by Michael E. Salla, PhD
August 25, 2005
Exopolitics Website
On April 11, 2005, an affidavit was submitted to the Canadian
Federal Court on behalf of an asylum application by Don Deppeller
concerning harassment over his investigations of 'whistleblower'
claims made by Dr Dan Burisch. The affidavit was publicly signed by
Dan Burisch and photographed where both Burisch and the affidavit
can be viewed
HERE. In the affidavit, Burisch has
confirmed many of the allegations made by Deppeller that he was
placed under surveillance in the United States as a result of his
activities to verify the details of the Dan Burisch story.
Consequently, Deppeller felt compelled to leave the U.S. for Canada
in early 2003 and eventually filed for asylum.
The affidavit is
significant since Burisch for the first time has testified in
a legal process over his alleged involvement in a number of
classified projects. This gives support to earlier interviews
involving Burisch where he allegedly was prepared to testify before
Congress on the nature of his classified activities (see
HERE.) In an interview on the Jeff Rense show on April 14, 2005,
Deppeller outlined the nature of his investigations of the Burisch
saga and why he initiated an asylum application in Canada.
Dan Burisch claims to be a microbiologist who worked on a number of
highly classified projects including one that presumably provides a
means for creating life - Project Lotus. Burisch allegedly
interacted with an extraterrestrial called J-Rod and as a
consequence has been able to pioneer some breakthroughs into a
mysterious molecule called the Ganesh particle that provides the
solution to how to generate life. As a result of his highly
classified work in Project Lotus and other projects, Burisch has
allegedly become privy to how a variety of secret committees operate
to control extraterrestrial affairs.
The two main committees are the
MJ-12 Group originally formed to deal with the
phenomenon; and an international committee called the Committee of
the Majority formed in the 1960s as result of international efforts
led by the Soviet Union to more widely disseminate extraterrestrial
technologies to the international community. For an article
summarizing the Burisch see:
What makes the Burisch Affidavit, and his case more generally,
absorbing for many of those investigating his claims is the
perspective that Burisch is allegedly aware of an Extinction Level
Event (ELE) coming towards the Earth in
the 2012 time frame. In the
affidavit he states:
"some implications of these projects … are of
such a grave nature that, were the general world human population to
know the entirety of the information contained within them, the
resultant reactions of portions of the present human population may
vary from "no reaction" to potential 'panic'."
This event which threatens to kill off 90% of the human population
is apparently the driving rationale for why disclosure of the
extraterrestrial presence and associated information has not
According to an interview Burisch had with long time UFO researcher,
Bill Hamilton, this ELE is associated with some kind of "convergent
time line paradox" where humanity splits in two after the ELE, and
from this two groups of extraterrestrials are involved. One is the
'Zeta Reticulums' or 'J-Rods' who are physically degenerated humans
from the future. The other are Nordic looking humans from Orion who
are the descendents of humans able to survive the ELE in the future
In the affidavit, Burisch states that there has been a treaty signed
between the clandestine government authorities and the
extraterrestrials in order to fully deal with the consequences of
the forthcoming ELE event that generates two separate branches of
humanity in the future:
"You have also been a party during the negotiations of a treaty
known as the "Tau-9 Conference for the Preservation of Humanity",
between present human authorities and certain individuals
representing themselves as extraterrestrial peoples, with their
origin alleged to you as the star constellations "Reticulum" and
"Orion." You have had physical interaction with at least one such
Burisch and Deppeller describe the
Nordics as benevolent and very
spiritual which is very consistent with the many 'contacteé reports'
that began in the 1950's (see
HERE). In contrast the Reticulums/J-Rods have two factions. One is
friendly to humanity and wishes to assist in coming up with
solutions to the forthcoming 2012 ELE. The other is unfriendly and
is seeking to take whatever advantage it can be performing
widespread abductions and genetic engineering with human population
up to 2012. So these three extraterrestrials factions are presumably
interacting with humanity and the 'controllers' of extraterrestrial
information, MJ-12 in ways which reflect different agendas and
Burisch claims in his affidavit to have worked directly with
"You [Burisch] have been formally associated with the group known as
Majestic 12, since 1986, were formally dissociated from the public
on June 8, 2004 (then at the instruction of Majestic 12), and were
professionally dissociated from Majestic 12, albeit under emeritus
status, on March 21, 2005…"
According to Burisch and insiders sympathetic to his efforts to
release information, the MJ-12 Group is split on the issue of
disclosure. The larger international committee, the Committee of the
Majority has apparently been dissolved as a result of conflict
between MJ-12 and the larger financial and cultural interests that
make up the Committee of the Majority known more generally as
So what we have then from the Burisch affidavit and other material
is a very complex story involving two factions of human controllers
(MJ-12 and the Illuminati) and three factions of extraterrestrials
(J-Rods -friendly and unfriendly- and Nordic Orions.) This means that
events leading up to the ELE in 2012 is a five tiered conflict
between actors with different agendas and activities in their
interactions with one another, the human population and secret
control groups. Apparently, the very future of human life is at
stake and supporters of the Burisch material, such as Deppeller
advocate preparing for a possible catastrophic event that wipes out
90% of the population.
In the Deppeller interview, Jeff Rense suggests that
preparation for an ELE is the only thing that can explain the
illogical policies of secret controllers (MJ-12 and Committee of the
Majority/Illuminati) that are systematically exploiting, abusing and
mishandling the global environment and planetary resources. The
logic Rense suggests from observing global events, and fully
supported by Deppeller's research into the Burisch affair, is that
an ELE is highly likely from the perspective of the controllers.
Consequently, disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence needs to
be done in a way that doesn't panic the global population over the
likelihood of an
ELE in 2012 which has led to the controllers
putting in place a process for ensuring continuity of government and
survival of the human race.
Analysis of the Burisch Affair
The first point to be considered in analyzing the Burisch material
is firstly how accurate is it and is Dan Burisch genuinely a
whistleblower? There is considerable controversy over the Burisch
material with some claiming it to be hoax and Burisch little more
than a liar (see:
On the other hand, researchers such as Bill Hamilton, Ron Garner and
earlier Linda Moulton Howe, conducted extensive examinations of all
the material and found the Burisch case to be credible. The most
exhaustive research has been conducted by Hamilton who is the author
of a forthcoming book that provides documentation supporting Burisch's testimony and credentials (see
Burisch's behavior does not indicate any intention to deceive others
or to profit in some way from his alleged activities in classified
projects. Burisch's affidavit clearly outlines the main aspects of
his former classified activities and makes it considerably easier
for researchers to consider his case serious enough to investigate.
Furthermore, the affidavit clearly points out that Burisch is
prepared to sign legal documents that attest to the veracity of his
claims and risk perjury for fabricating his testimony. This
definitely helps establish Burisch's credibility as a whistleblower
over classified projects involving EBE's.
Discrepancies in Burisch's claims and available documentary material
are allegedly due to the ability of the 'controllers' of all
extraterrestrial related information to manipulate secrecy by
withdrawing, destroying or manipulating public records such as
university degrees. Burisch claims that this occurred in his case.
The has allegedly also occurred with other whistleblowers such as
Clifford Stone, Bob Lazar and Michael Wolf.
I have written an
article on how this is very plausible due to control system put in
place to deal with possible whistleblowers or unauthorized leaks of
classified information on extraterrestrials (see
Exo-Comment-32). While there will continue to be controversy over whether
is genuinely a microbiologist with a PhD who previously worked on
one or more classified projects, there is in my view credible
evidence discovered by Hamilton, Garner and Howe to support his
testimony as genuine and not fabricated.
Burisch affidavit helps considerably in supporting the
seriousness of Burisch's claims and the merit in of a rigorous
investigation of these. Henceforth, I will accept the evidence
provided by Bill Hamilton, Ron Garner, and others, and accept that Burisch is a credible whistleblower.
The second point to consider is the accuracy of the information
relayed by Burisch as a result of his participation in
Project Lotus
and other classified projects. Burisch has been communicating with a
number of researchers and members of the general public since his
case was first discussed by Bill Hamilton (see
HERE). In this process, Burisch has leaked information concerning
forthcoming ELE and the dynamic between the different actors
involved in extraterrestrial affairs (2 human control groups and 3
extraterrestrial factions).
This dynamic and many details has been
released in consequent discussions between those following the Burisch case and sympathetic 'insiders' leaking information. It is
clear that Burisch is only able to leak information since those
controlling presumably accept it as the price for harnessing the
information he has to share as a result of his unique interaction
with J-Rod.
Those following the Burisch saga accept the integrity and honesty of
Burisch and thereby formulate their conclusions about the leaked
material accordingly. There is however the very real likelihood that
Burisch himself is the victim of a disinformation campaign where he
has been led to believe that he has information vital to the future
existence of humanity. Burisch may therefore have been exposed to a
series of deliberately staged encounters, interactions and
information access that has led him to form erroneous opinions on
the available data, and to transmit this to the general public since
his sincerity and integrity is very obvious to those investigating
Furthermore, those 'insiders' leaking information that confirms
various aspects of the Burisch material may be doing so in an effort
to deliberately deceive and misinform. It is very possible that Dan
Burisch is an unwitting accomplice to a cleverly staged
disinformation campaign that has an agenda to maintain the secrecy
system in place for extraterrestrial affairs. In short, Burisch is
unintentionally part of a psychological operation orchestrated by
one or more factions within the covert world of classified EBE
related projects who wish to 'spin' public attention in a way that
promotes their disclosure agenda (see
The third point is the reality of a covert effort by
MJ-12 to
prepare the general public for an ELE in 2012. The apparent logic
here is one of 'plausible deniability' that those ready for the
truth about an ELE will be able to find it through the Burisch
material, while those not ready for such a devastating ELE will
dismiss it all as a fabrication.
Consequently, those following the Burisch case believe that they have been given access to classified
information that can be relied upon for forming conclusive opinions
about what lies ahead. This has led to a mind set where those
following the Burisch case are preparing for a possible catastrophic
series of events while most members of the general public are
absorbed in the crass consumerism and survival issues.
This is
evident in the Rense interview where Don Deppeller refers to the
future 2012 event as likely, and there is a need to develop survival
strategies based on self-sufficiency. Deppeller and others following
the Burisch saga assume the ELE to be highly probable and speak in
forlorn terms of maintaining 'hope' that such an event doesn't
happen, but nevertheless preparing for such a catastrophic series of
A fourth point is that those speaking about the Burisch case speak
in ethical terms of the need for disclosure about the
extraterrestrial presence and the likely ELE arriving by 2012 if not
earlier. They assume that ethical concerns will persuade controllers
to release sufficient information to prepare portions of the human
population for an ELE while maintaining plausible deniability in
order not to panic the remainder of humanity. The combination of
extraterrestrial disclosure and the hypothetical ELE in 2012 is
arguably the element that most reveals the goal of the psychological
operation that uses the Burisch case.
The best means of gauging the truth about the information released
by the Burisch affair is asking the question, "Who benefits from the
release of such classified information?" The main beneficiaries are
'controllers' of extraterrestrial information who can manipulate
public anxiety over a future ELE that is heralded by a body of data
that is inconclusive and open to extreme forms of speculation by
millennial organizations. It is worth reminding the reader that
theories of impending global calamities first began appearing almost
30 years ago with the
Alternative 3 documentary program first aired
in the United Kingdom in a respective science show hosted by the
BBC. It appears that those using the BBC to covertly promote public
awareness of a possible series of future cataclysmic events badly
underestimated a number of mitigating factors that impact on global
affairs such as 'global consciousness' (see
The hypothesized ELE trumps all other global concerns and makes it
possible for the "controllers" to release or maintain information
according to their priorities and activities. For example,
disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence becomes conflated with a
possible ELE slated to happen by 2012. This makes it easier for
those controlling extraterrestrial affairs to keep the secrecy
system in place since those aware of the extraterrestrial presence
are manipulated into believing that extraterrestrial disclosure is a
secondary concern to the probable 2012 ELE.
The final point is that the Burisch case overly simplifies the
available data on the extraterrestrial presence. For example,
Sergeant Clifford Stone (ret) allegedly witnessed an EBE Guidebook
between 1979-89 while performing his duties on elite ETV retrieval
teams. The EBE guidebook detailed medical information and physical
characteristics of 57 EBE groups currently visiting or monitoring
the Earth (see
Stone served for 22 years in the US Army and has been investigated
by a number of researchers such as Paola Harris, Linda Moulton Howe
and the author. Stone and the testimony of other whistleblowers and
contacteés suggests that the motivations and activities of EBE
groups are far more varied and complex than suggested by Burisch or
promoted by those insiders 'leaking' information to corroborate Burisch's testimony. According to Burisch, the extraterrestrials
visiting the Earth are descended from modern humanity and are here
because of their desire to avert the ELE that led to the future
split in humanity.
This is inconsistent with the large body of
evidence supporting an extensive number of EBE's interacting with
humanity and/or monitoring the Earth (see
Report-ET-Motivations). Burisch's response to an earlier comment from the author about
his lack of awareness of extraterrestrial races other than the
J-Rods, suggests that Burisch simply was not given access to other
classified projects involving other EBE groups (see
In conclusion, there is considerable evidence to support Burisch's
claims of having worked in number of classified projects as outlined
in his affidavit and elsewhere. Further, there is considerable
evidence to support Burisch's claims of a number of secret treaties
having been organized with the covert "control" committees such as
MJ-12. Nevertheless, the evidence for an ELE in 2012 or sooner is
inconclusive at best, and a deliberate fabrication at worst. There
is good reason to suspect that Burisch is an unintentional part of a
psychological operation to conflate extraterrestrial disclosure with
a possible ELE.
The conflation of extraterrestrial disclosure with
an ELE would enable the 'controllers' of extraterrestrial affairs to
'spin' future disclosure in way that perpetuates their power and
control. Also, the over simplification of visiting extraterrestrial
races to three groups descended from modern humanity is a distortion
and simplification of the available data pointing to a very complex
human extraterrestrial interaction.
The conclusion is that those following the Burisch saga need to be
very discerning as to how they filter the information being leaked
by Dan Burisch as evidenced in his April Affidavit. While Burisch
appears sincere in his efforts to assist Deppeller and leaking
information, the hidden agenda is most likely to misinform that
element of global society that would be the greatest obstacle to
delay and/or spin extraterrestrial disclosure in a way that
perpetuates the covert control exercised by those responsible for
extraterrestrial affairs.
One solution to the likely psychological
operation involving Burisch and 'leaks' supporting his testimony
would be to continue to investigate the claims of Dan Burisch, but
to systematically contrast these with the claims of other
whistleblower such as Clifford Stone,
Charles Hall, and Robert Dean
who all comment on a variety of extraterrestrial races visiting and
interacting with humanity. In this way, it will be possible to
develop a more nuanced and accurate overview of extraterrestrial
affairs and how different EBE groups interact with humanity, and the
role played by different human control groups attempting to spin
information about extraterrestrials in ways that are intended to
alarm the global populace thereby perpetuating elite control of
vital resources and political institutions.
Dan Burisch's affidavit
and testimony is helpful in opening up the complexities to the
exopolitical situation confronting us. Nevertheless, Burisch himself
does not have access to classified information on all the 57 or more EBE groups visiting/interacting with humanity thereby considerably
oversimplifying the exopolitical challenge before us, and very
likely making him an unwitting accomplice to a psychological
operation to misinform the public about extraterrestrial affairs.