Chapter 10
Trees &
This is the first time in human history (that we are aware of, at
least) during which Planet X Nibiru could return and the whole
world, via the Hubble Space Telescope and so forth, know about it
all at once and in advance. It is unclear from the Sumerian records
exactly when in the return voyage it becomes visible to the naked
eye, but at some point this would happen because the Sumerian
priests would go into the darkened deserts to watch for it. It would
seem to me that there would be several years between the first
sighting and the actual tethering process. But maybe not—it could
happen very quickly, Velikovskian-style—“like a thief in the night”!
In ancient times, after the dust had settled from all the concurrent
cataclysms, polar axis shifts, etc., then there Planet X Nibiru
would have been, up above the North Pole, like “Heaven”—Hyperborea,
Mount Olympus, Mount Meru, The Cosmic Tree. It probably terrified
the ancient common people! Perhaps a few scholarly priests expected
it in advance, but for most people back then it would have been a
complete and incomprehensible surprise.
This time we’ll see it coming, one hopes. It would certainly be
astounding to watch the public reaction. Let us pray that we are so
lucky! As for me, I am truly living in anticipation of this event;
for if it does not occur by 21 December 2012-13, which is exactly
3,600 years after Exodus/Santorini in 1588-87 BCE, the last
Velikovskian polar axis shift, then it becomes historically and
mathematically impossible to predict it at any other future point in
time. And as the future years/centuries would pass, they would
automatically bring down the previous arrival date proportionately;
and after another several centuries would have passed uneventfully,
then the probability of its having arrived the last time much after
1588-87 BCE becomes less and less likely, because there would be
absolutely no way to coordinate it with anything remotely “cosmic”
after the year 687 BCE. We are at a definite “turning point” in
historical cosmological analysis here, at least in terms of the
Planet X Nibiru’s predictability. I hope that you can grasp the full
significance of what I am stating.
Regardless of the precise number of “sunrise-to-sunrise” days that
Planet X Nibiru actually has, they nevertheless have an orbit of
360° that lasts for 3,600 Earth Years. Thus, one of their
“orbit-days” of one degree would equal ten of our years.
The Chinese Zodiac contains a sequence of 12 yearly animals.
Year of the
Dragon began in 2000, and the next Year of the Dragon will begin in
the early part
of 2012, so that 21 December 2012, the Mayan End-Time Date, falls in
a Year of
the Dragon.
Therefore, the
Dragon Planet X Nibiru’s Year might
actually contain
300 “sunrise-to-sunrise” day-units of 12 Earth Years each, with each
such day-unit’s being equivalent to a full cycle of the Chinese Zodiac, with
the Nibiruan
“sunrise” or “midnight” coordinated to begin with the Chinese Year
of the Dragon here on Earth.
These are questions for which there are not yet any definitive
answers. See also
Chapter 12.
By the Mayan End-Time Date of 2012-13, it will have been 3,600 years
from the postulated Exodus/Santorini Date derived from the
Velikovskian School, 1588-87 BCE. If Sitchin is to be believed, and
I certainly believe him so far, then Nibiru’s orbit lasts for
exactly 3,600 years. The Velikovskian Date and the Mayan Date have
no common connection in any writing other than mine, that I am aware
of. They were derived independently of one another by entirely
different astroarchaeologists, and Dr. Velikovsky does not mention
the Mayan End-Time Date in his writings. “It just so happens” that
the difference between the Mayan End-Time Date and the Exodus/Santorini
postulation is 3,600 years.
Some questions arise.
If Planet X Nibiru came and went in 1587 BCE and did not remain for
a “season” as a “Cosmic Tree” or “Hyperborea”, then what caused the
cataclysms between 762687 BCE, from “The Great Eclipse/Earthquake”
to the destruction of the Assyrian Army at Pelusium in 687?
And, if Planet X Nibiru did not constitute “The Cosmic Tree”, then what did?
If Planet X Nibiru came and went between 762-687, then what caused
the Polar Axis Shift of 1587 and the concurrent Exodus and
And did this particular arrival and departure of
cause the destruction of “Hyperborea”?
If so, then why hadn’t
previous arrivals/departures of Planet X Nibiru caused the
destruction of this “Hyperborean Cosmic Tree” long before that?
was “the beginning of history” linked to the Trojan War which
coincided with “The Great Eclipse/Earthquake”, the Greek Olympiads
and the Founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, as well as the
celebrated Era of Nabonassar in Babylon?
Why did these three
important nations start their “modern” histories with this event,
which can be both historically and astronomically documented and
If something is inherently true, then all the
miscellaneous details automatically fall into place, no?
following is a good example. The Planet X Nibiru sits atop
Cosmic Tree. It is a planet of “serpents” or “reptiles”. Thus, the
symbolic Serpent would entwine itself around The Cosmic Tree.
Boulay’s book would have immensely fascinated Mme. Blavatsky!
“As a symbol, the Serpent had as many aspects and occult meanings as
the Tree
itself; the ‘Tree of Life’, with which it was emblematically and
almost indissolubly
connected. Whether viewed as a metaphysical or a physical symbol,
the Tree and
Serpent, jointly, or separately, have never been so degraded by
antiquity as they are
now, in this our age of the breaking of idols, not for truth’s sake,
but to glorify the more gross matter.”
—The Secret Doctrine,
by Helena P. Blavatsky (Vol. I, p. 409)
And finally, why do we even
know about this in the first place? We who do know are not very many
people, and I sometimes think of us like the group of priests who
used to go out into the darkened deserts to watch for the arrival of
“the planet of the crossing”. Crossing from what? An unseen
dimension, invisible even to the Hubble Telescope? What will it
sound like when this “Rogue Planet” bursts through the dimensional
“fabric of space”? Will it sound like the “Trumpet of Gabriel”? Will
it signal to Wal-Mart Shoppers “the Second Coming” or “the end of
the world”?
There is nothing more fascinating to contemplate, is there?!
Appended below are several diverse references to
The Cosmic Tree
from various websites.
The following Chinese Legend of the Snake and the Pearl reminds me
of two different, but related, stories. First of all, in the
Sumerian Gilgamesh Epic, cited by Zecharia Sitchin and others,
Gilgamesh travels to Egypt to recover a “magic talisman” recommended
by the “Gods of Dilmun”; it was stolen by a “dragon” that resides on
the banks of the Nile. Gilgamesh is successful. And this ancient
Land of Dilmun was undoubtedly Planet X Nibiru, when it was tethered
to Earth’s North Pole during the period 5187-4287 BCE; and the
“Flood of Utnapishtim” (Noah), which marked the beginning of the
previous “shar” in 5187 BCE, is mentioned in the Sumerian Epic of
Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was a “demi-god” and thus allowed to pass
through the “mountains” via the “tunnel” to the celestial “Dilmun”.
Hamlet’s Mill de Santillana and von Dechend mention in Appendix
39 that the syllable “mesh” in Gilgamesh’s name refers to the “mes
tree” or Cosmic Tree. This word “mes” also refers to those peculiar
“magical tools” which are possessed by the Emperor and Empress of
Planet X Nibiru, these days Emperor Anu and Empress Antu. Baron
Marduk stole the “mes” from Anu and Antu and briefly took control of
the Throne of The Council of Twelve. In the ensuing “Pyramid Wars”
Baron Marduk was captured and imprisoned in the Great Pyramid of
Egypt, and the “mes” were returned to Anu and Antu.
For more
information, I refer to:
These topics are also discussed at length by
Zecharia Sitchin in The
Earth Chronicles and R.A. Boulay in
Flying Serpents & Dragons.
“Dilmun” was the previous “Hyperborea”! If
Bahrain or Lebanon is
considered today to have been “Dilmun”, based upon remains of their
civilization from about 3200-1600 BCE, then that “civilization”
existed and flourished AFTER the previous departure sequence ended in
4287 BCE and perished with the destruction of 1587 BCE! They were
not Dilmun, but they remembered Dilmun in their myths and legends!
This is a most critical factor in my overall theory. In addition,
the Old Testament Jacob had his vision of the “Ladder to Heaven”
(“Stairway” to Heaven!) long before the time of Moses.
Jacob saw
“angels” ascending to and descending from “Heaven”, “climbing” this
“ladder”, much like the “tomcat” or “squirrel” climbed the
Pole to the Golden Cage on top. And Jacob was, generally speaking,
contemporaneous with Gilgamesh.
“In Dilmun the raven utters no cry, the lion kills not. The wolf
snatches not the
lamb, unknown is the grain-devouring bear. The sick-headed says not
‘I am sickheaded,’
the old woman says not ‘I am an old woman,’ the old man says not ‘I
am an old man.’”
—Ancient Sumerian Poem
When I worked in the Peace
Corps in Eritrea, I investigated all sorts of “occult” and
“mythological” beliefs, one of which dealt with a Legend of the
Snake and the Pearl (see below). Thus, it is most fascinating to
discover this legend replicated, more or less, in a Chinese
variation. If I had to guess what it means, I would say that it
reflects the fact that, just as the serpentine Chinese Dragon chases
a pearl-like “Dragon Ball” in Chinese New Year’s Day parades even
today, the approaching Planet X Nibiru and its “host” of planetoids
and moonlets, a serpent-like procession through the Heavens,
resemble a snake chasing a pearl. Why else would we have such
legends in at least 3 different cultures?
The Snake & The Pearl
By R. Solàrion
Once upon a time, somewhere in ancient Eritrea along the shores of
the legendary Erythreum Sea, there lived an exotic serpent, the
color of freshly polished ebony, a snake that slithered around the
countryside from one village or town to the next. In order to find
its way through life, the serpent carried in its mouth a lustrous
white pearl that it had obtained somewhere from the depths of the
ocean or on the sparkling shores of the Erythreum Sea.
Without that pearl the snake could hardly see, even during the light
of day or at night during the times of a full moon. The snake would
often become thirsty, though, and fatigued from its travels; and so
upon coming to a pool of cool, clear water, it would place the pearl
onto a stone or into a patch of soft green grass when it wanted to
drink or to rest and refresh itself for a moment.
But if when that ebony-colored snake were at peaceful repose, a
clever man would
happen to amble quietly down a nearby path and spy the snake and its
pearl left unattended on a stone or in a patch of soft green grass,
he could scoop up a
handful of fresh cattle dung and hurl it onto the serpent’s head.
The cattle dung would momentarily totally blind the ebony snake, and
the clever man could make off with the lustrous pearl.
The snake would eventually recover its wits and would hiss and then
retrace its path, though more cautiously than before, back down the
precipitous mountain slopes and across the parched littoral plain to
the sparkling shores of the Erythreum Sea, where, if the serpent
were lucky and still young enough, it might someday find yet another
pearl to guide its way by night and day back up to the pool of cool,
clear water and onto the patch of soft green grass.
NIE LANG was a human boy who lived with his mother in the Szechuan
province of China. There was a drought in Szechuan, and Nie Lang had
to cut grass for his master’s horses every day. One day he could not
find any grass. A white hare appeared and led him to a place of lush
grass. Everyday he returned to cut more grass, and the grass regrew
where he had cut it. One day he decided to take some of the grass
home to plant, so that he did not have to walk so far everyday. When
he dug the grass up, he found a pearl underneath which he also took.
He planted the grass by his home, and put the pearl in an almost
empty rice jar to cover its glow. The next day the grass was
shriveled, but the rice jar was overflowing. The pearl gave Nie Lang
and his mother more rice than they needed, so they shared it with
their neighbours.
Nie Lang’s master, Lord Zhou, heard about the magic pearl and wanted
it for himself. He and his guards came to Nie Lang’s house looking
for the pearl. Eventually Nie Lang swallowed it to stop the guards
finding it, and the guards were chased away by Nie Lang’s neighbours.
The pearl felt hot inside him, so Nie Lang began drinking lots of
water. Eventually he went down to the river to drink. When Lord Zhou
and his guards returned to find him, Nie Lang rose out of the
river—he had transformed into a dragon. He sent a great wave that
washed Lord Zhou and his guards away. Nie Lang the dragon
to heaven, and still watches over Szechuan today.
[As of the summer 2003, this website can no longer be found. Sorry,
but that’s life
on the Net sometime. But see Illustration 15 below. And regarding “madhu”,
1. RS]
On the Indus seals the tree is replaced by a standard that is
generally placed in front of the unicorn as already mentioned. The
function of this standard is unknown so far. Its prototype is found
together with a bull on a shard from Mehi in Baluchistan. The
contrivance the bull is fastened to has roots here like a tree or
plant. Its upper part has the appearance of a net normally, the
lower part of a vessel. A small ivory sculpture of the standard,
that has recently been excavated in Harappa, proves that it had a
round form and holes in the lower part. On account of these features
it could be a fire-drill, a mortar or a whim. Aladdin’s magic lamp
in the story of 1001 nights is a variant of the fire-drill. When
regarded as a whim the upper part could be a wind-blast. On the Mehi
shard we simply find the frame. A Pipal Tree stands behind the
standard here. The Pipal (ficus religiosa) has been venerated in
India until today as the Cosmic Tree, though it suffocates other
trees. Its fruits have berry-form and are sweet like dates. The
purpose of the tree is to give shadow, but perhaps the standard was
used for pressing these berries to get the sweet Soma juice or

Illustration 15: Baluchistan World Tree, with Horned Heifers
English Version By Sanderson Beck
The beginning, the efficient cause of what is combined, it is to be
seen as beyond the three times and timeless. Revere this as
infinite, the origin of all being, the God of love who lives in
one’s own thoughts, the primal. Higher and different than the Cosmic
Tree, time, and forms is this from whom proceeds all phenomena.
As we have seen
previously, Baha’u’llah has referred to the station of the Avatars
and of himself in particular as the Tree of Life or the Tree beyond
which there is no passing. In Hinduism there is also the concept of
a cosmic tree. In the Bhagavad Gita it is written: There is an
Eternal [Holy] Tree (Asvattha), with roots above in the highest and
branches here below. Its leaves are sacred verses. He who knows it
knows the Vedas.
In his Most Holy Book and his Book of the Covenant, Baha’u’llah
refers to himself
as the Ancient (Pre-existent) Root of the Divine Tree; while
is the
Most Mighty Branch, to whom all must turn after the passing of
Baha’u’llah: ‘When
the ocean of My presence hath ebbed and the Book of My Revelation is
ended, turn your faces toward Him Whom God hath purposed, Who hath
branched from this Ancient Root.’ The object of this sacred Verse is
none other except the Most Mighty Branch [`Abdu’l-Baha].
Thus in the Baha’i writings, as in the Hindu, there is the concept
of a cosmic holy tree (beyond which there is no passing); its root (Baha’u’llah)
is in heaven; its branches (`Abdu’l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi, see
below) stretch down towards earth; from this tree come sacred
verses. The passage from the Bhagavad Gita quoted above indicates
the importance of knowledge of this tree (the Covenant). It is the
foundation of all religious knowledge.
`Abdu’l-Baha passed away in 1921. He appointed his grandson, Shoghi
Effendi as the Centre of the Religion. After Shoghi Effendi’s death
in 1957, the Universal House of Justice was elected. This is now the
Centre of the Religion and thus the focal point of loyalty to the
Covenant for all Baha’is. Both `Abdu’l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi made
every effort to spread the Baha’i Faith to all parts of the world. `Abdu’l-Baha
sent numerous teachers from other parts of the Baha’i world to India
in order to strengthen the Indian Baha’i community. He was planning
to travel to India himself when unfortunately his death cut short
these plans.
Just as in Hinduism, there is a concept of cycles and ages, there is
a similar concept in the Baha’i Faith. Baha’is believe that the
coming of Baha’u’llah has started a new cosmic cycle.
Although mankind has entered the Sat or Krta Yuga (Golden Age)
foretold in Hindu prophecy, the full culmination of this Golden Age
will only be achieved in stages similar to the Hindu ages. During
this cycle, the Baha’i Faith will pass through various ages. At
present, the Baha’i Faith is in its Transitional Age. This will lead
in the end to the Baha’i Golden Age, the full expression of the
or Krta Yuga. This Golden Age will see mankind in a prosperous
state, with no more war and the establishment of social justice.
Eventually, Baha’u’llah teaches that there will come another Avatar,
another Manifestation of God. But this will not occur for at least a
thousand years. In the meantime, the responsibility of mankind is to
put the teachings of Baha’u’llah into effect.
Other symbols of Batak mythology include the
baringin or banyan tree
as the
Cosmic Tree uniting the levels of the Batak cosmos, the hornbill,
aboriginal boy-girl
twins, star constellations, magic numbers, and the magic colours
red, white, and
black. Besides the traditional houses, these symbols are found on
textiles, funerary
masks, boats with hornbill figureheads, the wooden staffs of datu,
and megalithic monuments.
Adherents: There are six major Batak societies around Lake Toba.
These are the Toba Batak, Karo Batak, Pakpak and Dairi Batak,
Simelungun Batak, Angkola and Sipirok Batak, and the Mandailing
Batak. The Toba Batak are the only society which identifies strongly
with being Batak. There are approximately 1.5 million
Batak, of whom
two-thirds are Christian, both Protestants and Catholics. The
Protestants belong to the HKBP, which is the largest Christian
community in Indonesia. The Muslim Batak mainly live in Mandailing.
Headquarters/Main Centre
The headquarters of the HKBP is at
in Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Evidence Of Paradise
By M. Joan Lintault
“Uncoiling Snakes”—1998, 97 x 86 in.
“Uncoiling Snakes” celebrates the tree of life, abundant with
fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, insects, birds, and snakes that speak
to the sanctity of life. It commemorates the “sacred tree”, alluding
to the variety of ways the tree has been revered, including the tree
in the Garden of Eden, sacred groves, the cosmic tree, the tree in
blue-willow pottery, and even the Christmas tree.

Illustration 32: Ancient Korean Crown with Cosmic Tree
[This URL also can no longer be found; Korean Crown, which you can see in Illustration 32.
RS] - But you can find it
Gold Crown Shilla, Fifth-sixth century
Height 44.4cm
National Treasure No. 87, National Museum of Korea
This ornate crown is typical of the royal headdresses of Old Shilla.
At front and
rear are tree-like uprights decorated with gold spangles. Two
antler-like uprights
rise on the right and left. The tree and antler motifs are thought
to originate in
shamanism, symbolizing power and glory. The trees symbolize the
cosmic tree
which sustains the cosmos, and the antlers suggest sacred deer and
the ancient
worship of deer. From the base of the crown dangle pendants and
clusters of leaflike gold spangles.

Illustration 27: Mayan Bird of Prey & Flying Serpent
Fortunately, this URL does still exist. Their Figure 7 is reproduced
in this book as Illustration 16 below right. Take a look at their Figure 12
(this book’s Illustration 27), which resembles my cover drawing. All
of these images are worth a look. The Mayan “monkey” is obviously
the same “animal” as the Siberian “tomcat” and the Nordic/Alaskan
“squirrel”, all of which climb up and down a “Sacred Tree” in the
North! See Illustrations 23-24. And these minor tethered objects, Nibiruan planetoids and moonlets, perhaps gave rise to the legend of
the Medusa with snakes for her hair.

Illustration 16: Mayan Sacred Tree
“Figure 7. The god of Heaven at the pinnacle of the cosmic tree, its
‘grace’ falling upon the earth from on high, from the Chumayel
manuscript.” Notice how the shape of this Mayan drawing resembles
certain of the Hyperborea Sky Views. See
Illustrations 3-8. Also,
note that there is a total of 13 “stars”, 6 on each side and a
larger one at the top, in the station of the Mayan World Tree. Is it
only coincidental that 21 December 2012 is day number at
the end of the current Tzolkin Calendar? By contrast, on the
Crown picture in Illustration 32 above right, there are only 3 “tree-branches”
on either side of the upper “star”; and in the Baluchistan
(Illustration 15), there are 4 “leaves” below the uppermost “leaf”.
The Dallas Morning News
15 November 1998
University of Texas McDonald Observatory
“A Mayan creation story says the world was formed when the Milky
Way, which they called The World Tree, was raised into the sky. The
Great Celestial Bird landed in its branches. This bird may be
represented by Cassiopeia, which looks like a bird’s outstretched
wings. Cassiopeia is high in the north this evening.”
by Peter Meyer
It is an excellent discussion of the
mathematical “calendrics” or mechanics of the Mayan Calendar, so if
you do not
fully grasp the ideas of the “Long Count” and the “Short Count”, you
are advised to
refer to Peter Meyer’s essay. Unfortunately as of summer 2003, this
essay is no
longer available at its former URL. However, “The How and Why of the
End Date in 2012 A.D.” by John Major Jenkins discusses the
Short and
Long Counts, and it can still be found here:
The first point that I must emphasize is that Jenkins, despite his
extraordinary work otherwise, did not view this Mayan “Sacred Tree”
in terms of a physical Cosmic Tree. NOTA BENE in footnote 4 that he
Hamlet’s Mill by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend,
who wrote about the Finnish Kalevala and “Nail Of The North”! At
least Jenkins was aware of their research, although nowhere does he
include a mention of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky’s essay on the “Night
Sun” or
Zecharia Sitchin’s The Earth Chronicles and
Planet X Nibiru.
Thus, like I, you rather have to read between the lines to ascertain
exactly what Jenkins’ ultimate conclusion might have been under such
a circumstance. As did the authors of Hamlet’s Mill, Jenkins also
concludes that the “Sacred Tree” or “Cosmic Millstone” referred only
to the idea of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Theoretically, that
is all well and good, but it misses the point entirely. “The Sacred
Tree” (still symbolized even today as a formerly pagan “Paradise
Christmas Tree”) reflects the electromagnetic tethering of the
Hyperborean Planet Nibiru, Rogue Planet X, Planet of the Crossing,
to the Earth’s North Pole. Whether the “crossing” point is affected
by the separate phenomenon of Precession is, in essence, irrelevant.
They are independent variables.
There is a lot of discussion by both Jenkins and Meyer regarding the
“starting point” of the Mayan Calendar (, its end point
( and its proper correlation with our modern
Calendar. The “Thompson Calculation” is the most widely accepted,
because it relies on evidence from contemporary Guatemala, although
Meyer states that others have calculated the “starting point” and
ended up with dates ranging from 200 years earlier to 500 years
later than 2012, creating a 700-year “end window”, as it were.
However, because Dr. Velikovsky’s dates of 1587 BCE and 762-687 BCE
just “happen” to agree with the Thompson Calculation lends
significant credence to it, at least in terms of a cycle relating to
the orbital length in Earth Years of the Planet X Nibiru, i.e.,
3,600 years. Thus, it rather takes one’s breath away to read in
Jenkins’ essay that the most reasonable year for discerning the
commencement of the Mayan “Tzolkin” Count is the year 679 BCE, only
8 years later than 687! The conclusion is forced automatically that
the Mayas attempted to begin their Tzolkin Count at the time of the
last dissolution of the “Sacred Tree”, when “Cosmic Forces” half a
world away annihilated the Assyrian Army of King Sennacherib in the
Sinai Battle of Pelusium. For quite sometime one of my own basic
premises has been that there are exactly 2,700 years between 687 BCE
and 2013 CE (end of 2012, to be exact). Here, however, was the first
time that I had seen independent data to reinforce this comparison,
and to me that is quite exciting.
Incidentally, in Assyrian history the year 679 BCE included the
death of King Sennacherib and the accession of his son Esarhaddon,
an event which marked an important turning point in Assyrian
history, as well as in Egyptian history with the advent of their
most important Dynasty 19, that of Seti The Great and Ramses The
Great. See Dr. Velikovsky’s reconstructed chronology in the
Ages In
Chaos series for more information.
Also, Jenkins mentions a Mayan calendrical end-date “window” that
lasts for 10 years, or 5 years on either side of 2012, i.e.,
2007-2017. See also
Chapter 12. Regarding “The Sacred Tree” itself,
it is not simply a point at which on some future date the Sun or
Moon might happen to “cross” the Ecliptic’s intersection with the
Galactic Equator (or Milky Way). It is fundamentally different. The
point at which these two lines intersect—the “Dark Rift” or “Black
Road”—undoubtedly marks the “point of the crossing”! Sitchin
himself, in deciphering the Sumerian
ENUMA ELISH, states that this
Planet first appears in the Constellation of Sagittarius where this
Mayan “Dark Rift” is located.
Jenkins determined that the overall Mayan Calendar is designed to
pinpoint some future date connected with the Winter Solstice. Even
though Mayan/Olmec civilization itself might not be so old as the
retrograde projections of their historical calendar, the ultimate
construction of the calendar was intended to designate an END DATE,
or a PREDICTION DATE, for a future event—as if to warn the future of
this deadly eventuality. Think about that! Planet X Nibiru “crosses”
over from some as yet unidentifiable area of Space at the point
where the Galactic Equator intersects our Solar System’s Ecliptic,
in the “Dark Rift” of the Constellation of Sagittarius. At the time
of the Winter Solstice, our Sun is aligned with this region of
Space; thus, the brightness of the Sun will obscure our visibility
of Sagittarius.
Note that Jenkins writes that just prior to sunrise
around the Winter Solstice, if one were to look eastwards, one might
see an “object” rising slightly higher and in conjunction with the
rising Sun itself. Then recall from Sitchin that the Sumerian
(Assyrian or Babylonian) priest-astronomers would go out into the
darkened deserts to watch for the “first sighting” of the arrival of
Nibiru. Not having the technology of a Hubble Telescope, these
ancient Sumerians would have looked at the dawn winter sky for
evidence. Then, according to Jenkins, this “Sacred Tree” makes its
way upwards and northwards from Sagittarius towards the “Heart of
the Sky” or the North Polar Region, where “Santa Claus” is still
said to abide. Polaris is at the “Heart of the Sky”! And as
concludes, “the Sacred Tree is, in fact, at the center of the entire
corpus of Mayan Creation Myths”!
John Major Jenkins’ essay can also be read
World Tree, also called Cosmic Tree, centre of the world, a
widespread motif in many myths and folktales among various
preliterate peoples, especially in Asia, Australia, and North
America, by which they understand the human and profane condition in
relation to the divine and sacred realm. Two main forms are known
and both employ the notion of the world tree as centre. In the one,
the tree is the vertical centre binding together heaven and earth;
in the other, the tree is the source of life at the horizontal
centre of the earth. Adopting biblical terminology, the former may
be called the tree of knowledge; the latter, the tree of life. In
the vertical, tree-of-knowledge tradition, the tree extends between
earth and heaven. It is the vital connection between the world of
the gods and the human world. Oracles and judgments or other
prophetic activities are performed at its base.
In the horizontal, tree-of-life tradition, the tree is planted at
the centre of the world and is protected by supernatural guardians.
It is the source of terrestrial fertility and life. Human life is
descended from it; its fruit confers everlasting life; and if it
were cut down, all fecundity would cease. The tree of life occurs
most commonly in quest romances in which the hero seeks the tree and
must overcome a variety of obstacles on his way.
It is not within the scope of this book to discuss the physiology of
the beings who inhabit Planet X Nibiru. This is presented in great
length, where you can find a complete transcription
with commentary, of
Flying Serpents &
Dragons by R.A. Boulay. Suffice it to say here that these beings are
“saurian” or “reptilian” in nature—hence the ubiquitous use of
serpents as symbols all across the globe. That these symbolic
serpents are often connected with a “tree” or “pole” indicates
simply that this “tree” or “pole” represented the “home” of these
“serpent gods”. The ancient Caduceus, or
Winged Staff of Mercury,
has two serpents entwined around it. This ancient Caduceus was
redesigned into the Winged Staff with serpents to become the symbol
of the American Medical Association. See Illustrations 28-29 below.

On 26 July 2003 I drove to Fort Worth, Texas, to view an exhibit at
the renown
Kimball Art Museum. This exhibit was touring under the title “The
Quest for
Immortality—Treasures of Ancient Egypt”, and it included over 100
items from the New Kingdom, including a large stone bust of Ramses II, The Great,
and a black
stone pyramid from the tomb of Thutmose III, at the apex of which on
all four sides
was carved the Winged Disk. It is/was the largest collection ever
allowed to leave Egypt on tour, larger even than the
King Tut
exhibit which toured the USA a decade or so ago.
One of the relics was a sarcophagus which had been disassembled and
was displayed upright so that one could see all sides of it. On the
underside of the coffin lid was an almost lifesize painting of the
God Osiris depicted with green skin. The university professor on the
pre-recorded exhibit tape (via headphone sets) noted that Osiris was
a “fertility god” and represented the “fertile green earth”, which
was the reason for his green skin in the painting. I beg to differ
because I don’t think so!
Go Back
Chapter 11
Rogue Planet Crossings
Until 1996, the hitherto hypothetical existence of “Rogue Planets”
had never been proven. But as Astronomy magazine reported in its
December 1997 issue, finally evidence of “Rogue Planets” had been
officially documented. Provided below are excerpts from this
article. Speculation: what if Planet X Nibiru does not “appear” from
another “dimension” (as some have speculated) and what if, as
Sitchin postulated, it does not operate like a “super-comet” with an
aphelion at the Oort Cloud, then could it be a “Rogue Planet”? Could
it be travelling through Deep Space “on its own”, perhaps even
spending a second “season” in the Sirius System from whence it
originated, bouncing back and forth between systems as “the
custodial gods” of both?
If so, then it might spend 900 Earth Years
here, 900 years travelling like a “Rogue Planet” back to the
System, another 900 years there, and a final 900 years returning
here, to begin the periodic cycle over again. The
Sirius System is
8.7 Light-Years from here. If we round this “travel period” off to 9
Light-Years, then we have a roundtrip of 18 Light-Years in (3,600 -
900 - 900 =) 1,800 Earth Years. Then “Rogue Planet”
Nibiru would
have to travel—going one-way—(900 years / 9 Light-Years one-way =) 1
Light-Year per 100 years of Earth Time. A hundred of our years would
seem like less than a fortnight to a nomadic Nommo Nibiruan.
Chapter 12 for additional mathematical details.
Astronomy Magazine, December 1997
“On The Trail Of Rogue Planets”
By Peter Catalano
Even science has its folklore and myths—among them “rogue” planets.
For years a few astronomers theorized that these objects—about the
size of Earth or Uranus— wandered freely on the peripheries of
galaxies and interstellar space unfettered by the gravitational
leash of shepherding stars. Undetectable and unobservable, rogue
planets existed in a nebulous theoretical limbo.
Little by little they slipped unconsciously into the lexicon of
astro-talk. “The phrase came into use about 30 years ago,” explains
physicist Freeman Dyson from his office at the Institute for
Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey. “I’m not sure who first
started talking about them. The idea was just something in the air.
As far as I know, there is no evidence that so-called rogue planets
exist.” Until now.
In June 1996, Rudy Schild of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, published observational
data accumulated over 10 years that seemed to show that rogue
planets could not only be demonstrably real, but could be
ubiquitous, even essential species on the taxonomic tree of
astronomical objects. Schild’s gone even further: He thinks
planets are virtually a cosmic Rosetta stone, the key to
understanding some of the most vexing enigmas in astrophysics.
Schild reported in the June 10, 1996, Astrophysical Journal that he
and his collaborator, statistician David Thomson of Lucent
Technologies, found the gravitational signature of at least 50
Earth-to Uranus-mass objects maundering on the fringes of an
elliptical galaxy one to two billion light-years away. This galaxy
is catalogued simply as G1.
Galaxy G1 is located near the northern Constellation
of Cassiopeia, so these “Rogue Planets” are in our northern sky and
may not be related at all to the Planet X Nibiru itself. RS]
By any measure, this could be a big discovery—a big discovery few
astronomers are buying. Critics concede, however, that the
observations themselves are unimpeachable. In fact, multiple
observatories all detect the same phenomena Schild reports seeing on
his own 1.2-meter telescope at the Mt. Hopkins Observatory in
Arizona. When you get right down to it, this rogue planet dispute is
not over facts, but interpretation…
“Here’s the key for
understanding these objects,” says Schild. “For stars, the cycle of
waxing and waning lasts for decades; for rogue planets, brightness
and dimming cycles run their course in a matter of weeks. These
short-lived ‘flickers’ imply that the passing object in the lensing
galaxy is about a millionth the mass of the sun because we know the
square root of the mass is proportional to the duration of the
brightness cycle. When you solve the equation, the mass of the
microlensing object [rogue planet] is something like a medium-sized
planet in our own solar system.”…
[COMMENT: Compare this idea of a
“microlensing rogue planet” to that mysterious microlensing object
found to be aligned with M22, the Galactic Center, and reported by
NASA in June 2001. See below. RS]
“The packs of rogue planets must be enormous,” says
Rudy Schild.
“Basically what
I’m seeing is a parade of one planetary body after another passing
by my telescope
all the time.”…
Projecting Schild’s findings in G1 onto the rest of the observable
universe implies
the existence of at least 10 to the 24th power rogue planets.
is either on to
something very significant that has monumental implications, or he’s
the butt of a
sardonic cosmic joke…
If massive populations of rogue planets are as ubiquitous as
claims, why don’t we see them in our own Milky Way Galaxy? Two
projects, an American one called MACHO and a French one called
were designed to detect gravitational lensing effects in our home
galaxy. While the MACHO group has possibly detected two rogue
planets in the Milky Way Galaxy, MACHO team-member David Bennett of
the University of Notre Dame says they could also be planets in
distant orbits around low-mass stars. Bennett adds,
“Both the EROS
and MACHO collaborations have set upper limits on the contribution
of rogue planets to the mass of the Milky Way Galaxy. They must be
considerably less than 10 percent of the total mass. If we assume
that our galaxy has the same composition as the galaxy that lenses
the quasar, then our results indicate that Rudy’s interpretation
must be wrong.”
Schild thinks there’s every reason to believe there are lots of
rogue planets in the Milky Way. MACHO and EROS haven’t found them
because he believes these programs aren’t optimized to detect
planet-mass objects. “Their focus is finding low-mass stars and
brown dwarfs, which are hundreds or thousands of times the mass of
rogue planets. The lensing set-up with Q0957 and G1 is the best
configuration we have for finding low-mass, planetary objects,” he
says. Schild expects that his rogue planets would be gaseous bodies
formed around a core of hard rock or ice, such as Uranus. At the
atomic level, the elements found in both gas, ice, and rock consist
of ordinary protons and neutrons—“baryonic” matter. Astrophysicists
contend, however, that the Big Bang couldn’t possibly have created
enough baryonic matter to account for that much dark matter. That’s
why they have been theorizing and searching for non-baryonic matter
called WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) and other
exotica such as massive neutrinos to account for the dark matter.
Of course, the weightiest question
Schild confronts is simply: Where
do all these rogue planets come from? Schild himself has proposed
that rogue planets are hatched in enormous numbers, a million for
every star, in the accretion disk cocoon out of which stars
themselves are formed…
“It may not immediately bring us closer to
discovering alien life, or even raise the probabilities of life
elsewhere in the universe. But rogue planets, I predict, will
eventually explain a lot about the cosmic terrain and point the way
to answering some big questions. After the discovery of rogue
planets, the sky seems a bit less spooky. At least it does to me.”
This is a lengthy and technical article, and I have quoted only a
portion of it, merely
in order to present the possibility that the currently “invisible”
Planet X Nibiru may
indeed be a Rogue Planet wandering in a predictable orbit amongst
nearby Stars and our Sun. And this discussion sets the stage for the
news story that follows. Have 18 Rogue Planets Been Discovered In
Knight Ridder Newspapers,
By Robert S. Boyd,
6 October 2000
WASHINGTON—Astronomers have discovered a
nursery of 18 young
planet-sized objects unattached to any mother stars, wandering
through space like orphans. The bodies are challenging theories on
the formation of stars and planets.
“If these observations are
confirmed, this means we’re really going to have to rewrite the
textbooks on how planets form,” said Ronald Greeley, a planetary
scientist at Arizona State University. “This opens a whole new realm
of objects in the universe.”
The mystery objects are dim red balls of gas, estimated to be five
to 12 times more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our
solar system. They are drifting freely in a cluster of stars in the
Constellation of Orion, about 1,500 light-years (about 9,000
trillion miles) from Earth.
The cluster, known as
Sigma Orionis, dangles from Orion’s belt, a
prominent feature of the winter sky. The cluster formed 1 million to
5 million years ago, making it a veritable baby compared with our
Sun, which is 5 billion years old. According to standard
astronomical doctrine, planets condense out of disks of gas and dust
swirling around newborn stars. That process produced the nine
planets in our own solar system, as well as the more than 50 giant
planets that have been detected in the last five years orbiting
other stars.
But the 18 strange objects reported by an international team of
scientists in Friday’s editions of the journal Science don’t fit
this pattern. “We might have to give them a new name,” said Alan
Boss, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution.
Because they lack a central star, the new objects aren’t really
planets, Mr. Boss and other scientists contend, but smaller versions
of other recently discovered freefloating space travelers known as
brown dwarfs. These so-called failed stars, weighing 13 to 75 times
as much as Jupiter, are too small and too cool to ignite the nuclear
fires that fuel stars.
The mass of the objects in
Orion puts them in the planetary range,
below the
currently accepted minimum for brown dwarfs. Consequently, the lead
author of
the Science paper, Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio, a Spanish astronomer
based at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena,
described them as “young giant planets”.
Mr. Boss said that the definition of a planet, as approved by the
International Astronomical Union, is “a round object that goes
around a star”. Location, not size, is the determining factor.
“People want to find planets,”
Mr. Boss said. “They want to use the
P-word—that’s how you make a name for yourself.”
Ms. Zapatero Osorio acknowledged that,
“if planets can only exist
around a star, then our candidates are very low-mass brown dwarfs.
But if planets must be a certain mass, then these objects are
planets. This is only a problem of terminology”.
Where the objects
came from also remains a mystery. The most probable explanation, Mr.
Boss said, is that they formed when a huge cloud of interstellar gas
broke apart and the fragments condensed into the gas balls. This is
similar to how stars are created, but on a smaller scale. Another
theory is that the objects formed like planets around a central star
and were later ejected into empty space by gravitational
instability. The celestial orphans are the first planetary-sized
objects outside our solar system to be seen directly from Earth.
Until now, planets have been detected indirectly by careful
observation of tiny wobbles in the motion of their host star, caused
by the tug of the planets’ gravity.
This time, astronomers used sensitive visible and infrared
light-detecting telescopes in Spain, the Canary Islands and Hawaii
to explore a region in the Sigma Orionis cluster.
There were also a couple of posts of other versions of this report
to the Fortean Times Mailing List. I include them here as they
appeared, email addresses deleted.
From: Tim C. Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 11:01:17 +0100 Subject: Mystery Of Free-Floating ‘Planets’
Thursday, 5 October, 2000, 18:06 GMT 19:06 UK Mystery Of Free-Floating ‘Planets’
By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
Astronomers have discovered 18 planet-like objects, drifting through
space in a part of the constellation of Orion.
If they are planets, these “free floaters” will pose a challenge to
theories about how planets form. Planets are thought to arise as gas and dust in the disc swirling
around a young star condenses and clumps together.
But the newly-discovered objects seem to have a different origin and
evolution. They lack a central star and they form part of a star
cluster called Sigma Orionis, which is no more than five million
years old. “The formation of young, free-floating, planetary-mass objects like
these are difficult to explain by our current models of how planets
form,” said Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio, of the Instituto de
Astrofisica de Canarias, in Tenerife, Spain.
Young And Cool
The researchers chose the
Sigma Orionis star cluster for their
planet hunt because it is nearby, young, and largely free of dust
and gas clouds that might obstruct the view.
Using visible and infrared light-detecting sensors on telescopes in
Spain, the Canary Islands, and Hawaii, they found 18 objects whose
relatively dim, reddish light suggested they could be planetary.
The team used measurements from spectrographs on the Keck telescopes
in Hawaii to study the range, or spectrum, of energy emitted by
three of their candidates. This confirmed the new objects were cool
with planet-like temperatures. “The spectrographic results
corresponded to our expectations that these were young giant
planets,” said Zapatero Osorio.
The researchers say that their estimates of the masses of the
objects are well within the range for planets. Brown Dwarf Stars
Sigma Orionis is probably five million years old, so if the objects
are equally old, they are probably 8-15 Jupiter masses in size.
If they are only one million years old then the fainter ones could
be as small as five Jupiter masses. It is still a possibility that the scientists have found unusually
small, cool, brown dwarf stars.
But the astronomers say that judging from previous sky surveys, to
find 18 brown dwarfs concentrated in such a relatively small area
would be unlikely.
“The most intriguing question now is how can we
explain the formation and evolution of planetary-mass objects
outside the Solar System?” said Zapatero Osorio.
The research is published in the journal Science.
From: Robert C. Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 10:15:11 +0100
Subject: Balls The Size Of A Planet Scientists Find Planet-Sized Balls
WASHINGTON (AP)—Scientists are rethinking some basic theories about
planets after astronomers found 18 planet-sized gas balls drifting
free in a star field some 1,200 light years from Earth. Experts
wonder whether faint objects of this size, which have never before
been detected, are failed stars or planets without a sun, said Maria
Rosa Zapatero Osorio of California Institute of Technology in
Pasadena, Calif. The objects don’t meet the classic definition of a
planet because they are free-floating and nomadic instead of being
locked into the orbit of a star, like the Earth and its sister
planets in the solar system.
These 18 Orion Objects sound suspiciously like Rogue
Planets. This time, however, we are able to actually see them with
our own eyes by the use of telescopes, rather than merely predict
them mathematically by environmental or microlensing measurements.
A diagram accompanies this Dallas newspaper article, comparing the
sizes of these objects with the sizes of other known celestial
bodies. If the Planet Jupiter were about the size of a ping-pong
ball, then these Orion rogue objects would be about the size of
tennis balls. Larger Brown Dwarfs would range in size from baseballs
to basketballs, and our Sun would be the size of a jumbo beachball.
If the Earth were added to the comparison, it would be about the
size of a papaya seed or a BB-Gun pellet.
This discovery may be notable for another reason: Nibiru and its
“host” of attendant cosmic bodies may come from the region of
and Sirius. Have our astronomers finally seen “The Twelfth Planet”?
As for the assertions about the actual distance from Earth of these
rogue objects and their method of formation, such ideas are
Here in this discovery, importantly, we find the idea that the
explosion of a red giant star, for example, could result in the
“ejection” of its planets into empty space as wandering rogues. That
is obviously the correct assumption to draw for the original reason
that the Planet X Nibiru drifted into our system and was
subsequently gravitationally captured by our Sun approximately half
a million years ago, some would say even longer.
NASA Science News, 29 June 2001
Wandering Mystery Planets
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has spotted what seem to be strange
planet-sized objects wandering loose in globular cluster M22.
June 29, 2001—Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have
spotted something extraordinary. Apparently there are planet-sized
objects wandering through a distant globular cluster of stars.
Unlike the planets in our own solar system, however, these objects
are loners—they have no central star of their own. Because the
findings are so surprising, researchers caution that they must be
confirmed by follow-up observations. But if this discovery is
verified, it could change the way astronomers think about stars and
planets, and how the two are related.
[COMMENT: M22 is located in the Constellation of Sagittarius where
it intersects
the Galactic Center at what the Mayas called the “Dark Rift” from
which a
cometary object emerges to travel along the “Black Road” to its
position atop the
“Sacred Tree”. This NASA discovery is significant in that said
unusual microlensing objects could possibly be related to the impending
arrival of Planet X Nibiru. RS]
See full Report
What’s next? More observations!
Hypothetical Planets
By Paul Schlyter
Suppose our Sun was not alone but had a companion star. Suppose that
companion star moved in an elliptical orbit, its solar distance
varying between
90,000 a.u. (1.4 light years) and 20,000 a.u., with a period of 30
million years. Also
suppose this star is dark or at least very faint, and because of
that we haven’t noticed it yet.
This would mean that once every 30 million years that hypothetical
companion star of the Sun would pass through the Oort cloud (a
hypothetical cloud of proto-comets at a great distance from the
Sun). During such a passage, the proto-comets in the Oort cloud
would be stirred around. Some tens of thousands of years later, here
on Earth we would notice a dramatic increase in the the number of
comets passing the inner solar system. If the number of comets
increases dramatically, so does the risk of the Earth colliding with
the nucleus of one of those comets. When examining the Earth’s
geological record, it appears that about once every 30 million years
a mass extinction of life on Earth has occurred. The most well-known
of those mass extinctions is of course the dinosaur extinction some
65 million years ago. About 15 million years from now it’s time for
the next mass extinction, according to this hypothesis.
This hypothetical “death companion” of the Sun was suggested in 1985
by Daniel P. Whitmire and John J. Matese, University of Southern
Louisiana. It has even received a name: Nemesis. One awkward fact of
the Nemesis hypothesis is that there is no evidence whatever of a
companion star of the Sun. It need not be very bright or very
massive, a star much smaller and dimmer than the Sun would suffice,
even a brown or a black dwarf (a planet-like body insufficiently
massive to start “burning hydrogen” like a star). It is possible
that this star already exists in one of the catalogues of dim stars
without anyone having noted something peculiar, namely the enormous
apparent motion of that star against the background of more distant
stars (i.e. its parallax). If it should be found, few will doubt
that it is the primary cause of periodic mass extinctions on Earth.
But this is also a notion of mythical power. If an anthropologist of
a previous generation had heard such a story from his informants,
the resulting scholarly tome would doubtless use words like
‘primitive’ or ‘pre-scientific’.
Consider this story:
“There is another Sun in the sky, a
Demon Sun we cannot see. Long
ago, even before great-grandmother’s time, the Demon Sun attacked
our Sun. Comets fell, and a terrible winter overtook the Earth.
Almost all life was destroyed. The Demon Sun has attacked many times
before. It will attack again.”
This is why some scientists thought
this Nemesis theory was a joke when they first heard of it—an
invisible Sun attacking the Earth with comets sounds like delusion
or myth. It deserves an additional dollop of skepticism for that
reason: we are always in danger of deceiving ourselves. But even if
the theory is speculative, it’s serious and respectable, because its
main idea is testable: you find the star and examine its properties.
However, since the examination of the entire sky in the far IR by
IRAS with no “Nemesis” found, the existence of “Nemesis” is not very
[COMMENT: The problem that I personally have with reports like the
foregoing is their use of such extremely long and distant
time-periods. They refuse to consider that such events can happen
within their own lifetimes. They are victims of what Dr. Velikovsky
referred to as “mankind’s collective amnesia”. RS]
Genesis Revisited
By Zecharia Sitchin
(New York, 1990),
318-321 (Avon edition)
The transformation of the search for
Planet X from an academic
pursuit to one principally involving the U.S. Naval Observatory (an
entity of the U.S. Navy) and overseen by NASA took place
concurrently with the intensified use of manned spacecraft for the
search. It is known that on various secret missions of the U.S.
space shuttles, new telescopic devices for scanning the distant
skies were employed, and that Soviet cosmonauts aboard the Salyut
space station were equally engaged in secret searches for the
Among the myriad dots of light in the heavens, planets (as well as
comets and asteroids) are distinguished from fixed stars and
galaxies because they move. The technique is to take photographs of
the same portion of the sky several times and then “blink” the
photos on a comparing viewer; to the trained eye this reveals
whether some point of light has moved. Clearly, this method would
not work too well for Planet X if it is so distant and if it moves
very slowly. Even when the role of the Pioneer spacecraft in the
search for Planet X was announced in June 1982, John Anderson
himself, in a review prepared for the Planetary Society, stressed
that in addition to the answers the Pioneer spacecraft might
provide, the enigma of the unknown planet might be resolved through
the “infrared search of the solar neighborhood” by the “all-sky
survey of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS).” He explained
that IRAS “will be sensitive to the heat trapped in the interiors of substellar bodies”—heat that is slowly lost to space in the form of
infrared radiation.
This heat-sensing satellite,
IRAS, was launched into orbit 560 miles
above the Earth
at the end of January 1983 as a joint U.S.-British-Dutch endeavor.
It was expected
to be able to sense a planet the size of Jupiter at a distance of
277 AU. Before it ran out of the liquid helium that cooled it, it
observed some 250,000 celestial objects: galaxies, stars,
interstellar dust clouds, and cosmic dust, as well as asteroids,
comets, and planets. The search for a tenth planet was one of its
declared objectives. Reporting on the satellite and its mission, The
New York Times of January 30, 1983, headlined the article “Clues Get
Warm In The Search For Planet X”. It quoted astronomer Ray T.
Reynolds of the Ames Research Center as saying,
“Astronomers are so
sure of the 10th planet that they think there’s nothing left but to
name it.”
Did IRAS find the tenth planet?
Although specialists admit it will take years to sift through and
“blink” the more than 600,000 images transmitted by IRAS in its ten
months of operations, the official response to the question is no—no
tenth planet was found. Having scanned the same part of the heavens
at least twice, IRAS did make it possible to “blink” images; and,
contrary to the impression given, moving objects were discovered.
These included five previously unknown comets, several comets that
astronomers had “lost”, four new asteroids—and “an enigmatic
comet-like object”.
Was it perhaps Planet X?
[COMMENT: I myself remember reading about this discovery in 1983 in
either The Dallas Morning News or Newsweek magazine. I can
personally verify the accuracy of this odd news report, for which
there was never any follow-up information, just as there has been no
follow-up information regarding the microlensing object found at
M22. RS]
In spite of the official denials, a disclosure did leak out at the
end of the year. It came in the form of an exclusive interview of
the key IRAS scientist by Thomas O’Toole of the science service of
the Washington Post. The story, generally ignored—suppressed,
perhaps—was carried by several dailies, which variously headlined it
“Giant Object Mystifies Astronomers”, “Mystery Body Found In Space”,
and “At Solar System’s Edge Giant Object Is A Mystery” (Fig. 104).
The opening paragraphs of the exclusive story began thus.
WASHINGTON—A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet
Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this
solar system has been found in the direction of the Constellation
Orion by an orbiting telescope called the IRAS. So mysterious is the
object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant
comet, a ‘protostar’ that never got hot enough to become a star, a
distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming
its first stars, or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the
light cast by its stars ever gets through. “All I can tell you is
that we don’t know what it is,” said Gerry Neugebauer, chief
But could it be a planet—another member of our Solar system? That
possibility seemed to have occurred to NASA. According to the
Washington Post, “When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body
and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion miles, there
was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth.
“The mystery body,” the report went on, “was seen twice by
The second observation took place six months after the first and
suggested that the body had hardly moved from its spot in the sky.
“This suggests it’s not a comet because a comet would not be as
large as we’ve observed and a comet would have probably moved,” said
James Houck of Cornell’s Center for Radio Physics and Space Research
and a member of the IRAS science team. Could it be a slow-moving and
very distant planet, if it is not a faster-moving comet?
“Conceivably,” the Washington Post reported, “it could be the 10th
planet that astronomers have searched for in vain.”
“Crossover” is coming. Are you ready for “Crossover”?
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