by Jim Willis July 12, 2017 from Ancient-Origins Website
For the last two hundred years the argument has continued.
When Charles Darwin's theories seeped into western culture a great divide seemingly split asunder any hope of reconciliation between two camps that came to be known as,
For a long time, religion had the upper hand, using the tools of the Inquisition to stifle scientific argument.
But in modern America and Europe, science seems to have carried the day, at least when it comes to the teaching philosophy of the school systems.
In academia, "God talk" is now equated with
superstition unless you're a giant like Stephen Hawking
who is allowed to metaphorically seek "the mind of God"...
It still simmers beneath the surface, erupting
now and again when it comes time for local school boards to decide
about upgrading science textbooks.
How did we get here - will we ever know? (Public Domain)
Science insists it has facts on its side and
simply cannot comprehend how anyone could believe otherwise.
Led by such writers as Deepak Chopra, Ervin Lazlo, and Dean Radin, they examine theories arising from quantum reality which seem to imply that there may be mysterious answers yet lurking in the background.
Ancient traditions such as Hinduism have long insisted this to be the case.
First... some background...
God of the Gaps
Wherever a seemingly insurmountable gap in human understanding appeared, it was filled by inserting a miracle from God...
It was a way of letting science have its fun while insisting that whenever a mystery showed up - from so-called "missing links" to the inscrutable "first cause" - it was proof of the existence of God.
It stated that God is the unexplainable, unknowable force that we can ever understand.
It's a safe principle and a convenient one...
The problem is that as science answered more and more questions the gaps got smaller.
When we no longer needed Zeus to explain lightning or Apollo to make sense of the sunrise each morning, God suddenly got less and less maneuvering room.
The God of the Gaps came to be referred to as "magical thinking"...
It's insistence that evolution is a steady but sure process, with one form predictably preceding from its predecessor, hit some severe bumps along the fossilized highway.