by Frank Bergman
January 04,
SlayNews Website

One of the world's leading climate experts has spoken out to warn
the public that the globalist green agenda claim that carbon dioxide
causes "global warming" is "wholly untrue."
In recent years, unelected bureaucrats, corporate elites, and their
allies in global governments and
the media have been promoting the "decarbonization"
This agenda, championed by the
World Economic Forum (WEF) and the
United Nations (UN), alleges that carbon dioxide is causing the
so-called "climate crisis."
The solution to this supposed "crisis" is for world governments to
comply with the WEF's "Net Zero" targets in order to meet "Agenda
2030" and "Agenda 2050."
The WEF's plan seeks to eliminate "man-made emissions" such as
carbon dioxide to "save the planet."
However, critics argue that "decarbonization" is just a euphemism
for the WEF's
anti-human agenda.
Of course, the largest source of carbon dioxide on Earth is humans
and human activities such as burning fossil fuels.
The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an
average day.
Take this number and multiply it by a global population of 8.1
billion people, breathing away for 365.25 days per year, and you get
an annual CO2 output of 3.4 billion tons.
However, experts are
quick to point out that this figure
is meaningless,
since human respiration is part of a "closed loop
cycle" in which our carbon dioxide output is matched by the carbon
dioxide taken in by the wheat, corn, celery, and
Ugli fruit that we
Nevertheless, the anti-carbon agenda directly targets humans and
human activities.
The answer, according to the WEF, is that,
members of the general
public must drastically
lower their quality of life while
handing over
vast sums of cash to the
According to climate expert Willie Soon, however,
carbon has
nothing to do with changes in the climate...
Soon is now blowing the
whistle to expose the green agenda and warn the public that,
anti-carbon claims are a lie...!
The expert explains that,
changes in the climate are a
occurrence that have been happening for billions of years and have
nothing to do with human activity...
He says that humanity would need to look beyond Earth to find the
Soon, a visiting fellow on the Science Advisory Committee of the
Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at The Heritage
Foundation, says,
the Earth's rotation around
the Sun is what affects
the planet's temperature, not 'carbon dioxide' as global power elites
For example,
"melted away because
the Sun started to get... brighter and provided more solar
energy to the climate system," according to Soon.
Throughout his career,
Soon, a former researcher with the
Center for Astrophysics-Harvard &
Smithsonian, says he has sought to pursue the facts surrounding
shifts in the climate because,
"science is not about belief."
"Science is about
data," he asserts.
Globalists claim that,
"rising carbon
dioxide that is the main factor... that affects climate change,
and that is wholly untrue," Soon says.
"That is such a distorted view that I think it needs to be
Soon explains the false anti-carbon agenda during an interview on
"The Daily Signal Podcast" for part two of a three-part series
discussing "climate change."
He explains why the Sun is the source of the changing climate
and how it affects the Earth's cycles of warming and cooling.
"Woke" bureaucrats
and corporate elites cannot change these cycles, he notes...