Exhibit A)
‘Subterranean Crypts and Temples’
(Encyclopedia of Occultism and
Parapsychology ©1991)
There is an interesting account that I have already e-mailed you
from Dr. Plot’s ‘History of Staffordshire,’ written circa 1700,
of a farmer who stumbled across an underground ROSICRUCIAN CRYPT
occupied by a subterranean ‘dweller’ who was reading a huge
ancient book of knowledge within the stone-vault itself.
Exhibit B) C. Nelson Stewart
(Man, Myth and Magic ©1995)
Titled: ‘Subterranean races’
“The great Mammoth Cave in Edmondson County, Kentucky, was
discovered only in 1809. Bodies of an unknown race reputed to
antedate the Indians [giant descendents?] were found in its
recesses with reed torches beside them, but all crumbled to
powder when touched.” Volume 18, Page 2494.
C) Sir Edward
Bulwer-Lytton (Vril, The Power of the Coming Race ©1871)
I should note that the following books: ‘Vril, The Power of The Coming Race’ and ‘Etidorhpa’ [see
Exhibit D] were written in the
form of novels but some theosophists regard them as factual and
I must admit, I am strongly leaning in that direction as well.
From Chapter IV
I now came in full sight of the building. Yes, it bad been
made by hands, and hollowed partly out of a great rock. I
should have supposed it at the first glance to have been of
the earliest form of Egyptian architecture.
It was fronted by huge columns, tapering upward from massive
plinths, and with capitals that, as I came nearer, I
perceived to be more ornamental and more fantastically
graceful than Egyptian architecture allows. As the
Corinthian capital mimics the leaf of the acanthus, so the
capitals of these columns imitated the foliage of the
vegetation neighbouring them, some aloe-like, some
fern-like. And now there came out of this building a
form--human;--was it human? It stood on the broad way and
looked around, beheld me and approached. It came within a
few yards of me, and at the sight and presence of it an
indescribable awe and tremor seized me, rooting my feet to
the ground. It reminded me of symbolical images of Genius or
Demon that are seen on Etruscan vases or limned on the walls
of Eastern sepulchres--images that borrow the outlines of
man, and are yet of another race. It was tall, not gigantic,
but tall as the tallest men below the height of giants.
[Giant descendents?]
Its chief covering seemed to me to be composed of
WINGS FOLDED OVER ITS BREAST and reaching to its knees; the
rest of its attire was composed of an under tunic and
leggings of some thin fibrous material. It WORE ON ITS HEAD
right hand a slender staff of bright metal like polished
steel. But the face! it was that which inspired my awe and
my terror. It was the face of man, but yet of a type of man
distinct from our known extant races. The nearest approach
to it in outline and expression is the face of the
sculptured sphinx--so regular in its calm, intellectual,
mysterious beauty. Its colour was peculiar, more like that
of the red man than any other variety of our species, and
yet different from it--a richer and a softer hue, with large
black eyes, deep and brilliant, and brows arched as a
semicircle. The face was beardless; but a nameless something
in the aspect, tranquil though the expression, and beauteous
though the features, roused that instinct of danger which
the sight of a tiger or serpent arouses. I felt that this
manlike image was endowed with forces inimical to man. As it
drew near, a cold shudder came over me. I fell on my knees
and covered my face with my hands.
From Chapter XIX
As we walked back to the town, Taë took a new and circuitous
way, in order to show me what, to use a familiar term, I
will call the ’Station,’ from which emigrants or travellers
to other communities commence their journeys. I had, on a
former occasion, expressed a wish to see their vehicles.
These I found to be of two kinds, one for land-journeys, one
for aerial voyages: the former were of all sizes and forms,
some not larger than an ordinary carriage, some movable
houses of one story and containing several rooms, furnished
according to the ideas of comfort or luxury which are
entertained by the Vril-ya. The aerial vehicles were of
light substances, not the least resembling our balloons, but
rather our boats and pleasure-vessels, with helm and rudder,
with large wings as paddles, and a central machine worked by
vril. All the vehicles both for land or air were indeed
worked by that potent and mysterious agency.
I saw a convoy set out on its journey, but it had few
passengers, containing chiefly articles of merchandise, and
was bound to a neighbouring community; for among all the
tribes of the Vril-ya there is considerable commercial
interchange. I may here observe, that their money currency
does not consist of the precious metals, which are too
common among them for that purpose. THE SMALLER COINS IN
Exhibit I. Nicholas Roerich, Shambhala
©1930] are manufactured from a peculiar fossil shell, the
comparatively scarce remnant of some very early deluge, or
other convulsion of nature, by which a species has become
extinct. It is minute, and flat as an oyster, and takes a
jewel-like polish. This coinage circulates among all the
tribes of the Vril-ya.
Exhibit D)
John Uri Lloyd
The report from the book ‘Etidorhpa’ takes place in
Ohio, in the 1860’s regarding a student of science named
Llewellyn Drury that had a visitation from a mysterious
stranger. This strange being claimed to have formerly been a
freemason who undertook a remarkable journey into the Earth’s
crust and eventually into the interior itself, some 800 miles
beneath the outer surface of the earth.

Unfortunately his name was never
revealed but he made a promise with Mr. Drury to write a
manuscript in which the stranger was to read to him and publish
30 years later.
Requiring many sessions, the manuscript was then read aloud over
a period of time. After the last reading the manuscript was
presented to Llewellyn Drury along with sealed instructions to
be opened at the proper time.
After the agreed upon interval
Llewellyn uncovered the
manuscript and gave it to a friend: the author John Uri Lloyd,
who, after hearing his story of the visit by the mysterious man,
set upon the task at hand. Also, as the being instructed, he
hired an artist, J. Augustus Knapp, to illustrate the volume.
According to the manuscript, the stranger who was only
referenced as ‘I am the Man’ was taken into the inner-earth
through a cave in Kentucky during the early nineteenth century.
His guide was a subterranean dweller who was a member of a
secret society whose objective was the preservation of important
knowledge or wisdom for the future enlightenment of mankind. The
objective of this excursion was to learn about the Earth’s inner
shell, where the student was to receive advanced schooling in
the mysteries of the universe. The book Etidorhpa described this
amazing descent through the caverns of the inner earth in
From Chapter XV
““….we now approach a zone of earth light; let us hasten
“A zone of light deep in the earth! Incomprehensible!
Incredible!” I muttered, and yet as we went onward and time
passed the darkness was less intense. The barely perceptible
hue became gray and somber, and then of a pearly
translucence, and although I could not distinguish the
outline of objects, yet I unquestionably perceived light.
“I am amazed! What can be the cause of this phenomenon ?
What is the nature of this mysterious halo that surrounds
us?” I held my open hand before my eyes, and perceived the
darkness of my spread fingers.
“It is light, it is light,” I shouted; “it is really light!”
And from near and from far the echoes of that subterranean
cavern answered back joyfully, “It is light, it is light!”
I wept in joy, and threw my arms about my guide, forgetting
in the ecstasy his clammy cuticle, and danced in hysterical
glee and alternately laughed and cried. How vividly I
realized then that the imprisoned miner would give a world
of gold, his former god, for a ray of light.
“Compose yourself; this emotional exhibition is all evidence
of weakness; an investigator should neither become depressed
over a reverse, nor unduly enthusiastic over a fortunate
But we approach the earth’s surface? Soon I will be back in
the sunshine again.”
“Upon the contrary, we have been continually descending into
the earth, and we are now ten miles or more beneath the
level of the ocean.”
I shrank back, hesitated, and in despondency gazed at his
hazy outline, then, as if palsied, sank upon the stony
floor; but as I saw the light before me, I leaped up and
“What you say is not true; we approach daylight, I can see
your form.”
“Listen to me,” he said. “Can not you understand that I have
led you continually down a steep descent, and that for hours
there has been no step upward? With but little exertion you
have walked this distance without becoming wearied, and you
could not, without great fatigue, have ascended for so long
a period. You are entering a zone of inner earth light; we
are in the surface, the upper edge of it. Let us hasten on,
for when this cavern darkness is at an end- and I will say
we have nearly passed that limit- your courage will return,
and then we will rest.”
“You surely do not speak the truth; science and philosophy,
and I am somewhat versed in both, have never told me of such
a light.”
“Can philosophers more than speculate about that which they
have not experienced if they have no data from which to
calculate? Name the student in science who has reached this
depth in earth, or has seen a man to tell him of these
“I can not.”
“Then why should you have expected any of them to describe
our surroundings? Misguided men will torture science by
refuting facts with theories; but a fact is no less a fact
when science opposes.””
Exhibit E)
C. Nelson Stewart
(Man, Myth and Magic ©1995) Titled: ‘Subterranean races’
“One of the most interesting accounts of subterranean people,
which purports in one sense to be factual, is by the Theosophist
C. W. Leadbeater. Although he claimed to have up-to-date
confirmation of some of the facts, his story is allegedly a
report of the experiences of two Indian youths, which took place
10,402 BC and was recovered from the ‘memory of nature’ (the
record of history supposed to exist on the astral plane).
Stewart goes on to say that, on the instructions of an invisible
guide, “who demanded a pledge of secrecy, they set out for a
certain mountain area where they ultimately found a cave
entrance. They prepared food packages to last several weeks and
bundles of torches and, with some trepidation, entered.
After a long, fairly level, penetration into the mountain, they
reached a sloping rugged downward fissure, which they descended
perilously for some days. Finally they reached an immense cavity
in the Earth. Their torches were unnecessary there, because of
the air around them was charged with a strange luminosity…… to
their astonishment, [they saw] naked humans. These were less
than normal stature, but broad and stocky, and there skin was a
repulsive leaden hue…. they had no culture and no shelters,
catching the reptiles to eat raw. They lived in chambers
hollowed out in the rock, and wore a kind of matting and string
from reeds. Both sexes smeared themselves with rose, green and
yellow mud from the edge of the hot springs.” Volume 18, Page
F) Willis George Emerson
(The Smokey God
An account of father and son Swedish
fishermen, Jens and Olaf Jansen that penetrated into the ‘inner
world’ in August of 1829 encountering giants and learned about
their way of life. Olaf Jansen swore on his deathbed near Los
Angeles, California that it was true!
“On the third day [North, North-East of
Franz Joseph Land] we
came to an [unknown] island. Its shores were washed by an open
sea. My father determined to land and explore for a day. This
new land was destitute of timber, but we found a large
accumulation of driftwood on the northern shore. Some of the
trunks of the trees were forty feet long and two feet in
diameter.” Page 66 [See Exhibit H Ferdinand Ossendowski Beasts,
Men and Gods ©1922]
“The immense craft paused, and almost immediately a boat was
lowered and six men of gigantic stature rowed to our little
fishing-sloop. They spoke to us in a strange language.” Page 95
“I have since discovered that the language of the people of the
inner world is much like the Sanskrit.” Page 110
"If my father and I were curiously observed by the ship’s
occupants, this strange race of giants offered us an equal
amount of wonderment. There was not a single man aboard who
would not have measured fully twelve feet in height. They all
wore full beards, not particularly long, but seemingly short
cropped. They had mild and beautiful faces, exceedingly fair,
with ruddy complexions. The hair and beard of some were black,
others sandy, and still others yellow.” Page 98
one seemed to vie with the others in extending courtesies and
showing kindness to us, but all laughed heartily….. They were
richly attired in a costume peculiar to themselves, and very
attractive. The men were clothed in handsomely embroidered
tunics of silk and satin and belted at the waist. They wore
knee-breeches and stockings of a fine texture, while their feet
were encased in sandals adorned with gold buckles. We early
discovered that gold was one of the most common metals known,
and that it was used extensively in decoration.” Pages 100 &
“This [tunnel] vehicle was doubtless some electrical
contrivance. It was noiseless and ran on a single iron rail in
perfect balance. The trip was made at a very high rate of
speed….. the car seats were huge yet comfortable affairs and very
high above the floor of the car. On top of each car were high
gear flywheels lying on their sides which were so automatically
adjusted that, as the speed of the car increased, the high speed
of these flywheels geometrically increased.” Page 111
Exhibit G)
S. A. Jordan
(Arizona Gazette Newspaper © Monday April 5th 1909)
A brilliant
article! Unfortunately the Smithsonian institute has since
covered it all up, never-the-less, this article is real and it
got me on my research quest into the subterranean realm! See
attached scan and abbreviated article below:
“Explorations in Grand Canyon”
“Mysteries of immense
rich cavern being brought to light. Jordon is enthused.
Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from the
orient.” [migrated underground from central Asia—GJ]
“Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface,
the long main passage has been delved into, to find another
mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like
the spokes of a wheel. Several hundred rooms have been
discovered, reached by passageways running from the main
passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and
another 634 feet.
The recent finds include articles which have never been known as
native to this country and doubtless they had their origin in
the Orient. War weapons, copper instruments sharp edged and hard
as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by
these strange people. So interested have the scientists become
that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive
studies and the force will be increased to thirty or forty
persons. Before going further into the cavern, better facilities
for lighting have to be installed, for the darkness is dense and
impenetrable for the average flash light. In order to avoid
being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all
passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this
cavern extends no one can guess, but it is now the belief of
many that what has already been explored is merely the
"Barracks", to use an American term, for the soldiers, and that
far into the underworld will be found the main communal
dwellings of the families and possibly other shrines. The
perfect ventilation of the cavern, the steady drought that blows
through, indicates that it has another outlet to the surface.
The Passages
The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to 9
feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the
entrance, the first passages branch off to the right and
left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms
about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though
some are 30 to 40 feet square.
These are entered by oval shaped doors and are ventilated by
round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The
walls are about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. The passages
are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by any
engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a
center. The side passages near the entrance run at a sharp
angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually
reach a right angle in direction".
The Shrine
Over a hundred feet from the entrance is a cross-hall,
several hundred feet long, in which was found the idol, or
image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a
Lotus flower or Lily in each hand. The cast of the face is
Oriental, and the carving shows a skillful hand, and the
entire is remarkably well preserved, as is everything in
this cavern. The idol most resembles Buddha, though the
scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it
represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus
Exhibit H. Ferdinand Ossendowski Beasts, Men and Gods ©1922] Surrounding this
idol are smaller images, some beautiful in form, other
crooked necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably,
of good and evil. There are two large cacti with protruding
arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats.
All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble.
In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools
of all descriptions, made of copper. This people undoubtedly
knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been
sought by chemists for centuries without result. On a bench
running around the workroom was some charcoal and other
material probably used in the process. There is also slag
and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancient
peoples smelted ores, but so far, no trace of where of how
this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the
ore. Among other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper
and gold made very artistic in design. The pottery work
includes enameled ware and glazed vessels.
Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in
the Oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds.
One very large storehouse has not been entered, as it is
twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two
copper hooks extend on the edge, (continued on page 7) which
indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These
granaries are rounded and the materials of which they are
constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A grey metal is
also found in this cavern which puzzles the scientists, for
it’s identity has not been established. It resembles
platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are
what people call "Cats eyes" or "Tiger eyes", a yellow stone
of no great value. Each one is engraved with a head of a
Malay type."
The Hieroglyphics
On all the urns, on the walls over the doorways and tablets
of stone which were found by the image are mysterious
hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institution
hopes yet to discover. These writings resemble those found
on the rocks about this valley. The engraving on the tablets
probably has something to do with the religion of the
people, Similar hieroglyphics have been found in the
peninsula of Yucatan, but these are not found in the Orient.
Some believe that these cave dwellers built the old canals
in the Salt River valley. Among the pictorial writings only
two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type".
The Crypt
The tomb or crypt in which the mummies are found is one of
the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an
angle of about 35 degrees. One these are tiers of mummies,
each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of
each is a small bench on which is found copper cups and
pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered
with clay and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. The urns or
cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher
shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design showing a
interstage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all
the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no
children or females being buried here. This leads to the
belief that this interior section was the warriors barracks.
Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found,
no skins, no clothing nor bedding. Many of the rooms are
bare but for the water vessels. One room, about 400 by 700
feet, was probably the main dining hall for cooking utensils
are found here. What these people lived on is a problem,
though it is presumed that they came south for the winter
and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer.
Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the cavern
One theory is that the present Indian tribe found in Arizona
are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which
inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of
years before the Christian era a people lived here which
reached a high state of civilization. The chronology of
human history is full of gaps. Prof. Jordan is much enthused
over the discoveries and believes that the find will prove
of incalculable value in archaeological work.
One thing I have spoken of may be of interest. There is one
chamber the passageways to which is not ventilated and when
we approach it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our lights
would not penetrate the gloom and until stronger ones are
available, we will not know what the chamber contains. Some
say snakes, but others boo-hoo this idea and think that it
may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients.
No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same.
The whole underground institution gives one of shaky nerves
the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on ones shoulders and
our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker.
Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly day-dreams
back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels
dizzily in space".
An Indian Legend
In connection with this story, it is notable that among the
Hopis the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived
in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose
between the good and the bad, the people of one heart, the
people of two hearts. (Manchoto) who was their chief,
counselled them to leave the underworld, but there was no
way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce
the roof of the underworld and then the people of one heart
climbed out. They tarried by Palsiaval (Red River), which is
the Colorado, and grew grain and corn. They sent out a
message to the temple of the sun, asking the blessing of
peace, good will and rain for the people of one heart. That
messenger never returned but, today at the Hopi village, at
sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the
housetops gazing towards the sun, looking for the messenger.
When he returns, their land and ancient dwelling place will
be restored to them.”

Ferdinand Ossendowski
(Beasts, Men and Gods ©1922)
“The blissful ‘Sakkia Mouni’ found on one mountain top tablets
of stone carrying words which he only understood in his old age
and afterwards PENETRATED INTO the kingdom of Agharti……. In cars
strange and unknown to us they rush through the narrow cleavages
inside our planet.” Page 218.
“More than sixty thousand years ago a Holyman [Giant?]
disappeared with a whole tribe of people under the ground and
never appeared again on the surface of the Earth….. No one knows
where this place is. One says Afghanistan, others
India….. The
subterranean people have reached the highest knowledge. Now it
is a large kingdom, millions of men with the King of the World
as their ruler.
Prince Chultun Beyli added:
“This kingdom is Agharti. It extends
throughout all the subterranean passages of the whole world. I
heard a learned Lama of China relating to Bogdo Khan that all
the subterranean caves of America are inhabited by the ancient
people who have disappeared underground. [see
Exhibit G: Arizona
Gazette Newspaper article] Traces of them are still found on the
surface of the land. These subterranean peoples and spaces are
governed by rulers owing allegiance to the King of the World. In
it there is not much of the wonderful. You know that in the two
greatest oceans of the east and the west there were formally two
continents. They disappeared under the water but their people
went into the subterranean kingdom. In underground caves there
exists a particular light [See
Exhibit D John Uri Lloyd Etidorhpa ©1895] which affords growth to the grains and
vegetables and long life without disease to the people.
are many different people and many different tribes. An old
Buddhist Brahman in Nepal was carrying out the will of the Gods
in making a visit to the ancient kingdom of Jenghiz, -- Siam
-- where
he met a fisherman who ordered him to take a place in his boat
and sail with him upon the sea. On the third day they reached an
island [unknown island above the Arctic Circle. See
Exhibit F.
‘The Smokey God’ ©1908] where he met a people having two tongues
which could speak separately in different languages…. These
people told him that they had come up out of the subterranean
kingdom and described to him certain parts of the underground
country.” Page 217.
Exhibit I)
Nicholas Roerich
©1930, written mostly in 1928 and 1929)
“He [Baksha] sings about
Blessed Issa, the Prophet, who walked
through these lands, and how he resurrected the giant, who
became a benevolent king of this country.” Page 241.
“The sands obscured the eyes of the giants. The sands conquered
the giant people. The giants abandoned the cities to desert
lands. Scarcely did they escape without eyes or ears. The desert
sands buried the Indian [Central Asian] cities. They buried them
with walls, gates, and towers. The people know of these cities,
even up to the present time. But who brought the cities to the
desert sands, the people do not know.” Page 136.
“On the border of
Lahoul, which is also an ancient former
Tibetan principality, on the rocks, are inscribed images of a
man and a woman up to nine feet high. It is said that this was
the height of the ancient inhabitants. It is curious, that in
Bamian, in Afghanistan, where there are also huge images on the
rocks, these are also connected with a legend of the height of
ancient giants.” Page 269.
"Lama, are there some hidden passages under the
Potala? and is
there a subterranean lake under the chief temple? The lama again
smiled. “You know so many things that it seems to me you
[already] have been at Lhasa.”” Page 20, written in 1928.
“It has been ascertained that Kulu and Mandi are the sacred
lands Zahor, which so often are mentioned in ancient records.
Here after the persecution of the impious King Landarma were
hidden the most ancient books. Even the place of these hidden
treasures is indicated approximately.” Page 268.
“Do you hear what hollow subterranean passages we are crossing?
Through these passages, people who are familiar with them can
reach far off countries…….long ago people lived there; now they
have gone inside; they have found a subterranean passage to the
subterranean kingdom. Only rarely do some of them appear again
on [top of the] Earth. At our Bazaar such people come with
strange, very ancient money, but nobody could even remember a
time when such money was in usage here.” Page 215.
Exhibit C. Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Vril, The Power of the
Coming Race ©1871]
"Lama, in Tourfan and in
Turkestan they showed us caves with
long, unexplored passages. Can one reach Shambhala [Subterranean
Kingdom similar to Agharti] through these routes? They told us
that on some occasions, strangers came out of these caves and
went to the cities. They wished to pay for things with strange,
ancient coins which are now no longer used.
“Verily, verily, the people of
Shambhala at times emerge into
the world. They meet the earthly co-workers of Shambhala. For
the sake of humanity, they send out precious gifts, [and]
remarkable relics.” Page 11.
“He counts the innumerable army of
Shambhala. He speaks about
the unconquerable weapons of these legions; [Vril Rods? See
Exhibit C. Vril: The Power of the Coming Race] how the great
conqueror, the ruler of Shambhala himself, [King of the world]
leads them. How no one knows whence they come, but they destroy
all that is unjust.” Page 231 [Also see
Exhibit S. Revelations
Exhibit J)
Manly P. Hall
(Man, the Grand Symbol of the Mysteries
Hall has written various books on Freemasonry and other
esoteric themes but in this particular book he states the
"The most Secret Rituals of ancient Initiation were performed in
subterranean crypts, which were called ‘caverns of the
mysteries.’” Page 160.

Theodore Illion
(Darkness Over Tibet
“This shaft must be very deep. No one except the ‘Prince
of Light’ and a few of the highest initiates who are called the
‘Lords of Compassion’ know where it leads to. Anyone who would
find out where it leads to would have to die….there are such
secrets.” Page 141.
Exhibit L)
Dr. Ernst Schafer
(‘Der Neue Tag’ German Newspaper © July 21 1939)
Headline: “Sacred Tibetan Scripture Acquired by the
Schafer—Expedition on Nine Animal Loads Across the High-Country”
(Special) Frankfurt—20 July
“The Tibet expedition of Dr.
Ernst Schafer, which during its expedition through Tibet stayed a LONG
TIME IN LHASA and in the capital of the Panchen Lama,
is presently on its return trip to Germany. Since the monsoons
began unusually early, the return march of the expedition was
hastened in order to secure the shipment of precious
"The expedition has singularly valuable scientific research
results to inventory. In addition to outstanding accomplishments
in the areas of GEOPHYSICAL and EARTH-MAGNETIC research they
succeeded in obtaining an extra rich ethnological collection
including, along with cult objects, many articles and tools of
daily life.
the help of the regent of Lhasa it was Dr. Schafer who also
succeeded in obtaining the KANGSCHUR, THE EXTENSIVE, 108-VOLUME
SACRED SCRIPT OF THE TIBETANS, which required nine animal loads
to transport……. furthermore, valuable GEOGRAPHICAL and
encountered due to political tensions with the English
authorities were eliminated due to personal contact between Dr.
Schafer and members of the British authorities in Shangtse, so
that the unimpeded return of the expedition out of Tibet with
its VALUABLE COLLECTION was guaranteed.”
From what I have read, esoteric researchers have tried to find
out what ever became of those tablets but to no avail. I
personally think there is
Dark Star data and
Subterranean data
within the 108 volumes but I have no way of proving it—yet!
There is a rumor that they ended up in Russian hands and that
the tablets/scrolls were copies of original sacred text from
inner caves in Tibet.
I have also read that Tibetan monks would
spend entire lifetimes dutifully copying sacred scriptures and
depositing them in secret locations so that such tablets would
not be in short supply.
Exhibit M) National Geographic magazine © August 1940.
excellent article that truly shows us we have no idea what has
transpired beneath our feet!
“Wanderers Awheel in Malta” Page 267.
“Prehistoric Man
[Giants?] built temples and chambers in these vaults. In a pit
beside on a sacrificial alter lie
thousands of human skeletons.
Years ago one could walk underground from one end of Malta to
the other. The government closed the entrances to these tunnels
after school children and their teachers became lost in the
labyrinth while on a study tour and never returned…..For weeks
mothers declared that they had heard wailing and screaming from
underground.” Page 272.

T. Lobsang Rampa
(The Cave of the Ancients ©1963)
As mentioned earlier, one of the major entrances to a world-wide
underground ancient tunnel system is in central
Asia—specifically Lhasa, in Tibet and Lobsang Rampa describes in
detail what occurred to him there. I should point out that
mainstream academia has labeled him a fraud but Rampa swears
that his account is the utmost truth:
“The cave in which I now found myself was spacious, with a roof
invisible in the darkness above…. the cave was more like an
immense hall, it stretched away in the distance as if the
mountain itself was hollow. The light was everywhere, beating
down upon us from a number of globes which appeared to be
suspended from the darkness of the roof. Strange machines
crammed the place, machines such as we could not have imagined.
"Even from the high roof depended apparatus and mechanisms.
Some, I saw with great amazement, were covered by what appeared
to be the clearest of glass…… together we wandered round looking
at the strange machines. To us they had no meaning, they were
just collections of metal and fabric in strange exotic form. My
teacher [a Tibetan abbot] moved toward a rather large black
panel apparently built into one of the walls of the cave.” Page
Exhibit O)
T. Lobsang Rampa
(The Third Eye ©1956)
“Then I was led down those hidden stairs and passages far below
the Potala. Far down we went, flaring torches in the hands of
the others, nothing in mine. Down through the corridors I had
traversed before. At last we reached the end of the passage.
Solid rock confronted us, but a whole boulder was swung aside at
our approach. Another path confronted us—a dark and narrow path,
with the odour of stale air, spices, and incense. Several yards
farther on we were stopped momentarily by a ponderous
gold-sheathed door which was slowly opened to the accompaniment
of protesting squeaks which echoed and re-echoed as if through a
vast space. Here the torches were extinguished, and butter-lamps
We moved ahead into a hidden temple carved from the solid
rock by volcanic action in days long past. These corridors and
passages once had led molten lava to the mouth of a belching
volcano. Now puny humans trod the way and thought that they were
gods. But now, I thought, we must concentrate on the task at
hand, and here was the Temple of Secret Wisdom.” Pages 181 &
“We approached a wall on which was painted a fifteen-foot
of Life. In the flickering light it appeared to revolve and made
the senses reel with it. On we went until I was sure we would
crash into the rock. The leading abbot vanished: what I had
imagined to be a dark shadow was a well concealed door. This
gave entrance to a path going down and down—a narrow, steep,
winding path where the faint glow of the abbots’ butter-lamps
merely seemed to intensify the dark. We felt our way hauntingly,
stumbling, sometimes sliding.
The air was heavy and oppressive
and it felt as if the whole weight of the earth above was
pressing down on us. I felt as if we were penetrating the heart
of the world. A final bend in the tortuous passage, and a cavern
opened up to our view, a cavern of rock glittering with gold:
veins of it—lumps of it…..
In the center of the cavern was a shining black house—a house as
if made of polished ebony. Strange symbols ran along its sides,
and diagrams like those I had seen on the walls of the lake
tunnel. We walked to the house and entered the wide, high door.
Inside were three black stone coffins, curiously engraved and
marked. There was no lid. I peered inside, and at the sight of
the contents I caught my breath and suddenly felt faint.
“My Son,” exclaimed the leading abbot, “look upon these. They
were gods in our land in the days before the mountains came.
They walked our country when seas washed our shores, and when
different stars were in the sky. Look, for none but Initiates
have seen these.”
“I looked again, fascinated and awed. Three gold figures, nude,
lay before us. Two male and one female. Every line every mark
was faithfully reproduced by the gold. But the size! The female
was quite ten feet long as she lay, and the larger of the two
males was not under fifteen feet. Their heads were large and
somewhat conical at the top. The jaws were narrow, with a small,
thin lipped mouth.
The nose was long and thin, while the eyes
were straight and deeply recessed. No dead figures, these—they
looked asleep. We moved quietly and spoke softly as if afraid
they would awaken. I saw a coffin lid to one side…...The senior
abbot turned to me and said: “You are about to become an
Initiate, to see the past and to know the future”…..They led me
to a stone slab lying between two coffins. Here at their
instruction I sat in the lotus attitude, with my legs folded, my
spine erect, and the palms of my hands facing up…..”
“……Slowly the utter blackness enfolding me rolled away. From
somewhere came the booming of the sea, and the hissing rattle of
shingle under the drive of the waves. I could smell the
salt-laden air, and the tang of the seaweed. This was a familiar
scene: I lazily turned on my back, in the sun warmed sand, and
gazed up at the palm trees. But, part of me said, I had never
seen the sea, never even heard of palm trees! From a nearby
grove came the sound of laughing voices, voices that grew louder
as a happy group of sun-bronzed people came into sight. Giants!
All of them. I looked down, and saw that I, too, was a “giant.”
To my astral perceptions came the impressions: countless ages
ago. Earth revolved nearer the sun, in the opposite direction.
The days were shorter and warmer. Vast civilizations arose, and
men knew more than they do now. FROM OUTER SPACE CAME A
WANDERING PLANET and struck the Earth a glancing blow. The Earth
was sent reeling, out of its orbit, and turning in the opposite
Winds arose and battered the waters, which, under
different gravitational pulls, heaped upon the land, and there
were floods, universal floods. Earthquakes shook the world. Land
sank beneath the seas, and others arose. The warm and pleasant
land which was Tibet ceased to be a seaside resort and shot some
twelve thousand feet above the sea. Around the land mighty
mountains appeared, belching out fuming lava. Far away in the
highlands rifts were torn in the surface, and vegetation and
fauna of a bygone age continued to flourish. But there is too
much to write in a book….” Pages 182-185
Exhibit P)
Wolfgang H.U. Galaki
(Phaeton ©1986)
“An invisible force that affects the orbits of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, still unknown to us, WAS ALREADY
body between Pluto and the outer ‘belt’ of the comet cloud whose
existence has been hypothesized by the Dutch astronomer, Oort.”
Page 20
This quote hit me like a ton of bricks but unfortunately the
author didn’t elaborate further on his ‘source’ information.
Exhibit Q)
Nicholas Roerich (Shambhala
“Verily, THE LUMINOUS GOD APPROACHES! But what has occurred? The
SNOWS ARE RED AS BLOOD. But the clouds collect an OMINOUS
MIST…….a NEW COSMIC ENERGY is manifest in the world.” Pages 40 &
“A great epoch approaches. The ‘Ruler [King]
of the World’ is
ready to fight. Many things are being manifested. THE COSMIC
FIRE IS AGAIN APPROACHING THE EARTH. The planets are manifesting
the new era…… again humanity will be tested….. if all good forces
do not combine their power, the greatest cataclysms are
inevitable.” Pages 11 & 12
“OVER THE CITY FLEW A FIERY HOST. And the signs of the highest
wisdom began to GLOW IN THE HEAVENS.” Page 108
“In the foothills of the Himalayas are many caves and it is said
that from these caves, subterranean passages proceed far below
Kinchenjunga. Some have even seen the stone door which has never
Exhibit R)
Ferdinand Ossendowski
(Beasts, Men and Gods ©1922)
“In Erdini Dzu formerly lived
Pandita Hutuktu, who had come from
Agharti. As he was dying, he told about the time when he lived
according to the will of the Goro on a RED STAR IN THE EAST,
floated in the ice-covered snow ocean [blood red snow?] and flew
among the stormy fires in the DEPTHS OF THE EARTH.
These are the tales which I heard in the
Mongolian yurtas of
Princes and in the Lamaite monasteries. These stories were all
related in a solemn tone which forbade challenge and doubt.
Mystery.” Page 219
The final chapter of Beasts, Men and Gods has an incredible
prophecy given by the ‘King of the World’ himself.
received this prophecy by the Hutuktu of Narabanchi in 1921.
According to the Lama, the ‘King of the World’ announced the
following ’thirty years ago’, which corresponds to 1890:
“More and more the people will forget their souls and care about
their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on this
earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for
the blood and death of their brothers. THE ’CRESCENT’ WILL GROW
DIM and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless
war. Its conquerors will be STRICKEN BY THE SUN but will not
progress upward and twice they will be visited with the heaviest
misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other
peoples. The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall... one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.... There will be a
terrible battle among all the peoples. The seas will become
red... the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with
bones... kingdoms will be scattered...whole peoples will
die... hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before
seen in the world.
The enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come.
Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. The
forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the
whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall
suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will
come... Millions will change the fetters of slavery and
humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads
will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another.
The greatest and most beautiful cities shall perish in
fire... one, two, three... Father shall rise against son, brother
against brother and mother against daughter.... Vice, crime and
the destruction of body and soul shall follow.... Families shall
be scattered.... Truth and love shall disappear..... From ten
thousand men one shall remain; he shall be nude and mad and
without force and the knowledge to build him a house and find
his food.... He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies,
bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight.... All the earth
will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there
will be only night and death.
the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead
those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the
fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth
purified by the death of nations. In the fiftieth year only
three great kingdoms will appear, which will exist happily
seventy-one years. Afterwards there will be eighteen years of
Pages 224 & 225.
According to the ‘King of the World’ prophecy this will occur in
2029. Could the Bible be describing this ‘uprising’ in
Revelations 9 verses 1 to 12? See below:
Exhibit S)
My interpretation of REVELATION 9 verse: 1 to 12 from the Bible
“Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet. And I SAW A STAR fall
from the sky to the earth. THE STAR [Nibiru OR ONE OF ITS
FROM THE HOLE like smoke from a big furnace.

"The sun and sky became dark because
of smoke from the hole. Then locusts [strange looking people
from within the Earth] came to the earth [from the bottomless
pit] out of the smoke. They were given the power to sting like
scorpions. [using baton-like Vril rods—see
Exhibit C] They were
told not to harm the grass on the earth or any plant or tree.
They could only harm [sting or stun using the Vril rods] the
people [on top of the Earth] who did not have the sign of God on
their foreheads. These locusts were given the power to cause
pain to the people for five months. [This is how long the
physical effects from the Vril rods would linger before wearing
But they were not given the power to kill anyone. And the
pain they felt was like the pain that of the scorpion gives when
it stings a person. During those days people will look for a way
to die, but they will not find it. They will want to die, but
death will run away from them. The locusts looked like horses
prepared for battle. On their heads they wore things that looked
like crowns of gold. Their faces looked like human faces. Their
hair was like women’s hair and their teeth were like lions
The sound of their wings [mechanical wings—see
Exhibit C]
made was like the noise of many horses and chariots hurrying
into battle. The locusts had a King who was the angel of the
bottomless pit. [Subterranean ‘King of the World’ that resides
in Agharti/Shambhala. See
Exhibits H &
I] His name in the Hebrew
language is Abaddon. In the Greek language his name is Apollyon.
The first great trouble is past.”

“And I saw a powerful angel. He called in a loud voice, “Who is
worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” But there was no
one in heaven or on earth or UNDER THE EARTH who could open the
scroll or look inside it.”
– REVELATION 5 verse: 2-5