DanBurisch Website
alphabet: refers to a government
agent from one of the departments that uses acronyms as
For example: FBI, DoD, CIA, NRA, ATB
aDNA: ancient DNA
AEC: Atomic Energy Commission
AFGP: anti-freeze glycoprotein
Ambassadorial Suite: where the
J-Rod was kept.
Area 51: Facility at Papoose
Lake. Other Projects take place at 'Area 51' in Nevada...
'Dream-land' [Data Repository
Establishment and Maintenance Land]
Elmint [Electromagnetic Intelligence]
Cold Empire
Code EVA
Program HIS [Hybrid Intelligence System]: BW/CW
IRIS [Infrared Intruder Systems]
A.B.T.: Automated Biological
Laboratory - an example of such a device can be found
Bioremediation: The use of
plants or microorganisms to clean up pollution or to solve
other environmental problems.
Black Water: So-called
black water is a dark discoloration of sea water, first
described in the Bay of Florida in January 2002 [1].
Although fishermen in Florida complained and requested that
the "government do something", scientists say that black
water results from a non-toxic algal bloom, probably of
diatoms. It dissipated within a few months by transport
through the Florida Keys into the Florida Straits and by
disruption by winds and wave action. (http://water.wikia.com/wiki/Algae_bloom)
Black Water off the Gulf Coast of Florida: "This image of
black water off the coast of Florida was acquired on March
20, 2002, by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS).
Scientists and local fishermen are not sure what is coloring
this typically turquoise water black. Amid growing concern,
scientists are now trying to determine the source of the
black water."
symbolized the secrets of Creation. These are
the secrets possessed by 'the skilled ones'.
In his book 'Blue
Apples' William Henry writes;
In other words, the key of
life and the key (S) tone or Holy Grail are the same
thing as the Blue Apples.
BCW: Biological and Chemical
Bird: in documents, MJ-12's use
of the word 'BIRD' refers to EBEs (extraterrestrial
biological entities).
CAP: Controlled Access Program
CAPOC: Controlled Access Program
Oversight Committee
CDC: Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention is a component of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) It's main office is located in
Atlanta Georgia with employees located throughout the United
Sates and deployed globally. CDC is "aligning its priorities
and investments" under two overarching health protection
Health promotion and prevention of disease,
injury, and disability
Preparedness: People in all
communities will be protected from infectious, occupational,
environmental, and terrorist threats.
CDCN: Command of the Defence
Communications Network, which is the MoD organisation which
co-ordinates military communications worldwide. This is a
tri-service set up, and its nerve centre is beneath a field
at Hawthorn, in a separate location to the main Rudloe base.
The importance of this facility can easily be imagined.
A symbolical winged
figure of unknown form used in connection with the mercy
seat of the Jewish Ark and Temple
cherubim are described as guarding the way to the Tree of
Life armed with flaming swords
(Gen 3:24)
Clock: in documents, MJ-12's use
of the word 'CLOCK' refers to the Time Line Paradox.
Committee of the Majority: CotM
- The Committee is formed of 33 of the most powerful men on
the planet, allegedly drawn primarily from the ranks of the
Trilateral Commission and containing many of the most
powerful people in the world. The original core group of
Majestic 12 maintained direct authority and oversight of all
extraterrestrial matters, and the remainder of the CotM
coordinated international relations and the cover-up of the
ET subject.
The Committee is primarily a Masonic group, and as such was
home to several factions of the legendary and illusive
"Illuminati." This group known by the slang term 'illumes'
by majestic operatives is primarily European, and as such is
tied to the concept of a united Europe and its "€ euro"
currency, much as Majestic is tied to its monetary unit, the
American dollar.
CotM: Committee of the Majority
- see above
CMN: Children's Miracle Network
CMT: (Charcot-Marie-Tooth) CMT
is a hereditary progressive neuromuscular disorder that
primarily affects the feet, legs and hands and their
glycoprotein problems. "Essentially they were losing heat.
They were not transmitting energy, something like a
CTC: Cell Tissue Culture
crossbridge: A group of 32 cells
(8 tetrads) formed from A GP which extends from the target
cell to a secondary cell. The crossbridge is associated with
a shiva linga.
CS: Cockayne Syndrome
Dan Burisch: They [the J-Rods]
have, for want of a better way of explaining it here, a set
of straggling issues involving mutation, expression of
genetic disease, and evolutionary reductionism that promotes
further disease. They have double helices, but... the
mutations, reductionism, and extra-attachments to their DNA
causes them great problems...to include the expression of
the Cockayne variant, polyneuropathy, MGUS like condition,
and (sep syndrome) heat loss.
D.A.R.P.A: the Defence Advanced
Research Projects Agency is the central research and
development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD).
It manages and directs selected basic and applied research
and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and
technology where risk and payoff are both very high and
where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional
military roles and missions.
DARPA has been granted
Experimental Personnel Hiring Authority for eminent
scientists and engineers from outside government service to
term appointments with our agency. This authority
significantly streamlines and accelerates the hiring
process. For additional information regarding this program,
and for further employment opportunities at DARPA, please
refer to DARPA Human Resources.
dCTP: Radioactive Nucleotides.
DCTP: Doctrine of Convergent
Timeline Paradox - In this doctrine consequences of time
travel are stacked in reality like a stack of cards
DISA: Defense Information
Systems Agency - an agency of the U.S. Government
DMT: Dimethyltryptamine or
N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is an indole, similar in structure
to the neurotransmitter serotonin, created during normal
metabolism in low amounts by the human body (secreted by the
pineal gland). Pure DMT at room temperature is a colorless
waxy or crystalline solid. DMT was first chemically
synthesized in 1931. It also occurs naturally in many
species of plants. DMT-containing plants are used in several
South American shamanic practices. It is believed to be one
of the main active constituents of snuffs like yopo and of
the potion ayahuasca.
DTIC: Defense Technical
Information Center - is the central facility for the
collection and dissemination of scientific and technical
information for the Department of Defense. As an element of
the Defense Information Systems Agency, DTIC serves as a
vital link in the transfer of information among DoD
personnel, DoD contractors and potential contractors and
other U.S. Government agency personnel and their
DoD: Department of Defense of
the United States Government
DON: Department of Navy
Dream-land: - Data Repository
Establishment And Maintenance Land one of many projects said
to take place at Area 51, Nevada.
Dulce facility: underground
in Dulce, New Mexico connected with ET's and covert
government activities
EBE: Extraterrestrial Biological
ECM: Electronic Countermeasures
Einstein-Rosen Bridges:
stargates, gateways, and wormholes
ELFRAD : Extremely Low Frequency
Research And Development
The Elfrad Group was founded in 1986 and is a self funded ,
non-political organization, consisting of individuals
interested in the research of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
signals and low frequency (ULF) which propagate the interior
of the Earth.
Elmint: Electromagnetic
Intelligence - one of many projects aid to take place at
Area 51, Nevada.
Eloah Va Daath:
The Divine
name of Tiphareth means "Lord God of Knowledge" and is
generally used in reference to the "Tree OF Life." This
illustrated symbol known as the "Tree of Life" is intended
to represent the cosmos in its entirety and the soul of man
as it relates to the universe.
is Hebrew for 'Lord Of
Knowledge' or UNIVERSAL MIND
ERBs: Einstein-Rosen Bridges
stargates, gateways, and wormholes
ERP's: (Einstein, Rosen,
Podolsky, also known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges, ERBs)
FBM Project:
a project for which
Dan got funding to research on Fresh, Brackish and Marine
environments, to try to see how and when and under what
conditions the original procaryotic cells began to change
into eucaryotic cells. He wanted to know under what levels
of salinity would food sources necessitate the changeover to
an onboard food source (chlorophyl) and felt that this point
of change could help to predict the moment in geologic time,
and under what conditions the change took place. I think he
was considering the panspermia theory before it was
- Marci McDowell to Bill Hamilton via e-mail
"Dan's experiment and Mission Genesis is significant and
clever. I have never heard another biologist attempt such an
experiment in order to date the transition point from
prokaryotic to eukarotic cells. This would establish a
significant marker in evolutionary time. That he was also
exploring the theory of panspermia indicates that he was
already disposed to look for the genesis of life from space
and the possibility of those seeds of life having populated
other worlds. Good work, Dan."
- Bill Hamilton
GLP: GodlikeProductions.com is
the forum where the "Golden Thread" about Dan Burisch began.
It continued on at the forum at EaglesDisobey.org, and is
now on Stargate Forum and Love to Have Disclosure
GP: Ganesh Particle
Ganesh Particle:
The Ganesh Particles are the Class A particles that
emerge from the electromagnetic river, as opposed to the
Class B particles, which are viral in nature, and the Class
C particles, or "selkies", which act as gateway particles.
GPs, through a process known only to Dr. Burisch and
certain members of MJ-12, emerge from an activated
quartz crystal and travel down the EM river to the target
cell. Two crossbridges emerge and attach to the target,
whereupon the target cell is revitalized, reinvigorated, or
High Frequency Active
Aural Research Project is a joint Air Force and Navy project
that uses 72 foot antennas, 360 total - spread out over 4
acres in Gakona Alaska. The official statement is that it is
a "is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties
and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on
being able to understand and use it to enhance
communications and surveillance systems for both civilian
and defense purposes.
The Investigation of researchers
Begich and Manning
uncovered bizarre schemes. US Air Force documents revealed
that a system had been developed for manipulating and
disrupting human mental processes through pulsed
radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and
such power-beaming transmitters could be used for
geophysical and environmental warfare including
weather-control technology.
Hill-Norton, Lord Peter:
8/2/1915 -16/5/2004 Admiral of the Fleet,
Lord Peter Hill-Norton, GCB
Obituary, "Chief of Defense Staff who, as Chairman of the
NATO Military Committee, steered a safe path through Cold
War Tension", The Times, 19th May 2004
HIS: Hybrid Intelligence System
- a project said to take place at 'Area 51' in Nevada
HMSN: Hereditary Motor and
Sensory Neuropathy
HPM: High Power Microwave, Bomb.
Hu-brids: term used to denote
the hybrids who have been born with a soul-matrix and re-brids
to denote those that have not. -
I.R.I.S.: Infra Red Intruder System - a project said to take
place at 'Area 51' in Nevada
J-Rod: A class of EBE from the
Zeta Reticulum area. The J-Rod associated with Dr Burisch was
housed in a pressurized hydrogen "Clean Sphere" at Level 5
of S4. He had a degenerative neurological condition. The
J-Rod is similar in appearance to that of the "grey" aliens
recovered from Roswell.
P+52k-yr J-Rods (here after called 52's) note…. they are from Gliese 876, halfway between Earth and Zeta Reticulum.
P+45k-yr. J-Rods (hereafter called 45's) note…. they are
from Reticulum and don't suffer the disease as do the 52's.
Keystone DCTP: the process of
engineering molecules with desired properties is the
keystone of molecular evolution. It is achieved through a
repeating process of changes in the DNA, followed by
screening or selection of the optimum sequence. The changes
in the DNA occur in evolution as a result of recombination
and mutagenesis.
DNA shuffling describes a combination of in
vitro recombination of related sequences and a low rate of
random point mutagenesis in one experiment. If the size of
the template DNA is too similar to the size of the products,
it is necessary to digest the template DNA enzymatically.
(Deoxycytidine 5'-Triphosphate (dCTP) : Radioactive
Land of Enchantment: refers to
New Mexico.
LANL: Los Alamos National
Laser acoustics: This is an
older technology that has apparently been around for awhile.
The operator directs a laser beam on a window nearest where
the subject is. The equipment measures the vibrations of the
window and a computer separates the sounds until they can
hear whomever they wish.
Looking Glass, Project: "The
Looking Glass Project I find out is related to one of the ERPs (Einstein, Rosen, Podolsky, also known as
Einstein-Rosen Bridges, ERBs)."
Lotus Protocol: A genesis
mechanism associated with the tree of life.
Lotus Project: a subset of the
Staarflower project.
Majestic 12: is the codename of
a secret (Black-Ops) committee presumed to have been formed
in 1947 at the direction of U.S. President Harry S. Truman,
in order to investigate UFO activity. The group continues to
this day, apparently to cover up alien activities on Earth,
and liaise with the aliens to obtain technology in exchange
for knowledge and testing on human biology. Its members are
all notable for their military or scientific achievements.
Marci McDowell, M.A.: a.k.a. BJ
Wolf - Marci is currently serves as Dr. Burisch's Operations
Director for the various projects he has conducted at the
behest of Majestic 12 and has done so on a consistent basis
shortly after being inducted officially into Majestic in
September of 2003. At the time of her induction, she
believed she had been harassed and monitored (often in a
threatening manner) by these same agents who were to become
her colleagues. She also co-authored the book, Eagles
Disobey: A Case for Inca City Mars, with Dan Burisch and two
MEP: Municipal Emergency Plan
MGUS: Monoclonal Gammopathy of
Uncertain Significance
MiB: The famous "Men in Black"
These are J-Rods that 'wear the dead' and act as 'timeline
guards' to ensure that sensitive issues, events or even
conversation is not disclosed that could change our future
history to any considerable degree. The bodies belong to
human cadavers that supposedly are relegated to the first
half of the twentieth century (see the "Preserve Destiny"
interview). They usually intimidate but do no actual harm to
Dr. Burisch is alleged to have had 2 of them sing him "Happy
Birthday" on one occasion. The picture to the right was
snapped shortly before the MiB was 'taken into custody' by
Majestic agents, during the run-up to the Cabrillo Bay
operation of Project Preserve Mother.
Military Joint Tactical Force: (MJTF),
sometimes called the Delta Force or Black Berets, is a
multi-national tactical force primarily used to guard the
various stealth aircraft worldwide.
MJ-12: refers to Majestic 12
MoD: The Ministry of Defense is
the United Kingdom government department responsible for
implementation of government defense policy and the
headquarters of the UK military.
MPS: Multiple Protective Shelter
NDT: neo-Darwinian Theory
NIDS: The National Institute for
Discovery Science is a privately funded science institute
engaged in research of aerial phenomena, animal mutilations,
and other related anomalous phenomena.
NILOs: Naval Intelligence
Liaison Officers
NSSM: National Security Study
Memorandum (as from Henry Kissinger)
ONR: Office of Naval Research
The Office of Naval Research coordinates, executes, and
promotes the science and technology programs of the United
States Navy and Marine Corps through schools, universities,
government laboratories, and nonprofit and for-profit
organizations. It provides technical advice to the Chief of
Naval Operations and the Secretary of the Navy and works
with industry to improve technology manufacturing processes.
Panspermia Theory: suggests that
life seeds came from outer space and other planets.
Panspermia literally means seeds everywhere.
Panspermia suggests that life
could have existed on another planet and moved to Earth.
Statistics have showed 7.5% of rocks from Mars reach Earth.
The rocks would travel between less than 100 years to 16,000
years and more to get to earth.
Some of the proponents include Sales Gyon de Montlivant, who
proposed life came from moon, H.E. Richter, who suggested
life came from meteorites/comets, and Svante Arrhenius, who
came up with Panspermia.
PNA: "it's a peptide nucleic acid, which is a
protein-associated background nucleic acid. That protein
associated background is a prion. (Destructive prion
disease?) That leads to one of the things they wanted me to
do at Sweetness."
Project Patchwork: The
controlled release of information to the public.
Dan Burisch: They probably know I'm seated here today [room
in Las Vegas, Nevada library]. I'm sure they do. I'm sure
they do. Now, whether-or-not they want this information
evolved and are aware that I am sitting here or they are
just aware that I'm sitting here, I don't know. I don't
know. That's the Big Question: is what I heard was a project
called PATCHWORK, which would be a spoon-feeding of the
people of the information because I only know a certain
amount. I don't know everything. ––Who is running the show?
Pearls of Brahma: a group of
viruses emitted from the GP on the side opposite the shiva
PPD: Project Preserve Destiny
Project Aquarius: Overarching
Project of EBE studies. This Top Secret project was started
in 1953 and was set up to accumulate as much data as
possible about alien life forms and to distribute the
collected information to the relevant authorities. This
included Dr. Burisch’s work with one EBE, or alien, in
helping to find a cure for a neurological degradation
suffered by it.
Project Lotus: is concerned with
developing a model to utilize the miraculous Ganesh Particle
to heal everything from earthly ecosystems to the human
body, including cancer.
Project Preserve Destiny: (PPD)
goes back to before 1960 and which is concerned with efforts
to prepare at least some segments of the human population
for the cataclysms expected in the
2012 time-frame.
Project Preserve Mother:
involved the deployment of the Ganesh Particles in the
polluted waters of Cabrillo Bay outside Los Angeles, CA in
an effort to clean up the ecosystem there.
Q94-109A: Queen-94-109-alpha
LINK The leaked document that ordered Dr. Burisch to develop
a cure for the neuropathy suffered by the alien J-Rod.
Rancher: George W Bush see
Raindancer: a compartmentalized
project within
the chemtrail project.
rER: Rough ER
S4: Sector 4 facility associated
with Area 51 at Papoose Mountain. Nicknamed "Shady Rest"
SAP: Special Access Program
Section D: biological tinkering
SER: smooth endoplasmic
Shady Rest: nickname for S4
Shiva linga: The tube that
emerges from the opened GP to penetrate another cell.
SMCA: State Marine Conservation
The S.M.R. stood for
Special Mission Recitation. It was an early designation from
Dr. Burisch before even Project Lotus was officially
sanctioned by the CotM. Dr. Burisch's preceding project was
called Mission Genesis. The final form of the SMRs were
termed SGPs, for "Sanctuary of the Golden Petal", a
First-Amendment dodge utilized by Majestic to protect
sensitive projects from prying eyes of public officials.
State Marine Reserve
STAAR: Strategic Tactical
Advanced Alien Response
- STAAR is composed of, at any
one time, only a few dozen individuals who have been
recruited from their own disciplines to form the nucleus of
the team. Consisting of top experts in advanced computing,
astrophysics, biology, cryptography, communications,
diplomacy, explosives, hazardous materials, and
Starflower Project: A project
which deals the effects of extraterrestrial interactions.
Dan Burisch: Well that in fact does. Well, it's a "beanbox".
We refer to them as 'beanboxes'. I'm in a particular 'beanbox'
which is called Aquarius. There's a Staar 'beanbox' and that
group specifically deals with time issues, issues involving
the larger millieu of extraterrestrial interactions and with
the historical issues involving the imprints of the
extraterrestrials on civilizations past, and how those
imprints affect us today. That's as I understand it, but see
that's not my 'beanbox'.
Sweetness: referring to the
Dulce facility. An underground base in Dulce, New Mexico.
Dulce means sweet in Spanish.
TES: "totally encapsulated suit"
TFOs: "Triplex Forming"
Dan Burisch "Project
Tiamat" was named by me. Look to the Mythology of Tiamat for
your answer. As I cannot write it better... please accept
this quote and link.
"The dragon Tiamat is regarded as the mystery of Chaos,
primal and uncontrollable, passionate in her unchecked
creative energy. She is the frightening Unknown of "formless
primordial matter" sacrificially recreated as the very
beauty of Earth itself."
"In Babylonian mythology, Tiamat is the creatrix of the
celestial and earthly realms as a result of her violent
demise. She is the primordial mother of all and the
personification of the saltwater ocean - chaos embodied in
the form of the ancient Divine feminine. Her union with Apsu,
the personification of fresh water, created the first gods
Lachmu and Lachamu (ie. silt) who, in turn, created a race
of deities."
"Project Tiamat shall give birth to the true purpose of
Project Lotus."
"Tiamat is 'the deep' - the mother ocean -
provider of life. "The Deep" - (Hebrew tehom) at the
beginning of Genesis derives from Tiamat.) "
Sumerian clay tablets
Sitchin says it was a planet destroyed
by Nibiru - forming the asteroid belt and the earth. Hence
the inhabitants of the earth are descendants from the
original survivors of Tiamat.
A sephiroth that
is on the Tree of Life is Tiphareth, sphere number six,
meaning Beauty. The Divine name of Tiphareth is YHVH Eloah
va-Daath (meaning Lord God of Knowledge).
The Sphere Of
Beauty –Qaballah
T9 Treaty: The Tau IX Treaty for
the Preservation of Humanity.
The Tau IX Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity:
between at least two factions of J-RODS and the CotM renewed
every 9 years.
The Tree of Life:
It is a glyph,
that is to say a composite symbol, which is intended to
represent the cosmos in its entirety and the soul of man as
it relates thereto; and the more we study it, the more we
see that it is an amazingly adequate representation; we use
it as an engineer or the mathematician uses his slide-rule,
to scan and calculate the intricacies of existence, visible
and invisible, in external nature or the hidden depth of the
Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah, p. 37
The Tree of Life also known as Ten Sefirot
Vishnu Schist:
The Great
Maintainer and Preserver) is the cellular component of The
A source of quartz crystal in the Frenchman
Mountains, Nevada.
Voynich Manuscript: An encoded
document attributed to have been written by written by Friar
Roger Bacon.
The ancient text has no known title, no known author, and is
written in no known language: what does it say and why does
it have many astronomy illustrations? The mysterious book
was once bought by an emperor, forgotten on a library shelf,
sold for thousands of dollars, and later donated to Yale.
Possibly written in the 15th century, the over 200-page
volume is known most recently as the Voynich Manuscript,
after its (re-)discoverer in 1912.
Pictured above is an
illustration from the book that appears to be somehow
related to the Sun. The book labels some patches of the sky
with unfamiliar constellations. The inability of modern
historians of astronomy to understand the origins of these
constellations is perhaps dwarfed by the inability of modern
code-breakers to understand the book's text. The book
remains in Yale's rare book collection under catalog number
"MS 408."
Watertown: a reference to Area
Weiss, Gus: Obituary
The Washington Post, Sunday, December 7, 2003; Page C12
Gus W. Weiss, 72, a former White House policy adviser on
technology, intelligence and economic affairs, died Nov. 25
of a fall from the Watergate East residential building in
the District. The D.C. medical examiner ruled his death a
A spokesman for the D.C. police said that officers found his
body at a service entrance to the apartment cooperative. Dr.
Weiss lived in the building.
Dr. Weiss was a graduate of Vanderbilt University in his
native Nashville. He received a master's degree in business
from Harvard University and a doctorate in economics from
New York University, where he also taught. He served on the staff of the National Security Council
under Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald
Reagan. In the Ford administration, he was also executive
director of the White House Council on International
Economic Policy.
Much of his government work centered on national security,
intelligence organizations and concerns over technology
transfers to communist countries. As an adviser to the
Central Intelligence Agency, he served on the Pentagon's
Defense Science Board and the Signals Intelligence Committee of the U.S. Intelligence Board.
During the Carter administration, Dr. Weiss was assistant
for space policy to the secretary of defense.
His honors included the CIA's Medal for Merit and the
National Security Agency's Cipher Medal. He was awarded the
French Legion of Honor in 1975 for helping resolve national
security concerns over a joint venture between General
Electric's aircraft engine division and a French jet engine
Since 1992, Dr. Weiss had been a guest lecturer at George
Washington University, where he spoke about his experiences
in the government. He was also adviser to the dean of arts
and sciences and established a cash prize awarded to a top
physics student.
His interests included piano and history. There are no immediate survivors.
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy:
(U.S. COP)
On September 20, 2004, the U.S. Commission on
Ocean Policy fulfilled its mandate to submit recommendations
for a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy to
the President and Congress. The Commission's final report,
"An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century," contains 212
recommendations addressing all aspects of ocean and coastal
policy. The 16 members of the Commission call on the
President and Congress to take decisive, immediate action to
carry out these recommendations, which will halt the steady
decline of our nation's oceans and coasts.
On December 17, 2004, in response to the Commission's
findings and recommendations, the President issued an
executive order establishing a Committee on Ocean Policy as
part of the Council on Environmental Quality and released
the U.S. Ocean Action Plan.
On December 19, 2004, the Commission expired, as provided
under the terms of the Oceans Act of 2000
U.S. COP: U.S. Commission on
Ocean Policy
Yellow Book:
A "book" showing
possible futures - apparently it is holographic in nature --
and (somewhat) "mutable" It is said to have be left here by
alien "visitors".
The Yellow Book is said to be a sort of
holographic compact disk, which can project images of the
information it contains. It is alleged to contain references
to Biblical events, even including:
a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ plus
the history of their visitations to Earth for the past
12,000-plus years.
the start of the Pyramid age in Egypt, circa; 2450 BC ? In
circa 2450 BC the Giza Pyramids mirrored the "Orion Belt" of
10400 BC & 2450 BC.
(The new estimated age of the Sphinx in Egypt is ~ 12000+
Earth is an out of the way stop on their five or more
trading routes.
Note: Also, there is said to be five or more groups of
"Aliens" visiting Earth.
Left an observer here 2000 years ago: Observer not related
to Christ according to sources: "They" may have holographic
images of the crucifixion of Christ and other Biblical
events. The visitors have supposedly been asking the
question, "Why them" (humans) and not us to have a "Christ
Savior" ?
Their own social history and religious beliefs. They
believe in ONE GOD but do not accept traditional ideas of a
Christian 'Trinity'.
References to 1997 being the disclosure period with
perhaps a lot of social upheaval and turmoil, and 1998 the
beginning for geological chaos.
–Bill Hamilton,
Zeta Reticuli: (ζ Ret / ζ
Reticuli) is a binary star system located about 39 light
years away from Earth. It is in the constellation Reticulum,
and is visible to the unaided eye under very dark skies.
Because of the southerly location of the system, it is not
visible north of the tropics.
Originally thought to be old galactic halo Population II
sub-dwarfs, the two stars are now thought to be younger
galactic disk stars, but still considerably older than the
Sun, perhaps as much as 8 billion years old. They belong to
the Zeta Herculis stellar moving group. Both stars share
similar proper motions and distances confirming that they
indeed form a wide binary star. The stars are approximately
9,000 AU apart. The stars revolve around each other once in
over a million years.
ζ1 Reticuli and ζ2 Reticuli are both yellow dwarf (main
sequence) stars remarkably similar to our Sun. No close-in
giant planets have been detected around either of the
components, making Earth-like terrestrial planets possible.
However, the stars are 60% as enriched with metals as the
Sun. Planets around less metal-rich stars are less likely
according to our current knowledge.
Dan Burisch Explains: Initially, I was briefed that J-Rod
was an alien, specifically from the Reticuli 1 and 2 system,
specifically from Reticulum 4. I had no idea of the truth.
But it was said from Reticulum 4 now . But I had no idea of
the truth about how this came to be."