by Michael E. Salla, PhD
May 14, 2005
Exopolitics Website
Classified projects related to extraterrestrial biological entities
(EBEs) or extraterrestrial technologies are conducted by range of
military services, national security agencies and private
corporations. These are without exception highly compartmentalized
and classified with severe penalties for those releasing information
on these without authorization. Classification levels go beyond the
conventional ‘Confidential’, ‘Secret’ and ‘Top Secret’
classification used in the U.S. for those working with sensitive
government information; and involve compartmentalized
classifications such as MAJIC, COSMIC, UMBRA, and Q clearances which
are all strictly awarded on a ‘need to know’ basis.
Project managers of highly classified or ‘deep black’ projects that
fall under compartmentalized categories reserved for
extraterrestrial related affairs, are responsible for setting
security procedures for such projects and these procedures are
enforced with no oversight by Congressional/Legislative committees.
The Project Manager has great autonomy in setting security
procedures that are designed to prevent unauthorized access by all
except those with a demonstrable ‘need to know’. Individuals who are
employed in such projects perform specific functions according to
their training and as a consequence have to agree to security
procedures, even if this conflicts with their basic Constitutional
Furthermore, whistleblowers who reveal ‘unauthorized’
information may be permitted to do so as long as this is confined to
areas and topics that are approved by clandestine authorities
responsible for authorizing public disclosure. In such cases of
unauthorized release of classified information where the
whistleblower/witness is not punished for such disclosures, a
of discrediting the whistleblower/witness is put in place. The
committee system created to oversee and coordinate highly classified
projects involving EBEs and ET technologies can be described as the
‘secret government’.
The ‘secret government’ dates from the creation of the Majestic 12
Committee allegedly created by President Truman, and mentioned for
the first time in the famed
Truman Memo of September 24, 1947. The
growing power and influence of the ‘secret government’ has resulted
in the gradual erosion of Presidential executive power in the
UFO/extraterrestrial matters. This was confirmed by President Bill
Clinton to famed journalist Sarah McClendon who asked him why he
doesn’t do more to tell the public the truth about UFO’s, Clinton
"Sarah, there’s a secret government within the government,
and I have no control over it."
The procedures and penalties associated for those involved in the
unauthorized release of information from highly classified projects
related to EBEs and/or ET technologies is often ignored by
researchers who typically ask specific questions of whistleblowers
or witnesses about events, documents, entities or technology
associated with the classified projects the whistleblower/witness
allegedly worked in. These questions are often designed to determine
whistleblower/witness ‘credibility’, ‘knowledge’ of the project in
question, and their ‘veracity’. However, these kinds of questions
may threaten the individual if s/he were to comply since it may
reveal more classified information than the individual is
‘permitted’ to reveal.
Asking the wrong question can close the door
on a promising avenue of information and more importantly get the
whistleblower/witness into a great deal of trouble. What follows is
a list of ten ‘wrong’ questions to be asked of
whistleblowers/witnesses concerning extraterrestrial related ‘deep
black’ projects. An explanation for why a question is the wrong one
to ask, and a suggestion for the ‘right’ question is offered.
Wrong Questions to Ask Whistleblowers/Witnesses of ‘Deep Black’
1. Where’s the hard evidence for your claims?
This question is wrong to ask since it assumes that the
whistleblower can provide hard evidence to substantiate his/her
claims. This puts the burden of proof on a witness/whistleblower
revealing information on classified projects to provide sufficient
hard evidence to satisfy whatever criteria imposed by the
researcher. It is illegal to posses ‘hard evidence’ on classified
projects so demanding this of whistleblowers or demanding sufficient
hard evidence to satisfy the researchers criteria does not serve any
purpose other than helping to discredit whistleblowers when this
cannot be supplied.
Right Question is: Is the hard evidence for your claims classified,
and has it been altered or removed from the public arena?
2. Where are documents proving your service record or employment
This is a wrong question since it assumes that documents accurately
detailing the work history for employees or military service
personnel in classified projects are freely available. This is not
the case since security procedures set in place by Project Managers
require such records to be altered or removed from the public arena
as a condition of service, and/or destroyed subsequent to any
unauthorized disclosure of information.
Right Question: Are your military service records or employment
documents in any way subject to the security procedures enforced by
the classified project you worked in?
3. Why should we believe you that you served/worked in a classified
project involving EBEs or ET Technologies?
This is a wrong question since it assumes that the
whistleblower/witness credibility comes from their ability to prove
that s/he worked in a highly classified project. There are severe
penalties in place for revealing information concerning classified
projects that may constrain a whistleblower/witness from disclosing
information to confirm their employment or which threaten
corroborating witnesses. Emphasis should be on unique factors or
details known by the whistleblower which help establish their
credibility. It is necessary for the whistleblower to reveal only
that which s/he feels is permitted, rather than pressuring them to
reveal information that may prejudice their or others safety.
Right Question: What helps establish your credibility as someone who
served/worked in a classified project involving EBEs or ET
4. Why should we believe you when there are inconsistencies in
documents outlining your service record/employment history and the
claims you are making?
This is a wrong question since it assumes that documents detailing
the assignments or work history for military personnel or corporate
employees in highly classified projects accurately reflect the
assignments/employment of such individuals. This is not the case
since security procedures set in place by Project Managers require
that no mention is made of the actual training, service or
employment of such individuals for the specific tasks/positions in
highly classified projects involving EBEs or ET technologies.
Right Question: Do documents detailing your service
record/employment history accurately record the positions, training
and duties you undertook in the classified project?
5. Why should we believe you when no public records exist verifying
your alleged education at the universities you claim?
This is a wrong question since it ignores the agreements that the
‘secret government’ has with a number of public education
institutions over the enrolment of government sponsored students.
The question also ignores that the ‘secret government’ has the power
to remove or alter public records, and intimidate professors or
corroborating witnesses concerning particular students. Universities
that train or educate personal sponsored to work in highly
classified projects involving EBEs and/or ET technologies have
agreements whereby students completing degrees do not have these
recorded in the same public records as occurs with ‘normal
students’. Also, those who have completed their higher education in
non-government sponsored programs, can still have their records
altered or removed from the universities in which they were enrolled
Right Question: Was a condition of your service/employment that your
education record would be removed from the public arena either prior
to your employment or subsequent to any unauthorized release of
classified information?
6. Why should we believe anything you have to say since there are no
independent witnesses to support your claims?
This is a wrong question because often whistleblowers/witnesses in
highly classified projects are willing to risk their careers,
reputations and safety in coming forward. This does not imply that
colleagues or other witnesses of classified projects will be willing
to do the same. Also, independent witnesses can be threatened or
intimidated into silence if a whistleblower gets much exposure as
occurred in the Bob Lazar case and his former colleagues at the
Meson Particle Facility at Los Alamos Research Laboratory who were
threatened if they spoke about the Lazar case. The researcher
looking for corroborating witness testimony is likely to be
frustrated and reach the wrong conclusions about the validity of a
whistleblower’s testimony in the absence of corroborating witnesses.
It’s best to focus on those aspects of a whistleblower’s employment
or background that don’t deal with their work on classified
projects, and thus build a case for the whistleblower’s claims in
terms of their employment background, education, special abilities,
Right Question. Are there any witnesses who can corroborate those
parts of your testimony that does not deal with classified
7. Why should we believe in your conspiracy theory that a ‘secret
government’ exists that controls all information and projects
relating to EBE’s or ET technologies?
This is a wrong question since it assumes that the whistleblower is
proposing a conspiracy theory rather than accurately reporting
events as s/he has encountered them during his/her military service
or employment. Whistleblowers should not be viewed as ‘conspiracy
theorists’ but merely witnesses of an institutionalized system
secretly created to deal with extraterrestrial affairs in a highly
classified and compartmentalized manner. Whistleblowers often have
direct experience of the secret committee system created to control
deep black projects concerning EBEs and/or ET technologies. The
‘secret government’ is a rubric for a committee system that is
opaque and unknown to the general public.
Right question: What information do you have about the role of an
alleged ‘secret government’ that controls all information and
projects relating to EBEs and/or ET technologies?
8. If you are genuinely a whistleblower/witness of classified
projects involving EBEs and/or ET technologies, why hasn’t your
alleged ‘secret government’ simply eliminated you?
This is a wrong question since it assumes that if whistleblowers are
correct in their claims of a ‘secret government’ with virtually
unlimited resources to enforce security in classified EBE and/or
technology projects, then the logical outcome is that whistleblowers
will be eliminated if they come forward. This does not logically
follow since whistleblowers form a safety valve in the event of a
catastrophic breakdown in secrecy concerning the presence of
extraterrestrials and their technology. Allowing whistleblowers to
come forth while simultaneously discrediting and threatening them in
how much they reveal, allows the ‘secret government’ controlling
‘deep black’ projects to regulate the amount of information released
into the general public and its impact. If a catastrophic breakdown
in secrecy occurs, the ‘secret government’ could claim it permitted
the whistleblowers to come forth in order to prepare the general
public for full disclosure. This would help protect the legitimacy
of the ‘secret government’ and maintain support for the continuation
for most if not all highly classified projects dealing with EBEs
and/or ET technologies.
Right question: What threats have been made to silence or intimidate
you in what you can reveal in your public disclosures?
9. Why should we believe you when members of the scientific
community say your claims are not supported by present scientific
This is a wrong question since it assumes that knowledge possessed
by the scientific community is an accurate reflection of
technologies that are developed or used in highly classified
projects involving EBEs and/or ET technologies. Those responsible
for controlling highly classified projects involving EBEs and ET
technology have only allowed a limited amount of information
concerning technologies used in these projects into the scientific
community so present scientific knowledge is an unreliable indicator
of the technologies and/or knowledge used in deep black projects.
Right question: How much of the information/knowledge used in the
classified project you worked/served in is available to the
scientific community?
10. Why should we believe that you aren’t just another opportunist
seeking fame or fortune for their alleged experiences while serving
in the military or working for a private corporation?
This is a wrong question since it implies that whistleblowers are
seeking fame or fortune when the truth is that they often risk
financial security as a consequence of their disclosures.
Whistleblowers also risk credibility with friends and/or colleagues
in coming forward with their claims, and typically shun
opportunities to profit from their experiences. It is also highly
insulting for a whistleblower to be questioned in this way due to
the great financial and personal sacrifices they often undergo to
come forward with information which is still classified.
Right question: In what way does your coming forward to reveal your
testimony threaten your financial livelihood and damage your
Table 1
Right and Wrong Questions for Whistleblowers from ‘Deep
Black’ Projects
Wrong Question
Right Question
Where’s the hard
evidence for your claims?
Is the hard evidence
for your claims classified, and has it been altered or removed
from the public arena?
Where are documents
proving your service record or employment history?
Are your military
service records or employment documents in any way subject
to the security procedures enforced by the classified project
you worked in?
Why should we believe
you that you served/worked in a classified project involving
EBEs or ET Technologies?
What helps establish
your credibility as someone who served/worked in a classified
project involving EBEs or ET technologies?
Why should we believe
you when there are inconsistencies in documents outlining
your service record/employment history and the claims you
are making?
Do documents detailing
your service record/employment history accurately record
the positions, training and duties you undertook in the
classified project?
Why should we believe
you when no public records exist verifying your alleged
education at the universities you claim?
Was a condition of
your service/employment that your education record would
be removed from the public arena either prior to your employment
or subsequent to any unauthorized release of classified
Why should we believe
anything you have to say since there are no independent
witnesses to support your claims?
Are there any witnesses
who can corroborate those parts of your testimony that does
not deal with classified information?
Why should we believe
in your conspiracy theory that a ‘secret government’ exists
that controls all information and projects relating to EBE’s
or ET technologies?
What information
do you have about the role of an alleged ‘secret government’
that controls all information and projects relating to EBEs
and/or ET technologies?
If you are genuinely
a whistleblower/witness of classified projects involving
EBEs and/or ET technologies, why hasn’t your alleged ‘secret
government’ simply eliminated you?
What threats have
been made to silence or intimidate you in what you can reveal
in your public disclosures?
Why should we believe
you when members of the scientific community say your claims
are not supported by present scientific knowledge?
How much of the information/knowledge
used in the classified project you worked/served in is available
to the scientific community?
Why should we believe
that you aren’t just another opportunist seeking fame or
fortune for their alleged experiences while serving in the
military or working for a private corporation?
In what way does
your coming forward to reveal your testimony threaten your
financial livelihood and damage your reputation?