The Winged Disk & The Thunderbird
If you’ve ever driven along Interstate Highway 35 in Texas, from
downtown Fort Worth to downtown San Antonio, you might have had
lunch at the 7th Street Station Grill with its “Winged Disk” image
on Fort Worth’s eclectic Seventh Street, passed the Thunderbird
Motel in Hillsboro with its “Thunderbird” sign, and noticed the
Southwestern Motor Transport in San Antonio (“SMT Lines—Service
Unexcelled!”) with its “Winged Disk” corporate logo. And you might
have been passed on the highway by an old Ford “Thunderbird”
automobile or a new Chrysler PT Cruiser, with its “Winged Disk” hood
ornament. See Illustrations 30 and 31.
Illustration 30: Ford Motor Company’s Thunderbird Logo
Illustration 31: Chrysler Motor Company’s PT Cruiser Hood Ornament
The “Thunderbird” motif is
quite common in the American West, particularly in New Mexico where
automobile license plates used to have a design resembling both a
“Thunderbird” and a “Winged Disk”. See also Illustrations 20, 21 and

Illustrations 20 &
21: Mayan Totem Poles with Thunderbirds Illustration 22: Alaska
Totem Pole with Thunderbird
The United States Air Force uses a “Winged Disk” as one of its
emblems. A Mississippi transportation company, like SMT Lines, uses
a corporate “Winged Disk”. An Alabama logging company has a
corporate “Thunderbird”. And on it goes. The “Winged Disk” and the
“Thunderbird” are identical symbols, and they are found all over the
world, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, with the Christian
Cross being the symbol’s latest incarnation. If you’ve ever toured
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, you have seen the statue “Christ of the
Ozarks” which is an exact replica of the tall statue of “Christ the
Redeemer” on Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro: the outstretched
arms of these two cross-like statues precisely mimic the
Thunderbird/Winged Disk motif. Such identical symbols could not have
just spontaneously originated in so many different cultures and
languages. These images therefore obviously refer to something that
was visible in the Heavens to all the people of North America,
Europe, the Middle East and Asia. It is the purpose of this book to
identify this heavenly object.
Also all over the world, there are legends and myths of a “Cosmic
Tree” or “World Tree” and a “Sacred Mountain” or “Holy Mountain” of
the “Gods”. The Mayas had their “Sacred Tree”, and the Finns
remembered “Yggdrasill, The Cosmic Tree”. The Norwegians had their “Asgard”,
or northernmost “Abode of the Gods”, connected to Earth by a
“Rainbow Bridge” called “Bifrost”. Then we find “Mount Olympus” in
Greece, “Mount Zion” in Israel and “Mount Meru” in India. And there
is the mysterious realm of “Hyperborea”, said to have been a “land
beyond the mountains where the North Wind rises”.
Where were all of
these magical places?
Even today, we still celebrate the “childhood fantasy” of
Claus who lives at
the North Pole, surrounded by dwarfish elves and travelling by means
of a “celestial
sleigh” pulled by flying reindeer. And why do we call it a “pole”?
Then there’s the
children’s story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack climbed the
“beanstalk” to a land
of “giants”, returning home with “golden eggs” and a singing-talking
golden harp.
Are these just fanciful nursery tales?
These questions will all be answered in time.
For the most part, this book has been based upon essays which can be
found in The Cosmic Tree area of my website, and each is designed to
supplement the other. These chapters were not
necessarily written in the order in which they are presented in the
book, and that order differs from what can be found online; and some
have been “patched” or “PSed” numerous times. Thus, if occasionally
I seem to ramble (stream of consciousness, as I am often prone to
do) or repeat myself, please forgive me.
Essentially, what I have
done in the book is to refine, re-edit and expand upon that website
material. All of the Illustrations were taken from graphics found on
the Web, with the six exceptions of the Hyperborea Sky Views
(Illustrations 3-8). On each of the six included, you’ll see such
designations as, for example, on Illustration 5
(below image): The Tree Of
Paradise, The Chinese Immortal Peach Tree, The Mulberry Tree, The
Lofty Apple Tree Of The Summit, The Totem Pole, The May Pole and The
Dragon’s Seat.

Illustration 5
All of these names are genuine historical references
to “The Cosmic Tree” and/or “The Sacred Mountain”, and they were
obtained for the most part from the books
Hamlet’s Mill by Giorgio
de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend (1969) and The Celestial Ship
Of The North by Miss E. Valentia Straiton (around 1900).
You can
download a complete PDF version of Miss Straiton’s rare manuscript
It should be noted in passing that the end of Miss Straiton’s
manuscript seems to be “missing”, but it is not. The file is
complete, but for some reason the page numbering became distorted
during its conversion to PDF. As for
Hamlet’s Mill, the authors were
aware of something “unusual” that was referred to as “Nebiru”; but
they didn’t understand it, as this was ten years prior to the
writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Nevertheless, they felt intuitively
that “Nebiru” was somehow or another related to The Cosmic Tree, so
they relegated all their information about it to Appendix 39 of
their book.
As will be discussed in Chapter 1, at some point during this
“Slow-Motion Doomsday”, our communications systems will cease to
function. Assuming that at some uncertain future date, everything
will be up and running again, I have included several blank pages
for NOTES at the end of this book. Please use these pages to record
any “cataclysmic phenomena” that are specific to your area. Once
“the dust has settled” (quite an understatement!) perhaps we can
share our notes with others in an attempt to document
“scientifically” everything that happens. This is urgent. New
generations will be born, generations who will know only The Cosmic
Tree. It will have been there from “time immemorial”, many of them
will think. We must keep records for the future. We must learn to
think in terms of “shars” not just “years”!
And what is a “shar”? One “shar” is one year on
Planet X Nibiru, or
3,600 Earth Years. Each of their “four seasons” would be
900 of our
years. They would arrive “for a season”, much like one of us would
vacation for the summer on the Côte d’Azur. Their arrival may be one
way for them to “annually thin the herd”, much as we would spray for
garden insects in the springtime. It could be that we are as
meaningless as insects to them. We need answers to all these
questions, or otherwise we are doomed to descend back once again
into barbarism. Understand what will be happening, and try to
maintain accurate records. And keep this book in a safe place.
By now, most of us agree that such a “Doomsday” is inevitable and
probably soon,
and we agree on the potential “cosmic agent”. What we don’t agree
on, because we
don’t have enough information, is exactly what is going to happen
and how long it
will last. Will Planet X Nibiru just zip by us in a month or two,
wreaking havoc,
not to be seen again for another “shar”? Or will it “hang around” as
for 900 years, for all practical purposes a “Millennium of the
Gods”? I think the
latter, and in that regard my theory of The Cosmic Tree is unique.
It should be
noted that the Planet itself may zip by in a few weeks and what
tethers to our North
Pole is some sort of gigantic “Mother-Ship” as was mentioned
repeatedly by
Zecharia Sitchin in The Earth Chronicles. It is impossible to know
these answers now.
Robertino “Rob” Solàrion
Dallas, Texas
15 August 2003
Postscript, 26 October 2003:
The first annual
Planet X Nibiru Convention was held in Springfield,
Missouri, on 16-19 October 2003. Springfield has become a “headquarters
hub” for Planet X Nibiru activity. Springfield
is situated in the heartland of North America and is equally
distant from many parts of the present United States. In the
event that all communications and public transportation cease to
function following “Crossover”, we North Americans
should attempt to make our way to Springfield to re-organize
ourselves and our newly acquired scientific data. At
Springfield, locate the central Greene County Courthouse,
or what might remain of it; ask around or look for a signboard
about Planet X Nibiru, to learn what you should do
next, whom you should contact. People on other continents can
organize themselves locally.
“And they do not know the future mystery, or understand ancient
matters. And they do not know what is going to happen to them, and
they will not save their souls from the future mystery.”
Dead Sea Scrolls
Prophecy of the Essenes
Go Back
Chapter 1
Doomsday, Then & Now
“Although the world has progressed from a barbaric state to
civilization in the course of history, the ‘savage sapiens’ is today
basically as primitive as in the distant past, covered only with
layers of cultural and educational varnish.”
Darío Salas Sommer
Stellar Man
Santiago de Chile, 1985
Only within the past 100-150
years of human history (a mere short Nibiruan fortnight) have all of
our great modern scientific and technological achievements been
realized. We now have within our collective experience the ability
to tackle any problem which we may face; if we were to unite as a
world civilization, unfettered by regional turmoil (as, for example,
the never-ending hatred and warfare in the Middle East), then there
would be very little that we could not accomplish to benefit our
world and improve our qualities of life.
Nevertheless, most of us in
today’s world have fairly decent standards of living, even in the
Gaza Strip. Unlike a century ago, most of the modern world now has
running water, indoor plumbing and electricity. Television and cell
phones are no longer considered “unusual” in any part of the world.
We can travel from continent to continent in less than a day. We
have a gleaming new high-tech International Space Station. And our
very latest technological treasure is the Internet, which for most
people did not exist even five years ago. We have achieved great
things, and in general Mankind can be quite proud of our
During the 1960s I had the privilege and adventure of serving in the
United States Peace Corps. I was assigned to Massaua,
Eritrea, in
what was then a part of the Empire of Ethiopia, during the reign of
His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Lion of Judah, King of Kings,
Elect of God. Only 20 years after World War II, there were still
thousands of expatriate Italians living in that part of Ethiopia.
Massaua is an Eritrean seaport resort city, and a myriad of racial
types and nationalities streamed through the port during the two
years that I worked there. In the center of this island city, called
by some “The Venice Of Africa”, was the Emperor’s Palace, a
500-year-old Turkish Sultan’s Palace still even then preserved and
lavish enough to host the Queen of England. But on the outskirts of
town were suburban hovels with no running water, no electricity and
dirt floors—people living in much the same manner that they had
known for thousands of years. Not a day went by that I was not
cognizant of the gains that our 20th Century had made in general
compared with a perfect example of how just about everybody had been
living in times long ago. The past and the future were co-mingled in
that present 1960s hodgepodge in a magical sort of way.
In other villages more isolated, this lack of even the most basic
amenities of life did
not automatically prohibit the flourishing of rich cultural
environments. The human
imagination itself is independent of the technological conditions
under which it
lives. However, our physical human conduct is indeed dependent upon
these technological factors. As an example, just the mere act of
casually washing one’s hands in the office-building restroom would
be more complicated if there were no restroom and one had to walk a
half-mile to the nearest stream or pond to do this— not to mention
the more intimate hygienic situations that people can find
themselves in; even though I could get quite graphic here, I’ll
refrain from doing so except to add that still today there are
places in the world where people do not have toilet paper. Moreover,
communication by telephone or the Internet is much more efficient
than riding on horseback from one region to another to deliver a
message handwritten on parchment. And so that Ethiopia experience
helps me today to apprehend the differences in the consequences of a
cosmic cataclysm on peoples and cultures, then and now.
And those of us who are fortunate enough to anticipate and then to
witness these events can view them from both perspectives, from the
advance scientific warning that will be announced via the news media
to our current world civilization, as well as from the more slowly
unfolding naked-eye sequence that would have been viewed by ancient
peoples, particularly the priests.
There was a feature by Texas freelance writer John Dodson in
Dallas Morning
News on 3 February 2001. Here is a portion of that article. “Imagine
the world
with no electricity. As the slogan goes, ‘Got milk?’ Well, you did
if you went to
the barn and milked old Betsy. Otherwise, you drank water, which you
had to pump
from the well. Go to the fridge for a midnight snack? How silly! No
one had a
fridge. Cook a gourmet meal in your self-cleaning oven? Wrong! You
fed the
wood-burning cook stove instead. If you were fortunate, there would
be a woodburning
stove in the living room. Everyone sat around it to warm himself—on
side, like toasting one side of bread. Since there were no
televisions or radios, you
might read a book if you had one. If not, the seed catalog would
do—assuming you
had a lamp nearby. Otherwise, people engaged in the lost art of
talking to one
another—you know, conversation. I learned a lot from listening to my
talk about the war (‘the big one’) or my grandmother poring over the
Simplicity dress pattern brought by the postman that afternoon. I
can picture her Singer sewing machine. It was operated by a push pedal and sat by a
side window,
overlooking the outhouse. Ever been to the ‘shack out back’? What a
especially in the snow or rain—at 2 o’clock in the morning.
Electricity isn’t the
only thing we would miss if we had the ‘good ol’ days’ back. Imagine
without anesthesia. Or the dentist’s office without the benefit of
Novocain. It
brings a tear to the eye, doesn’t it? Catch the flu bug, and chances
were that you
didn’t recover. In those days, you drove a horse-drawn wagon or the
old jalopy into
town on dirt roads with ruts you could get lost in. Your destination
was the general
store, not Wal-Mart. And you probably had enough money to buy only
the things
you ‘needed’—certainly not the things you ‘wanted.’”
There are a number of separate perspectives by which we may analyze
this recurrent
phenomenon of cosmic cataclysms. The only event that left much
evidence was the
last one in 1587 BCE, which is not surprising since we have scant
records from any country of anything historical before about 2000
BCE. The prior cataclysm to that one would have occurred in 5187
BCE, 3,600 years earlier, and we essentially have no detailed
information about it, other than a scattering of flood legends.
Ancient documents like the Buddhist Vissudhi-Magga preserve details
that cycles recur to destroy both Mankind and the
Lower Gods.
“Worlds clash with worlds”, it is written. There are World Cycles,
Destruction Cycles, World Ages and Golden Ages in the legends of all
humanity. Vissudhi-Magga relates that there are 64 world destruction
cycles. The world perishes seven times by fire, and an eighth time
by water. This cycle of eight destructions repeats itself seven
times, and then at the end of the eighth cycle the final destruction
is by wind rather than water. Then the cycle of 64 begins anew. Each
cycle is composed of four “immensities” or seasons, which are
sometimes designated as Golden Age (“Gods” are present),
Silver Age,
Bronze Age and Iron Age.
According to Hinduism, we are currently in
the last of these cyclical Ages, the Iron Age or the “Kali Yuga.”
Ancient philosophers attempted to estimate the exact lengths of
these periods of time and arrived at different numbers in different
cultures. Suffice it to say that if we today, as scientifically
advanced and global as we are, have definite records of only one
cataclysm, that of 1587 BCE at the dawn of our own history, it is
quite understandable that human philosophers and scientists 5-6,000+
years ago would have had no possibility at all to arrive at more
“scientific” estimates about it. What these ancients are basically
telling us is that after LONG PERIODS OF TIME there recur “cosmic
catastrophes” of some sort that wipe out 99% of humanity and destroy
civilizations. Kingdoms fall. They have given us ample warning, as
imprecise as it may be.
Similarly, in Timaeus, written about 400 BCE, or approximately 300
years following the final departure of the Planet X Nibiru in 687
BCE, Plato recorded a journey to Egypt by Solon, a Greek
philosopher. The Egyptian priests related to Solon the story of
Atlantis and its destruction. In connection with this story, an
Egyptian priest had the following to say:
“There have been, and there will be again, many destructions of
Mankind arising out of many causes. There is a story which even you
Greeks have preserved that once upon a time, Phaëthon, the son of
Helios, having yoked the steeds of his father’s chariot, because he
was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all
that was upon the Earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt.
Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a deviation
from their courses of the bodies moving around the Earth and in the
Heavens, and a great conflagration of things upon the Earth
recurring at long intervals of time. When this conflagration
happens, those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty
places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers
or on the seashore; and from this calamity the fact that we live on
the low-lying land by the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour,
saves and delivers us.
“When, on the other hand, the
Gods purge the Earth with a deluge of
water, amongst you herdsmen and shepherds on the mountains are the
survivors, whereas those of you who live in cities are swept by the
waters into the sea; but in this country neither at that time nor at
any other does the water come from above on the fields, having
always a tendency to come up from below [i.e., the sources of the
Blue and White Niles—RS], for which reason the things preserved here
are said to be the oldest.
“The fact is that, wherever the extremity of winter frost or of
summer sun does not prevent, the human race is always increasing at
times, and at other times diminishing in numbers… As for those
genealogies of yours which you have recounted to us, Solon, they are
no better than the tales of children; for, in the first place, you
remember one deluge only, whereas there were many before that; and,
in the next place, you do not know that there dwelt in your land the
fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, of whom you and
your whole city of Athens are but a seed or remnant. And this was
unknown to you, because for many generations the survivors of that
destruction died and made no sign.
“There was a time,
Solon, before
that great deluge of all, when the city which is now Athens was
first in war, and pre-eminent for the excellence of her laws, and is
said to have performed the noblest deeds, and to have had the
fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face
of Heaven.”
By “that great deluge of all” the priest was referring
to the destruction of the legendary, lost Island of Atlantis, an
event that the Egyptian priest recounted occurred approximately
9,000 years prior to Solon’s visit to Egypt, which is dated at about
500 BCE. Three times 3,600 years is 10,800 years, not too far off in
total number from 9,000 to suggest that this “great deluge of all”
occurred when the Planet X Nibiru arrived in either 8787 BCE or
12,387 BCE. Again we are told by the priest only that these events
recur “at long intervals of time”. None of these ancient
philosophers, as wise as they might have been, had the technological
capability to link the return of Planet X Nibiru to each of these
world destructions, although the Egyptian priest did explicitly
state that they are caused by “a deviation from their courses of the
bodies moving around the Earth and in the Heavens”.
See also Chapter
It may be rather simplistic to assume this, but as the Egyptian
priest recounted, when there are destructions by fire, those who
live in the mountains perish, whereas destructions by water take out
only those dwelling in low-lying lands near the seashores. Tidal
waves can obliterate seaports, and volcanic eruptions can consume
mountain villages on their slopes. At least we can see that
connection, whether these various destructions are limited only to a
specific causal agent, like fire or water, or whether that is
exactly what the Egyptian priest intended to imply.
Here also I should point out that this passage by Plato has been
endlessly debated by
various scholars, amongst them Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky. Many have
that the Egyptian priest was “confused” and actually meant only 900
years, not 9,000 years. They cite the idea that if one adds 900
years to the date of Solon’s visit in 500 BCE, then one arrives at
the date of 1400 BCE, which is rather coincidental with the Santorini Cataclysm. Why? Because they have no other historical
frame of reference within which to place this period of 9,000 years!
That is an overall problem that we all face, this dearth of ancient
history of any depth beyond about 2000 BCE.
Compare the ideas of deviational worlds, or worlds that clash with
worlds, with this mention of an ancient legend by Paul Schlyter in
his discussion of NEMESIS (originally attributed to Dr. Carl Sagan,
I have been told):
“There is another Sun in the sky, a
Demon Sun
that we cannot see. Long ago, even before great-grandmother’s time,
the Demon Sun attacked our Sun. Comets fell, and a terrible winter
overtook the Earth. Almost all life was destroyed. The Demon Sun has
attacked many times before. It will attack again.”
See also
9 and
11. Visuddhi-Magga further discusses emotional reasons for
these cyclical periods of destruction. When there is too much
passion in the world, the destruction is by water. Too much hatred
results in a destruction by fire. And ultimately, too much
“infatuation” sets off the grand finale perishing by wind. This is
not quite logical, really, in that these three emotions, as
motivators of “wicked” human behavior, would be unlikely to be as
predictably cyclical as are the destruction-sequences themselves.
The conclusion can be drawn merely that at the ends of these long
periods of time, humanity itself always falls into the cesspool of a
Dark Iron Age, beset by all sorts of “wicked” behavior (sound
familiar?); and these cyclical “purifications of the worlds”, these
destruction cycles, have the added benefit of rejuvenating and
uplifting human behavior to higher standards of morality and ethics.
Our current world has more than enough passion, hatred and mindless
infatuation. True or not, this is impossible to know; but according
to ancient legends from across our globe, each cosmic cataclysm is
not strictly limited to either water or fiery coals or wind; on the
contrary, all of these factors occur simultaneously or sequentially.
The priests, philosophers and scientists of the Ancient World were
simply trying their best to shed some rhyme and reason upon these
enigmatic events.
This brings up other questions: Do these catastrophes follow a
predictable pattern? That is, if what we read in ancient texts about
the sequence of events in 1587 BCE is accurate or “scientific”, then
can we expect that same exact pattern to recur the next time around,
in 2012-13? Or do the “Nibiruan Gods” or “Archons” have the
capability to vary the environmental effects of each “passover” or
“crossing” event from one epoch to the next? If they do control the
capability of selecting whatever destruction they judge might match
the “wickedness” prevailing upon their return, then our fate is
simply in their hands; and there is no need for further rational
human speculation.
A more “reasonable” assumption would be that since their world is a
physical planet
obeying the physical laws of the Universe, then it is more likely
that, however devastating this event might be to Earth, it is beyond
even their capabilities to alter what happens. Their Planet follows
a pre-determined orbit; and if Earth gets in the way, by luck of the
draw, so to speak, depending upon where we may be in our orbit, then
there would be nothing that they or we could do to halt this. Thus,
we can only assume that each time their custodial Planet arrives
here “to tend the vineyards of the Lord”, we always go through their
“serpent tail” or electromagnetic trail of debris, and that this is
an integral part of their ultimate planetary tethering or anchoring
sequence at Hyperborea as the renewed Cosmic Tree, the reborn
Phoenix. For eons past, until the last century or so, humanity (no
matter how regionally affluent or deprived) lived in a
technologically primitive state. After a “cosmic cataclysm” it would
have been a relatively simple, albeit cumbersome, process to
They would not have had to restring downed power lines and
repair ruptured water mains, for instance, as we would have to do.
Thus, one “old-timey” end-result would have paralleled another in
terms of physical destruction and renovation. This time around,
however, it will be entirely different, and one wonders whether on
Planet X Nibiru they are aware of our recent progress. Our
technological civilization could be totally devastated by such a
repeat event, like it or not. We have grown far too dependent upon
technology in the way that we live our lives. If nothing else, we
totally depend upon the modern food-distribution system to restock
our markets. Fifty percent of humanity now live in cities and are
entirely at the mercy of imported farm-raised food, since in these
cities people do not produce the food they eat. And what about all
the different sizes of batteries that run so many of our appliances,
from clocks to flashlights—will we have enough leftover hourglasses
and oil-lamps “on standby” for our short-term substitutes?
don’t think so. It is a different world indeed from the time of
Moses or even greatgrandma,
and the catastrophe will automatically produce many different
results upon our different civilizations, for the first time in
recorded human history. As an aside, let me interject here that pet
dogs can become terribly frightened by the sound of thunder. Roman
Emperor Caligula, as otherwise worldly and well educated as he was,
used to crawl like a dog under his bed to hide from the lightning
and thunder of “the gods”. Why? Neither Caligula in Roman times nor
the modern dog could understand the meteorological science behind
lightning and thunder. Dogs, certainly not; and as for Caligula, he
was too far back in time from our recent technological era—he
wouldn’t crawl under the bed today, of course. Yes, we have indeed
come a long way in understanding the science of our world. It would
be most regrettable if we were to backslide into a sort of medieval
ignorance, by the “Hand of Fate”, so to speak.
In his book Worlds In Collision,
Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky chronicles
the account of the sequence of events during the last cosmic
catastrophe, deriving his information primarily from the Scriptures
and related texts in the Middle East. He also compares these events
to other legends from around the world to support them.
However, it is only in the Israelite Book of Exodus and the
contemporaneous Egyptian Papyrus Ipuwer that the actual chronology
is described in proper order. Based upon all that I have read and
contemplated, here is my description of what lies ahead.
Instead of having high-priests/astronomers who travel out into the
darkened deserts to watch for the first appearance of Planet X Nibiru’s grand arrival, we have our
Hubble Space Telescope and
similarly high-powered devices to assist us. Nibiru will first be
noticed as a newly-discovered but dim “star-like” object near the
Sun, a sort of “sun dog” at Perihelion. Once the word is out, and
there are enough astronomers worldwide who would be following all
such discoveries, many people will point their telescopes in that
direction. It will then be announced that a “new comet” has been
discovered and that it seems to be moving in our direction. At some
point, as the ancient high-priests would agree, Nibiru will become
visible to the naked eye. It will continue to grow brighter and
brighter and will take on a serpentine appearance, seeming rather
unusual for a “comet” in that its “tail” will look odd and
unexpected. It will look a lot like the
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 of
1993-94, which crashed into Jupiter.
Personally, I have always
thought that there was something awfully peculiar about that
particular comet, which resembled a cosmic string of pearls. Be that
as it may, the “comet-planet” Nibiru will be similar or even
stranger in appearance. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 reportedly “crashed”
into Jupiter, before making it into our immediate vicinity of the
Solar System; however, when Nibiru approaches, we’ll first see it as
something like that: a serpentine string of glowing objects held
together by a stream of energy. Its tail will lash about in the
heavens like an angry serpent as it draws nearer and nearer, and
gets bigger and bigger.
Incidentally, whilst browsing the Internet back in 1994, I ran
across a “riddle” of sorts posted from New Zealand to a Comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 newsgroup. It asked:
“Who fought and warred in
search of gold? Who lived life fast and never grew old?”
I knew the
riddle’s answer at once. Let me add that I could speculate here
about what this “comet” really was, but that would be a digression.
Sooner or later, our governments and news media will become quite
alarmed by this “unknown object”. There will be a parade of people
on the talk shows venturing their opinions. Eventually the word will
be made public by someone that this “thing” is on a “collision
course” with the Earth (based upon the latest observations from the
Space Station or wherever), and all hell will break loose. In
ancient times they would not have had the technological luxury to
project any of this.
After all, simple weather-forecasting is a
recent advancement. Ancient peoples never had any advance warnings
of coming storms or other disasters, let alone something like this.
They certainly did not have a Space Station or a Space Telescope to
assist them. This is the most glaring distinction to be made between
what our modern experience will resemble, compared to the time of
the Exodus and the Santorini Cataclysm of 1587 BCE.
One can only hope that rational thinking will prevail in our
“kingdoms” and that worldwide panic will not ensue, at least not too
prematurely in this “Doomsday Scenario”. But in any case, our
earthly governments will be powerless to control these unfolding
mysteries. We’ll be advised by our officials to “take cover” because
it appears that—for the first time in memory—our Planet will be
passing through the tail of this “comet”. People will storm the
supermarkets in search of groceries, batteries, candles and the
like, just as if they were warned to prepare for an impending
hurricane. Madness will begin to creep into Mankind’s collective
psyche, if for no other reason than that Hollywood movies have
already conditioned “Sapiens” to fear such uncontrollable “Acts of
Given our technological achievements, it is unknown exactly
how much advance warning we would have for this event, compared to
the past. But there will indeed be a “window” of time in which those
of us who are perspicacious can prepare for the worst. We should
consider it much like the preparations that we had for Y2K. It
couldn’t hurt to have some bottled water, high-energy and
high-nutrition foods like dry-roasted nuts or seeds, some olive oil
and pickled vegetables stored away in a “fairly” safe place, if
there will be such a spot. Just in case that food might run short or
have to be rationed, it would also be an excellent idea to have some
extra vitamins and minerals on hand, to take up some of the slack as
“food substitutes”, so to speak. And don’t forget the pets!
A reading of the chronology in the Book of Exodus leads to the
impression that the worst part of this “cosmic storm” lasts for no
longer than a month, at the most. The darkest period would occur in
the middle of it, but before and after we’ll certainly have enough
sunlight to be able to see the daytime world around us. Most wellstocked Western homes have enough food in their pantries to last
for a month, if need be and if frugality is observed. If the
electric power goes out, consume the thawing frozen food items
first. In a nutshell, think ahead and be prepared. This frightening
“comet-planet” will draw ever closer and closer to us, and then the
sequence of events described by Dr. Velikovsky will begin to repeat
itself. Undoubtedly, sooner rather than later, the United States
Government, as an example, would activate its underground facilities
and go into a sort of “nuclear-war mode” of operations. The thought
arises that even if so, would they truly and accurately comprehend
the historical and astronomical ramifications of what would be
happening on the surface? Would it even make any difference if they
knew or did not know?
Today we are aware of everything that happens in the world. But
3,600 years ago,
people would have been mostly isolated in small villages here and
there. Most
people would never have travelled far from home. Their whole lives
would have
revolved around the “natural setting” in which they lived, like
1960s Ethiopia. If
some people were living next to a dormant volcano, which suddenly
came violently
to life (“destroying the world by fire”), and soon thereafter Planet
X Nibiru arrived
and “the world came to an end”, then they would have a legend that
when the sacred
mountain spews forth fire, it signals the end of the world. Or if
people living by the sea were obliterated by a vicious hurricane,
after which Nibiru arrived, then they would remember that the world
was destroyed by water, at the whim of “God”.
People living in
America would not have known about events that happened in Asia or
Africa, for example. So, perhaps, the “suddenness” that seems to
pervade some ancient “myths” may not be so “proximate” in time from
one culture to another. Thus, I have decided to call this a
SLOW-MOTION DOOMSDAY. Already our Planet is experiencing global
warming and melting Polar Icecaps. Earthquake activity has increased
dramatically in recent years. Forest fires are right now raging out
of control in North America and Europe. Alpine glaciers are melting.
“El Niño” plays havoc with our weather. We are all well-aware of the
freakish nature of natural events these days. I noticed lately that
my Japanese maple tree is already turning red weeks in advance of
its usual autumn schedule. And we may still be several years from
“the main event”!
What would it really take to get our attention these days? We yawn
at tornado damage, we yawn at Etna’s eruption, we yawn when a
hurricane devastates western Cuba, etc., etc. We have “conquered”
these “nuisance problems” of Nature, many of which warrant only a
couple of sentences in the TV weather reports or an occasional
front-page headline. We evacuate hazardous areas and mop up later
with help from the federal government and the insurance companies.
The speed with which we can recover from modern disasters is
sometimes quite astonishing. Our modern destruction may be
comparable in scale to ancient destructions, but modern humans have
a significantly greater chance and rate of survival and
But are we really “that much wiser” than people were in ancient
times? By “slowmotion” I mean by our fast-paced, hectic standards. We don’t bother to
wonder if an earthquake has any relationship to a hurricane. But in
ancient times, people would have taken longer to consider the impact
of these “omens” on their future and would have recorded that this
“doomsday” included all sorts of catastrophic events over a period
of years.
Before proceeding further, let me emphasize that what I shall
propose here is purely hypothetical, primarily based upon ancient
legends as recounted from sources cited by Dr. Velikovsky. But until
we are finally able to observe these events not only with our own
eyes but also with the tools of our modern technology will we be
able successfully to document a “textbook case” of what may or may
not happen. Also, the prevailing seasonal climate will affect the
consequences; it would, for example, seem much easier to survive
such a cosmic cataclysm in the summertime rather than in the dead of
winter, in the dry season rather than the rainy season, or so one
might safely assume—but who really knows for sure? My book is
certainly not the last word on this matter by any stretch of the
Remember, the very fact that Dr. Velikovsky was able to write his
account was that
certain people did indeed survive. They must have taken some risks,
but the bottom
line is simple: no matter what might happen, at least one percent of
the Earth’s population will survive nevertheless. In today’s world,
one percent of 6.5 billion is 65 million people, more than enough to
re-establish world civilizations, at least on a temporary
non-technological basis.
As we begin to draw nearer and nearer to Planet X Nibiru’s
serpentine trail, its host of planetoids and moons, surrounded by
dust and rocky debris, all or a part of our Planet will enter this
“comet tail”. At first we shall encounter a “fine mist” of a
blood-red dust that streams down upon the face of the Earth, much
like a snowfall that lasts for days. This red dust will accumulate
on the ground and on the surfaces of bodies of water. It will “turn
the rivers to blood”. The water will be “undrinkable”. Let’s think
about this for a moment. Would water really be “undrinkable”, or
would it just be “unpalatable”? If only the latter, then, as
“disgusting” as this water might taste to drink or to bathe in, it
would nevertheless be “safe” to consume. Once when I was travelling
up the River Nile on a primitive tourist steamer with a couple of
friends from the Peace Corps, we found ourselves with no water to
drink. So we devised a modus operandi. I had some dental floss in my
suitcase. We tied a long length of dental floss to the lip of a Coca
Cola bottle and tossed the bottle into the river.
When the bottle
filled itself with water, we hauled it back on board the steamer and
saved the water in a larger jug. We had water to drink for a couple
of days on the steamer. Admittedly, it was not the cleanest water
that we had ever drunk, nor was it safe as it supposedly contained
the potentially fatal bilharzia amoeba, but it kept us functioning,
without having to drink only carbonated soft-drinks for the
duration. However, when we finally arrived in Cairo, I personally
had a terrible case of constipation for a few days as a result of
all the mud in that Nile water, but I got over it. Thus, if this
“red dust” pollutes the municipal water supply, and IF there is no
alternative, then I myself will certainly, if possible, drink this
water under such circumstances.
Near my home in Northeast Texas
there is an historic Sulphur River farm community called Dalby
Springs. It got its name from a locally famous spring that gives
forth what people refer to as “red water”. It is actually more
golden-brown in color, like the color of tea. The underground spring
is located next to a coal deposit, which releases sulphur gases that
are absorbed by the water. So when this “red water” is pumped out of
the ground, it has a decidedly unpleasant sulphur smell and is
“unpalatable”. However, if one lets this water stand uncovered in an
open container to “breathe” for 24 hours, all the sulphur odor
completely dissipates, leaving the water with a delightfully
refreshing, natural mineral-water taste, but still retaining its
lovely “red” color.
At some point in the unfolding cosmic drama, frantic Christians will
begin to
proclaim fearfully that these “End-Time” catastrophes herald “The
Rapture” and Christ’s Second Coming and that this “thing” lashing out at the
Earth is the dreaded BEAST of the Apocalypse—666! It is, after all, foretold in the
of Revelation
that when the appointed day of the coming of the Lord draws nigh,
like a thief in the
night, the sky and the waters will turn to “blood”. If rainfall were
mixed with this
mist of red dust, it might indeed seem like “falling blood” to the
average, fundamentalist, Wal-Mart shopper. This could be a dangerous
time at which to be out on the streets, since ignorant religious
zealots will be acting quite irrationally from their unscientific
fear of a looming “Judgment Day”. Subsequently, as we move deeper
and deeper into Planet X Nibiru’s “tail”, the situation will
deteriorate rapidly. What used to be merely an “annoying red dust”
will become larger and ever larger in size, from dust to gravel to
rocks to boulders.
Eventually, it will become a “rain of stones”
varying in size from snowflakes to beach balls. “All the mansions of
Earth will fall.” At this point, whether one has a home-insurance
policy from the Hartford will not matter. We shall be on our own. As
the Papyrus Ipuwer informs us, those who remained indoors were
crushed to death when their houses were smashed by falling boulders,
whilst those who ventured outdoors to escape being killed in their
houses were stoned to death in the streets. Damage would undoubtedly
resemble what happens when a killer tornado rips through a
neighborhood. We can only huddle in the sturdiest parts of our
houses and pray that we shall survive. But many of these falling
stones will be flaming meteorites which, in turn, will ignite
massive fires in both urban and rural areas, home fires as well as
forest fires. By this point in time, without a doubt, all electric
power and running water will have ceased. Fearful thundering noises
will echo across the heavens.
As the rain of stones begins to subside, electrical sparks will jump
and hiss between these two “clashing worlds”. Depending upon the
electromagnetic intensity of these sparks, which are prelude to the
establishment of the tethering beam, the “treetrunk”, any data
stored on Earth by magnetic methods, including computer data, CDs,
tape recordings (audio or video) and such like, will be damaged or
completely erased. This will be the most devastating consequence of
the encounter, because it has the potential to destroy the Internet
along with telephone and other communications technologies. Those
who still survive will not only be hungry and thirsty, probably
injured by falling rocks, but in all likelihood will be totally out
of communication with everyone except those in their immediate
Even if I were such a survivor, and even if my
electricity had not been knocked out nor my computer hard-drive
erased, it might nevertheless be an impossibility for me to access
the Internet, due to downed telephone lines in other parts of the
nation and world, or due to countless other unforeseen obstacles. A
large oak tree falling onto the telephone wires between here and
Dallas would cut me off completely from my local service provider,
even if I could still turn on my computer. It is an understatement
to say that by this point in time, those who are still alive will be
in a state of shock. And there’s one thing that we can predict with
absolute certainty here: utility repair crews will not be dispatched
to work in a pitch-dark environment besieged by falling molten
rocks. A feeling of abject resignation and isolation will have
seeped into the consciousness of the living, to remain at least for
the duration of the “storm”.
One shudders to consider what it would be like to be cut off from
the outside world on Manhattan Island, if all the access bridges and
tunnels were destroyed. It would be an utter hell on Earth.
Conveniently, during the preparation of this book, the great power
outage of 14 August 2003 knocked out electrical power to over 50
million people in the northeastern USA and Canada. People have grown
accustomed to taking these utilities for granted, adopting a rather
cynical or cavalier attitude that “this isn’t supposed to happen!”
Most major television networks used back-up generators and were able
to continue to broadcast, as they will probably be able to do for a
while after Planet X Nibiru’s arrival. But I seriously doubt that
people will be remaining so “calm” in the face of this cosmic
destruction as they did when only the lights went out. The thought
actually crossed my mind that “they” deliberately sabotaged the
electric grid as a “practice run” or “test run” for 2012!
Conversely, if one were living way out in the middle of nowhere,
halfway between Las Vegas and Reno, the isolation factor would be a
definite drawback.
One’s best chance of survival would be in a
“suburban” type of area, near a larger city possibly, with ample
means of escape by roadway. In the event of a lull in the storm, we
might wish to try to seek out others in our nearby environs for
consultation and cooperation. But even under the best of
circumstances, we shall encounter death and destruction all around
us. The dead will simply have to be left to decompose and stink
where they lie, providing food for roving packs of dogs and other
homeless vultures. The stench of the rotting dead will become the
least important of our problems. (People in war-zones will tell you
that if there are bloating corpses all around, try to breathe
through a cloth soaked in isopropyl rubbing alcohol—assuming that
you have any left.) During the Polar Axis Shift (see
Chapter 2),
those who live in coastal zones or along earthquake faults are most
at risk. When the Earth ceases to rotate on its current Polar Axis,
all the water along western coastlines worldwide will “slosh” inland
according to the same “inertia principle” have causes people to be
thrown forwards in their seats when someone slams on the brakes of
an automobile.
Similarly when the Earth pivots to its new
Polar Axis
and resumes its normal rotation, water will “slosh” around in other
directions. The American West Coast with its active earthquake
faults will be a particularly dangerous place. Much of one’s
survival will also depend upon one’s elevation above sea-level. Even
if only the Polar Icecaps melted, everything up to an elevation of
about 250 feet (about 75 meters) would be inundated. Personally, I
feel that the “Great American Heartland” will escape severe
destruction. I feel as safe as one could feel where I am located:
elevation of 400 feet (about 130 meters), 300 miles (480 kilometers)
from the coastline, with excellent creek and river drainage. The Sulphur River Bottomland may not be the most exciting place on
Earth, but at least it will be fairly safe from major destruction.
These electrical sparks between Planet X Nibiru and Earth will jolt
our Planet to its
very core, setting off worldwide earthquakes and volcanoes. Volcanic
smoke and
ash will fill the atmosphere, obscuring further our view of the Sun
and sky; and that 4-day-long darkness described by Dr. Velikovsky
will commence. If the lampfires of the ancients could not penetrate
this heavy darkness, then will we be able to see anything with our
flashlights, assuming that the batteries still work? It will be a
horrifying period even for those of us who are aware in advance of
what to expect. And there is a “joker” in this deck of cards this
time around: nuclear power. What if these horrendous events cause
nuclear bombs accidentally to explode and nuclear powerplants,
especially those located near earthquake faults, to leak radiation
into the atmosphere? To our knowledge, this “joker” has not been a
factor in past cataclysms.
Our “archonic custodial gods” may not be
at all pleased with this possible development, because these
periodic “purifications” are intended to cleanse the world, not
render it uninhabitable for countless centuries to come.
The Poles
will shift.
The “four directions” will change from the perspective
of everyone still alive on Earth.
People will marvel that the Sun
now “rises” in the “south” or “west” when it used to rise in the
But the Sun will still rise in the east; the east itself will
have changed!
These electrical sparks will have the added effect of disrupting the
ocean tides by causing the waters to “heap up” rather than ebb and
flow as normal. Once this electrical phenomenon ends, these heaping
waters will come crashing down in immense tidal waves against the
world’s seashores, washing away still thousands more of those who
have survived thus far.
The rocks and sparks could even knock out many of our communications
The International Space Station might malfunction and tumble back
down to Earth.
Here’s a short quote from the Finnish Creation Epic, Kalevala.
Even birds grew sick and perished, Men and maidens, faint and famished,
Perished in the cold and darkness, From the absence of the sunshine,
From the absence of the moonlight… But the wise men of the Northland
Could not know the dawn of morning, For the Moon shines not in season Nor appears the Sun at midday,
From their stations in the sky-vault.
Note that in this same
Creation Epic, a great battle is fought in
the sky between the “Fenris-Wolf” and the “Midgard-Serpent”, so
there could be two, not just one, “cosmic forces” at work during
these events. This “duality” is also reflected in the battle between
the Mayan “Bird of Prey” and the “Flying Serpent”, or their battle
of the “White Giant” and the “Black Giant”. See also
Chapter 9.
Then a great cosmic whirlwind will sweep the Earth as we begin to
leave this “serpent’s tail” and the process itself stabilizes.
Still, though, dark clouds will make our world cold and gloomy for
weeks, even months or years, ahead. Finally, as we emerge from this
period of chaos, there will be Planet X Nibiru once again,
by a “rainbow bridge” like a heavenly jewel over our North Pole,
tethered by a “cosmic umbilicus” to the “navel” of the world. It
would seem, though, from the Kalevala, that not everybody was
satisfied with the new heavenly arrangement:
And the summit rose to heaven And its leaves in air expanded,
In their course the clouds it hindered, And the driving clouds impeded,
And it hid the shining sunlight, And the gleaming of the moonlight.
Then the aged Vainamoinen, Pondered deeply and reflected,
“Is there none to fell the oak-tree, And o’erthrow the tree majestic? Sad is now the life of mortals,
And for fish to swim is dismal, Since the air is void of sunlight,
And the gleaming of the moonlight.”
Does the brilliance of the tethered
Planet X Nibiru overwhelm even
the light from our regular Sun and Moon? We shall have to wait and
see if this poet’s complaints have merit.
As we know from the Old Testament, and as Dr. Velikovsky has
discussed in Worlds In Collision (in
Chapter 6—and I can only advise
people to look at his book itself for further details), the
Israelites who were fleeing Egypt were saved from total extinction
because “the Lord” sent “manna” from Heaven to feed them in their
wandering. Here let me include a bit of this from Dr. Velikovsky.
In what way did this veil of gloom dissolve itself?
When the air is overcharged with vapor, then dew, rain, hail, or
snow falls. Most probably the atmosphere discharged its compounds,
presumably of carbon and hydrogen, in a similar way.
Has any testimony been preserved that during the many years of
gloom, carbohydrates precipitated? “When the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon
it.” It was like “the hoar frost on the ground”. It had the shape of
coriander seed, the yellowish color of bdellium, and an oily taste
like honeycomb. It was called “corn of heaven” and it was ground
between stones and baked in pans. The manna fell from the clouds.
After the nightly cooling, the carbohydrates precipitated and fell
with the morning dew. The grains dissolved in the heat and
evaporated; but in a closed vessel the substance could be preserved
for a long time… The clouds brought the heavenly bread, it is also
said in the Talmud. But if the manna fell from clouds that enveloped
the entire world, it must have fallen not only in the Desert of
Wanderings, but everywhere; and not only the Israelites, but other
peoples, too, must have tasted it and spoken of it in their
traditions. There was a world fire, says the Icelandic tradition,
followed by the Fimbul-winter, and only one human pair remained
alive in the north.
“This human pair lie hidden in the holt during
the fire of Surt.” Then came “the terrible Fimbul-winter at the end
of the world age; meanwhile they feed on morning dew, and from them
come the folk who people the renewed earth.”
Three elements are connected in the Icelandic tradition which are
the same three we met in the Israelite tradition: the world fire,
the dark winter that endured many years, and the morning dew that
served as food during these years of gloom when nothing budded.
The Maoris of New Zealand tell of fiery winds and fierce clouds that
lashed the waters into tidal waves that touched the sky and were
accompanied by furious hailstorms. The ocean fled. The progeny of
the storm and hail were “Mist, and Heavy-Dew and Light-Dew”. After
the catastrophe,
“but little of the dry land was left standing above
the sea. Then clear light increased in the world, and the beings who
had been hidden between sky and earth, before they were parted, now
multiplied upon the earth.”
This tradition of
the Maoris has substantially the same elements as
the Israelite tradition. The destruction of the world was
accompanied by hurricanes, hail (meteorites), and sky-high billows;
the land submerged; a mist covered the earth for a long time; heavy
dew fell to the ground together with light dew, as in the passage
quoted from Numbers 11:9.
The writings of Buddhism relate that when a world cycle comes to an
end with the world destroyed and the ocean dried up, there is no
distinction of day and night and heavenly ambrosia serves as food.
In the hymns of Rig-Veda, it is said that honey (madhu) comes from
the clouds.
These clouds originated from the pillar of cloud. Among the hymns of
the Atharva-Veda there is one to the honey-lash:
“From heaven, from earth, from
atmosphere, from the sea, from the fire, and from the wind, the
honey-lash hath verily sprung. This, clothed in amrite (ambrosia),
all the creatures revering, acclaim in their hearts.”
The Egyptian Book of the Dead speaks of “the divine clouds and the
great dew” that bring the earth into contact with the heavens.
The Greeks called the
heavenly bread ambrosia. It is described by
the Greek poets in identical terms with manna: it had the taste of
honey and a fragrance. This heavenly bread has given classical
scholars many headaches. Greek authors from Homer and Hesiod down
through the ages continually referred to ambrosia as the heavenly
food which in its fluid state is called nectar. But it was used also
as ointment (it had the fragrance of a lily), and as food for the
horses of Hera when she visited Zeus in the sky. Hera (Earth) was
veiled in it when she hurried from her brother Ares (Mars) to
Hera is Nibiruan Queen Ninkhursag, Council-Consort of
Prince Ishkur (Ares). Thus, in the reference here it is not
surprising to read that Ares was/is the “brother” of Hera.
What could it be, this heavenly bread, which served also as a veil
for a goddessplanet, and was used as an ointment, too? It was honey,
said some scholars. But honey is a regular food for mortals, whereas
ambrosia was given only to the generation of heroes. Then what was
this substance that served as fodder on the ground for horses, as a
veil for planets, bread from the sky for heroes, and that also
turned fluid for their drink, and was oil and perfume for ointments?
It was the manna that was baked into bread, had an
oily taste and
also a honey taste, was found on the ground by man and beast,
wrapped the earth and the heavenly bodies in a veil, was called
“corn of heaven” and “bread of the mighty”, had a fragrant odor, and
served the women in the wilderness as ointment. Manna, like
ambrosia, was compared with honey and with morning dew. The belief
of Aristotle and other writers that honey falls from the atmosphere
with the dew was based on the experience of those days when the
world was veiled in the carbon clouds that precipitated honey-frost.
These clouds are described as “dreaded shades” in the Kalevala. From
these “dreaded shades”, says the epos, honey dropped. “And the
clouds their fragrance sifted, sifted honey…from the home within the
The Maoris in the Pacific, the Jews on the border of Asia and
Africa, the Hindus,
the Finns, the Icelanders, all describe the honey-food being dropped
from the
clouds, dreary shades of the shadow of death, that enveloped the
earth after a
cosmic catastrophe. All traditions agree also that the source of the
heavenly bread
falling from the clouds with the morning dew was a celestial body.
The Sibyl says
that the sweet heavenly bread came from the starry heavens. The
planet-god Ukko,
or Jupiter [read that—Nibiru], is said to have been the source of
the honey that dropped from the clouds. Athena covered other
planet-goddesses with a “robe ambrosial”, and provided nectar and
ambrosia to the heroes.
Other traditions, too, see the origin of the
honey-dew in a celestial body that enveloped the earth in clouds.
For this reason ambrosia or manna is called “heavenly bread”. The
honey-frost fell in enormous quantities. The haggadic literature
says that the quantity which fell every day would have sufficed to
nourish the people for two thousand years. All the peoples of the
East and the West could see it. A few hours after the break of day,
the heat under the cloud cover liquefied the grains and volatilized
them. The ground absorbed some of the liquefied mass, as it absorbs
dew. The grains also fell upon the water, and the rivers became
milky in appearance.
The Egyptians relate that the Nile flowed for a time blended with
honey. The strange appearance of the rivers of Palestine—in the
desert the Israelites saw no river—caused the scouts who returned
from a survey of the land to call it the land that “floweth with
milk and honey” (Numbers 13:27). “The heavens rain oil, the wadis
run with honey,” says a text found in Ras-Shamra (Ugarit) in
In the rabbinical literature it is said that “melting of manna
formed streams that furnished drink to many deer and other animals”.
The Atharva-Veda hymns say that honey-lash came down from fire and
wind; ambrosia fell, and streams of honey flowed upon the earth.
“The broad earth shall milk for us precious honey…shall pour out
milk for us in rich streams.”
The Finnish tradition narrates that
land and water were covered successively by black, red, and
milk. The first and second were the colors of the substances, ashes
and “blood”, that constituted the plagues (Exodus 7 and 9); the last
one was the color of ambrosia that turned into nectar on land and
water. A memory of a time when “streams of milk and streams of sweet
nectar flowed” is also preserved in Ovid.
In January 2001 an article was posted to the Fortean Times Internet
Mailing List regarding the annual bathing ritual by Hindus in the
Ganges River.
The Independent Thousands Wait For The God Vishnu To Appear
By Peter Popham In Allahabad 10 January 2001
According to Hindus, this is one of four places along
the Ganges
where the god Vishnu spilt drops of heavenly nectar. At particular
astrological moments when Jupiter is in Aries, the faithful believe
that the waters are transformed into nectar, and that to bathe in
them is to attain Mokha, liberation from the cycle of birth and
death. That core item of belief is the reason up to 70 million
Hindus will make the journey to Allahabad over the next 40 days. The
alignment of the planets will not be as auspicious again for 144
Modern alignment of Planets aside, the origin of this legend
obviously comes from the idea of Greek “ambrosia” and Hebrew “manna”
detailed by Dr. Velikovsky. Thus, it seems that after the month-long
“cosmic storm”, we and the other animals shall be provided with
“heavenly nectar” or “ambrosia” or “manna” or “honeyfrost” to eat to
keep us alive. (Why else do we call some of our modern-day melons
“Honeydew Melons”? Undoubtedly this is an ancient linguistic
expression.) Actually, it will be most fascinating to see what these
“hydrocarbon precipitates” look and taste like. I can hardly wait.
So keeping peanuts and other staples on hand for the passage of “the
eye of the storm” might be all that would be necessary to sustain
us, until the “ambrosia” starts to precipitate.
This is actually
quite impossible to predict, since we have no “scientific” records
of the previous storm, other than what was recorded in ancient
“myths” and “legends” like the Exodus. As Drunvalo Melchizedek has
advised us in his “Flower Of Life Paradigm” (Matrix IV by
Valerian and Michael Topper),
“At this point, you almost have to
live a double life. You have to pay your bills, do your job, etc.,
as though nothing is going to happen; at the same time you have to
inwardly prepare for this. The ideas of building underground
shelters for food are not going to do much either, any more than
trying to get off the planet. It would not hurt to have food, but
it’s not going to ‘save’ you. It’s who you are, your character and
what you are doing, that is going to matter.”
Be vigilant! Do not let this sliding backwards into barbarism ever
happen again. This time around, there are actually a few of us who
will be able to scientifically understand this complex event. We
have been warned. And to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
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