by Abebe Gellaw
September 07, 2020
ZeHabesha Website

Executive director of
Ethiopian Satellite Television & Radio (ESAT)
Could a new historical novel about Ethiopia's former dictatorship be
the final straw that forces the World Health Organization
beleaguered Director-General
Tedros Adhanom Gebhreyesus to
'Money, Blood and Conscience' tells the story of a Hollywood
television producer who stages a rock concert for Ethiopian famine
victims and finds himself embroiled with that dictatorship, a
formerly Marxist-Leninist coalition called the Ethiopian People's
Revolutionary Democratic Front, or
Why does a work of
fiction stir such unease in Geneva that the WHO's
Director-General, its Office of Compliance, Risk Management and
Ethics, and its Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee refused to comment on it?
The EPRDF, controlled by a tribal faction called the
People's Liberation Front (TPLF), was a major human rights
In 2018, the coalition
jettisoned its TPLF partner and appointed Nobel Peace Prize
Abiy Ahmed as a reformist prime minister to fend off a
democracy revolution.
Dr. Tedros, who goes by
his forename, is another prominent EPRDF survivor.
As foreign minister and
an influential member of the TPLF politburo, he was Ethiopia's
third-highest official from 2012 to 2016, before his election as
WHO chief.

Money, Blood and Conscience combines investigative journalism
and fiction to describe an agonized Ethiopia under TPLF rule.
However, its author,
David Steinman, a retired American adviser to Ethiopia's
democracy revolution, puts storytelling aside in a nonfiction
afterword to,
demand TPLF leaders
be held accountable for crimes against humanity...
The afterword also
contends that Dr. Tedros shares responsibility for some of these
atrocities, that his involvement disqualifies him for his present
position, and that his hidden past helps explain his actions during
COVID-19 outbreak.
News of Steinman's accusation is beginning to spread.
The influential
conservative magazine National Review aired it in late
More media outlets
are also planning stories based on his disclosures.
Steinman is a
Wharton-trained economist who, as a consulting expert to the
U.S. National Security Council during the Reagan administration,
played an instrumental role in the overthrow of Haiti's notorious "Baby
Doc" Duvalier and helped shape U.S. democracy promotion
strategy to include right wing dictators.
In addition to
co-planning the Ethiopian rebellion, Steinman also exposed the
TPLF's human rights violations and corruption in,
the Washington Post,
Forbes, and New York Times.
I reached Steinman in Los
Angeles for an interview to explore his charges against the WHO's
Our discussion ranged
from Ethiopian history to the current Ethiopian-Egyptian Nile waters
What exactly do you assert in your book's afterword that Dr.
Tedros did wrong?
DAVID STEINMAN (DS): Tedros under-reported
Ethiopia's poverty rates by promoting fake statistics.
which he co-led tried to hide the extent of a 2015 famine by
warning NGOs not to use the word "famine" when speaking to the
Those misrepresentations delayed relief aid and cost
Tedros arranged kidnappings of Ethiopian dissidents in Yemen,
tried to whitewash a 2016 massacre of nonviolent protesters by
state security forces, and looked the other way,
while the TPLF
tortured children, sent them to concentration camps, and its
Somali proxy put
political prisoners in cells with lions,
leopards and hyenas.
AG: Dr. Tedros' fans say he couldn't have been involved
with such wrongdoing which must have been done by others in the EPRDF.
DS: The conventional narrative is that Tedros 'heroically' saved
lives under the EPRDF despite the evil all around him.
The truth
is that he was an active supporter and enabler of that evil - a
leader of it, in fact - who contributed to the death and injury of
thousands of Ethiopians whose lives his advocates prefer to
sweep under the rug.
Besides the
cynical UN members and naïve
public health experts who voted for him despite his callous
record, those advocates include clueless celebrities like Lady
Gaga who publicly called Tedros a "superstar"...
AG: Where's the proof?
DS: Tedros' misleading 2014 claim that only 29% of Ethiopians
lived in poverty under the EPRDF is on tape.
So is a 2015 CNN
interview in which he tries to gloss over and defend the EPRDF's
indefensible human rights record.
His attempt to whitewash the
2016 massacre is on his own blog.
The biggest proofs are hiding in plain sight.
EPRDF horrors were
widely reported. Yet Tedros, despite his undeniable knowledge of
them, publicly defended, represented, advised, and helped guide
the regime.
He was an integral part of the machinery of death.
That meets the evidentiary standard used to convict Ribbentrop
at Nuremberg.
The fact that Abiy Ahmed ended most of the abuses soon after
taking over also shows that Tedros' TPLF, which had an even
tighter grip on the security forces, could have stopped them too
but chose not to.
AG: Weren't the human rights violations just the growing pains
of a fledgling democracy as Dr. Tedros maintains?
DS: Ethiopia under Tedros was a monstrous tyranny, not a
"fledgling democracy."
Take, for example, just a few cases
documented by Amnesty International of the type of TPLF
barbarity for which he shares liability:
A teacher was stabbed
in the eye with a bayonet during torture in detention because he
refused to teach propaganda about the TPLF to his students.
young girl had hot coals poured on her stomach because her
father was suspected of supporting an opposition group.
student was tied in contorted positions and suspended from the
wall by one wrist because a business plan he prepared for a
university competition was considered to be underpinned by
political motivations.
Former prisoners from the
Tedros era tell
of beatings, electric shocks, mock executions, burning with
heated metal or molten plastic and gang rape.
Terms like "human
rights violations" are so clinical. Remember the human suffering
behind them.
AG: What does this have to do with the COVID crisis as you
DS: The degree to which Tedros is willing to let others be hurt
to protect powerful patrons, and the depravity of which he's
capable, must be properly understood before the probability of a
betrayal by him for China's benefit can be assessed.
through that lens, the probability accords with the most
disparaging estimates.
Obviously, the risk of another betrayal
is intolerable.
AG: What do you say to those who argue that the middle of a
pandemic is not the time to change
WHO leadership?
DS: The trustworthiness of those on whom billions of lives
depend must be unquestionable for public safety and to encourage
compliance with WHO directives.
Instead, the world's most
important public health agency is run by someone whose character
would be impeached in any courtroom.
AG: What's the bottom line here?
DS: If Tedros really cares about the WHO and its mission, he
should prove it by resigning in favor of a new leader who can
restore the agency's reputation and relationship with the United
Those on both sides of the WHO's American funding cut
debate should compromise by conditioning resumed financial aid
on Tedros' resignation.
Lastly, the Swiss should prosecute Tedros under international
law for his Ethiopian human rights violations. Switzerland has
in persona jurisdiction over Tedros since he resides there.
not protected by diplomatic immunity for those kinds of crimes.
Ethiopian lives matter.