- Dan Burisch: There?
- DonDep: god yes,
with tears too
- Dan Burisch: standby will connect - when you get an image, call him.
- DonDep: we're trying to do what's right for us humans, Dan. I
think it is very possible the people who have told you what is supposed
to happen or not may be misleading you
- Dan Burisch: Hello? ID?
- DonDep: I know all about the interaction with the
MiBs, and "all is not what
it seems"
- Dan Burisch: Reviewer #?
- DonDep: Dan, it's Dondep
- Dan Burisch: Oh, okay...hi!
- DonDep: really me. Thanks for the
smile....I'm shaking at the moment.
- Dan Burisch: Okay...so for a
verification that this call is sent
- DonDep: your fellow humans have authorized it!
- Dan Burisch: Okay...go ahead.
You have video? You have video?
- DonDep: yep! looking for the tongue
- Dan Burisch: Caught me eating!
- DonDep: take a bite for me!
- Dan Burisch: Bagels! This is neat, what's up?
- DonDep: just had corned beef...
- Dan Burisch: Cabbage? I love cabbage!
- DonDep: well, we're standing by trying to help you decide the fate of the
world.....literally! damn...where's my emoticons!
- Dan Burisch: Naaaaa. God will do that!
- DonDep: He has entrusted some of it to you....for sure! You have the
humility, we know
- Dan Burisch: Just for looks! What he has entrusted
with me over the last 24 hours is a headache.
- DonDep: yes, we have em too right now...
- Dan Burisch: I found a match to the template the GP adds to a dead cell...in
an unusual place.... inside of the low density areas of the GP
protocells as the GP
activates...that gave me one.. unexpected.
- DonDep: You see, someone told us something has to happen within this 24 hour
- Dan Burisch: No, the key is...nothing is going to happen (respecting I think
to what you refer) within this 24 period. Here I set with head in hands....
- DonDep: that's what we're worried about. I'm just a lowly citizen, looking
for patterns....
- Dan Burisch: So am I!
- DonDep: you see, I DO know how to quote you!
- Dan Burisch: I have received a download of the GLP
forum and list updates
from Skywatch.
[here Dan waved a ream of GLP downloads]
- Dan Burisch: Ya. Interesting stuff.
- DonDep: This someone is the person that told me the name of your friend. He
must know something!
- Dan Burisch: I read.
- DonDep: wow! you should join the conversation directly! take a load off my
soul why doncha!
- Dan Burisch: He hides lies under the truth. Wish I
could...very honestly. Some are calling me....
- DonDep: is he part of the group that has been hiding the truth from we
- Dan Burisch: spewing nonsense...like that one. Yes. Others are
asking whether I am starting a cult! I find one thing interesting...
When the public (and mostly me) only knew of the possibility of a
- DonDep: ya, they think I'm a high priest or something too.....
we're just
humans trying to do the right thing, aye?
- Dan Burisch: they didn't come out with such "as steely knives".
Once I said (what I have since found out) that such a thing is NOT a
certainty, they want me ripped and torn.
I feel this is a reaction to some of the things that they hate about
their own lives, that they wish for a great change... I would only
hope that they would take their energies off me, and do something
positive for people around them.
- DonDep: so how come there are real beings from our future? how does that
- Dan Burisch: Look... All I know FOR SURE...I MEAN REALLY FOR
1. Is that I have met one.
2. That I have read what I have read
about the DCTP.
3. That the DCTP is taken as an article of Standard Operating
Procedures for people around me.
4. and that my personal philosophy.. together with...
well...we will just call it prayer in this medium... tells me that
it is real.
Others are very welcomed to disagree, or whatever.
It's okay by
me...doesn't change my present conditions, responsibilities, etc..... sb I am getting rid of my plate.
Okay back.
- DonDep: Does the DCTP explain then how it is possible for beings from the
future to come back in time to us, and also for us to change things with our
current free choice? How does that explain IMINVSBL's explanation of what
they did with your parents and wife?
- Dan Burisch: One message on the Skywatch list I LOVED!!!!
- DonDep: (can you share?)
- Dan Burisch: Well...most of my philosophical pursuits deal with
esoteric/metaphysical/religious/faith issues...the physics issues were
related in the documents, and while I have had some pretty good mathematical
training (the calculus and stuff like that)...the physics math...very
dense in the document I read, got by me. What I know I know, what I
don't I don't. The DCTP was explained, in the non-discipline areas of the
books, as a stack of cards. The more we muck around, the more cards get
stacked into our reality. That I could get my mind around...but, as what
the case with the King Tutts at Shady Rest, I was much more
interested in two things...
1. Where was my friend (the
J-Rod) from and
2. What issues involving the biological sciences were
affected by this so-called doctrine. I spent more of my time.
Specifically issues involving evolutionary paradigm. absorbing
that information.
- DonDep: to quote you again, "I don't do things without a reason". I
think this IMINVSBL told us this stuff about your family without there being
some kind of truth to it. Did you read what he said on your printout there?
- Dan Burisch: What I have taken from the DCTP is that when the
J-Rods and
others transfer back in time, they are allowed to overlay a temporary card
onto the stack. When they leave, as individuals, each card is
successively removed, while the memory of the event (card) remains with
we and they. We now, and they in the future. Yes I have.

- DonDep: In fall 1979, I underwent an experience I called then the "Ultimate
- Dan Burisch: go ahead
- DonDep: I was not abducted or anything like that, but I watched as the
physical planes of existence altered before me, like a Picasso painting
- Dan Burisch: Not joking, but nothing like
DMT or anything like that?
- DonDep: I was stunned and devastated, wanted to go out and tell the world
the secret of reality, but knew they would "put me away" if I did so.
no drugs at that time, Dan, no no conditions I have lol other than an
overly-enquiring mind....
- Dan Burisch: Okay...is the leading to people in white coats on the way for
me? Okay...
- DonDep: love that smile! no, I realized that the only
way to fight this thing was through the "feeling"; call it love, the
Holy Spirit, whatever.,,,,
- Dan Burisch: Fight?
- DonDep: that there was a good energy that animated the paradox, and only by
exercising it can we overcome it. I don't know if it has a bearing on this
conversation, but I thought it important to share that. I believe in
transparency, and see no reason for the kind of secrecy that has kept us in
the dark. yes, the Ultimate Paradox was the devastating realization
that....ultimate comedy is ultimate tragedy, etc. and vice-versa.
- Dan Burisch: Well...it does have bearing and believe it or not I can
illustrate the relevance from what I was going to say a moment ago...if I
may... I believe the same...however... we find people like...well...we
will call her (or him) Joni, and we will imagine her (or him) as being a
contributor on Skywatch.... This Joni took statements I said...such as
"It helps to know Hebrew"...and twist it to be an attack on all those
that don't know
Hebrew...Quite a brand of logic...
- DonDep: exactly! go on!
- Dan Burisch: The readings from the
Rezial Book would be much easier known
if one does know Hebrew...what was misread was the analysis of my
intention...I DON'T KNOW HEBREW!!!
- DonDep: lol!!!!
- Dan Burisch: I was talking, in reality, about myself.
- DonDep: see, ultimate humility is ultimate nobility!
- Dan Burisch: I was accused of misstating the
I was referencing from Jewish mystical work...not the
Torah...I will not be freed to speak of the Torah...per say...aside from an
analysis of the Garden scenario that NO ONE wants to really hear... until
after my 40th. Birthday...
- DonDep: actually, a few of us WOULD like to hear of that...especially in
light of that snippet from your DNA page, or the Tree of Life with the
Voynich Manuscript
- Dan Burisch: It is on my 40th. Birthday that the two Rabbis with whom I have
the honor to consult, will present me with a copy of the Zohar. sb thinking about this one my friend.
- DonDep: "proceed at your own pace" {Bill Hamilton}
- Dan Burisch: Is
Bill there...or was that taken from a transcript...?
- DonDep: from the transcript....really tiring! nope,,,, Bill's not here.
- Dan Burisch: Oh well...would have been nice. I am under
the impression that people have picked up on the relevance of
the Voynich Manuscript. It seems to be, indeed, what was presented of it by the IMINVSBL
- DonDep: we have picked up that it was relevant, and
urgently so by the "Other" faction
- Dan Burisch: Let me proceed this way...
If Adam was a real person... then this real person would have some
kind of genetic structure...yes? Now...please understand this
conversation is somewhat diverting from Voynich (Roger Bacon's document)...
it goes to some personal theory that may be derived from what the J-Rod told me. This is to say...
- DonDep: referring to the "man" image in your
telepathic explosion.
- Dan Burisch: it may only be a reflection of what the J-Rod knew would be my
own musings... Yes. Are you familiar with how cells divide? basically?
- DonDep: basically yes
- Dan Burisch: eukaryotic ones. Okay... You are familiar with the sex
chromosomes of human beings...that is male: XY, female XX.
- DonDep:
(one of our 'motley crew' can interpret if I can't) yes, familiar
- Dan Burisch: Prefer KISS!
Went to the concert a couple weeks ago!
- DonDep: saw them live, you know!
- Dan Burisch: plus Aerosmith.
- DonDep: maybe you'd actually like our
band's music!
we WILL rock you!
- Dan Burisch: ?
- DonDep: mindshaftrock
- Dan Burisch: Queen, my favorite.
- DonDep: mindshaftrock.com
- Dan Burisch: CD available?
- DonDep: all music free for uploading
on site
- Dan Burisch: I'll get it.
- DonDep: now back to the science
- Dan Burisch: Are you familiar with legends about Lillith? Not really
science, maybe. The alleged first wife of Adam?
- DonDep: Jewish legend?
yes, somewhat...
- Dan Burisch: I believe so, also mixed into other cultures.
What if... there was a tiny confusion as to what the Adam was...
- DonDep: ???
- Dan Burisch: We know, from scripture...
- DonDep: you mean, whether
Adam was humanoid?
- Dan Burisch: that Adam was set into a deep sleep and a rib was taken from
him to create Eve (life)... No...he was human.
- DonDep: the
Bible story, literally, go on...
- Dan Burisch: What if the rib was a fragment of an X chromosome, with
tinkering... created to become a Y. If you look closely at images from a
human karyotype, you will
see the differences between the X and Y. Adam may have been more female,
taking the feminine of the Shekinah, than most males would like to imagine at this stage in our
cultures. Should Adam have possessed 3 X's, with 1 dormant as a so-called.
Barr body.
- DonDep: hermaphrodite??
- Dan Burisch: Not really.
Sexless. as we would account for it today. No need for such Knowledge
- DonDep: as Akhenaton (sp?) supposedly was, in Egypt? "No need
for such knowledge"....?????
- Dan Burisch: and a rib (portion of a chromosome removed)...possibly...but
then there is also lore that Akhenaton (best I could do too! )...may have
been related to the person known as Moses...but that I really
know. Why knowledge of sex? or sexual orientation, pleasure...etc...if the
whole world was oriented into a stability not requiring it. ?
- DonDep: so, possible then that Adam was an anomaly?
- Dan Burisch:
Let's posit something here...
- DonDep: okay
- Dan Burisch: Ready for the ride?
- DonDep: ready!
- Dan Burisch: Okay... Let's posit that future humanity, wanting so
desperately to
preserve themselves after a catastrophe... went back in time to the dawn of
humanity. Found our own progenitor and made those changes that they felt
would ultimately (because of their arrogant beliefs in understanding
evolution and DNA)... prevent their own problems. So, a triplex, triple
X (now under a duplex state known as a superfemale...much different than the
Adam triplex state)...
- DonDep: triple DNA helix, or no?
- Dan Burisch: made an alteration which caused a
transformation of Adam's state
from XXX to XYX. Adam..yes...we...no. Once the change had been
made...and the "rib" was taken from the one X chromosome, creating a Y
chromosome... The XYX individual separated to become one XX (one X that had
copied itself through an altered cellular, machinery, leaving the new
"female" EVE in a duplex XX state, and the progenitor,
Adam, being left
with an XY, in the duplex state. Thus, we have an XX female (as we
are now) and an XY male (as we are now).
- DonDep: how was this supposed to solve the problems of the post-catastrophe
- Dan Burisch: From there...the interbreeding occurred, as what would be
necessary with limited population,...
- DonDep: the hybrids?
- DonDep: wow...l
- Dan Burisch: Thus, the serpent... is actually
the dark human heart that was from the future
- DonDep: the 'dark' human heart....
- Dan Burisch: that attempted to change a past that it didn't
understand...thus causing our fall from grace which it believed had already
occurred. The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
- DonDep: and we have no way of rectifying it? except by
withholding the Lotus?
- Dan Burisch: The serpent, then also symbolizes, the...
- DonDep: so that the
'dark' heart from the future vanishes?
sorry, go on.
- Dan Burisch: strand of DNA from which we have become separated due to our
own arrange. Let me explain that... The withholding of the Lotus is to get a signature first.
They (the rogue faction) ARE going to be in possession of
it...after they give us their John Hancock's on a little treaty.
They are bound by their culture, logically so, to never break a treaty
and they know it.
- DonDep: which they don't want to because of....why?
- Dan Burisch: They already know that the working of the treaty will preclude
the use of the Lotus for further tampering with the timeline. They are still
making the mistakes that have traditionally made. Sure, they say they
want it to solve the MGUS condition they
have...sure they say that... but what they really feel is that they can
return us to the normal state without prophecy being fulfilled.
- DonDep: what mistakes are they still making? and what is the MGUS condition?
- Dan Burisch: They want to return us to the pre-fall state by its use.
- DonDep: so they want to return us to a triple-X state to begin with? Make up
for their bad decision?
- Dan Burisch: The MGUS (Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance) like
condition that is associated with the peripheral and somewhat genito-urinary
system involved, neurodegenerative disorder. They want to return
Adam...foolishness...to both a triple X, triplex DNA state.
- DonDep:
Why would that be bad, if it restores our full potential?
- Dan Burisch: This is a change in the past.
cascade. We have...
- DonDep: would that mean that our present selves would then dissolve?
- Dan Burisch: a history of not trusting the One that put us here...
to muck more...they again won't have what they want...possibly.
- DonDep: correct, we foolishly trust the
False Ones, that keep us here
- Dan Burisch: Well... it may not be so bad, in comparison to
mistrusting God again. or I should say distrusting. should
- DonDep: but
shouldn't we be making that decision collectively?
- Dan Burisch: The
- DonDep: go ahead, the DCTP
- Dan Burisch: indicates that...don't worry about Journalism 101...
- DonDep: lol!!!!
- Dan Burisch: Yes, we should. The DCTP
indicated that should the human made mechanisms be secured our world
will proceed along a basic timeline which will bring us to a natural
rejoining... What I fear is that if the J-Rods get the
Lotus, prior,
they will make a change that will backfire further, guaranteeing our
visit with 2012 to be a unpleasant one. sb]
- DonDep: so, what are they objecting to in the treaty right now?
- Dan Burisch: Really nothing...aside from bumping up their abduction numbers.
They are trying to pull this crap, around the treaty, before it.
- DonDep:
these abductions....done for the sake of creating the hybrids that will
be the new bodies for the new race
- Dan Burisch: Either they get the model early, or the cipher for
- DonDep: they want the cipher then to make it themselves, if you
won't give
it to them?
- Dan Burisch: They are conducting genetic experiments, on a longitudinal
basis, to watch drift. Yes. The genetic drift is what they are watching to find a
stop point or genetic stop code, where they think the disorder actually
began. Then they plan on returning to the past...foolishness again...in
order to make another change... drift
- DonDep: "Hodge-podge" hopscotching, so to speak??
- Dan Burisch: Yes, return to the past, make an early genetic change with
targeted viruses...and they think this will solve the future
disorder...but what they are refusing to understand...in a typical human
denial pattern, is that the changes themselves...will be the author of
- DonDep: but if they are from the future, they know how this will play out,
correct? Or, if you don't
help them, they will vanish?
- Dan Burisch: No, they feel they can cascade the future to their desire.
If you want the code here...here it is...
- DonDep: the changes they want will be the author of their own destruction,
is THAT more correct
- Dan Burisch: Adam and Eve took from the
Tree of Knowledge...
They were banished from the Garden for it. banished
- DonDep: when they had the 3rd helix....then lost it...
okay so far...
- Dan Burisch: The Cherubim have been put in place to guard the way to the
Tree of Life. If we are to take the Fruit from the
Tree of Life we
would be as "gods."
- DonDep: guarding against anyone, including from the future, coming back and
re-providing the 3rd strand
- Dan Burisch: Controlling forward, backward, reality.
That's right.
- DonDep: okay...grokking...
- Dan Burisch: grokking? netspeak?
- DonDep: pondering, too
- Dan Burisch: Oh!
- DonDep: grokking. from the Heinlein book.
- Dan Burisch: So, the code...who's good,
who's not is easy...
Those that wish to grab the Fruit of the Tree of Life are those that
follow the same dark heart as in the Fall.
- DonDep: easy to recognize who is good and not? mebbe for you!
- Dan Burisch: Those that wish it kept as sacred... not played with...
are following what the intentions of the Cherubim are, as manifested as
instructions from God to the Cherubim. MAKE NO MISTAKE... ANYONE,
it. Just watching.
- DonDep: and how does this relate to our potential interaction with our
galactic neighbors, who are asking us to simply ask ourselves if we want
them to "show up?" are they connected to these
- Dan Burisch: I am forbidden to attempt any genetic decoding whatsoever.
To be honest...I don't know if that is real, fake, or somewhere
in between. I can tell you what I think about the notion, though? sb
- DonDep: I am trying to understand what my role here is, since our meeting
was supposedly foretold in "the timeline", and I'm sure it isn't out of the
goodness of their hearts.....yes, what do you think of that notion?
- Dan Burisch: I have been informed I have 30 minutes left.
- DonDep: meaning, why do you think I have been allowed to speak with you (let
alone live without being 'erased', like most who raise 'stinks')
- Dan Burisch: Well... I see that fairly clearly.
We were obviously supposed to speak.
- DonDep: I gathered lol
- Dan Burisch: Should the world know of this theory? Of course!
Nothing wrong with that...but...
- DonDep: So what should I call it, for you?
- Dan Burisch: some have motives that would lend them in the thinking that
if this becomes sufficiently known, together with information about my
life conditions, that I could be exposed into the public in a manner
that would allow them easy access to get it from me. What do you mean... call it, for you?
- DonDep: Is it possible, just possible, that Chi'ielah (name only to fellow
J-Rods, you and I [and GLP!]) was a service-to-other entity, undercover with
the group that is officially recognized, sent to give you the Lotus?
the theory that you mentioned) (so the world would know of this
theory....our 'purpose', supposedly)
- Dan Burisch: Do I believe that the human heart, in the
J-Rod, was pure? Yes.
Did he lead me wretchedness along a path that would set me face to face
with the Lotus, yes.
- DonDep: That's what I'm saying. What if your friend was undercover, good of
heart, yet having to complete his mission from within a selfish group that
poses as the good group?
- Dan Burisch: my. Possibly. Matters not to
- DonDep: and the 'good' group has been left in the cold, portrayed to you as
the 'rogue' group
- Dan Burisch: No. No, no, no, no.
- DonDep: any other time, this would be only speculation, but not at this
- Dan Burisch: Of that I know the difference.
- DonDep: okay, as long as you have considered that possibility
(I always ask the next question why; gets me into trouble as you can
- Dan Burisch: Simply stated, the so-called rogue group wants to make changes
of the scope and size as the Fall of Humankind. Hearts are good things...but
the Bible does teach that a fool will trust his heart. We have
taken knowledge and must know live with it. knowledge
- DonDep: I understood that.
I'm from outside the 'box', so now that I've
mentioned it and you've considered it, okay. I just know that the 'bad' guys
have been in control for far too long.
- Dan Burisch: But I love my heart too.
True. There are many that I previously called "close acquaintances" that
now want me to just hand things over.
- DonDep: I trust you Dan.
- Dan Burisch: This isn't a test of a rat in a maze here...the scope goes
beyond just handing over data. I realize that. Be careful with trust...you don't know me. Trust God.
But thank you. I am just a person trying to do his best with what
he has in front of him. I fight my personal battles... as does
- DonDep: So if all humans actually looked inside themselves, lost their fear
for a moment, and said "yes, I'm tired of the 'bad guys' running things
behind the scenes, I want them all -good and bad neighbors- to show up and
be transparent" you wouldn't have a problem with that?
- Dan Burisch: but I have to rely on the
One True God to help me with
this...otherwise I am picking a fight with Satan...and only a fool of a
human would do that.
- DonDep: You would support disclosure so that we can all walk more in the
- Dan Burisch: No, I pray for that. Of course.
- DonDep: Thank you for that! Hallelujah!
- Dan Burisch: Of course... you understand what you are saying?
- DonDep: Now, for a quick read on
chemtrails: what are they really? How are
they supposed to change our DNA? (yes, understand)
- Dan Burisch: That came from left field1 Well...Raindancer is over.
- DonDep: great to hear it! no more chemtrails then? at least not
DNA-related? stargates: size and makeup?
- Dan Burisch: That is the only real part of the project of which I was
aware...unless we are talking about things from a decade ago, in which case
I know nothing! Just like Sgt. Schultz, Nothing! Nothing! 2 kinds...natural
and man made.
- DonDep: man-made ones are bad, correct? why?
- Dan Burisch: The natural ones, like the one at Frenchman's, Sedona, etc. are
various sized, depending on whether they are being opened by natural
(cosmic) or by unnatural (electromagnetic pressure)
- DonDep: they explain the KB-50 disappearance from 1950s to Dec 21, 2001 in
- Dan Burisch: The manmade ones, such as Alice's Looking-Glass, was about 20
or so feet in diameter if I am remembering exactly right...saw it only a
couple of times. Not within my knowledge base..
- DonDep: where was it? Similar to the one in
we're looking for? And why
again must we destroy them?
- Dan Burisch: No need to know... The one I
saw was at the Shady Rest.
- DonDep: I was reaching on that one anyway.....lol where is
Shady Rest?
- Dan Burisch: The one (of the 2) in Iraq, was found not that far from
Baghdad. S4
- DonDep: what IS on the other side of the
stargates though?
"divine beings?" (from one of our forum)
- Dan Burisch: Depending on what
wormhole through which we pass, and depending
on what power (this is physics stuff mainly that I don't understand) is
presented to the manmade devices...it determines the destination. As for
the natural ones... that depends on what part of space we are in. They
branch, like a tree, from what I understand.
- DonDep: any relation to
HAARP quadrupling its power recently, and going for
a 3x test tomorrow?
- Dan Burisch: So, a proper "pulling" from another side can determine the
destination of an object sent from a point of origin. NAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
- DonDep: I saw that!!!
- Dan Burisch: You know HAARP is soon to be under the control of...a foreign
- DonDep: oops....me not in the need-to-know loop there, I see!
"foreign"? as in, ET?
- Dan Burisch: No, as in
- DonDep: ouch. that's what worries me.
- Dan Burisch: They can play with the natural ones all they like...won't
matter there.
- DonDep: worries many on the forum, I'm sure.
- Dan Burisch: The power of the holes on the galactic plane
will turn on ALL
gates here, when we near the transition point.
- DonDep: Is that point nearing?
- Dan Burisch: Well...when BJ was here in Nevada...I advised: Give or
take near
- DonDep: We were told that today is a major deadline of some sort....
- Dan Burisch: For someone other than me, that's for sure.
- DonDep: advised her to move to Canada? She did, you know....
- Dan Burisch: The book they have in their hands says they had the
Lotus/Cipher in about 7 minutes...
- DonDep: from now?
- Dan Burisch: 0100 Nov 16 UTC. Ya...what a bitch huh?
- DonDep: wow! the history of our future, down to the next 7 minutes ahead of
this moment!
- Dan Burisch: I think my calendrical time math is right...I was told 5:00pm
(1700) my time.
- DonDep: Well, if we're talking, you won't be giving it to them, aye?
- Dan Burisch: History books are written by both losers and winners.
That decision was made long ago.
- DonDep: That's what I was advised of last night, when told the
Nazi version
was similar to the IMINVSBL version in that they were alternative
- Dan Burisch: sb Security is moving in, closer to my
residence. They usually stay across the riverbed with a few rovers over
here, but they want to make sure no intrusions. Good guys. IMINVSBL is juts like a
- DonDep: You still have that 12 monkeys decal on your door?
- Dan Burisch: 3 minutes.
- DonDep: How? we need to know
- Dan Burisch: That was removed after it became recognized on the net.
They think themselves better than we, now.
- DonDep: How did he know who to rearrange in your life to make the future
turn out the way it has?
- Dan Burisch: They believe themselves to be a master race.
- DonDep: But they're us, right?
- Dan Burisch: He didn't, that's
bullshit. Yes, just like the Nazi's were.
- DonDep: Okay, that bit about Harry and J was incorrect then?
- Dan Burisch: No. It was substantially true...lies under truth.
- DonDep: So the only thing right he knew was Chi'ielah's name then?
- Dan Burisch: Promises are promises.
- DonDep: And what can we say to those that frame the whole
ET question in
terms of 'fallen angels'
- Dan Burisch: May God bless you Don Dep...trust in Him.
- DonDep: and may He/She bless you too, Doctor Dan...