
As a rule, modern
artifacts, like this clay pot, are found near the top of the stratographic column.
Homo Sapiens (modern man) is thought to
have originated in Africa 100,000 years ago.
Neanderthal Man originated around
150,000 years
Homo Erectus originated around
1.5 million years
This primitive
hand-ax is the most advanced tool we would
expect to find in 2 million year old strata.
Australopithicus, the first to walk upright. Around
million years ago.
Pliopithicus, an ape-like being, was among man's earliest
relatives, around 25 million years ago.
We are now in
the forbidden zone of archeology. This mortar and pestle was
found in rock strata 50 million years old. At this early
period in earth's history human beings did not exist.
This metallic tube is impossible according to the accepted
views of archeology. Found in chalk beds dated to 65 million
years, it is of obvious intelligent design, yet dates to a time
before humans existed.
This artifact has never been recorded in a college textbook.
Modern human bones were found in an Illinois coal deposit dated at
320 million years. Does this mean that man lived at the time
of the dinosaurs?
Perhaps the oldest artifacts ever discovered are these
metallic spheres
found in Klerksdorp, So. Africa. Over 150 of the mysterious balls
were found deep in Pre-Cambrian strata dated at an astounding 2.8
billion years old. At this time in earth's history, only simple
forms of algae were thought to exist
How old is Mankind?
Some participants in NBC's science special, Mysterious Origins of Man
were scientists who have been attacked and ridiculed because of their
discoveries. One of my fellow broadcasters had a fascinating tale to
The view of the history of man accepted by conventional archaeology is
that Homo sapiens evolved roughly 30,000 to 50,000 years ago in Eurasia.
Later, humans crossed the Bering Straits land bridge into North America
around 15,000 years ago. Thus there cannot be any indigenous man-made
artifacts in North or South America older than around this date.
The trouble with this theory is that it can be maintained only by
ignoring literally scores of archaeological finds that are
unquestionably much older.
It was the discoverer of one such find, Dr Viriginia Steen-McIntyre,
who had such an interesting story to tell. In the late 1960s,
and Harold Malde, both of the U.S. Geological Survey
Roald Fryxell
of Washington State University, were working under a grant from
the National Science Foundation at a site called Hueyatlaco
(pronounced way-at-larko) 75 miles south east of Mexico City.
Steen-McIntyre and her colleagues found very sophisticated stone
tools there, rivaling the best work of Cro-Magnon man in Europe.
scientists applied four dating methods to the finds and the strata in
which they were found:
series dating
track dating
hydration dating
weathering study
The four methods yielded a
unanimous date of around 250,000 years.
This finding fundamentally contradicts the belief of anthropology not
only in the New World but regarding the whole history of mankind. People
capable of making the kind of stone tools found at
are thought not to have come into existence until around 100,000 years
ago, in Africa.
Clearly, only two conclusions are possible:
modern humans lived in America 250,000 years ago,
or there is
some systematic error in the primary methods of
geological dating
What is most informative
about the
Hueyatlaco finds is the way that they were treated by
Steen-McIntyre and her colleagues found
themselves subjected to pressure to retract, and obstacles were put in
the way of publishing their findings. A whispering campaign was begun
against them suggesting they were publicity seekers or crackpots.
In 1975, Steen-McIntyre and her colleagues presented a paper at
an anthropological conference. Inexplicably, publication of the
conference proceedings was held up for four years while the editor
ignored her letters. Eventually in 1979 she withdrew the paper in order
to get it published elsewhere.
Writing in 1980 to the editor of Quaternary Research, she said,
'The manuscript I'd like
to submit gives the geologic evidence. It's pretty clear cut and if
it weren't for the fact that a lot of anthropology text books will
have to be rewritten, I don't think we would have had any problems
getting the archaeologists to accept it. As it is, no anthro journal
will touch it with a ten foot pole.'
Eventually, the paper was
published in Quaternary Research in 1981, but the findings at
Hueyatlaco have been ignored since.
If Steen-McIntyre's
discovery was an isolated incident, then one might be cautious in
accepting a single piece of data that contradicts the whole foundations
of anthropology. But far from being isolated it is one of literally
scores of such finds, all of which have received the same treatment.
Advanced Paleolithic and Neolithic flake tools have been found in
Argentina, Canada, Mexico, New Mexico, California, Wyoming, and
elsewhere by professional geologists and paleontologists.
All have been
subjected to campaigns of denigration and ridicule and the finds
relegated to museum basements or store rooms. In some cases (Hueyatlaco
for instance) state or government authorities will no longer grant
permission for investigators to visit these sites - presumably in case
they make any more embarrassing scientific discoveries.
Sea Creatures from the Big
IraqiInsider Website)
Various new species that came up from the depths of the ocean as a
result of the infamous
Tsunami in Indonesia