by Greg Jenner
foreword by Marshall Masters
Yowusa Website
Foreword by
Marshall Masters
It is a great privilege for me to
publish this work, as it will establish a new benchmark for
Planet X historical research. As a Planet X researcher and
author of long standing, I believe Greg Jenner to be is one of
the best Planet X historians alive today - if not the best. This
is because his analysis reflects a lifetime of inquiry, which
began for him in 1975 at the age of 13.
Even at that early age, he sensed a calling to this work and has
always remained true to it. As I always say: “Destiny comes to
those who listen and fate finds the rest.” Greg listened and
through the years, he has amassed an invaluable collection of
ancient scientific data. Others would be tempted to rest on
their laurels, he soldiers on with every bit the passion he
first experienced as a boy.
Given that he intuited a profound mission so early in life, it
could be argued that his spirit chose to incarnate at this time,
and for this very purpose. Further evidence of this can also be
found in the uniquely straightforward manner in which he came to
this topic.
Like most Planet X researchers, I came upon this troubling topic
by happenchance. Or in other words, I literally marched straight
backwards into it.
It began for me in the early years after the fall of the Soviet
Empire. A historical event predicted by ancient Egyptians
authors some 3600 years ago in of
The Kolbrin Bible.
In 1992, I started offering independent traveler tours to
Russia. In preparation for the travel season, I flew to Russia
on Aeroflot each winter. I always took the polar route between
San Francisco and Moscow. Outbound flights happened at night and
return flights during the day.
While returning from my first winter trip, the polar landscape
beneath the Ilyushin my Il-62 offered an unbroken and panorama
of snow and ice. Given that I had grown up in the scorching heat
of Arizona, it was a breathtaking sight that kept me transfixed
for hours.
Over the years, the unbroken beauty of the polar landscape
progressively deteriorated. During my last winter trip in 1998,
the landscape beneath my Ilyushin Il-96 appeared shattered and
watery. Much like the broken windshield of smashed car. This
unsettling trend prompted me to begin a personal search into
global warming which quickly succumbed to the confusion of
pointless blame games. Nonetheless, I persisted.
In 1999, I began investigating the matter more closely with
Jacco van der Worp, Janice Manning and others. To filter out the
political confusion, we decided to broaden our search for global
warming to the other planets in our solar system. What we found
astounded us!
NASA was reporting intense global warming trends on Mars and
Pluto, plus a whole score of other anomalies on all the other
major bodies in our solar system.
As the hard data poured in, we felt as though we were standing
in the middle of a dark theatre, as an unseen lighting
technician began switching on every bank of lights in the house.
We then set out to unmask this unseen causality and eventually
Today, we call it Planet X, but the ancients knew it by many
other names, as Greg will explain in this brilliant work. One
that will surely change your view of the future, because as he
so aptly puts it, “The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone for
Planet X.”
- Marshall Masters
Marshall’s Motto
Destiny finds those who listen, and fate finds the rest.
So learn what you can learn, do what you can do, and never give up
Jeremiah, a prophet from the Old Testament, felt compelled to warn
us of something he called the Destroyer. He obviously knew the
significance of its wrath and that every place on Earth would be
The Bible: New Century version
will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come like
a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth… The
DESTROYER will come against every town, not one town will
escape… The Lord said this will happen.”
Jeremiah 25:32 & 48:8
Within his sobering vision, there are
few specific details about the Destroyer. Thankfully, a more
detailed description that corroborates Jeremiah is provided in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular anthology, parts of which were written in
the same time period.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 3:3
When ages pass,
certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens. Their
ways change; there is movement and restlessness, they are no
longer constant and a great light appears redly in the
Manuscripts 3:4
When blood drops
upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear, and mountains
will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be
destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be
swallowed up by the land, and seas will boil.
Manuscripts 3:6
The people will
scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and
battle-cry of the DESTROYER and will seek refuge within dens
in the Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts, and their
courage will flow from them like water from a broken
pitcher. They will be eaten up in the flames of wrath and
consumed by the breath of the DESTROYER.
The New Webster’s dictionary defines the
word “Destroyer” as something that destroys or puts an end to.
Therefore, if the Destroyer “put an end to” mankind’s greatest
cities in far away places, the Destroyer must be celestial in nature
and large enough to affect the entire Earth this way.
This work provides supportive evidence suggesting the Destroyer is a
planetary body known today as Planet X and which many believe will
fly through our solar system during the 2012 time frame with
cataclysmic results for the Earth.
Planet X
Planet X is very real and known to
the ‘elite,’ a hidden fact they
have discovered from an ancient source and have held close to their
hearts for quite sometime - until now.
Before getting into that,
however, here is a brief summary of my Planet X investigation so

In 1975, I purchased my first Astronomy
textbook entitled The Universe by Sampson Low Publishers.
Like many
13 year-old teenage boys back then I was heavily immersed into
Science Fiction and the mysteries of outer space. Needless to say, I
enthusiastically read The Universe from cover to cover. One thing
however, jumped out at me and grabbed my attention. It was a little
blurb on Page 99 about an extra hypothetical body within the solar
system called Planet X.
Upon reading this page for the first
time, my gut told me the Tenth Planet was a reality. But where was
the proof?
Insatiable curiosity compelled me to search for every
possible newspaper clipping, magazine article and textbook reference
about this planet. Disappointingly though, few articles existed
about the subject at all. So, after collecting only about 40
articles, I began researching another viable source for Planet
X - ancient manuscripts.
Over the course of my investigations, I’ve perused countless
esoteric books and ancient documents that give tantalizing clues
suggesting a large-sized planet exists within the far reaches of the
solar system. To the
ancient Sumerians, it was known as
(which means ‘Planet of crossing’), and Nibiru’s path is quite
different from that shown in the above picture. Nibiru (or Planet X)
has a highly irregular orbit that periodically returns; upon
returning, it ‘crosses’ Earth’s orbit, causing havoc with our home
However, a significant amount of wisdom seemed to exist that the
general public knew nothing about. Vital information was missing - an
esoteric truth not yet known to the mainstream media. A hunch told
me this could be found in a closely guarded document… but it remained
hidden. A futile search ensued, and frustration mounted… then bingo,
in an instant, that search ended.
Finally, thanks to Marshall Masters, publisher of Your Own World
Books (yowbooks.com) and
Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) I finally
found a Planet X Rosetta Stone… the Holy Grail of all ancient
manuscripts describing Planet X.
It is The Kolbrin Bible and it named it the DESTROYER, exactly the
same name prophet Jeremiah spoke of, according to the New Century
translation of the Old Testament!
Furthermore, the Kolbrin Bible
delved into great detail to describe the Destroyer’s physical
appearance - vital pieces of the puzzle that Jeremiah left out.
The Kolbrin
Comprised of 11 books, the first 6 were written by Egyptian
academics and scribes after the Exodus.
The five remaining books
were penned by the Celtic priests of early Britain after the death
of Jesus. The collected works were later moved to the Glastonbury
Abbey where they remained until the twelfth century A.D.
Briefly mentioned in the introduction, this ancient manuscript
apparently was kept under lock-and-key within private Masonic
libraries after several prophecies came to pass, including the fall
of the Soviet Union and the rise of radical Islam. It was then
revealed to the world in 1992.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 3:9
…the hour of the
DESTROYER is at hand.
Manuscripts 3:10
In those days,
men will have the Great Book before them [upon its return],
wisdom will be revealed, the few will be gathered for the
stand, it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones (the
stouthearted) will survive ...
If The Kolbrin Bible contains startling
passages that describe the return of Planet X, the ‘elite’ would
unquestionably want to keep this under wraps, whist at the same time
start preparing - at whatever cost - to survive into another age.
According to the above verse, it appears a select few will survive.
Think about it. If a group of people possessed an 800 year-old
document stating without doubt that a catastrophe would occur upon
the return of a celestial object, then they would have the luxury to
carefully plan out their survival by secretly building facilities
such as: underground bunkers, gigantic ocean-liners and future
The general public has a right to be informed of this, as well as
the manuscript’s terrifying secret, so this writer painstakingly
researched every passage in the Kolbrin Bible that speaks of the
Destroyer or refers to it.
This work will outline ‘the return’ of the Destroyer by arguing its
cyclical nature.
To prove this crucial point this writer includes
three epic sagas gleaned from the Kolbrin Bible, including:
The sinking of
(Egypt’s motherland)
The Deluge (Noah’s Flood),
including a Celtic account of the Deluge
The Exodus (including the
flight to freedom)
As you will discover later, the
Destroyer directly caused or contributed to all three of these
The elite have taken The Kolbrin Bible’s warning very seriously.
Profound wisdom speaks volumes within this manuscript, so let the
verses speak on their own merit; however, from time-to-time you will
find [Brackets] and CAPITALS to express the writer’s point of view.
So, sit back and strap yourselves in.
You are about to go on quite
an adventure.
Space Monster’s ‘Incoming Mail’
Dateline: Fri., December 30, 1983.
Washington (TPS):
“A heavenly body possibly as large
as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to earth that
it would be part of the solar system has been found in the
direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope
called the Infrared Astronomical Observatory … astronomers do
not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar”
“…It’s not incoming mail,” [Chief Scientist] Neugebauer
said ...
[Source: The Vancouver Sun]
Interesting how Dr. Neugebauer quickly
doused the idea of a space threat by stating that the mystery space
monster is “not incoming mail.”
However, The Kolbrin Bible clearly
states that Earth has encountered a space monster in the ancient
past and that it will again.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Creation 3:1
... It is a fact known to the
wise that the Earth was utterly destroyed once then reborn
on a second wheel of creation. [A new Earth in a new orbit - GJ]
Creation 3:2
...God caused a
[celestial] DRAGON from out of Heaven to come and encompass her
about ... The seas were loosened from their cradles and rose up,
pouring across the land [creating giant tsunamis] ...
Creation 3:3
Men, stricken with
terror, went mad at the awful sight in the Heavens. The breath
was sucked from their bodies and they were burnt with a strange
Creation 3:4
Then it passed, leaving
Earth enwrapped within a dark and glowering mantle, which was
ruddily lit up inside. The bowels of the Earth were torn open in
great writhing upheavals ...
Creation 3:5
The Earth vomited forth
great gusts of foul breath from awful mouths opening up in the
midst of the land. The evil breath bit at the throat before it
drove men mad and killed them ...
Creation 3:8
... only sky boulders
[the Asteroid Belt] and red earth remained where once they were
but amidst all the desolation a few survived, for man is not
easily destroyed ...

Creation 3:10
Then the great canopy
of dust and cloud, which encompassed the Earth, enshrouding it
in heavy darkness, was pierced by ruddy light, and the canopy
swept down in great cloudbursts and raging storm-waters ...
Creation 3:11
When the light of the
sun pierced the Earth’s shroud ... The foul air was purified and
new air clothed the REBORN EARTH, shielding her from the dark
hostile void of Heaven.
Creation 3:12
The rainstorms ceased
to beat upon the faces of the land and the waters stilled their
turmoil. Earthquakes no longer tore the Earth open, nor was it
burned and buried by hot rocks ...
Creation 3:13
The waters were
purified, the sediment sank and life increased in abundance ...
The sun was not as it had been and a moon had been taken away
Creation 3:14
Man found the NEW
EARTH firm and the Heavens fixed. He rejoiced but also feared,
for he lived in dread that the Heavens would again bring forth
monsters and crash about him.
Creation 3:15
When men came forth
from their hiding places and refuges, the world their fathers
had known was gone forever. The face of the land was
changed…when the structure of Heaven collapsed ...
These passages tell much about an epic
planetary encounter.
But knowledge can fade over time, unless
someone safeguards the written record. In The Kolbrin Bible’s case,
Egyptian scribes had the foresight to preserve the written word.
Although ancient manuscripts may have certain built-in biases and
exaggerations based on the point of view of the author, they still
are precious and necessary to today’s readers, so one must not throw
them out with the bath water!
Based on The Kolbrin Bible’s ‘Book of Creation’ it’s apparent that a
wandering planet struck the original Earth with a glancing blow.
This wandering planet, which the ancient Sumerians called
initially came through our solar system between the orbits of
Jupiter and Mars where the ‘first’ Earth once orbited.

This was an ocean planet known to the
Sumerians as the god Tiamat.
The celestial event broke Tiamat apart,
turning some of the pieces into the asteroid belt. However, a small
portion of Tiamat remained intact and was hurled inward toward the
sun, settling into a closer orbit. The unstable planetary mass of
rock and water reestablished itself into a smaller ocean planet,
becoming present day Earth.
Besides The Kolbrin Bible and Sumerian tradition, what additional
information is available hinting that a planet once existed in the
region of the asteroid belt?
‘A Former Major Planet of the
Solar System’
by Van Flandern, T.C.
EOS, 57:280, 1976
Recent dynamical calculations by
M. W. Ovenden have demonstrated the former existence of a
90-Earth-mass planet in the asteroid belt… ”
(Source: ‘Mysterious Universe
A Handbook of Astronomical Anomalies’ by William R. Corliss
Andy Lloyd, author of the Dark Star and
publisher of the www.darkstar1.co.uk web site, postulates the next
Planet X/Nibiru fly-by will occur well beyond the orbit of Jupiter.
However, this writer’s research into the matter is a bit more
radical than that of Andy’s conservative approach.
interpretation, based on The Kolbrin Bible, indicates the next
Planet X fly-by might be much closer to the sun.
The Solar
System’s Dark Companion - Our Horned Dark Sister
With all that said, however, we seem to be dealing with two
celestial unknowns.
This statement is partly based on a NASA
diagram. Rumors surfaced on the Internet suggesting this picture was
a fake. Not so. The
New Illustrated Science and Invention
Encyclopedia, Vol. 18, page 2488 presents a very frank diagram
showing TWO unknown objects.
the reader might find most surprising is the ‘matter-of-fact’
presentation of the diagram itself. No mention of the ‘Dead Star’ or
the ‘Tenth Planet’ is ever explained in the article.
Therefore, upon looking at this picture for the first time, one
would automatically assume the Pioneer space probes were searching
for two celestial objects. It is likely that the Dead Star shown in
the diagram is our second sun (a Brown Dwarf named the Dark Star,
appears with text on this NASA diagram), and the Tenth Planet shown
in the diagram is Planet X (named the Destroyer, as also shown with
Furthermore, Andy Lloyd agrees with this writer that Planet X (Nibiru)
orbits the Dark Star itself, and based on this scenario, Nibiru - not
the Dark Star - periodically swings through the solar system. However,
research indicates the Dark Star can show herself to us in
conjunction with Nibiru’s fly-by.
The late scientist, Carl Sagan speculated in his 1985 book Comet
about our sun having a Dark Star or Dark Sister, and according to
The Kolbrin Bible he may have been right.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Creation 4:5
Then ... God caused
a sign to appear in the Heavens, so that men should know the
Earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a STRANGE STAR.
Creation 4:6
THE STAR grew and
waxed to a great brightness and was awesome to behold. IT
PUT FORTH HORNS and sang, being unlike any other ever seen
Scrolls 33:12
Great Mistress of
the stars, let us abide in peace, for we fear the REVELATION
Origins 8:3
Do these verses describe the Sun’s Dark
Sister, as Carl Sagan suggested? Yes! And “Her Escorts” are planets
or satellites that she has dominion over. Her outer most one could
be instrumental in the fate of Mankind. Indeed, our Dark Sister’s
largest escort is none-other-than Planet X as shown in the NASA
Another indication that we are dealing
with two celestial objects is referenced in the Bible.
“And then a
great wonder appeared in heaven: There was a woman who was
clothed with the sun. She [Our Dark Sister] had a crown of 12
stars on her head. [12 escorts orbiting her celestial body]...
There was a giant [celestial] RED DRAGON ...
Revelations 12:1 - 9
This shows two distinct celestial
objects: the woman and the dragon.
The celestial Red Dragon
mentioned in the Book of Revelations is the Destroyer from The Kolbrin and a great example of its meandering snake-like tail is
shown on this Mesopotamian Stele.
Furthermore the Sumerian tablet strongly
suggests Planet X (the Destroyer) is very different, indeed, to our
binary companion - Sagan’s Dark Sister.

Note: Further details of the celestial
dragon - Satan - and its connection with the Destroyer will come later.
The Hour of
‘The Destroyer’ Is At Hand
The Kolbrin Bible devotes three chapters entirely to Jeremiah’s
Destroyer so we know it was of great importance for the ancient
Egyptian scribes to document it. The Destroyer produced awe
inspiring ‘signs and wonders’ seen globally in the ancient skies at
the time.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 3:1
Men forget the
days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and
that it will return in its appointed hour.
Manuscripts 3:2
... It was as a
billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy glow, not
distinguishable in joint or limb. Its mouth was an abyss
from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders.
Manuscripts 3:4
When blood [red
ash] drops upon the Earth, the DESTROYER will appear and
mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes ...
Manuscripts 3:6
... They will be
eaten up in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath
Manuscripts 3:7
... Men will fly
in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes ... Women
will be as men and men as women, passion will be a plaything
of man.
Mother (Ursula) Shipton, a so called
psychic and prophet who died in 1561 AD stated essentially the same
“For in those wondrous far off
days the women shall adopt a craze to dress like men, and
trousers wear and to cut off their locks of hair ...
When boats like fishes swim
beneath the sea, When men like birds shall scour the sky
then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die...
A fiery dragon will cross the
sky Six times before the Earth shall die ...”
I wonder if she had a copy of The Kolbrin Bible and used its information when writing down her
“visions” of the future.
Book of Manuscripts continues:
Manuscripts 3:9
... Then will
the Heavens tremble and the Earth move ... Heralds of Doom
Manuscripts 4:4
... The flames
going before will devour all the works of men, the waters
following will sweep away whatever remains. The dew of death
will fall softly, as a grey carpet over the cleared land ...
Doomshape - A Twisted Serpent
One would think that isolated communities surviving this terrible
ordeal would want to somehow record an event of this magnitude - if
anything, signal a warning to their future kin.
Their technology was
utterly destroyed, so the only way they could do this would be to
literally draw out a sign or ‘insignia’ of this event on the ground,
using whatever means necessary at that time.

One such sign is the original ‘standing
stone’ layout at Avebury, England.
Today, only one circle remains;
however, the outer ‘rogue’ circle from the original layout has a
snake-like tail streaming behind it. Another is the famous ‘Serpent Mound’ in
the state of Ohio, originally surveyed in 1846. The coiled, snake-like body is attached to an elongated spheroid.
Perhaps these
two ground-based layouts are the Destroyer accompanied with its
meandering comet-like serpentine tail as described in The Kolbrin

The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 5:1
ABOUT ITSELF LIKE A COIL ... It was not a great comet or a
loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame.
Manuscripts 5:4
This was the
aspect of the DOOMSHAPE called the DESTROYER, when it
appeared in days long gone by, in olden times...
Another great example of the Destroyer
comes from Chinese mythology. The Chinese have an ancient tradition
of a celestial dragon chasing a red pearl within the clouds above.
This unique gem has flames rising from its fiery surface and is
always connected in some manner to the dragon’s body, itself.

No question exists in this writer’s mind
that this story symbolizes the Destroyer as described by this
Kolbrin Bible verse provided below:
Manuscripts 5:5
like a circling ball of flame which scatters small fiery
offspring in its train. It covers about a fifth part of the
sky and sends writhing, snakelike fingers down to Earth ...
Sinking Of
Atlantis - Triggered By Phaeton (The Destroyer)
My investigation suggests that another name for Jeremiah’s Destroyer
was Phaeton.
The ancient Greeks described Phaeton as a fiery body
akin to the sun and was much more than a conventional comet. Plato
first popularized Phaeton in his work entitled Timaeus 22a-23b.
Within it we read that Plato’s
great-grandfather’s friend, Solon, spoke of an Egyptian priest that
told him of Phaeton:
“There is a story, which even
you have preserved, that once upon a time PHAETHON… burnt up
all that was upon the Earth ... WHICH RECURS AFTER LONG
DOWN ...”
Plato told the story of a great island
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that Phaeton’s wrath forever
Does The Kolbrin Bible confirm this legend? Let the reader be the
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 1:1
The writings
from olden days tell of strange things and of great
happenings in the times of our fathers who lived in the
beginning ...
Manuscripts 1:6
... for the
great land of Ramakui [Atlantis] first felt his step. Out by
the encircling waters, over at the rim it lay.
Manuscripts 1:7
There were
mighty men in those days [Giants] ... There were butterflies
like birds [giant dragonflies?] and spiders as large as the
outstretched arms of a man ... There were elephants in great numbers,
with mighty curved tusks.
[Mastodons or Mammoths? It should be noted
here that back in the 1930’s, Edgar Cayce, the American sleeping
prophet, stated in his sleep that Mastodons lived along-side man
during the Atlantean epoch - GJ].
Manuscripts 1:8
Manuscripts 1:9
... Men clothed
themselves with the skins of beasts and were eaten by wild
beasts, things with clashing teeth used them for food.
[In-other-words man lived along side the dinosaur] ... The Braineaters hunted men down ... [possibly Pterodactyls].
Manuscripts 1:10
... Every man
who had an issue of seed within him and every woman who had
a flow of blood died..
Manuscripts 1:12
This was the
land from whence man came…Ramakui [or Atlantis].
The Kolbrin Bible offers an excellent
description of the city of Atlantis and its technology.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 1:16
In Ramakui
there was a great city with roads and waterways, and the
fields were bounded with walls of stone and [circular water]
channels. In the centre of the land was the great
flat-topped mountain ...
Manuscripts 1:17
The city had
walls of stone and was decorated with stones of red and
black, white shells and feathers ...
Manuscripts 1:18
They built
walls of black glass and bound them with glass by fire ...
Manuscripts 1:19
Manuscripts 31:10
...The whole
land heaved and rocked like an ocean wave. As it rose and
fell, groaned and shook, the fires which strove beneath
burst forth, to be met with shafts of lightning striking
down from Heaven.
Manuscripts 31:11
Creation 4:10
The mountains of
the East and West were split apart and stood up in the midst
of the waters which raged about. The Northland tilted and
turned over on its side.
Creation 4:11
Then again the
tumult and clamor ceased and all was silent. ...
Creation 4:12
The deluge of
waters swept back and the land was purged clean ...
Creation 4:13
Some of the people
were saved upon the mountainsides and upon the flotsam, but
they were scattered ... Amid coldness they survived in caves
and sheltered places.
Creation 4:14
The Land of the
LITTLE PEOPLE and the Land of GIANTS, the Land of the NECKLESS ONES and the Land of Marshes and Mists, the Lands
of the East and West were all inundated ...
Based on this, the physical appearances
of people seemed to be drastically different just prior to the
sinking of Atlantis.
Theosophist Helena Blavatsky, a researcher of esoteric philosophy
back in the 19th Century, wrote extensively on the lost continent of
Atlantis and in 1882 one of her teachers contacted a fellow
colleague of hers, Theosophist A.P. Sinnett, stressing that the last
portion of Atlantis sunk in the year 9,565 BC. A very specific date
Then low-and-behold, in 1995 two researchers named D. S. Allan and
J. B. Delair, who specialize in palaeo-geography and cartography,
released a book called When the Earth Nearly Died - Compelling
Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC.
They concluded that a celestial body came into the solar system in
our distant past causing havoc to Earth and dubbed this event “the
Phaeton disaster.” The same term referenced by Plato himself!
and Delair write:
“Any celestial intruder arriving
from more remote cosmic regions would tend to encounter or
pass close only to planets nearest its line of advance at
that specific time ...”
(Page. 198.)
“…Phaeton was anciently regarded
as a generally round, brilliantly fiery body of appreciable
size, and MUCH MORE STAR-LIKE OR SUN-LIKE than conventional
comets: and it was held to have in some way caused the
(Page 212.)
Derived wholly from science Allan and
Delair’s date of 9,500 BC was only 65 years away from the year given
by the teacher of Theosophy more than a century earlier!
This is very strong supportive evidence for Blavatsky’s work to be
sure, although Allan and Delair did stop short of saying that
Phaeton was a cyclical planet-like object.
Phaeton is cyclical, and from her book
The Secret Doctrine – Vol. 2 1888,
Helena Blavatsky gives us clues
that this unusual planetary body does return:
“... PHAETON, in his desire to
learn the hidden truth, MADE THE SUN DEVIATE FROM ITS USUAL
years before the great Deluge that CARRIED AWAY THE
ATLANTEANS and changed the face of the whole earth - because
“And now the natural question.
Who could have informed [Enoch] of this powerful vision ...
Was Blavatsky hinting that Phaeton can
occasionally tilt the Earth’s axis causing great deluges? Yes!
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 33:2
Manuscripts 33:5
[appeared to] change the direction of his journey. TWICE THE
One can interpret these passages to
state that at least four Earth pole-shifts have occurred in
mankind’s distant past with one causing Atlantis’ eventual demise.
Yes, it’s likely that Phaeton is in fact the Destroyer, our
pole-shifting celestial intruder - cyclical in nature, brought on by
the Dark Star, itself.
Noah’s Flood -
Triggered By the Destroyer
Never before has this writer read anything like The Kolbrin Bible’s
account of the Deluge.
Compelling new details came from the ‘Book of
Gleanings’ that will no doubt satisfy anyone’s desire for additional
information of the Flood and what caused it, with a more
‘down-to-earth’ version, than that of the Holy Bible.
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Gleanings 4:1
Gleanings 4:13
... Their God
sent down a curse upon the men of the cities, AND THERE CAME
A STRANGE LIGHT AND A SMOKY MIST which caught at the throats
of men ...
Gleanings 4:16
Gleanings 4:17
… Therefore a
great ship was laid down under the leadership of Hanok, son
of Hogaretur, for Sisuda, king of Sarapesh, from whose
treasury came payment for the building of the vessel.
Gleanings 4:18
... The length of
the great ship was three hundred cubits and its breadth was
fifty cubits, and it was finished off above by one cubit. It
had three storeys, which were built without a break.
Gleanings 4:19
... Each storey
was divided in twain, so that there were six floors below
and one above, and they were divided across with seven
Gleanings 4:20
... they carried
the seed of all living things; grain was laid up in baskets
and many cattle and sheep were slain for meat ... and ...
Also gold and silver, metals and stones ...
Gleanings 4:21
… people of the
plains ... mocked the builders of the great ship; ...
Gleanings 4:22
... they who were
to go with the great ship departed ... the people entered
the great ship and closed the hatch, making it secure …
Gleanings 4:23
The king had
entered and with him those of his blood, in all fourteen ...
Gleanings 4:24
… riding on a
great black rolling cloud came the DESTROYER ... THE BEAST
STONES AND A VILE SMOKE ... [Again, this implies that two
celestial objects are viewed from the surface of the Earth
during the fly-by.] ...

Gleanings 4:27
… The ship was
lifted by the mighty surge of waters and hurled among the
debris, but it was not dashed upon the mountainside because
of the place where it was built ...
Gleanings 4:28
The swelling
waters swept up to the mountain tops and filled the valleys.
They did not rise like water poured into a bowl, but came in
great surging torrents [tsunami pattern] …
Gleanings 4:29
… the great ship
came to rest upon Kardo, in the mountains of Ashtar …
One important point that comes out of
The Kolbrin Bible’s Deluge account is the fact that prior to the
Flood steps were taken by Noah to preserve the wisdom and
information of his ‘age.’
It seems the same sort of thing is being planned out today. As
stated earlier, a clandestine group “in-the-know” is going to great
lengths to preserve knowledge and information of our age and ensure
it will continue on past the next visitation of the Destroyer.
These efforts are well documented in Planet X Forecast and 2012
Survival Guide by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters and
Janice Manning.
The Floodtale
of Celtic Tradition - Triggered By The ‘Doomdragon’
Deep-rooted in ancient Celtic tradition and folklore, the Celtic
Texts of the Coelbook (the last 5 books of The Kolbrin Bible) take
on a mystical personality of their own, reminiscent of J. R. R. Tolkien.
It makes one wonder. Could Tolkien have had a copy of The Kolbrin
Bible by his side when he wrote The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
This question is not far-fetched, because Tolkien wrote about
middle-earth ‘ages.’ In the Celtic tradition, ages began and
concluded when a mysterious object called the “Doomdragon” or
“MoonChariot” appeared in the skies above. Let’s take a closer look:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Origins 3:9
... Wildland
Cultivators … gave the flood-tale to our house-building
forebears, but the generation of its happening is lost ...
the dread figure of Awamkored revealing itself to the eyes
of wondering men ...
Origins 3:10
came back over the dim horizon ...
Origins 3:12
The unearthly
foemen fell apart and hurled great self-created rocks ...
the Sun, ... [changed his] war grab, from red to blue, then
to yellow, then green, then brown.
Origins 3:15
This is the tale of
the skyfight [The celestial “War in Heaven” from the Book of
Revelations]. ... the DOOMDRAGON [The Destroyer] which has
come more than once and WILL COME AGAIN ...
Origins 3:19
… In heart-thumping
procession, awesomely-figured skygods never before seen,
passed overhead ...
Origins 3:20
... it was that
form of darkness known as the smothering cloak of Thunor,
though never before had it spread so wide ...
Origins 3:21
A vast [celestial]
black cloud was drawn like a curtain across the skyroof ...
Rising above it were strange billows of flame and smoke ...
Then all things ceased movement ...
Origins 3:22
Then ... came a
high wave wall of dark, white-fang-edged waters, ... There
was an earthy-brown, foamy scum which drifted strangely over
the surface ...
Origins 3:23
... Standing on
their hilltops our frightened forebears saw the swimming
house, made fast against the sea, come up to the land, and
out from it came men and beasts from Tirfola.
Exodus - Triggered By
The Destroyer
We all know ‘the Passover’ is a feast of unleavened bread
commemorating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, right?
here’s another possibility.
According to The Kolbrin Bible, the Destroyer manifested itself
above Egypt just prior to the Israelites flight to freedom.
Therefore one could say the Destroyer literally ‘passed-over’ the
slaves’ heads whilst they were fleeing across the Red Sea.
Is this the true meaning? Keep this question in mind as you peruse
through Egyptian accounts of Exodus:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 6:1
by strange omens in the skies...
Manuscripts 6:3
These were days
of ominous calm, when the people waited for they knew not
what ...
Manuscripts 6:5
The days of
stillness were followed by a time when the noise of
trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the Heavens ...
Manuscripts 6:6
The people spoke
of the god of the slaves ... His manifestation was in the
Heavens for all men to see, but they did not see with
understanding ...
Manuscripts 6:11
Dust and smoke
clouds darkened the sky and coloured the waters upon which
they fell with a bloody hue. Plague was throughout the land,
the river was bloody and blood was everywhere [red ash mixed
with water].
Manuscripts 6:12
… In the glow
of the DESTROYER the Earth was filled with redness. Vermin
bred and filled the air and face of the Earth with
Manuscripts 6:13
Allan and Delair in their book,
When the
Earth Nearly Died - Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change
9,500 BC, confirm the Kolbrin’s “hail of stones” quote above by
writing the following:
“ ... Jews call iron nechoshet.
This literally means ‘droppings of the serpent’. This is a
meaningless term until we recall that, in Jewish traditions,
the ‘serpent’ was another name for Satan ...”
“ ... It must, furthermore, be
relevant that the ancient Greek word for iron was sideros:
this, when combined with the obviously related Latin word
for star, sidus (genitive sideris, plural sidera), as ‘IRON
STAR’, lends new meaning to the concept of a large
partially-metalliferous body ...”
“The singular theme common to
all these ancient traditions concerns the fact that these
falls of …meteor-like [gravel] were inextricably part and
parcel of a terrible cosmic visitation which almost
destroyed Earth long ago…”
Page 201.
The Egyptian account of Exodus continues
from the
book of Manuscripts:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 6:14
The fish of the
river died in the polluted waters; worms, insects and
reptiles sprang up from the Earth in huge numbers. Great
gusts of wind brought swarms of locusts which covered the
sky …
Manuscripts 6:15
The darkness
was not the clean blackness of night, but a thick darkness
in which the breath of men was stopped in their throats. Men
gasped in a hot cloud of vapour which enveloped all the land
and snuffed out all lamps and fires …
Manuscripts 6:16
The Earth
turned over [during a pole shift], as clay spun upon a
potter’s wheel. The whole land was filled with uproar from
the thunder of the DESTROYER ...
Manuscripts 6:19
On the great
night of the DESTROYER’s wrath ... there was a hail of rocks
Manuscripts 6:21
The land
writhed under the wrath of the DESTROYER and groaned with
the agony of Egypt. It shook itself ...
Manuscripts 6:22
There were nine
days of darkness and upheaval, while a tempest raged such as
never had been known before ...
Manuscripts 6:24
The slaves
spared by the DESTROYER left the accursed land forthwith.
Many Egyptians attached themselves to the host, for one who
was great led them forth, a priest prince (Moses) of the
inner courtyard
Manuscripts 6:25
Fire mounted up
on high and its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It
rose up from the ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain
in the sky.
Manuscripts 6:26
In seven days,
by Remwar the accursed ones journeyed to the waters. They
crossed the heaving wilderness while the hills melted around
them; above, the skies were torn with lightning …
Manuscripts 6:28
Pharaoh had
gathered his army and followed the slaves …
Manuscripts 6:30
The host of
Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but
was held back from them by a breath of fire. A great cloud
was spread over the hosts and darkened the sky …
Manuscripts 6:31
A whirlwind
arose in the East and swept over the encamped hosts ...
There was a strange silence and then, in the gloom, it was
seen that the waters had parted, leaving a passage between
Manuscripts 6:32
The slaves had
been making sacrifices in despair ... Then, in exaltation,
their leader [Moses] led them into the midst of the waters
through the confusion ...
Manuscripts 6:35
Then the fury
departed and there was silence ... the captains went forward
and the host rose up behind them ... Pharaoh fought against
the hindmost of the slaves ...
Manuscripts 6:37
... The Heavens
roared as with a thousand thunders, the bowels of the Earth
were sundered and Earth shrieked its agony... The dry ground
fell beneath the waters and great waves broke upon the shore
Manuscripts 6:38
The great surge
of rocks and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the
Egyptians who went before the footmen. …
Manuscripts 6:39
Tidings of the
disaster came back by Rageb, son of Thomat, who hastened on
ahead of the terrified survivors because of his burning ...
Manuscripts 6:40
The broken land
lay helpless and invaders came out of the gloom like carrion
Manuscripts 6:46
… The air was
purified, the breath of the DESTROYER passed away and the
land became filled again with growing things...
Gleanings 6:30
… One hundred
generations had passed since the overwhelming deluge and ten
generations since The DESTROYER last appeared.
In his 1999 book Exodus to Arthur,
Mike Ballie dates the Exodus at 1628 BC.
How did he arrive at this
conclusion? Ballie deduced this date according to extremely narrow
tree-ring measurements taken from a bog in Sentry Hill, N. Ireland.
According to Ballie the narrowest tree-rings, ever recorded,
commenced just after a cataclysmic volcanic explosion on the
Mediterranean Island of Santorini, creating a huge dust cloud.
But here’s the clincher, Ballie hints that there were TWO dust
clouds happening at the same time. One from Santorini and the other
from an incoming celestial body named Typhon, which possibly could
have caused Santorini to blow in the first place.
A number of ancient writers recorded descriptions of this celestial
Ballie states:
“According to Appollodorus,
Typhon: “…overtopped the mountains and his head often
brushed the stars ... Such and so great was Typhon when,
hurling kindred rocks, he made for the very heaven with
hissing and shouts, spouting a great jet of fire from his
“Quoting Pliny: “A terrible
comet[like object] was seen by the people of Ethiopia and
Egypt, to which Typhon, the king of that period gave his
name [In other words, the King put his ‘mark’ of ownership
on the celestial object, if-you-will - GJ] ...”
“... Typhon ... is mentioned not
only by Pliny, but also by Lydus, Servius, Hephaestion and
Junctinus… Apparently [Typhon] was seen as an immense,
slow-moving, red-coloured globe ...”
“... Lydus, was in the opinion
that if the Earth ever again ran into Typhon, the former
would be destroyed in the encounter ... there were close
associations between the plagues of the Exodus and the
phenomena associated with Typhon.”
Pg. 176-8

Thus, based on the quote above, Typhon
was the Destroyer of the Exodus. Yes; during its last fly-by, Typhon
affected Earth by nudging it into a slightly larger orbit around the
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Manuscripts 34:4
... the FIVE
for the alteration of things ...
Not only does this verse support a pole
shift, but affirms that “five days [were] now added to the year.”
So, five days had to be added to the calendar! Could it be true that
the ancient Egyptian year was only 360 days prior to the Destroyer’s
last visitation during the Exodus? Yes!
An answer was given by
Immanuel Velikovsky’s in 1950!
Worlds in Collision
“The Egyptian year was composed
of 360 days before it became 365 by the addition of five
days ... a reform party among the Egyptian priests met at
Canopus and drew up a decree ... to harmonize the calendar
with the seasons “according to the present arrangement of
the world,” as the text states.”
Velikovsky goes on to say that the
introduction of the five extra days was caused by an actual change
in planetary movements implied in the Canopus Decree, for it refers
to “the amendment of the faults of the heaven.”
So if the Egyptians
had to add five days to their calendar year, were the Ancients on
the other side of the world having to do the same? Yes!
Velikovsky writes:
“... the Mayan year consisted of
360 days; later five days were added, and the year was then
a tun (360 day period) and five days…they did reckon them
apart, and called them the days of nothing ...”
[Friar Diego de Landa, in his
Yucatan before and after the Conquest, wrote]…that the five
supplementary days were regarded as “sinister and unlucky.”
Why did the Ancients regard these five
extra days of the year as “sinister?”
Friar Diego de Landa recorded
a sense of foreboding amongst the local people about the extra days.
Perhaps the Mayans knew of an incoming celestial object that was
responsible for nudging Earth outward into a larger orbit;
therefore, they would naturally think a sinister force was involved
with these five unlucky days. Was the incoming object their god,
Quetzalcoatl - the celestial plumed serpent?
This is a distinct
In connection with this ‘sinister’ force, Typhon and Phaeton,
mentioned earlier, have also been linked to Satan or the Serpent
- a
physical “Beast,” observed in the heavens. My research has uncovered
that the Beast had a celestial “Mark” associated with it.
This relationship comes partly from an ancient Chinese account from
the Xia dynasty. From James Legge’s book The Sacred Books of China
(1879), he cites an ancient story of a corrupt tyrant named King Chieh who just so happened to be the last King of the Xia Dynasty.
During the Xia/Shang dynasty transition, King Chieh was defeated by
King T’ang, and according to my research, the transition period
could have included 1628 BC - the time Typhon (the celestial Beast)
was seen overhead.
Legge translates:
The Sacred Books of China
“…the king of Xia [Chieh]
extinguished his virtue, and played the tyrant ... The way
of heaven is to bless the good and make the bad miserable.
It sent down calamities on [the dynasty of] Xia, to make
manifest his guilt ...”
During King Chieh’s defeat, the ancient
Chinese text refers to “bright terrors,” “sending calamities” and
the bitter weed “wormwood”.
To me, these quotes indicate King Chieh
quite possibly could have seen the celestial Beast in the skies at
the time of his defeat (along with King Typhon’s observation in a
totally different region of the world).
More importantly though, a fascinating aspect of this passage is the
fact that the first two numbers of the biblical “Mark of the Beast”
are referenced:
Chi & Xi:
(6) CHI (Chieh): King’s reign at
the time of the fly-by.
(6) XI (Xia): Chinese Dynasty at
the time of the fly-by.
(6) STIGMA (Mark): King’s
‘insignia’ of the planetary object at the time of the
But how can the third number be
referenced? As previously stated, King Typhon used his own name as
recognition of ownership for the celestial Beast (his official seal
or ‘insignia’ if-you-will). This now shows a clear connection with
the last three-digit number of the celestial beast, or mark of the
Is the Destroyer (Typhon) actually the celestial “Beast” in the
phrase, “Mark of the Beast?” Yes, it’s the “old dragon” mentioned in
At first glance, this may seem outlandish, but consider this quote
in the foreword of an obscure book written in 1946 by Comyns
Beaumont and published by Rider & Co., London.
The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain
“…the flood immortalizes the
collision of a fallen planet, later termed Satan…”
Some ancient people have portrayed the
Destroyer as being on God’s side (such as the message of Jeremiah
and Moses), and others have portrayed it on Satan’s side (describing
a monstrous object in the form of a serpent or a dragon).
So, the
concept of Duality (good vs. evil) shines through.
Paying Homage
To The Destroyer
Unbelievably, given the data presented here, passages exist within
The Kolbrin Bible that state the ancients actually paid homage to
the Destroyer. Take this verse for example:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
By their expressions, the two Sumerians
seen in the images below seemed to be gazing up at something
monstrous, yet wondrous, in the sky. Nibiru’s return?
Yes, most
likely, and what did the Sumerians HAVE to say about the Destroyer
to their neighbours?
Manuscripts 12:11
Manuscripts 26:10
Be alert and
strong ... for the day of the next visitation, when doom
reaches down from the skies ...
Scrolls 21:8
... God, whose
wrath lit up ... heaven and whose fire [from the Destroyer]
devoured the wicked ... let not the great forces of Earth
afflict me...
The ‘Shape’ of
Things to Come
When can we expect the Destroyer’s return? The Kolbrin gives us a
tantalizing clue provided below:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Creation 7:5
… [Habaris] taught
them the mysteries concerning the wheel of the year [Earth’s
orbit] and divided the year into a Summer half and a Winter
half, with a great year circle of fifty-two years, a hundred
and four, of which was the circle of The DESTROYER.
This verse is fascinating, because the
reader can calculate the time frame of the Destroyer’s unusual
orbit. Two sets of numbers are evident.
The first calculation
multiplies the “Great Year” of 52 years by 104. This equals 5,408
The second includes the “Summer half and a Winter half” aspect. With
this added into the calculation, multiply 5,408 years by 2 halves,
equalling 10,816 years.
Which one is it?
We’ll leave this for others to debate.
Prophet Elidor’s
Warning of The ‘Frightener’
Some of the most compelling Destroyer references in The Kolbrin
Bible relate to a mysterious prophet named Elidor.
According to the ‘Book of the Silver Bough,’ he was foreign to the
Celtic lands, possibly having sailed over from ancient Egypt. If he
did, Elidor would have known about the Destroyer from his
Therefore, a few words of wisdom from ‘Twice-born’ Elidor would be
in order. This is Prophet Elidor’s dire warning:
The Kolbrin Bible
- 21st Century
Master Edition
Bough 7:18
... I am the prophet to tell men of THE
FRIGHTENER, ... It will be a thing of monstrous greatness
arising in the form of a crab ... its body will be RED ...
Silver Bough 7:19
There will be
disbelief in spiritual things ... when frightened by the
unknown, [man] turns to spiritual things for comfort and
Silver Bough 7:20
... do not
pray that The Supreme Spirit be on your side ... Pray rather
that you be on the right side, the side of The Supreme
Silver Bough 7:21
... There will
be no great signs heralding the coming of THE FRIGHTENER ...
It will be a time of confusion and chaos.
Silver Bough 7:22
I have warned
The Countdown
to 2012
As stated at the beginning of this work, for this writer, The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone for Planet X. It provides solid
historical correlations to the science facts being reported on the
Internet today.
The ‘elite’ families of the world did not wait for the science.
countless generations, they have passed down prescient historical
wisdom contained in The Kolbrin Bible, and now they are acting upon
Now that you have become privy to this same knowledge, what will you
As the countdown to
2012 continues, will you squander precious
time by arguing with others about who is the cleverest fellow?
Or, as the “elites” have done and are doing, you will pay heed to
the dire warnings contained in this ancient wisdom text?
Before you decide…
The Destroyer was a fact known to the scribes and priests of ancient
Data from the Kolbrin, as well as other ancient writers, give
vital details about the Destroyer’s actual appearance:
The head - a metalliferous body
- is
blood red and nearly as bright as the Sun.
The head appears at times as a
red crescent-moon and is enwrapped within a dark cloud-like
The tail is coiled and twisted
like a serpent.
The tail produces streamer coils
appearing as ‘dragon heads’, ‘arms’, ‘tails’, ‘manes’ and
The tail ‘fallout’ produces
audible electrophonic ‘crackling’ concussions within the
The tail ‘fallout’ rains down
microscopic grains of red dust causing bodies of water to
turn “blood-red.”
The body’s stellar cloud showers
Earth with small meteor-like hailstones that eventually cool
forming gravel deposits on the Earth’s surface.
The bitter weed “wormwood” is
the first plant to grow back on the surface after the
The Destroyer is not a typical,
run-of-the-mill comet. It is a monstrous iron planet or
brown dwarf - with a tail
- that occasionally wanders through our solar system
causing havoc in its wake.
It was known as:
‘Nibiru’ by the Sumerians
‘Destroyer’ by the Egyptians and
‘Phaeton’ by the Greeks
‘Typhon’ by Pliny
‘Frightener’ by the Celts
… and in
2012, we shall know it as
Planet X.