by Jacques Pelletier
Spanish version
AgoraCosmopolitan Website
Vasily Belchenko
Vasily Belchenko, deputy
secretary of the Russian Security Council, indicated on
the origin if a crop circle in Russia that:
"There is no doubt that it
was not man-made... an unknown object definitely landed
there. If the same formation appeared in the UK it would
undoubtedly be virtually ignored by researchers
[disinformation-conditioned] and the media alike." |
Crop circles are geometrical formations
of flattened crops found in many countries but mainly in England.
They have been found in wheat, barley, canola, rye, corn, linseed
and soy.
There has been much controversy concerning the origins of crop
circles. However contactees now testify to the origins of much "crop
circles". One contactee who has been willing to identify himself as
to crop circle special investigative researcher
Sean David Morton.

Crop circles
Adrian testifies that alien races
from the Andromeda Galaxy are one of the main
extraterrestrial races most responsible for crop circles. He further
makes representation from his reported alien contact with this
Off-world civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy, that,
"the crop circles are intended both
to inspire humans with the possibility of extraterrestrial
communications, and to warn those of the consequences of their
actions to control and manipulate humanity", which in part,
takes the form of so-called "Globalization".
Andromedans are apparently
seekers of "peace and wisdom", who are concerned with "the collapse
of the social, cultural and environmental consciousness of
civilization" on Earth. Earthbound elites are apparently pursuing
such a 'collapse' to institutionalize in their "New
World Order" greed-driven "Globalization" agenda. These
Earthbound elites constitute a political-military-industrial

Crop circles reveal
apparent inspiring and complex
messages to humanity which have been inspired by fractal geometry.
Adrian's testimony of contact
with aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy, which neighbours Earth's
Milky Way Galaxy, was supported by extensive photos, film and
witness testimonies, that have been documented in Walter Tevis's,
Man Who Fell to Earth."
Andromedans have been described as being "very beautiful," and as
well, lithely built and very thin. Contactee testimony also further
describes this race as,
"so spiritually evolved that they no
longer require a physical body. They are almost beings of light
energy. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and
stand eight to ten feet in height. In mythology, they were
referred to as the Winged gods."
Contactess also indicate that,
"they are beautiful beyond
description and humankind shadows fragments of that beauty. They
have taken care of humanity because they consider us as their
brothers and sisters. They believe that we all came from the
same source and that we were all created in light. It is the
common bond between us."
Known to Al-Sufi about AD 905,
M31 is the famous Andromeda galaxy, Andromeda is our
nearest large neighbor galaxy. The Milky Way is the galaxy which is
the home of our Solar System together with at least 200 billion
other stars (more recent estimates have given numbers around 400
billion) and their planets, and thousands of clusters and nebulae.

The Andromeda Galaxy.
Andromeda neighbours
the Milky Way Galaxy which includes Earth.
Reportedly, spacecraft from the
Andromeda Galaxy "have the ability to go in hyper-light so that, in
only a matter of moments, they can be here from an entirely
different star system." (Reference:
www.earthstar.de), which provide
them with an ability to make crop circles on Earth.
According to 'Adrian',
the "Andromedans" play an important role in forming "explorative"
councils that deliberate on Earth's future. Adrian's testimony is
consistent with the testimony of Alex Collier's, who is a critically
acclaimed and well documented contactee of the "Andromedans".
The Andromedans' primary reported activity is to facilitate
decisions of spiritually enlightened and socially progressive
constituents of the "Galactic community" in ethically dealing with
difficult problems such as the current Earth situation; innovative
strategies for resolving conflict. Other reported "Andromedan"
activities include inspiring critical faculties for self-education,
and inspiring humanity with the possibilities of extraterrestrial
Reportedly, as an enlightened "Off-world" civilization,
Andromedans, and the other similarly enlightened groups which
they represent, forbid themselves from 'interfering' in the affairs
of humanity. However, these alleged "Andromedans" seek to inspire
humanity through their communication, in a manner which will
facilitate the liberation of humanity from a course of Earth human
elite-led self-destruction. Apparently "Andromedans" are concerned
with a range of vital issues which include oppression on Earth,
Global Warming, and other planetary threats related to the
self-determination and sovereignty of humankind.
It is not hard to imagine that such an enlightened race of aliens
could not simply seek to deliver their messages to the very
mass-media on Earth that is controlled by elites who seek to deny
the existence of sentient intelligent life in the universe beyond
Earth humans. Crop circles therefore would provide a means of
delivering messages to a mass-human audience, in the hopes that
human beings with elevate states of consciousness would be able to
appreciate the messages.
The stated purpose of reported alien "Allies
of Humanity" (in association with the "diplomacy" efforts
of "Adromedans") as published by Marshall Vian Summers,
"is to alert us to the risks of
emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life and to
assist us in successfully crossing this great threshold in such
a way that human freedom and self-determination can be
However, contactees also allege that
many groups connected to an "Andromeda-led Council" wanted nothing
to do with humanity, based upon the "vibrations" they witnessed from
Earth, which expressed Earth's descent into a culture of
greed-driven violence and oppression. Contactees claim that the "Andromedan
Council", who is a group of enlightened beings from 139
different star systems that come together and discuss what is going
on in the galaxy.
Crop circle
Early examples of this crop circle phenomenon were usually simple
circular patterns of various sizes, which led some
to speculate that it was a natural phenomenon. But after some years,
more and more elaborate and complex geometric patterns have emerged.
In general, the early formations (1970 - 2000) seemed to be based on
the principles of "Sacred
Later formations, those occurring after 2000, appear to be based on
other principles, natural sciences and mathematics designs,
including fractals. Many crop circles have fine intricate detail,
regular symmetry and careful composition. Elements of
three-dimensionality became more frequent, culminating in
spectacular images of cube-shaped structures.
Today crop circle designs have increased in complexity to the point
where they have become an "art form" in and of themselves.
A historical account of crop circles was published in the journal
Nature in 1880 (reproduced in 2000). An amateur scientist named
Brandon Meland describes a field containing a number of crop
circles, along with the suggestion that they might have been caused
by "some cyclonic wind action".
The phenomenon itself entered the public consciousness in its
current form after notable appearances in England in the late 1970s.
To date, thousands of circles have appeared at sites across the
world, from disparate locations such as the former Soviet Union, the
UK and Japan, as well as the U.S. and Canada.
Exposing crop
circle apparent "public ignorance" campaigns
Notably, some groups, consistent with an attempt to create public
obfuscation and related propaganda, on any alien connection to crop
circle phenomena, have attempted to create some human-made "crop
circles". In so doing, these apparent "disinformation" groups hope
that a "dumbed-down" human populace will view "crop circles" to
simply be a phenomenon created by "pranksters" on Earth.
Apparent disinformation groups also appear to be "vandalizing" crop
circles in an effort to make them appear to be 'hoaxes', in order to
undermine claims of their alien origin.
"It became more and more clear to me
that we were witnessing the effects of an extremely powerful
debunking campaign, " Janet Ossebaard writes in her website
Ms. Ossebaard is a learned crop
circle research scientist. She further writes that,
"The truth is, those holes in the
ground and other traces of hoaxing could not be found in most
formations until the SECOND day of their existence... A
beautiful example was the Windmill Hill formation: on day 1 all
visitors were unanimous about the sheer beauty and perfection of
the formation's lay. There was no trace of human origin
whatsoever. But on day 2, all of a sudden there were clearly
visible holes in the ground, as if someone had hammered a pole
into the ground in order to pin-point the centers and be able to
subsequently create the circles."
Some "disinformation groups" have
attempted to create their own versions of crop circles on camera, as
a propaganda display.
However, astronomer Gerald Hawkins,
and other scientists indicate that,
"many designs have a degree of
complexity that humans would not be able to easily recreate on
paper, let alone in a field at night. Some of the shapes of
these formations are far too complex, and display a tremendously
high level of precision which make it extremely difficult for a
team of humans to create."