by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
January 21, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
Chinese National Television Xinhua news
(below video)
is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial
disclosure by the
Obama administration.
The unprecedented national China TV news bulletin that U.S.
President Barack Obama may be preparing to disclose U.S. relations
with specific extraterrestrial races was broadcast on the official
channel Xinhua on January 4, 2011 on the eve of China President Hu
Jintao's state visit to the United States.
President Hu is
presently visiting a Chinese language facility in
Chicago, IL as of this writing on January 21, 2011.
View China National TV reporting impending ET disclosure by Obama
National Chinese Media Reports Upcoming UFO
Disclosure by Obama
January 04, 2011
YouTube Website
ET Disclosure Race?
The Xinhua China TV broadcast on the official news channel stating
that President Barack Obama may be preparing an official U.S.
disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by one perspective may
be fueled by an “Extraterrestrial disclosure race” now developing
between China, the U.S., and other major space powers as to which
nation will be the first nation will use the authority of its Head
of State and secret ET files to authoritatively declare there is an
extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
The first nation to authoritatively announce the Extraterrestrial
presence stands to gain world prestige and trust in the eyes of the
increasingly extraterrestrially-sophisticated more than 6.89 billion
persons populating the Earth at this time.
One journalist, Michael Cohen,
notes that,
“Prime time TV news broadcasts
announcing the upcoming US UFO admission… have been beamed to
the living rooms of hundreds of millions of intrigued Chinese
“Commentators and analysts now believe a new cold war over alien
and UFO secrets is underway between the two superpowers.
“The historic decision [by Xinhua by Chinese national Television
agency] to broadcast this news is seen as stemming from fears
that the US might steal China's glory and admit an alien
presence on Earth before Beijing does.
“In fact, neither side particularly wants to admit to the public
that they are in contact with aliens, however at the same time,
they do not want the other side to do so first. In other words,
if there is UFO admission both nations want it to be their
moment of glory.
“The recent news broadcasts are probably a way for progressive
elements within the Communist party to nudge the notoriously
cautious President Hu Jintao by bringing to his attention the
possibility that America might steal his moment and come clean.
“In an era where both superpowers possess enormous nuclear
arsenals it is essential that the race to UFO disclosure does
not heat up into fully blown conflict, or else alien observers
themselves might be forced to intervene.”
science and the extraterrestrial presence
In 2010 there were major overflights of UFOs
over Chinese airports,
shutting the airports down.
Whether all of these are of
extraterrestrial origin remains to be seen.
The extraterrestrial presence appears to be a more open one in
mainstream Chinese science than in mainstream western science.
A leading Chinese
extraterrestrial expert,
“the oft-quoted Zhang Yifang,
professor of physics at Yunnan University and Director of the
Kunming UFO Research Association, recently claimed aliens are
alive and well and living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang.
‘The complicated terrain of these places makes them perfect for
observation of us earthlings,’ he says. ‘But I believe they are
nice and they have no intention of attacking us. Perhaps they
are shape-shifters camouflaged as human beings or they have
manufactured human-like robots to watch us.’”
“’UFOs are not just rumors, or fake science like some people
think,’ he told That’s Shanghai.
‘It is a fact that the entire
human race has to face. It needs our attention and study.
Although the majority of mainstream scientists have a negative
attitude towards UFOs at the moment, there are still some who
recognize their existence. Since the late 1970s, UFO witness
cases have started to appear frequently, and more and more
scientists are starting to study it too, for example, Pan Junye,
an academic at the China Engineering Academy, Zhu Jin from
Beijing Observatory, and Wang Sichao from the Nanjing
“As if that wasn’t spooky enough, scientists at Nanjing’s Purple
Mountain Observatory say that during last summer’s eclipse, they
filmed an unidentified flying object near the sun for a full 40
minutes. As observatory director Ji Haisheng says, it will take
months of footage analysis before the team can reach a
conclusion, but still!
“Lou Jinhong, Director of the Shanghai UFO Research Center, is
Shanghai’s No. 1 UFO expert. He served in the PLA’s No. 9
Aviation School in the 1970s, studied aircraft and later went on
to work at the Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute. In short,
he knows his flying objects, identified or otherwise.
“Lou acknowledges that 95 percent of reported UFO sightings are
just hoaxes or misunderstandings, as witnesses often mistake
Venus or Jupiter for more mysterious heavenly bodies.
“All the same, Lou is convinced that his own sighting was no
‘On September 26, 1971, I was serving in the PLA’s No.9
Aviation School, and my troop was located in a small valley in
the suburb of Laohekou, Hubei. After dinner, we walked to the
park to watch an open-air film. I can still remember, it was a
colored film from North Korea called Flower Girl.
The sky was
very beautiful and clear, dotted with many stars. I looked up in
the sky by chance and suddenly saw a spiral-shaped object slowly
flying across the sky. It was twice as big as a full moon and
the speed was similar to an airplane.
We were all from the
aviation school, so we had learned aircraft principles,
discussed aircraft stories and seen many real aircraft. But no
one had ever seen anything like this. Back then, no one had any
idea what a UFO was, but we all definitely eliminated the
possibility of it being any kind of manmade object. Since then,
a giant question mark has been stamped in my head.’
“Lou argues that it’s only rational to assume Earth is not the
only special planet.
The conditions necessary for developing
life aren’t so extreme, so we shouldn’t be the only sons of the
universe, he says.
“’If I really had the chance to meet aliens, especially
humanoids with intelligence, I would treat them like my own
friends and family, welcome them with enthusiasm and attention,
and chat with them so we would learn from each other.
I believe
if they can travel to our planet, it means their politics,
economy, technology and culture must be more advanced than ours.
So through communication, it will have an immeasurable impact on
the development of us human beings.’”