by Caitlin Johnstone
January 02, 2025
CaitlinJohnstone Website

Escaping from the matrix of
mainstream western worldview
is like escaping from a cult:
it starts with one tiny
One small, secret thought
that goes against
all your indoctrination...
Maybe it's the realization that you've been lied to your
whole life about Israel and Palestine.
Maybe it had something to do with watching
the mass media manufacture consent for the
invasion of Iraq.
Whatever it is, it starts out as a tiny little
mental suspicion that the information sources you've been
trusting to help form your understanding of the world might not be
nearly as trustworthy as you'd been led to believe.
If you talk to anyone who's ever left a cult, they'll
generally tell you that it started out the same way for them.
They see a sign that the cult leader claiming
he's Jesus might actually be kind of petty and
They find themselves questioning whether
Sri Baba Shiva really needs that many Rolls-Royces.
They wonder if maybe Pastor Jeremiah
is saying God wants him to have so many wives for reasons
that have more to do with what Pastor Jeremiah wants than what
God wants.
These little heresies eventually
add up and snowball into an avalanche which collapses the
indoctrination that was keeping them in the cult that whole time.
It actually tends to play out this way when it comes to leaving any
psychologically abusive relationship.
A little spark forms in the back of the victim's
mind questioning whether the thoughts their partner put in their
head are really true - and noticing who would benefit if they
Enough little sparks like that, and you
eventually get a fire that burns the whole relationship down...
Those are the kinds of sparks we're trying to get
flying when working to wake people up from the indoctrination of the
We're trying to get those first tiny heresies
to form in people's minds, using whatever's happening in the news at
the moment or whatever relevant ideas are trending.
We don't need to get anyone to wake all the way up in one go - we
just need to get the snowball rolling...
One little heretical thought can be all it
takes to get someone seriously questioning whether everything
they've been taught about the world is a lie...!
So we point out the lies wherever we find them.
Any glaring plot hole in the official narrative
anywhere it pops up.
Right now Gaza is a constant deluge of
information and raw video footage that can spark some major
heresy if it is truly seen and ingested.
The way we were just told to cheer for
Syria being taken over by
Al Qaeda is another.
The lies we were told
about Ukraine and the
events that led up to the war is another.
Every day there's something coming up that you
can show anyone who will listen to you, saying,
"See...? Look at that! They lied! They're
lying right now! I wonder what else they're lying about?"
And it just takes one...
One well-placed spotlight on one obvious plot
hole is all it takes to get someone pulling on a thread that
will eventually unravel the whole matrix of delusion for them.
And once they're
they can join us in helping to wake up
the others...!
So make a vocation of being a serial blasphemer.
Get people asking the 'inconvenient'
questions, and spark as many small acts of heresy as you
People are only going to awaken from the
imperial narrative matrix one
pair of eyelids at a time, and we each have the opportunity to spend
some time every day trying to help open them.