DanBurisch Website
Little is known about this Treaty by most of the public. It is
renewed every 9 years, 9 being a most sacred number to at least the
Zetan factions that are signatories.
The initial treaty was signed
in 1958 and renewed in 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, and initial
negotiations for the latest one began in 2003 but were only
completed in 2005.
In fact, as of this writing, the 2005 Treaty
Conference is still in post-treaty negotiations and as such are
still in play. Part of the reason, as pointed out elsewhere here,
may have to do with the dissolution of
the CotM and its breakup into
the original MJ-12 group and an Illuminati group that represents
another core faction of the former CotM.
The signatories to this most recent treaty are the Maji and the
Illuminati, who together with representatives from the United
Nations represent the present human population. There are at least
three extra-terrestrial groups that are also signatories, being the
Republic Society of Zetan J-Rods, the rogue Zetan J-Rods, and the
Orion "Talls".
The Republic Society of J-Rods are allegedly the
descendants of the human survivors of the "Catastrophe" that take to
the underground shelters that have been prepared on Earth via MJ-12
since the mid-1950s, when MJ-12 first learned of the approach of the
"winged planet/Planet X/Wormwood/Niburu".
They move off from Earth
to Zeta Reticulum at some point in our future, where they are known
to us presently as P+45K (from 45,000 years from our present,
rounded) and P+52K (from 52,000 years ahead of our present time,
rounded); see History of the J-Rods. The so-called rogues are
allegedly the descendants of those humans who survive underground in
shelters controlled by the present-day Illuminati.
The Orion "talls"
are the descendants of those humans who survive on the surface of
Earth, eventually going to the Orion star system. There are
indications from some that were present at the Tau-IX Treaty
Conference that there are in fact other extra-terrestrial
signatories, but with no confirmations they remain unsubstantiated.
Recently posted on the "Golden Thread":
Joined: 29 Jul 2005
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:52 pm
Post subject: Treaties
After researching some older data, I re-discovered an answer
to my own question, posed above.
treaties with the rogues began in 1954 and were also
renewed every nine years, with the following years being
treaty years with that crowd:
1964 (the mistaken landing place in New Mexico and the year
Dan was born)
1973 (the year of Dan's abduction)
The Committee of the Majority
DanBurisch Website
CotM as it is often abbreviated... membership lists available
representatives of the 110th Congress of the United States.
Squabbling, narrow-minded
and egotistical ufologists are advised to pound sand in the
The Committee of the Majority allegedly came into being sometime
during the mid-1960’s. One alleged briefing for black-operations
(Majestic) agents holds that it occurred in 1967, when Nikita
Khrushchev threatened to with-hold his signature from the Nuclear
Test Ban Treaty unless President Johnson opened up the secrets of
Majestic 12 to an international group.
In this he was supported by
both UN Secretary-General U Thant and Indira Ghandi, prime minister
of India.
The x-factor was the fear that this time around, Mr.
Khrushchev might not back down as he had in October of 1962 over the
missiles in Cuba. More importantly, there was a fear that the Soviet
Union would create their own version of MJ-12 and sign an
independent treaty with one or both factions of the
zeta reticulans.
Faction 'A' of the zetans subtly encouraged this line of thought, as
it would encourage cooperation among the planet's superpowers.
The obvious problem with this time-line is that Khruschev was ousted
in a coup in 1964 and the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed in
1963. If we were to move the year to 1963, then it would have been
Pres. Kennedy, prior to his assassination [allegedly at the hands of
a complex plot organized by
MJ-12 itself, a decision solidified by
Kennedy sharing secrets with America's ‘enemies’].
In addition, the
Prime Minister of India that year was Jawaharlal Nehru, not Indira
Ghandi. Hence, there is conflicting information about exactly when
the CotM was officially formed.
This writer’s personal opinion is that it would have occurred during
1963, and its formation is connected with Pres. Kennedy’s
assassination, the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and the
aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis.
[Editor's note: recent events
appear to confirm the year of formation was indeed 1963.]
The Committee is formed of 33 of the most powerful men on the
planet, allegedly drawn primarily from the ranks of the
Commission and containing many of the most powerful people in the
world. The original core group of Majestic 12 maintained direct
authority and oversight of all extraterrestrial matters, and the
remainder of the CotM coordinated international relations and the
cover-up of the ET subject.
The Committee is primarily a Masonic group, and as such was home to
several factions of the legendary and illusive "Illuminati". This
group , known by the slang term ‘illumes’ by majestic operatives ,
is primarily European, and as such is tied to the concept of a
united Europe and its "euro" currency, much as Majestic is tied to
its monetary unit, the American dollar. See the Illuminati for
further details.
Sometime between the months of May, 2003 and November, 2003, the
CotM was disbanded, allegedly at the instigation of a leading member
of MJ-12 and to a lesser extent the influence of Dr. Burisch. It is
this writer’s conjecture that it may have had to do with the
internecine warfare between the Majestic and Illuminati elements
within the Committee and their competing agendas.
One issue that
appears to be a precipitating factor concerned the
Ganesh Particle
that had been discovered by Dr. Burisch, for which a Lotus model was
to be constructed that would enable them to be produced at will.
This "model" was to have been made ready by March 15, 2003.
On May
18, 2003, the famous "Rancher Memo" was signed by the POTUS,
instructing that the oversight of Dr. Burisch’s Projects Lotus and
Staarflower be removed from MJ-12 and placed under the oversight of
the Committee.
The ‘bird and clock issues’ refer to alien
(extra-terrestrial) and time-travel/knowledge-of-future-events (see
DCTP) issues.
Throughout the saga of the search for Dr. Burisch, several former
Committee members contacted this writer and made known their support
for the Doctor and his work. Certain of these members were also
treaty negotiators at the Tau-IX Treaty Conference for the
Preservation of Humanity (above report), before the disbanding of the CotM, and as
such are believed to have done their best in the interests of
History will soon record whether they have done so.
Don Deppeller
Majestic-12 Special Studies Project
of The National Security Council
DanBurisch Website
MJ-12’s full title is the Majestic-I2 Special Studies Project of the
National Security Council.
Since late 2000, it has referred to itself as the "Working Group",
possibly as a reference to the presidential selection of that year.
It is referred to as MJ-I2 for short, but only informally and never
in internal documents. MJ-12 is so secret and highly
compartmentalized that only those at the top understand what it is
they are protecting.
The majority of MJ-12 personnel are security
personnel involved in covering up the UFOs’ activities on Earth as
well as the government’s complicity with them. Most of the rest are
technicians and scientists involved with finding applications for
the UFOs’ gifts of technology and intelligence.
A tiny percentage
are involved in directly negotiating with the Ultra-terrestrials,
receiving their technology and intelligence, and setting MJ-12

’Historic’ MJ-12
image source unknown
The element that binds the diffuse elements of MJ-I2 together is
MAJIC clearance.
Anything related to the U.S. government’s contact
with the Ultra-terrestrials (extraterrestrials from our future - see
J-RODS) is classified MAJIC material requiring MAJIC-level
for access.
MAJIC-level clearance is the highest security
classification available in the United States government, and makes
the holder a "super-user" in the intelligence community. MAJIC
clearance holders are able to access information and enter facilities
no matter what organization the MAJIC clearance holder belongs to,
or which intelligence agency has the information or operates the
Former members of MJ-I2’s inner circle retain MAJIC
clearance after they leave government service and even certain
extremely wealthy and influential private citizens have acquired
MAJIC clearance.
MJ-12 is diffuse.
Its membership, facilines, intelligence files, and
budget are spread out among the CIA and the various branches of the
Department of Defense.
MJ-I2’s current membership is confined to
select members of:
the NSC
the CIA
the DIA
the NSA
the NRO
U.S. Space Command
the Air Force Intelligence Agency
the Army
Intelligence and Security Command
and above all, the Office of Naval
The last one is alleged to be the principal
intelligence agency in authority over projects that take place at
the legendary
Area 51 facilities as well as the Los Alamos Nuclear
Laboratories in New Mexico involving the extra-terrestrial guests.
It is alleged that over the years the CIA has been losing its
influence in MJ-12 due to encroachment by the NSA, DIA, and the
military intelligence branches.
The Department of Defense controls
the lion’s share of MJ-12’s resources and personnel, while careful
attention is paid to maintaining separate status.
MJ-12 is well
organized and well financed.
Dan Burisch: I was unaware until a few years ago of the
connection to
Majestic, that in fact they were also connected to the
DONDEP: I’m familiar with the entrances at 1733 and 2800 on 16th
street to the hallowed halls
Dan Burisch: I am aware of the Temples. Dan Burisch: 1733 and 2800, addresses? Dan Burisch: Only been to one of them. Dan Burisch: and was driven there.
DONDEP: Yes, to 1789. You don’t think they go in the front door, did
Dan Burisch: I was taken in down a long line of sphinxes...
The subculture within the MJ community let me in on all that
Illuminati stuff.
transcript November.13.2003

Photo: Toni Jannelli 1982
Masonic Temple on 16th St., NW. Washington. D.C |
