by A Lily Bit
December 06, 2024
ALilyBit Website
Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great
Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda,
totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is
telling a true story well. |

A public that has ceased
to think independently
is one that is easily
herded, molded, and
America is grappling with an epidemic of historic proportions.
It's a deliberately engineered crisis meant
to sow discord and maintain control over the populace.
The contagion isn't a biological pathogen, it's a
concoction of media frenzy, political manipulation, and societal
Communities are turning into battlegrounds
because that's exactly what those in power want - a divided
America (and world) where we're too busy fighting each
other to notice the real culprits.
Now, those typically mild-mannered folks?
They're becoming belligerent zealots, while
the peace lovers are stockpiling arms, preparing not for
external threats, but for internal strife.
It's devolution by design...!
We're told this plague of paranoia and
intolerance stems from post-9/11
America, but let's be clear:
It's a strategy.
The "powers
that be" have learned that 'fear is profitable'...!
It's not just about keeping us on edge.
It's about ensuring we're so consumed with
fear that we can't see the strings being pulled by those
The left and right wings aren't just spreading
distrust; they're masterminds of division.
They profit off our mistrust of each other,
ensuring that we're too distracted by our differences to unite
against the real enemies:
systemic corruption and economic inequality.
This strategy of control via fear
and division is insidiously perfect.
It keeps us stupid, yes, but more crucially,
it keeps us compliant.
While we're busy being afraid of our neighbors,
the true architects of our downfall are laughing all the way to the
bank, ensuring their grip on power remains unchallenged:
confound them, distract them with the endless
noise of 24/7 news cycles and reality TV, turn every small
disagreement into a full-blown war, and entangle them in debates
about topics that ultimately do not matter...
The key strategy is division.
Slice the population into opposing factions,
convince each that the other is the real threat, and let them
shout themselves hoarse until they're deaf to anything else.
In this chaos, consensus becomes impossible, and
they remain oblivious to the creeping tendrils of a police state
until it's too late.
This is the blueprint for how free societies willingly walk into
chains, enabling tyrants to ascend. It's not accidental; it's
orchestrated with precision, yet few in America (and in the
world) recognize this manipulation.
People are tricked into viewing each other as
adversaries, funneling their energy and resources into elections,
arming the police, surveillance tech, and wars, all under the
illusion of buying safety, which, ironically, never materializes.
Meanwhile, the real power brokers, those in the pockets of lobbyists
and corporations, advance their agendas at a premium cost to the
"We the suckers" end up footing the bills,
enduring the invasive security measures, and living under the
constant watch of a surveillance State.
Every day, alternative media outlets
bombard us with stories of government corruption, corporate
misconduct, police militarization, and SWAT team overreach.
Yet, these are not just incidental reports:
they're signs of a systematic erosion of
America has indeed transitioned into a phase
where even schoolchildren face arrests, veterans are penalized for
their supposed dissent, and the average citizen's life is
scrutinized at every turn.
These are not mere threats:
they are the undeniable consequences of a
society that has lost its vigilance, allowing fear and division
to pave the way for its own subjugation.
Yet, even more insidious than these blatant
violations of our rights is the language of fear in which they're
It's a dialect mastered by politicians across the
spectrum, amplified by
media personalities on their
high-definition soapboxes, exploited by corporations for profit, and
embedded into the very fabric of our legal system under the guise of
safety and security.
This pervasive language of fear has birthed a politics
of intimidation whose sole purpose is to scatter our focus and
cleave us apart.
It discourages critical thought, making us
passive bystanders in our own governance, convincing us that our
role is merely to blame others, or to cast our vote for the next
messiah-like figure who promises change but delivers more of the
Fear, however, is the tried-and-true tool in the politician's
arsenal to expand governmental control.
The government's expansive, never-ending wars - on terror, drugs,
crime, pandemics, immigrants, and now 'domestic extremists' - serve
as pretexts for fear-mongering, coercing us into trading our
liberties for the illusion of protection.
Promises of security are dangled like carrots
before a horse, always just out of reach.
The obsession with control, this governmental paranoia,
paints every citizen as a potential enemy.
Why else would they need to eavesdrop on our
conversations, follow our every move, criminalize our behavior,
treat us as suspects, and disarm us while arming their forces to
the teeth...?
These fear-based strategies are
indeed working, reshaping our collective identity, making us view
ourselves not as citizens with rights, but as subjects to be
monitored and controlled.
Fear and paranoia are now ingrained in
the American psyche, altering our perception of the world, our
neighbors, and fundamentally, how our government perceives us.
We've been turned into what
Henry Louis Mencken might call
"bleating sheep",
begging to be shorn of our liberties for
the illusion of safety...!
History teaches us that governments, not lone
wolves, are the true masters of mass murder and oppression.
The real industrial terrorists are the ones in
suits or uniforms, but without the passive compliance of the
terror-stricken populace, they would be powerless.
Cease consuming the exaggerated fear tactics
of the state and its mass and "alternative" media mouthpieces.
Don't let them herd you with hysteria over
petty threats into the waiting arms of tyranny, which is the
real peril.
As history vividly illustrates,
fear and governmental paranoia are the
precursors to fascist, totalitarian states.
Here's how it works:
Crises, terror attacks, and random shootings
keep us in a perpetual state of alarm.
This fear disables our ability to think.
Emotionally, panic caused by fear literally
shuts down the part of our brain responsible for logic and
Essentially, when fear takes over, our
critical thinking grinds to a halt.
A public that has ceased to think
independently is one that is easily herded, molded, and
The following are essential components for
establishing a fascist state, as outlined in John T. Flynn's
1944 work "As
We Go Marching":
The Fascistic Leadership Principle:
A government led by a dominant figure, even one who ascends
through democratic means, acting as the paternalistic
guardian of the nation.
Unrestrained Government Power: An
authoritarian regime that morphs into totalitarianism,
recognizing no bounds to its authority.
Capitalism with Bureaucratic Control:
While ostensibly capitalist, the economy is suffocated by
extensive government oversight.
Security Obsession: An unyielding
fixation on national security with fabricated or exaggerated
Surveillance State: Establishment
of invasive domestic monitoring and the creation of
unaccountable paramilitary units.
Overcriminalization: A culture
where crime and punishment become the focus, leading to an
overzealous legal system.
Centralization and Corporate
Integration: Government aligns with corporations to
control all facets of life, from social to military.
Militaristic Economy: The economy
and tax system pivot around military might.
The resemblance to contemporary America (and
worldwide too...) is not just striking:
It's undeniably alarming...!
Every sector of industry is under government
Every occupation is meticulously cataloged
and systematized.
Every product or service is levied with
The cycle of endless debt is not just
maintained; it's perpetuated.
The word 'immense' barely scratches the surface
when describing the bureaucratic behemoth.
The drumbeat of military readiness never
ceases, and the specter of conflict with some nefarious external
adversary perpetually looms.
It's a fallacy to label fascism as solely right or left-wing.
It transcends these labels, embodying
elements of both while belonging to neither.
Fascism doesn't aim to dismantle the
foundational structures of commerce, family, religion, or
tradition; instead, it aims to dominate them.
It keeps in place what the populace cherishes but
under the guise of enhancing our economic, societal, and cultural
fabric, it ensnares them within a web of state control.
For fascism to truly cement its grip, the populace must consent,
believing that such measures are not just convenient but essential.
During times of "crisis," expediency
becomes the guiding light - empowering the government to militarize
law enforcement, erode constitutional protections, and criminalize
We stand at a pivotal moment in American (and worldwide)
history, where the choice is clear:
The time to resist is now, before
the final hammer falls, and the last vestiges of freedom are
hammered into the chains of total control...