Español |
Al Contrario de los Antidepresivos,
la Psilocibina trata la Depresión haciendo al Cerebro
Más Responsivo a...
Altered States of Entrapment - The
Plant Medicine Manipulation
Amanita Muscaria and The
Thunderbolt Legend in Guatemala and Mexico
Español |
Avatar - La Cosmovisión Psicodélica y la Experiencia de
la Visión en 3D
Big Pharma Attempting to Corner
The Market on Medical Marijuana
Blue Krishna
Brain Scans show Psychedelic Drugs
Really do Spark Heightened States of Consciousness
Español |
Capitalismo Psicodélico - Compañía
Invierte Millones en Terapia con "Hongos Mágicos"
Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan's Teachings
- Main File
Español |
Main File
Español |
Poderosos Psicodélicos que Tratan Trastornos Mentales y
Cambian la Conciencia Humana...
Español |
Consciencia Maquínica -
Metaprogramación del Biocomputador Humano
Español |
De la Psilocibina al MDMA -
Investigadores están en Dolores de Parto de un
Renacimiento Psicodélico
Español |
Desde Arriba y desde Abajo -
Revelaciones Hiperdimensionales
Español |
Despertando del Sueño - Las Causas de Estados Superiores
de Conciencia
Español |
Desvelados los Secretos de las
Experiencias Místicas
LSD and Meditation Make Steve Jobs a Tech Visionary?
Do Entities from Another Universe
Inhabit the Brains of Psychedelic DMT Users?
Do Psychedelics Have the
Power to Wake Us Up?
Español |
El Caso de las 'Entidades DMT' -
Teoría de la Información Extraterrestre
Español |
El DMT está Presente en
Todos los Organismos Vivos del Planeta
Español |
El Mundo está
Redescubriendo los Beneficios Médicos de las Plantas
Español |
Busca del Hongo Sagrado
Engineering a Visionary Race
- Entheogenetics and the
Future of Mind
Evolutionary Possibilities
Español |
Éxtasis Chamánico
First Magic Mushroom Depression Trial Hits Stumbling
Five Powerful Psychedelics that
Treat Mental Disorders and Change Human Consciousness by...
From Above and Below -
Hyperdimensional Revelations
From Psilocybin to MDMA -
Researchers are in the Throes of a Psychedelic Revival
Español |
- ¿Habitan
Entidades de Otro Universo los Cerebros de los Usuarios
de DMT Psicodélico? |
Español |
Hechos Extraños Sobre los Hongos 'Mágicos' |
Himalayan Bees Make Psychedelic Honey |
How DMT May Be Related to Psychic
Phenomena |
the Brain 'Creates' God
- The Emerging Science of Neurotheology |
Español |
Iboga, la Matrix y la Descalcificación de La Glándula
Iboga, the Matrix, and Pineal Gland Decalcification
International Study on Cocaine -
Is Ayahuasca Mother
Nature's "Red Pill"?
It's Time to Integrate
Psychedelics into Therapy
Español |
Importancia Evolutiva y Ecológica de las Plantas
Español |
La Muerte del Ego en las
Experiencias Psicodélicas y en los Ritos Místicos
Latest DMT Study addresses Eerie
Prevalence of Hallucinations of 'Interdimensional
Español |
Legalizar la Cocaína - América
Latina lidera el Debate
Español |
Los Hongos con Psilocibina Promueven el Crecimiento de Nuevas Células Cerebrales
- Incluso Pueden...
Español |
Los Psicodélicos estimulan el
Crecimiento de las Conexiones Neuronales perdidas en la
Magic Mushrooms Evolved to
scramble Insect Brains and send them on Wild Trips
Magic Mushrooms - New Research on
Psilocybin and its Benefits
Magic Mushroom Trip Report About Saints and Reptilians
Español |
Marihuana Médica en La Medicina
Medical Marijuana in Pediatric
Medicinal Mushrooms Ease Anxiety
and Mood
Facts About 'Magic' Mushrooms
Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients with
Advanced-Stage Cancer
Español |
Porqué los Animales Comen Plantas Psicoactivas
Español |
Psicodélicos versus Meditación - ¿Cuál es Más Transformativo?
PSI Functioning and Altered States
of Consciousness
- A Perspective - by Charles T. Tart
Psilocybin Mushrooms Promote
Growth of New Brain Cells
- Can Even Cure PTSD and Depression
Psychedelic Bible - The Discovery of A Lifetime
Psychedelics vs. Meditation - Which is More Transformational?
Psychoactive Botanicals in Ritual, Religion
and Shamanism |
Psycho-Mycological Studies of
- From Ancient Sacrament to Modern Phobia
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la Curación Chamánica?
Español |
- ¿Quién
o Qué son las Entidades del DMT? - Teorías y Reflexiones |
San Pedro - One
of Mother Nature's Most Powerful Psychedelics |
Discover Something Surprising about What Psychedelics Actually Do to
You |
Scientists Studied What Psychedelics Do to the
Brain, and It's Not what You've Been Told |
Seeking The Magic Mushroom
Shamanic Ecstasy
Main File
Single Dose of 'Magic Mushrooms' Creates Lasting
Openness and Broad-Mindedness
Some Signs you've experienced
'Altered States of Consciousness'
The Case for 'DMT Entities' -
Alien Information Theory
The Consciousness-Expanding
The Ecological Niche of Psychedelics
Entheogenic Theory of Religion
Evolutionary and Ecological Importance of Psychedelic
Psychedelic Experience
- A Manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Psychedelic Shaman
Supernatural - Meetings With the Ancient Teachers of
Mankind - Interview with Graham
The World is
Rediscovering the Medical Benefits of Psychedelic Plants
Three Psychedelics Mathematically
proven to "Elevate" Consciousness
Español |
- ¿Tienen
los Psicodélicos el Poder de Despertarnos?
Español |
Trampas en los Estados Alterados -
La Manipulación de las Plantas Medicinales
Español |
Un Psicodélico Replica las
Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte
What is Shamanic Healing? |
Who or What are the DMT Entities?
- Theories and Musings
Animals Eat Psychoactive Plants
Additional Information |
2012 - DMT, Psilocin,
Mescalin, Ecstasy in The Preparation for Ascension
We Possessed?
Español |
Bienvenidos a la Era del
Capitalismo Psicodélico - ¿Y al Final de su Potencial
Español |
Cómo Abrir las Puertas de la Percepción a Voluntad sin
Creative People Physically See and
Process the World Differently
DMT Models the Near-Death
Effects of 'Schedule I' Drug Laws
on Neuroscience Research and Treatment Innovation
Español |
El Camino Visionario |
Español |
El Inconsciente Colectivo y Más
ESP, Hypnosis, Paraphysics, and Remote Viewing
Español |
- ¿Estamos
Gene Cluster Transfer increased Hallucinogenic Mushroom Diversity
to Open the Doors of Perception at Will, without
Psychedelics |
Interconnected by Plant Consciousness |
Español |
La Conciencia Ordinaria es tan
Sólo una Parte Muy Reducida de Todo lo Posible
Español |
La Guerra Contra La Conciencia...
y La Guerra Contra Las Drogas
Español |
Los Secretos Psicodélicos
de Santa Claus
Español |
Los Vikingos Consumían esta Planta
Alucinógena antes de ir a la Batalla
Manufacturing The Deadhead - A Product of Social
Neural Correlates of the LSD
Experience Revealed by Multimodal Neuroimaging
Omega Man - A Profile of
Terence McKenna
Español |
Extrasensorial, Hipnosis, Parafísica y Visión Remota
study of the 5-HT2AR agonist psilocybin in the treatment of tobacco
Can Occasion Mystical-Type Experiences Having Substantial and
Sustained Personal...
Plant/Human Symbiosis and The Fall of
Español |
Simbiosis Planta/Humano y La Caída de La Humanidad
Say NO to Fear
of Drugs - Say YES to Education!
Survey of Subjective "God Encounter
Experiences" - Comparisons among Naturally Occurring Experiences...
The Aquarian Conspiracy - Fact or
The Collective Unconscious Mind
and Beyond
Consciousness Revolution
The Problem is Drug Law, Not Drugs
The Psychedelic Secrets
of Santa Claus
The War on Consciousness... and
The War on Drugs
War on Consciousness
- The Talk that Gave TED Indigestion
Three Spiritually Activating Herbs
for Expanding Consciousness and Supercharging Health
Español |
Viaje a Otras Realidades - De Chamanes y Cuentos Fantásticos |
Waking from Sleep - The Causes of Higher States of
Books - Treatises |
Amanita Muscaria - Herb of
- by Donald E. Teeter
DMT - The Spirit Molecule -
Food of The Gods - A Radical
History of Plants, Drugs and Human Evolution -
by Terence McKenna
Italiano |
Il Fungo Sacro e la Croce
- da John Marco Allegro |
In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright
LSD - The Consciousness-Expanding
Drug -
by David Solomon
Mushrooms, Russia and History -
Vol. 1
Vol. 2 -
Valentina Palovna
Wasson and R.Gordon Wasson
and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by
John. C. Lilly
Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World
- by
Paul Stamets |
Supernatural - Meetings with the Ancient
Teachers of Mankind
- by
G. Hancock |
The Archaic Revival
- by
Terence McKenna |
The Doors of Perception
- by
Aldous Huxley |
The Eleusinian and Bacchic
- by Thomas Taylor
The Evolutionary Mind
- Trialogues at The Edge of The Unthinkable - by R.
Sheldrake, T. McKenna...
The Rgvedic Soma Plant
- by Rajesh Kochhar
The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
- by John
M. Allegro
Multimedia |
A Molecule Found Throughout Nature - The Spirit Molecule
DMT - A Lost History
- The Spirit Molecule
- A Documentary
Fantastic Fungi - The Spirit of
Graham Hancock - Mysteries of The Spirit World
La Inquisición Farmocrática
Tráfico de Cocaína - Un Negocio
como cualquier otro
Mushroom Time Lapse Amanita Muscaria
The Natural Origins of
Supernatural Experiences
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
War on Consciousness - Banned TED Talk
Related Reports |
Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
Main File
Main File
Dimensions and Hyperdimensions
Main File
El Cerebro Humano -
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- Hypercommunication
- Main File
Main File
Lucid Dreaming
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Mushrooms - Fungi
- Main File
Main File
The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry
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Human Brain -
Main File
Pineal Gland -
Main File