A microbiome

is the ecological community of

commensal, symbiotic,

and pathogenic microorganisms

that literally share our body space.

Source (page 18)





 -  Bacterias - Las Protectoras del Cuerpo Humano


 -  Breast Milk Seeds Baby's Microbiome


 -  Científicos descubren una Nueva "Forma de Vida" que podría habitar dentro de Nosotros


 -  Descubren 12.000 Nuevas Especies de Microbios


 -  El desconocido Papel de los Hongos en la Microbiota Humana - En la Salud y en la Enfermedad


 -  El Viroma Humano Normal - Estudio encuentra Virus del VIH, la Hepatitis y otros que están Presentes en Todos


 -  Estos Productos se Consideran Inofensivos - En realidad Dañan su ADN y su Microbioma Intestinal


 -  Gli Psicobiotici - Sono i Batteri nel Nostro Cervello?


 -  How many Genes in the Human Microbiome?


 -  How Raw Honey could Save your Microbiome... and Travel Back in Time


 -  I, Holobiont - Are You and Your Microbes a Community or a Single Entity?


 -  Integrative Medicine Expert reveals links between Gut Health, Immunity and Wellness


 -  La Peligrosa Superbacteria que se Alimenta del Azúcar en su Cuerpo


 -  Meet the Trillions of Viruses that Make-Up your Virome


 -  Microbiota - El Vínculo entre el Intestino y el Cerebro


 -  Normal Human Virome - 2017 Study finds HIV, Hepatitis and many other Viruses present in People


 -  Obeliscos - ¿Qué son los enigmáticos habitantes del Microbioma Humano que acaban de Descubrirse?


 -  Porqué Todo lo que has Aprendido sobre los Virus es ERRADO


 -  Profound Implications of the Virome for Human Health and Autoimmunity


 -  Psychobiotics - Bacteria for Your Brain?


 - ¿Se le Dificulta Conciliar un Sueño Profundo? - Podría tratarse de esta Insuficiencia


 -  Should Evolution treat our Microbes as Part of Us?


 -  Tantalizing Evidence of a Brain Microbiome


 -  The Gut Microbiome helps Social Skills develop in the Brain


 -  The Human Microbiome - Why Scientists are Searching your Gut for Cures


 -  Thousands of Novel Proteins produced by Human Microbiome


 -  We Need Worms - Gut Worms were once a cause of Disease, now they are a Cure


 -  Why Everything you Learned about Viruses is WRONG


 -  Your Gut Microbiome may be Linked to Dementia, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

  Additional Information  

 -  A Genomic Catalog of Earth's Microbiomes

 -  Characterization of the Honey Bee Microbiome throughout the Queen-rearing Process

 -  Impact of the Food Additive Titanium Dioxide E171 on Gut Microbiota-Host Interaction


 -  Common Food Additive E171 found to affect Gut Microbiota

 -  Conserved and Host-specific Features of Influenza Virion Architecture


 -  How the Microbiome Destroyed the Ego, Vaccine Policy and Patriarchy


 -  In the Gut's 'Second Brain' - Key Agents of Health Emerge

 -  It's the Song, not the Singer - An Exploration of Holobiosis and Evolutionary Theory


 -  La Jungla Interior - Esta es la Imagen más Detallada de una Célula Humana jamás obtenida

 -  Large-Scale Analyses of Human Microbiomes Reveal Thousands of Small, Novel Genes


 -  Leonardo da Vinci and the New Biology


 -  Leonardo da Vinci y la Nueva Biología

 -  Microbiome profiles in Breast Milk from Healthy Women depend on Mode of Delivery, Geographic Location...


 -  New Research finds Queen Bee Microbiomes are starkly Distinct from Worker Bees

 -  Psychobiotics - A Novel class of Psychotropic


 -  Seeing the Beautiful Intelligence of Microbes

 -  The Landscape of Genetic Content in the Gut and Oral Human Microbiome


 -  The way Food is Changing Us Internally

 -  Viroid-like colonists of Human Microbiomes (Obeliks) - by Ivan N. Zheludev et al.

 -  Why are Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?

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