by Dane Wigington
January 21, 2020
from GeoengineeringWatch Website






Until recently official sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth's ozone layer was 'recovering', that blatant lie is now becoming impossible to maintain.


Our planet's ozone layer is disintegrating, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor (though no "official" source is yet willing to admit to the ongoing covert climate engineering atrocities).

Ozone layer is NOT recovering over some of Earth's most highly populated areas putting billions at risk of exposure to cancer-causing UV rays…

  • …scientists have now discovered ozone is failing to recover at lower latitudes

  • It is likely not recovering at latitudes between 60°N and 60°S

  • Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulation

(The UK Daily Mail, 2/6/2018)

Though some sources still claim there is limited ozone layer recovery over the polar regions, front line data from some of the same sources does not support such a conclusion.


How many are even aware of the "Unprecedented Ozone Hole Over (the) Canadian Arctic" (that was first reported in 2011)?


In regard to the UK Daily Mail statement that "Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulations", again, a lie.


Geoengineering is the greatest single factor impacting atmospheric circulation patterns.


Ozone Layer Not Recovering Over Populated Areas, Scientists Warn

… the protective ozone is thinning at the lower latitudes, where the sunlight is stronger and billions of people live

(The Guardian, 2/6/2018)


Scientists Find that a Vital Part of Earth's Ozone Layer is Not Healing as Expected

The rescue of the planet's protective ozone layer has been hailed as one of the great success stories of modern environmental regulation - but on Monday, an international team of 22 scientists raised doubts about whether ozone is recovering as expected across much of the world.

(The Washington Post, 2/6/2018)


In May of 2014 reported on the record that geoengineering was destroying the ozone layer.


Efforts to "debunk" our data based ozone layer collapse conclusions were again countered by Geoengineering Watch


During the last few years a number of attempts were made by mainstream sources to convince populations that the ozone layer was recovering, Geoengineering Watch again responded on the record that the "ozone recovery" narrative was (and is) completely false.  


Mainstream and official sources have long since admitted that geoengineering programs "would" damage the ozone layer "if" geoengineering was deployed (though no official source will admit to the ongoing climate engineering reality).


We are being lied to on every level, and to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. The ozone layer is not recovering, it is collapsing.


Though there are countless anthropogenic factors negatively impacting Earth's vital ozone layer, climate engineering / geoengineeering / solar radiation management is by far the single greatest factor fueling ozone layer collapse.


To be clear, if the ozone layer completely collapses, all terrestrial life and most aquatic life will perish.


How close could such a state be if we remain on the current course?

We are perilously close, perhaps only a few years...

The "official denial" of climate engineering is also breaking down, the impacts of the ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management assault are becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight.




