by David Klinghoffer
July 01, 2019

from EvolutionNews Website

Spanish version

James Tour, Rice University,

in a scene from Episode 5

of 'Science Uprising.'

If you follow the news, you've seen countless headlines like this:

"Amazing Discovery May Hold Key to Origins of Life"

"Found: The Origin of Life"

"Scientists May Have Found the Chemical Compound that Started Life",

...and on and on.


Michael Egnor wrote about just such a story here yesterday.

The origin of life is the deepest mystery imaginable and it sounds like scientists have it all figured out. Or just about.


The new episode (video at bottom page) of Science Uprising, "Origin of Life - Intelligence Required," firebombs that persistent and influential myth, advanced by scientists themselves and their media helpers.


It does so in just seven devastating minutes.




"We See the Human Soul"

It's crucial to materialism to believe that blind, natural processes alone could have blundered about and generated life from dumb chemical predecessors.


Whether it happened on our planet or another, all the wonders of the first living cell must have come into existence with no need for intelligent design.


Any hint to the contrary threatens to topple a whole of way of thinking about human beings and about all life, that denies any reality beyond the material.

"We are not materialists," says the masked narrator of Episode 5, "We see the human soul"...

The expert witnesses here are synthetic organic chemist James Tour, protein chemist Douglas Axe, and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer.


Professor Tour is a personality to be reckoned with, pouring steely scorn on his colleagues who study, and mislead, about the origin of life.




Fallacious, Ridiculous

"All of these little pictures of molecules coming together to form the first cell are fallacious, are ridiculous," says Tour. "The origin of life community has not been honest."

Claims by Craig Venter and others are little more than hype...


What about claims that material processes at the dawn of life had time on their side? No, the opposite is true.


Claims by researchers of having created "proto-cells" are like saying you've created a "proto-turkey" by warming some cold cuts, broth, and a few feathers.

Dr. Axe and Dr. Meyer clarify both the complexity of the object needing to be explained - the first cell - and the delusion of imagining that the "functional, digital information" in DNA could have been authored with no intelligence having played any part in it.

There is some tough criticism here, notably of researchers in the origin of life community.


They seem to be fooling themselves, and us along with them. Humans are good at that. Together we're under a poisonous spell, scientists and the lay public alike.


You can help break that spell by sharing this below episode of 'Science Uprising' widely...!









Can life spontaneously generate itself from chemicals? Or are detailed instructions required?


This episode of 'Science Uprising' investigates the origin of life and claims by scientific materialists like Stephen Hawking that life spontaneously arose from chemicals without any guidance or intelligent design.


Be sure to visit to find more videos and explore related articles and books.


Experts featured in this episode include,

- James Tour, T.T. and W.F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University

- Douglas Axe, Maxwell Visiting Professor of Molecular Biology, Biola University and author, 'Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life Is Designed'

- Stephen Meyer, PhD, Director, Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute and author, 'Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design'