by Randy Krippner
V-J-Enterprise Website
The following material was forwarded to us concerning
Courtney Brown
and his experiments in
remote viewing at Farsight.
If you want to learn more, you can visit
The Farsight Institute web page.
This page includes information directly from Farsight
regarding their attempts to use remote viewing to get a closer
look at Hale-Bopp and some email messages describing the
contents of an Art Bell show on which Mr. Brown made an
appearance and made some startling claims about the comet.
All of the material is quoted verbatim. It has been edited only to format it
to fit this page.
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 02:58:40 -0800
From: Kent Steadman <
phikent@ix.netcom.com > To:
Subject: Here comes
Nibiru? Huge object suddenly appears next to
Hale Bopp
SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
Dear Friends, As this incredible news is breaking I am typing wildly. Please pardon the
sketchy notes. This is an actual report; news source: Art Bell, 1:30A.M. PST
November 15, 1966. I'm sure others are doing similar recording so please
FLASH!!! THIS PICTURE JUST IN!!! "What on earth could that
like image be to the right of the comet? This picture was taken November 14
at 6pm Houston time (CST). Chuck Shramek - Houston"
A. Moving toward earth a celestial object four times the size of earth
tracking right behind comet Hale Bopp; a ringed sphere, self-emitting light
source, surface uniformly smooth and luminescent. All of the pixels are
identical in brightness.
B. This object and event are verified by legitimate astronomers
worldwide, but I thought to include remote viewing
interpretations below.
C. Courtney Brown's remote viewers have made the following statements.
1. The approaching celestial object is built from borrowed technology,
including human-assisted perhaps dating back to Atlantis. 2. Not a weapon.
3. Constructed with materials not currently known.
4. Composite of technological and organic materials within a
matrix of
5. Object recently appeared from subspace: has been MOVED into position
within the last 24 hours. 6. It is under artificial control and will interact with
human DNA.
7. The object is acting to awaken us, but is being misunderstood by our
world leaders. The decoding process must be made within the notion of
sub-space reality and universal thought form. 8. Keywords:
consciousness, enlightenment.
9. Government began removing
Hale Bopp photographs last May. 10. The object is
sentient, self-aware. 11. It is sending us a message but decoding processes are not going smoothly
by government intelligence sources.
12. Target object is involved with awakening and unfolding. Object has
telepathic, recording and transpirational elements within it. 13. The subspace elements are not being understood.
14. Sub-space grid is the unlocking key. 15. More of similar objects will be coming this way.
16. Object was a joint project of many groups of beings,
greys, humans Andomedans. 17. Greys were instrumental in technology because they possessed it. Purpose
is galactic evolution. Humans living now have retarded the project, but the
fulcrum of space-time is immediate and forthcoming events will be powerful.
18. Object may have function as symbolized by the obelisk in
2001 - A Space Odyssey. 19. Object could be a transformed planet. 20. The object is a
sentient object with no emotion as we understand. 21. The object has multiple parts. Involved in process of uncovering
secrets. 22. Object fulfills destiny. Mission will not be stopped.
D. Additional comments and reports.
1. Everything that happened in the past is still going on.
2. It is possible to change a timeline. 3. Energies and phenomena represented by object are not limited to physical
Kent Steadman
SearchNet's IUFO Mailing List
The Professional Sessions: The Hale-Bopp Comet Anomaly
Following the early evening announcement on 14 November 1996 of a
photographed astronomical anomaly in the vicinity of the Hale-Bopp comet,
The Farsight Institute assigned three pairs of remote viewers (one monitor
and one viewer in each pair) the following target: "Anomalous target near
Hale-Bopp comet (current time)."
As with all sessions conducted at The Farsight Institute, all of these sessions were conducted "blind," meaning
that each viewer was not told the identity of the target until after each
session was completed.
Because of the interest in this target, we are
including nearly all data items in this summary, allowing people to sift
through the relevant parts themselves.
Farsight Professional Hale-Bopp Study - 1
Farsight Professional 1 - Hale-Bopp
NOTE: All SRV sessions are conducted blind. The viewer does not know what
the target is until the session is over.
The target cue for this session was "Anomalous object near Hale-Bopp comet"
Immediately into the session, the viewer perceived that the target involved
an artificial, metal structure, not on earth. She perceived a vortex, and
spinning motion. Temperatures at the target site were both hot and cold. The
luminescence at the site was a mixture of "bright, glowing, and dull." The
contrasts were both high and low, relating respectively to various site
aspects. The viewer then drew a sketch of people on Earth looking at two
objects that were near each other in the sky, one oval in shape, and the
other longer.
Moving into Phase 4, the viewer perceived that something at the target
location was glowing. It was large, dense, magnetic, and it was involved
with a great deal of energy. Initial concepts related to the target were,
"releasing, powerful, ominous, and centrifugal." Subsequent concepts were,
"event, boasting, calibration, entertaining, announcement, determined,
energy waves, and particle waves." The viewer noted a great deal of subspace
activity related to the target, including "beings, tables, and chairs" as
well as the concepts of "interested, watching, directing, guiding,
essential, and urgency." The viewer deducted that this target was related to
a "war of wits."
At this point, the view declared, "The Galactic Council, or some higher
order, is watching very interested -- like they are watching a hologram
unfold. It's like watching election returns or something. They are all
seated around a table in subspace -- looking like 4D or something like that.
They are very serious about some event or happening which may go in a
direction which is not evolutionary. Only time will be lost, but time is of
the essence in regards to this happening."
The viewer then executed a movement exercise to the center of the target.
She perceived a vortex, spinning, and magnetic energies. The colors at the
site were black, brown, white, and transparent. Luminescence was glowing,
and contrasts were both high and low. The viewer also deducted a grid of
some type.
The viewer then drew a sketch of people on Earth watching a structure in the
sky that was moving in the direction of Earth. The viewer also drew a
subspace grid which represented some type of informational structure, and
deducted the idea, "Telepathic communication...why won't he listen?" (See
sketch 2 below.)
Moving again into Phase 4, the viewer declared, "There is a message being
sent to someone who is listening but not hearing it. It is essential that he
wake up NOW and listen. Help will be there when he does. There is also some
[perception of a] weapon involved in the decision that some important person
is evaluating, and he is making decisions for many. He cannot make a
rational choice yet, but it is time to make the choice." Probing the
previous Phase 3 sketch (object A), the viewer declared, "[The object is
somehow related to] materials which were borrowed technology. The people
using the technology don't understand it and may not open or direct it
properly as a result."
[Editors note: these last points may relate to
technology that has been obtained by one or more human governments. It is
possible that the viewer was perceiving a connection between the target
object and this other technology that human governments may be contemplating
The viewer perceived that energetics as well as the concepts
"projected, transmuted, and dangerous" were related to the target. The
viewer then declared that "some of the people involved are like babies --
they don't want to be responsible, and their ignorance is dangerous.
Again probing the previous Phase sketch 3 (object B), she found it to be a
metal structure that was "pointed, aimed, targeted, and calibrated."
[Editor's note: It was not clear what this structure related to.]
part C in the Phase sketch 3, the viewer found it to have the following
subspace meaning: "grid, language, communication, matrix, transportation,
devices, operational, hieroglyphics of another dimension, universal
application." The viewer then declared, "There is an urgency in
understanding now. The main guy must listen!"
Executing a movement exercise to the target object, the viewer found it to
be bright, glowing, and translucent. The target object involved some kind of
vortex and spinning movement, and the viewer stated, "there is no word for
it...it's efficient." The viewer then drew a symbolic sketch containing two
objects in the sky, one a diamond shaped structure and the other having a
round shape with a wide tail. The sketch also contained a pyramid structure
on land, a subspace communication grid, and people. The viewer deducted the
idea of "secrets." (See
sketch 3 below.)
The viewer then declared that "the main guy needs to listen" or too many
people may have difficulty. The viewer then perceived people and subspace
beings in some type of interested partnership. She also perceived structures
that may be discovered or utilized before the entire decoding process is
handled. Continuing, the viewer declared, "Some people think the objects and
devices are to be weapons for them to gain. The purpose is not as a weapon
The viewer then deducted that the government and secrecy were
involved in all of this. "The potential of harm is great right now due to
the lack of faith by the leaders." The viewer then perceived that the
following concepts were related to the target: "events, military,
government, and power." The viewer also deducted NASA as related to all of
this. The viewer declared, "They are not seeing what they think they are
seeing. They have not properly decoded the messages."
Moving directly to the target object, the viewer declared, "It is holistic
in a multidimensional sense. The purpose [of the object] must be discovered
by those who intend to (or have in the past) used it. The object is not made
up of materials known by us. It is sentient (i.e., self aware) with respect
to its origination. The guidance system (of the object) is a composite of
minerals and organic material in a matrix of thought. It is intended as a
device for vibrational instrumentation. Some have looked at it and not
decoded the unlocking or keying mechanism properly. It is a danger to those
and some others as a result. The decoding will happen if the leadership
chooses...only if they decide.
Power, or the reigning power structure,
prevents proper decoding. The machine/device interacts with DNA and is a
calibration mechanism. Some organization or government has taken pictures of
the object and distributed them to sources who may endanger a project as a
result. The decoding must occur... it is essential. The language is subspace
-- as we call it -- but it is actually thought form and must occur to unlock
the keys. Secrets are being kept, but the message to the government by the
assisting beings is to reveal the secrets. It is crucial for the leadership
to wake up and listen. The object is known by the government due to
satellite and reconnaissance photos. They don't know what it is for."
Re-cueing on the target object specifically, the viewer the declared, "The
target object is a BIG object. It is subspace and physical. All beings are
involved. Humans assisted in the technology in the ancient past. The object
is on a journey/mission of awakening from the center of the belt system. It
is traveling through the Earth's and other star systems. The goal is
awakening. It's like a device for meditation to some of the groups." The
viewer then stated the goal is related to the concepts of enlightenment and
consciousness. Continuing, the viewer then declared,
"The object's
destination is not a place, but an awakening. It is on a mission, but has been intercepted (in photos only), but the
photos are used to feed misinformation."
The viewer then drew an advanced
Phase 5 sketch, showing a multidimensional
subspace grid or matrix. (See sketch 4). The view stated that the grid was
related to a telepathic decoding and transportation key to the object. Still
in Phase 5, the viewer declared, "Energy is matter and thought in the middle
of the object. All that can be seen appears 3D to the viewers. That is why
they have misjudged the use. They have been given the thought balls of the
matrix, but will not awaken and listen.
The methods of awakening must alter.
The subspace grid is the unlocking mechanism and must be understood by the
leadership in the U.S. Other countries on earth as an organization and
organism will follow what the U.S. says." The viewer then made the pointed
deduction of the Martians who are awakening (with memory retrieval) on
Earth. The time is now essential because the people cannot survive without
full retrieval and operation of devices. There are more of them coming."
[Editors note: The survival aspect may relate to the
Martians who are
currently existing under severe conditions.]
The viewer then stated that the
following concepts were related to the target object: "DNA exchange,
ionization, grids, lattices, and thought balls." Continuing, the viewer
declared, "There is nothing original anywhere! This object was a joint
project of all the beings involved or it could not happen here now. All
future races -- greys, humans, Martians, and others were involved with this
There ones on Earth at this time (that were involved with the object
in the beginning) originated from Mars, but the greys were instrumental in
the technology, because they had it. The Galactic Council is watching with
serious intent because it is the humans who are causing a delay. They
understand but are very eager. There is a window of opportunity now."
Finally, the viewer declared, "The purpose is awakening and transportation.
It is like a form of meditation for the group needing it. (Something
related) has been discovered by a governmental group in the U.S. which does
not have a clue as to its purpose. They are trying to use it for another
purpose in their total ignorance and arrogance. The (true) purpose is galactic evolution and is humanitarian in application."
[Editor's note: This
last point us unclear as to what it refers to. It may refer to remote
viewing or some other aspect of government sponsored consciousness
Back to
Farsight Professional Hale-Bopp Study - 2
Farsight Professional 2 - Hale-Bopp
NOTE: All SRV sessions are conducted blind. The viewer does not
know what the target is until the session is over.
The target cue for this session was "Anomalous object near
Hale-Bopp comet"
Immediately into the session, the viewer perceived that the target involved
"glowing physical energy." Luminescence was bright, and the contrasts were
both high and low. The viewer perceived a big, hollow, expansive vortex of
magnetic energy. The viewer then drew a sketch of beings (either physical,
subspace, or both) surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy. (See
sketch 1
Moving into Phase 4, the viewer perceived that the target was both
airy and enclosed, and very big. There were both physical and subspace
beings associated with the target. There was some process of "grading" or
evaluating going on (but not in the sense of judging). The viewer again
perceived an energy vortex as well as a lot of subspace activity at the
target site.
Again in Phase 4, the viewer perceived that there were subspace and physical
beings who were watching something big and vast in a contented and pleased
way. They were working to finish an important project. The project was
enjoyable, almost like playing. The viewer then deducted that the target had
an enormous "celestial light." It was important, and it caused some emotions
of fear in some physical people. The view deducted an ET craft as well as
the idea of the photon belt.
Moving to the target object, the viewer deducted a climate controlled space
capsule. He perceived something heavy, big, hollow, magnetic, and electric
with energy. He deducted machinery. The viewer drew a symbolic sketch (that
seems to be related to the target, but not the target itself) that contains
a pyramid, a central person, and an eye surrounded by energy. Moving into
Phase 4, the viewer perceived people who "feel" different. He deducted both
primitive people and the obelisk from the story
2001 - A Space Odyssey. He
perceived the emotions of concern and worry related to the target object.
The viewer the declared the target related ideas, "Will it work? What might
it do? The results are unknown." This was related to the concepts of test
and experiment.
Re-centering on the target object, the viewer stated that it was big, silver
(in color), important, central, and new. The viewer declared that the
"target object has no emotions."
[Editor's note: This last observation
suggests that the viewer may have subtly noticed that the target object was
alive in some sense.]
The object was hard, technological, and complex.
"Multiple parts are all or mostly needed for the object to function. The
object was involved in something like learning or reading (not in a literal
book-like sense). The target object was becoming progressively more
important. It was growing in significance. It was involved in the process of
discovery, like uncovering secrets. The target was moving, traveling, and
was following a plan. The object was both watching and being watched. It was
providing more pieces to a puzzle. It had both new and old information, and
it constituted a new historical discovery. It was involved with the process
of scanning and taking pictures.
[Editor's note: This does not imply that
the object was doing these things. This could relate to the activities of
humans with regard to the object.]
The viewer stated that the purpose of the target object was "uncovering that
which has been hidden or lost." The purpose was one of discovery. It was
fulfilling a destiny. It will provide radical information to help ease
humans through the coming transition. It has broad support from both the
physical and subspace realms. The viewer then declared that the target
object "will accomplish its mission. This time it will not be stopped. There
will be no interference. It has unilateral support." In some sense, this
object is "welcome." "The target object's information will help bring about
a new era for humanity. It will help heal the schisms created by the
upcoming event with the target object's information."
Moving into
Phase 5, the viewer stated that the target object was important,
and that it contained/provided a wealth of information. It was artificial,
planned, purposeful, historical, necessary, and new, with all of these
concepts being applicable in some way. The viewer declared, "It's like the
target object helps bring about something new. But the target object itself
does not necessarily feel new. A new paradigm is being formed,
the best of the old with the new."
The viewer then perceived that the target object was leading to a new
understanding, perhaps relating to Martians. This new understanding or
paradigm was necessary for future growth. Some people seemed to be very
happy/pleased with what the object is or represents. But some people had
mixed emotions... some happy and some confused. The viewer perceived the
concept of "lost" to be associated with the people. "People are struggling
to wake up to something new, trying to incorporate new information into the
preset patterns of their lives."
Moving to the most significant people, the viewer perceived groups,
families, "like a big group." The view deducted Martians and perceived the
concepts of watching and guiding with respect to subspace. These people
seemed different from current Earth humans. They seemed distant, and the
viewer deducted the idea of primitive.
Cueing on the target object, the viewer declared that "it seems represent a
new beginning even though some view it as an end. It is advanced, helping,
necessary, and relevant."
Cueing on the origination point of the target object, the view stated that
is was "closer than you think." "It seems to be from far away, but not so
distant as it initially seems. It is not from here but of here. It is from
space, but also from Earth." The viewer then stated that the
USA seems to be
involved with this. The viewer ended the session after deducting "a space
capsule returning to Earth."
Back to
Farsight Professional Hale-Bopp Study - 3
Farsight Professional 3 - Hale-Bopp
NOTE: All SRV sessions are conducted blind. The viewer does not know what
the target is until the session is over.
The target cue for this session was "Anomalous object near Hale-Bopp comet"
Immediately into the session, the viewer perceived that the target involved
an artificial structure. He stated that the target was large, hollow, and
moving very fast. He deducted a space ship. The viewer then drew a Phase 3
sketch that included a being in a rounded structure. (See
sketch 1 below.)
Nearby the structure was another object that was composed of many pieces.
[Editor's note: This latter object was most probably
the comet since it was
in the process of breaking up as it flew closer to the sun.]
Moving into Phase 4, the view perceived that one aspect of the target was
"fast, spurting, funnel shaped, spread out, and billowing." [Editor's note:
This is the comet.] The viewer perceived the emotions of dread,
concentration, and fear. He perceived physical beings and sky. Something
related to the target was "trying to push through." The target was involved
in education, political matter, and both destruction and
"like a building site having to knock down something first." The mixed
emotions related to the target were both frantic and caution. The target
also involved a structure that was technological. The viewer deducted that
the target involved a structure containing communication equipment. It was
involved with the process of bridging or connecting physical and subspace
realities... bridging a gap... like a school. The viewer then declared that
the structure was a vehicle.
Moving to the center of the target, the viewer perceived something hollow,
cylindrical, and large. He deducted a tornado.
[Editor's note: This
deduction was connected to something spinning at the site. Other viewer's
also perceived the concept of a vortex.]
The viewer then drew an analytic
sketch of a cylindrical or roundish object connected to a vortex or funnel.
A structure with beings was also identified, as well as something else that
was irregularly shaped. There was no ground in the sketch. (See
sketch 2
Returning to Phase 4, the viewer perceived emotions related to the target of
intense concentration, and concepts of communications, danger, and people
looking up. Something was blowing and gritty. Something was moving that was
massive and large. The viewer deducted the idea of a blimp. The structure
contained the technology of the stars. It was bunker-like. Moving to the
target object, the viewer drew a sketch of a rounded an cylindrical object
with a surrounding ring. (See
sketch 3 below.) Again in
Phase 4, the viewer
stated that the target object was dome like. It involved the concepts of
travel, communication, reverence and respect, the technology of thoughts,
and training. It was a container, a structure that was like a "winning
Moving to the significant people related to the structure, the
viewer perceived a homogeneous group involved in scientific experimentation,
monitoring, watching, and guiding. They were setting something rolling,
getting something started, like the catalyst for a project. Moving to the
target object, the viewer declared that "at times it emits energy." It is
"hard, smooth, and rounded, containing metallic and stone aspects. The
viewer then drew a sketch of a diamond shaped object that was near another
round object that had a tail. (See sketch 4.)
Cueing on the purpose of the diamond shaped object, the viewer declared that
it was revelation, study, projection, and that it was involved with the idea
of time. Inside the structure were hallways. The viewer then deducted
tunnels. Again cueing on the purpose of the object, the viewer found it to
be ancient and related to the soul. The target object acted as an educator,
like a book or time capsule. It was involved in the process of discovery,
timing, and evolution. It was an old world artifact that had hidden
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 18:29:01 -0500
From: Bill Teague <bteague@ixc.net>
Subject: Art Bell - BLOW OUT
Well the 'big show' has come and gone ... I really have to encourage ALL to
go ahead and order a taped copy of the program at 800-917-4278 (ask for the
Nov 28/29th show with Courtney Brown and Whitley Streiber) ... believe me
you WILL want to have this show on tape ... it was amazing, I've never heard
anything like it.
So in a nut shell it went down like this ...
Courtney Brown, Art Bell, and Whitley Streiber ALL now are in possession of
photos taken by the still (but only barely) mystery 'head astronomer at a
Top 10 university astronomical facility' showing the _larger than Earth_
sized OBJECT traveling along with incoming comet Hale-Bopp.
These pictures are not going to be released on the internet for at least a
week. Brown, Bell, and Streiber have agreed to allow the astronomer in
question time to 'talk to his family' to prepare for the surely huge
public/scientific reaction to come, collect some last bits of supporting
data and arrange to present what are _his own_ data and findings in a press
conference by sometime next week.
The pictures are of such quality and signatory style that to release them
would clearly indicate which telescope took them and thereby identify the
astronomer in question. This astronomer is said to be internationally known
and a pioneer in the field of planetary astronomy which, covering all
planetary objects and material including asteroids and comets as it does,
makes him THE perfect 'authority' to come public with this information. He
has discovered over 200 planetary objects in his long and esteemed career
... he is of the creme de la creme in his field.
He has been aware of this object now apparently for several months and the
(5) pictures that Bell et al have in their possession are from a viewing
session that lasted a "couple hours" and tracked the object _traveling along
with Hale-Bopp the whole time. It appears "behind" the comet but dwarfing it
in size and brightness.
This astronomer says that there is _no_ doubt that it is emitting it's _own
light_ which can even be clearly seen reflecting off the cometary cloud of
debris in the photos and _very little_ doubt that it is _intelligently
controlled. This seems evident because though the object has only been seen
traveling along with Hale-Bopp it _not always_ seen when
HB is observed. And
also when it _is_ with HB it is _observed_ to _move about_ in a so far
totally _unpredictable_ manner.
The astronomer also says that he is not by any means alone in his observance
of the object ... many top astronomers in his circle from other major
facilities have been quietly and privately sharing information on the object
for some time.
And on top of all the visual confirmation of it's existence apparently
several _radio_ astronomers have verified to the astronomer in question that
a _radio signal_ has been transmitted _from the object directly to
and that this signal has been received and _taped_ by them and work is
furiously in progress trying to _decode_ the signal. It is composed of an as
yet _unknown pattern_ of a very high degree of complexity. As with the
object's movements there seems little doubt that the signal is of an
_intelligent_ nature.
to Top
Farsight Professional Hale-Bopp
Study - 4
Farsight Professional 4 - Hale-Bopp
NOTE: All SRV sessions are conducted blind. The viewer does not know
what the target is until the session is over.
The target cue for this session was "Anomalous object near Hale-Bopp
comet/current time."
Soon into the session, the viewer heard clicking and whirring noises.
The textures associated with the target site were grainy, smooth, and
gritty. The temperatures were both hot and warm. The viewer perceived
the colors of red, black, brown, white, and grey. There were metallic,
rubbery, and dirty tastes present, and the viewer smelled dirt and
machines. The viewer immediately deducted that the target involved some
sort of spacecraft.
The viewer perceived movement associated with a hard, manmade object at
the target location, and then sensed that the object was a vehicle in
the air. The viewer heard a booming noise, and hissing, and sensed the
taste of oil. The viewer then drew a picture showing a circular object
radiating energy, with another object close by. (See
sketch 1 below.)
The viewer perceived much energy and movement associated with a group of
people. In the viewer's words, "some people appear to be partially
artificial." The viewer then sensed that there was a metal object
flying, and that it was shiny and occupied. The viewer deducted that the
object was extraterrestrial. The viewer then focused on the center of
the target site and heard a roaring sound. The luminescence at the site
was bright and glowing, and the viewer sensed red and orange colors. The
temperature was hot. The viewer then drew a sketch resembling a comet
with a corona, and an object near it. (See
sketch 2 below.)
The viewer sensed that there was a hard, manmade, mechanical object
under intelligent, forceful, intentional control. The viewer then
perceived a gathering having to do with the spread of information.
Something hidden was moving fast. There was the sense that the target
event was benevolent.
The viewer then moved to the target location and described: "It appears
to be high above the land. It seems to have something to do with two
locations." The viewer deducted that the target object was like a rocket
in some way. "There are pieces of something in the air. The information
gathered is unusual - you can't breath naturally here."
The viewer focused on the target object and perceived that it was
moving. It had multiple entrances, and legs that were balanced and
locked together. "The most important part of the object is the object
within." The viewer perceived that there were two different areas
involved. "One thing is making the other move. There is one part that is
very small and intelligent." The viewer perceived wires, connectors, and
intricate parts associated with the target object. "It is fit together
very precisely. It won't return to its original place."
After focusing on the activity of the target object, the viewer sensed
that it was pointed to intercept something. The viewer perceived that
the object was involved in new information and searching. "Beings
involved by the direction of an important body of government. One object
is moving fast, and the other one is slower. There are no humans here -
there are beings here.
The viewer then drew an analytical sketch of two objects, one resembling
the Hale-Bopp comet, and the other the companion. There is a line of
energy between both objects. (See
sketch 3 below.)
The viewer perceived that the object was hard, pointy, and had metallic
parts. "There appears to be a dark opening in the object. The small
object is moving away from the bigger object. There is energy coming
from the smaller object toward the very large object. An area of
structure seems to be charged by the energy. The energy is making it
behave erratically."
The viewer then probed on the source of the target object, and perceived
that it was "very far away and unknown to us. The target object's
origination is no longer present." The viewer then deducted that the
target object was the Hale-Bopp companion. "It appears to be irregular
in structure, with many openings and artificial surfaces. The object is
confusing to humans." After focusing on the target object's cause, the
viewer perceived that it was the "natural evolution of species." There
was the sense that it was on a helpful mission. "Some may have forgotten
the reason it is traveling since it has been a very long time."
The viewer sensed that the target object would "change course soon." In
the viewer's words: "The object itself is intelligent. The beings here
rotate jobs. It has honeycomb-like openings. Meetings are held here.
Some here appear to be much like us, but there aren't any young of
theirs. It's something like the concept of a huge seagoing cruise ship
to us. It is spiraling as it moves. There is no direct relationship
between the two objects - they will be together for a short time. The
target object somehow has made the nearby object do what it wants."
After focusing on the relationship between the target object and the
nearby object, the viewer perceived that the target object was in total
control of the nearby object, and that the course of the nearby object
could be changed by the target object. The viewer sensed that the nearby
object was made in part by the beings controlling the target object.
"When the nearby object becomes invisible due to lighting, the target
object will change course."
[Editors note: Perhaps this is when the
Hale-Bopp comet is behind the sun.]
The viewer then focused on the target object's purpose, and perceived
that it was benevolent, and here to intervene as humans need. "They are
not going to force anything, it will be by choice. They will be moving
humans back and forth to the object for instructions.
They are coming
for sure, and everyone will have to accept it."

Sketch 1 |

Sketch 2

Sketch 3 |