by Len Bucuvalas
February 18, 2002
Yowusa Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Nibiru is a Planet X-class Kupier Belt Object (XKBO) that allegedly
is on an elliptical orbit between our own Sun and a dwarf star that
may be located 18 times the distance from our Sun to Pluto, outside
of Pluto's orbit - an orbit that takes approximately 3600 years to

According to
Zacharia Sitchin, the last Earth flyby was
during the Biblical Exodus from Egypt, and it, or some other XKBO
could be fly past Earth in 2003 and may cause what some scholars and
scientists feel could become a human catastrophe - on a Biblical
Reuters news service wire
September 13, 2000
A group of scientists in Russia in year 2000 held several meetings
to discuss the inbound planet discovered from one of their largest
observatories. This led to the infamous 2003 Problem.
The top government officials called for a commission to study the
problem, which was said to expect to cause “A string of calamities”
& "A massive population shrinkage."
They openly wondered whether Russia would still even exist as a
country afterwards...
While many American scientists scoff at Sitchin's work, prominent
Russian scientists (in consultation with their government), along
with several independent researchers around the globe, are deeply
concerned that an XKBO could fly past the Earth in 2003 as his work
Such a flyby could result in a terrestrial catastrophe that could
very well place mankind in the cross hairs of a major kill off.
we afford to scoff at this threat any longer?
Are there any potential effects of its passing?

Planet X-class Kuiper Belt Object (XKBO): A Kuiper Belt Object in a
long period orbit around our sun,
with sufficient mass to trigger
life-threatening global Earth changes as the result of a flyby
Marshall Masters, YOWUSA.COM
It is felt that an XKBO know as Nibiru (and also known as "Marduk")
will pass close by our planet in June of 2003. At the moment of it’s
passing it is possible that the Earth may be overtaken by its
gravitational influence, being a much larger planetary body.
Sometimes referred to as the red comet or red star in some ancient
texts, the effects of its passage may range far and wide according
to current opinion.
The Earth may stop rotating completely for 3 days.
Electrical/magnetic storms may occur of an intensity that could
cause lasting damage to our global infrastructure.
As the Earth passes through tail of Nibiru’s passage, dust and
debris may rain down upon our planet compromising our ability to
supply food, and most importantly, water.
Nibiru is reported to be four times larger, and twenty three times
more dense than the Earth. The Bible states (defining it as
in The Book of Revelations) that when it passed, its magnetic and
gravitational effects upon the Earth’s molten iron core caused
increased earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, and other phenomena.
I have noticed over the last ten years, as I am sure the readers of
this site also have noticed, the drastic change in our present day
weather patterns, increased earthquake/volcanic activity, reports
of the gradual slowing of the Earth's rotation and geomagnetic
planetary field deviations, and other anomalies.
All of which are
allegedly due to the energy being released by our planet in response
to the gravitational field that is preceding Nibiru.
Has it been here before?
The Dallas Morning News published an article, written by Tom
Siegfried, Science Editor, in the Science Section on February 5th,
The article went on to define certain planetary events that
occurred in our far-flung past. Some have placed the dates of these
events at: 12,387 BC, 8787 BC, 5187 BC, and1587 BC.
The myths and legends of our society are replete with accounts of
gods and their abodes, which strangely correlate to the passage of
Nordic Legend
Nordic mythology identifies the Midgard serpent as
the destroyer of Earth come to herald in the age of Ragnarok.
Scholars of mythology have postulated that the Midgard serpent is an
allegorical depiction of a comet or planetary body that whose
proximity to Earth disturbs the oceans.
Nordic mythology goes on to state:
The ship that is called Naglfar also becomes loose. It is made of
the nails of dead men; wherefore it is worth warning that, when a
man dies with unpared nails, he supplies a large amount of materials
for the building of this ship, which both gods and men wish may be
finished as late as possible. But in this flood Naglfar gets afloat.
The giant Hrym is its steersman. The Fenris-wolf advances with
wide-open mouth; the upper jaw reaches to heaven and the lower jaw
is on the earth.
This passage could refer to the tail trailing behind the planetary
body and extending from the Earth to the Sun. Some researchers also
claim that a planet which passes close to another planet can, in
theory, tether to the planet it is passing, each linking to the
other by the interweaving of their energetic fields.
If true, this passage could plausibly refer to the linking of Nibiru
to Earth, remaining in place for a specified period of time before
once again departing on its orbit.
When a comet passes by near to the sun, a series of changes have
been reported to allegedly take place.
Fire flashes from his eyes and nostrils. Jets of bright light start
out from the nucleus, and move through the fainter haze of the coma
toward the sun. Then these jets are turned backward around the edge
of the coma, and stream from it, behind the comet, until they are
fashioned into a tail.
An excellent and detailed analysis of Nordic mythology, as it may
relate to Nibiru, is presented at "Ragnarok
- The Age Of Fire And Gravel".
Greek Mythology
Greek mythology is rich with stories of the
Gods who were thought to dwell on the peaks of Mount Olympus, or
somewhere in the sky.
In the beginning there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared
Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night. All else
was empty, silent, endless, darkness. Then somehow Love was born
bringing a start of order. From Love came Light and Day. Once there
was Light and Day, Gaia, the earth appeared.
Erebus is defined as “the land of the dead” – a fitting description
for an extra-solar planetary object that may not contain an
atmosphere suitable for life as we know it to be.
The sentence,
“Once there was Light and Day, Gaia, the earth appeared,” seems
curiously linked to Velikovsky’s description of how our Earth came
to be.
Immanuel Velikovsky describes how the Earth after an extra-solar
planetary object careened through our Solar System and struck an
ancient planet. The planet was disintegrated and its remains now
form the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. Also, a
large piece of this planet was hurled toward the Sun, captured by
its gravitational force, and placed into an orbit along with its own
satellite. Velikovsky postulates that this planetary piece is now
what we occupy as Planet Earth.
A detailed analysis of his work is found in the Immanuel Velikovsky
Archive. Also, a group of students at North Polk Senior High School, Alleman, Iowa, devised a computer simulation to at least begin
testing Velikovsky’s cosmogony. A detailed analysis of their
simulation and its results is located at
Formation Of The
Asteroid Belt By Catastrophic Destruction Of The "Missing Planet”
Zeus the hurler of thunderbolts
Was the depiction of Zeus really a
planet that came near to Earth?
Zeus, according to his Homeric epithets, is the cloud gatherer, the
dark-clouded, the thunderer on high, and the hurler of thunderbolts.
Could the mythological god, Zeus, really have been an extra-solar
planet? Ancient cultures observed their environment and described
what they observed in the language of their age. It was common to
define the planets as gods. Wal Thornhill, the author of the
Electric Universe presents a theory that the universe is governed at
a fundamental level by electromagnetic forces. He states that the
planets move together in a plasma sheath.
The plasma sheath provides a balancing electrical force that acts
with gravity to keep the planets in alignment and to buffer the
planets against colliding with each other. A distinguishing
characteristic of plasmas is the generation of what is termed
Birkeland currents, named after
Kristian Bierkeland. Experiments
have shown plasma sheaths are regions of strong electric fields and
therefore electric currents. Birkeland current filaments follow the
magnetic field lines.
When planets are in close proximity to each other inside a plasma
sheath, currents flow between the planets along magnetic field lines
to their respective polar regions.
A website on Thornhill’s work
shows (with photographs) many instances of what appear to be intense
and powerful electrical strikes upon our planet.
Has it been reported in the news?
Something large and red has been
discovered orbiting in Pluto's neighborhood. This discovery has
reignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in our
solar system.

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Discoverers are calling the object 2001 KX76. The KX76 object might
be one of the largest "Kuiper Belt Objects" or KBO's, found in what
is essentially a second asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune.
Large Object Discovered Orbiting Sun
Discovery News
July 3, 2001
The discovery of a large reddish chunk of something orbiting in
Pluto's neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more
than nine planets in the solar system.
What the discoverers are calling
2001 KX76 might be one of the
largest "Kuiper Belt Objects" or KBO's, found in what is essentially
a second asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune. Initial reports
give 2001 KX76 a diameter of 900 to 1200 kilometers — roughly the
size of Pluto's moon, Charon. Pluto itself, it should be noted, is
smaller than our own moon.

Because KBOs are believed to have very elongated orbits around the
sun they spend a lot of time on dark, centuries-long excursions into
deep space. That makes them very hard to find, said astronomer
Robert Millis, director of the Lowell Observatory, which was
involved in the discovery.
If 2001 KX76 is any indication of larger KBOs out there, it might
also lead to the demotion of Pluto from puniest planet to king of
KBOs, said Marsden.
Millis prefers a third alternative: "There may exist a new class of
What does NASA say?
NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) of an extra-solar planet.
One year later, NASA launched the
IRAS (Infrared Astronomical
Satellite), which located a large object.

The Washington Post summarized an interview with the JPL IRAS lead
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and
possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar
system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by
an orbiting telescope...
'All I can tell you is that we don't know
what it is', said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist.
Has a sighting been made?
There are certain moments when one surfs across a site, allegedly
given from a channeled source, that is so well developed, so well
written, the ideas so cogent and coherent, the continuity of topic
to idea to hypothesis and leading to conclusions are so well
presented, one must take into account the possibility that - the
site which is that well developed and presents itself as "channeled"
information, could possibly be a website managed by an authoritative
The ZetaTalk site is exactly this type of data source.
ZetaTalk states this is a visible comet-like object that will
approach from the constellation, Orion, at a 32-degree angle to the
ecliptic and assume a retrograde orbit.
The site goes on to state
that 2003 will be its next passage through our solar system.

The Zeta site provides the path of this inbound planet, and its
degree of variance. For the serious amateur astronomer, the
coordinates (convert to degrees) and visibility factors are
available at
Has a path been plotted from the coordinates?
Kent Steadman, the founder and author/developer of the Cyberspaceorbit web site has plotted a possible course for Nibiru
using a StarFnder II. Mr. Steadman asserts that
Nibiru may rise to
the left of the rising sun on 5/15/03.
Venus and Mercury rising
along the ecliptic just ahead of the sun (Figure 1).

Figure 1
According to Steadman’s research, as Nibiru approaches the inner
solar system, it may accelerate quickly below the ecliptic, passing
behind and below the sun before it comes back up from beneath the
sun at a 33 degree angle.
Steadman continues to report that, after
March 3, 2003, Nibiru will drop below the elliptic (Figure 2),
passing behind and below the sun.

Figure 2
What is being done about it?
It seems that many factions within our government, and other
governments, are all timing certain events with the year 2003!
Reported in Reuters, May 11, 1999, Defense Secretary
William Cohen
and the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff Tuesday urged the Senate
Armed Services Committee to vote on a proposal to pave the way for
two rounds of base closings in 2001 and 2003.
Submitted by Lieutenant General
Jeffrey W. Oster (USMC Deputy
Chief of Staff Programs and Resources) on February 26, 1997 to the
Subcommittees on Military Procurement and Research and Development
of the House National Security Committee on Navy Shipbuilding – The
cornerstone of the Navy shipbuilding plan for the Future Years
Defense Program in fiscal years 1998 through 2003 is full funding of
all of the ships in the plan, including all submarines and the tenth
and final NIMITZ class aircraft carrier, the CVN 77.
The dedication of the International Space Station is planned for
Lawrence-Livermore Laboratories is planning on having developed a
laser, made up of 192 beams, and housed in a complex the length of
two football fields. The laser will be capable of simulating the
blast of a small-scale fusion bomb. This weapon is planned for
completion in 2003.
Nuclear weapons are planned for a 2/3 reduction by 2003. The ZetaTalk site discusses a
preliminary forecast of reductions.
In 1995, the U.S. signed an international agreement for search and
rescue, to be in place by 2003.
The Mayan calendar predicts the end of our world, as we have known
it to be in
2012. Sylvia Brown alleges that the Mayan date of 2012
is actually the Gregorian date of 2003. A calculator that converts
the Mayan date to a Gregorian date can be found on
the Gregorian-Mayan
Date web site.
According to a Discovery News Brief,
a mission to Europa, one of
Jupiter’s moons, is planned for 2003. This could make for a very
interesting fly-by should Nibiru truly pass through our solar
This list does not even begin to address the international political
trends intended to:
Centralize a global government with the United Nations as it’s
leading authority and governing body
Disarm all civilians on a global scale (presumably to forestall
mass panic should Nibiru turn out to be the ultimate reality)
Train regular military units in the streets of our cities for
urban warfare.
What do I think about all this?
All this data says one thing to this writer - our governments are
frightened and are reacting to whatever it is that is frightening
My own preliminary conclusions (based on available data) are:
What will happen when it does arrive?
Read Velikovsky. Yes I do
accept that Velikovsky has never been validated yet, if there is a
planet that will intersect our own orbital plane, then possible
effects from earthquakes, to lightening storms, to tsunamis, and
perhaps even to visitations from another race may be imminent.
I am from New England. In 1978, we had a snow storm that left up to
16 feet of snow in some areas (when you count the drifts). It snowed
steadily for nearly seven days.
Many of my friends thought me foolish:
"He's stocking food! He's
buying water supplies! He's got a great supply of wine and beer too!
He even bought army medical kits, batteries, flashlights, emergency
lamps, etc."
Did I mention the full tank of heating oil and containers of
gasoline for our two vehicles?
Yes I became the focal point of neighborhood entertainment. That is,
until the snow began. And still they laughed on Day 2, and Day 3. By
Day 4, one of my friends requested if he could stay with us.
snow ended on Day 7.
Where there were no drifts, the snow was six feet deep.
Where there
were drifts, the snow was over twelve feet deep.
They were finding
people frozen solid in their cars up to two weeks after the snow
We were not allowed to drive in our own city for one week
after the snow ended and prohibited from parking in other major
cities for up to one month.
My friend? He was no longer laughing.
The bottom line is that we live in a strange and wondrous universe -
a creation that many take for granted, assuming it will never
change. Yet, the only thing of any permanence in our fragile lives
is the reality of constant change.
Yet, the tendency of nation states to withhold potential threat
information on what they believe to be a need to know basis never
does seem to change. Therefore, the question for each reader is
whether or not this XKBO is in fact headed towards a catastrophic
flyby rendezvous with the Earth in June 2003.
Rather, the question is, who will you as the reader allow to
determine your need to know about this potential threat and when.