by Ian Miller
February 17, 2024
Brownstone Website
Ian Miller
is the author of
The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates."
His work has been featured
on national television broadcasts, national and
international news publications and referenced in
multiple best selling books covering the "pandemic".
He writes a Substack
newsletter, also titled "Unmasked." |

In a stunning turn of events,
the CDC may be deciding to update
its guidance to the year 2021... in February 2024.
Not about
masks, which unequivocally do not work
to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, or any other
respiratory virus for that matter...
They, of course, won't be acknowledging their
many mistakes on
Covid vaccines or school closures
Instead their proposed changes center around very basic guidance on
isolation due to a Covid infection.
You'd think that a very mild alteration to a
policy so small would be widely celebrated, considering most members
of the general public have long since abandoned isolation guidelines
But that assumption rests on a misguided
understanding of how committed Covid extremists are to pushing
endless panic. And some of those extremists happen to work
at the New York Times...
According to the Times, the CDC's changes would simply
put Covid in line with guidance for the flu or RSV infections.
"Under the proposed guidelines, Americans
would no longer be advised to isolate for five days before
returning to work or school.
Instead, they might return to their routines
if they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without
medication, the same standard applied to the influenza and
respiratory syncytial viruses," the article states.
Sounds reasonable enough, right?... especially
considering how few people are still paying attention to isolation
rules anyway.
Not to the Covid extremists, it

A view of the
sign of Center for Disease Control headquarters
seen in Atlanta, Georgia, United States on August 06, 2022.
(Photo by Nathan Posner/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Covid Obsession Continues to Cause
The Times, and specifically article writer Apoorva
Mandavilli who was last seen claiming that the push to
investigate a potential lab leak is "racist," quickly reached out to
her preferred "experts" for support in calling for the CDC to
rethink the potential change.
"But by focusing on the isolation policy for
Covid," she writes, "the agency is squandering an opportunity to
foster better public health policies, several experts said."
We mustn't forget that if experts said it, it
must be 'true'...!
After all, the "experts" have had an
unblemished track record of success since the start of the
"pandemic", right...?
And this is the unblemished New York Times,
so the "experts" she relies on surely must be the very best of
the best...
"'From a long-term public health perspective,
I think this sets really an unfortunate precedent,' said Dr.
Syra Madad, senior director of the special pathogens program at
NYC Health and Hospitals."
"She urged the C.D.C. to,
'seize this opportunity to truly change
how we respond to deadly epidemics and "pandemic"s and
advocate for national, guaranteed paid sick and family leave
instead of caving into the easier option of eliminating the
isolation period'."
Ah yes, instead of accurately communicating risk
and providing real-world guidance, the CDC should be advocating for
political positions that have nothing to do with them.
There may be a case to incorporate paid sick and
family leave into more jobs, but it has nothing to do with the CDC
and whether or not the current threat posed by Covid necessitates
extended isolation.
But Mandavilli wasn't done there...
Ignoring Reality – A Consistent
Covid Problem
"'There's still a lot of people getting Covid
and dying from Covid in the U.S.,' said Dr. Boghuma Titanji,
an infectious diseases physician at Emory University in
This of course, ignores that there will always be
people getting Covid and dying of Covid in the United States.
It's an endemic respiratory virus
that can never be eliminated.
Just like there are always many people getting the flu and dying of the flu every year in the U.S.
It's an unfortunate fact of life, but it is a
fact. An infectious disease physician ought to know that, and making
hyperbolic statements about Covid is as unhelpful as it is
And it's also wrong...

Thankfully, the number of people "dying from Covid" in the US has
effectively never been lower.
There will likely be some adjustment in the
coming weeks, but each successive winter has brought fewer and fewer
severe outcomes as population immunity grows.
That may change in the future with waning and new
variants, but if the CDC is still hesitant to "downgrade" the
threat of Covid now, when will they ever...?
"When you make a public health
recommendation, it's not supposed to be based on what people are
already doing," Titanji said, according to the Times.
"Instead", she added, "the advice must be
grounded in evidence."
What more evidence do they want that Covid
is no longer a serious public health threat...?
Mask Obsession Never Ends
Sure enough, Mandavilli also found another expert who refuses
to end their obsession with pointless universal masking.
"I do feel for people who now feel even less
protected," said director of the 'pandemic' Center at Brown
University School of Public Health, Jennifer Nuzzo.
"At the very least, the C.D.C. should advise that people who end
isolation after one fever-free day also wear N95 masks or the
equivalent when leaving their homes," she added.
There is no evidence available anywhere that
suggests wearing N95s would keep anyone safer from Covid infection
or transmission.
And there's plenty of evidence to the opposite
Masks don't work...!
Studies have shown it, observational data has
shown it, healthcare data has shown it. Even when individuals are
trained to use N95s correctly, they don't.
Not to mention that fit testing, the only
possible method to ensure any possible efficacy, will never be
realistic for the general public.
But Nuzzo and the extremists like her have ceaselessly
made masks and permanent "pandemic" safetyism the center of their
entire worldview.
They seamlessly shifted from saying we ought to
wear a cloth mask to wearing two cloth masks, to wearing a surgical
mask, to wearing an
N95, without any semblance of awareness or
acceptance that none of it worked...!
Austria tried N95s, Germany tried N95s.
It didn't work in either country...!
Austria, in fact, wound up with one of the
highest Covid infection rates on earth.
Reality and science don't matter. What does matter is political
posturing and "We need to keep everyone safe" hand-wringing, even if
what they're advocating for doesn't actually keep anyone safe.
Reducing Covid isolation guidance is one of the few times the CDC
has made sense and has actually followed evidence throughout this
entire "pandemic".
So naturally the Times and their politically
aligned "experts" hate it.
Oh, and the best part...?
The Times initially, and incorrectly,
claimed that there were 1,500 people dying of Covid
per day...
in 2024.
At least Mandavilli won a Pulitzer Prize for her
outstanding work covering Covid though, right...?