis Pasteur, the father of immunization and pasteurization
himself, admitted on his death bed:
that it is the
biochemical context and physiological milieu that matters,
rather than the infecting pathogen (Tracey, 2017).
This research represents
a fundamental revisioning of what it means to be human, and an
expansion upon Stanford's Dr. Justin Sonnenberg's hypothesis
that humans may merely be elaborate vessels designed for the
propagation of bacterial colonies.
Human physiology and
genetic expression is influenced by an amalgamation of organisms
transcending phylogenetic designations.
Because this field is
still in its infancy, the virome represents uncharted terrain and an
unexplored opportunity to delineate how viruses favorably and
unfavorably modulate human biology.
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