Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
NoelHuntley Website
Spanish version
Part I
It is difficult to keep track of the many explanations for the 'fall' of
man. Most, however, could have some validity but play a more minor role - in
particular, since there were clearly many genuine 'falls' of man. Accounts
range from the Adam and Eve story to much more sophisticated scenarios.
There are channeled and other accounts attributing man's decline to Lucifer. In some versions he was a visiting extraterrestrial from
Sirius, a
feminine planet, though he himself possessed excessive masculine traits,
which was inherited from his father from an Orion and masculine planet (note
that physics will eventually identify electrical properties with the male
and magnetic with the female - see article:
The Real Reason Why Women have
been Oppressed).
Excess masculine energy untempered by the magnetic energy
will result in individuality but over-ego development, and loss of unity and
integrity of consciousness. Needless to say the visiting Lucifer succeeded
in teaching the Earth inhabitants to emphasize self more and not
higher spiritual authority.
A further ET inspired explanation is that our planet, living in peaceful
coexistence with about 49 other planets in our sector of the galaxy
volunteered to arrest its own evolution and development to host a laggard
race from another planet, which without this benevolent action the
civilization would have become lost souls (disconnected from Source) as the
whole group of other planets evolved into higher realms. Moreover, the
excess proportion of digressed beings then on planet Earth resulted in human
There are also more general forms which have some validity for man's fall
from grace. For example, the idea of creating separate entities from a
single collective (which in turn would be a portion of Source), that is, to
be given a program to exist as individuals. These people would have a
programmed motivation for exploring independence and the subsequent
probabilities which would accompany this, but resulting in
over-individuation and ego-development and the consequences of this.
fact, this would then include initially to actually introduce a little
negativity (enforced separation) into the individual's relationship to
discourage the natural tendency for the separate consciousness to return to Source - a much safer and more comfortable state, involving much greater
awareness of all things - and defeat the object of exploring individuation.
We see that this is indeed a valid theme for the fall of man and could
represent the overall trend of race development. But are there more specific
examples which we can take seriously?
There is the
Luciferian Rebellion of the Guardian Alliance material,
transmitted by
Anna Hayes, which occurred in 25,500 BC,
utilizing advanced
technologies to create DNA mutations and produce a 'shadow'
self in all
forms of life on Earth. Excellent though this material is as an explanation
of man's fall, it is subordinate to the Guardian's recount of the more
serious consequences of the fall of man from harmonic universe-2 (HU-2) to
HU-1 some 560 million years ago.
We shall focus on this particular fall of man since it is very relevant to
our condition today. Nevertheless before becoming involved with this it will
be of interest to the reader to know that even this wasn't the 'original
sin'. According to the Guardian material our time matrix (a sector of what
we think of as the universe) began 950 billion years ago. It was not until
around 250 billion years ago that the elements of negativity entered into
the existences of races. This was caused apparently by interbreeding amongst
different ET races living in bliss and total harmony.
This was a similar
problem to the results of inbreeding amongst close relatives with humans.
Mutations began to appear, and although consciousness is not a product of
the brain or genetics it is subject to parallel or corresponding
Ascension to higher realms was thus denied for those groups so
affected. Conflict, resistance and wars ensued. The resistance groups
eventually destroyed stargate 12 (energy centre), which is the principal
source in the Kathara grid blueprint -
see cosmic map article.
This is like
removing the president of a company, causing loss of the main integrating
factor and leaving the company vulnerable to infiltration and degeneration.
This then in turn prevented ascension of the unaffected beings. Thus the
elements of negativity were already present when the 560-million-year fall
of man occurred.
Let us now give an extensive account of this major decline in our
civilization, though we are dealing with a science and concepts of life,
generally, well beyond our current understanding, making the task of
bringing this to the reader extremely difficult.
(See cosmic map article)
This event was a gigantic catastrophe dwarfing the sinking of
Atlantis of
which the latter in turn would dwarf the result of a thousand atomic-bomb
explosions. We go back to an appropriate starting place for the human race;
on a planet named Tara. This is a higher harmonic body of which our Earth is
destined to evolve into (envisage as a parallel planet connected
vertically). Planet Tara is in Harmonic Universe-2, whereas present
Earth is
in HU-1.
On Tara, 560 million years ago, it was decided to genetically create a
master race as guardians of the planetary system. This was a decision made
by the overseers, the Sirian Council, in HU-2 who were seeded from
the Elohim in HU-3 and who in turn were an extension of
the Lyrans in HU-3.
Moreover, these advanced races were monitored by the Breneau from
HU-5. Thus
with the agreement of the existing races on Tara, this experiment, known as
the Turaneusium experiment, was commenced.
The Turaneusiams were given a 12-strand DNA (which covers frequencies in the
range 1 to 12 dimensions).
The planet Tara was of dimensions
4D, 5D and 6D
with corresponding DNA frequencies of the population in general in that
range (the DNA is structured from the same dimensions as the
five-harmonic-universe system). The Turaneusiam era of 8 million years, and
known as the First World, did however incur digressions in evolution due to
gradual contamination from ET interbreeding on Tara. As a result, during
this period of 8 million years, the race split into two groups, known as
Alanians and Lumarians.
Alanians were more digressed and were aggressive,
seeking to dominate the more passive Lumarians. The Alanians were involved
in harnessing the energy of the core of Tara. However, the
Lumarians realized they were misusing this energy and that there were dangers of
causing an eruption. The Lumarians appealed to the Sirian Council and the
Elohim in HU-3 and further relocated to the island of Mu to a region called
Ur. In addition, some Alanians, perceiving the dangers of an explosion in
Tara's core, of which the project was under the direction of the
Solar Initiates, defected to Mu.
With the aid of the Elohim, genetic upgrading took place on Mu and the
Turaneusiam DNA template of 12 strands was restored amongst the
and some Alanians. The race was renamed the Ur-Tarranates. The
of Ur were a product of the Ur-Tarranates and stood against the
Solar Initiates and Alanians. The scientists and priests of
Mu were aware of
the probability of this forthcoming disaster, and preparations were made. At
this more advanced and higher-dimensional existence, time experience is more
nonlinear, that is, less linear. The linear future is much easier to know
about from a more nonlinear perspective.
Such a disaster involving higher-dimensional energies would cause the
civilization to fragment from their collective/soul and planetary level, and
souls would be lost (this means the human extensions on Tara of the higher
soul collective are lost in not being connected up). The individual
consciousness of personalities would be trapped in dimensional suspension,
unable to hook up to their collective state and the morphogenetic field of
the planet Tara. In anticipation a great plan for a rescue mission was
Many races of different harmonic universes were involved. Some of these were
Pleiadians from
HU-2, the Elohim, Sirian Council, and
Lyrans working with
the HU-5 Breneau. They were collectively referred to as the
Palaidorians and
the agreement was known as the Covenant of Palaidor.
With the help of these races, the Ur-Tarranates, previously referred to as
the Turaneusiam Master Guardian Race, now with restored 12-strand
DNA and
located on Mu, time traveled into the probable future, containing the
fallen Earth. They converted their forms, at the collective level of the
into pure energy, creating a gestalt of consciousness that took the form of
a sphere. This was named the Sphere of Amenti (a name taken from the planet
The Sphere of Amenti was anchored into the core of future
Earth (fallen
dimensional fields of Tara yet to occur). In doing so, a portal was created
from this Earth to Tara prior to its collapse, that is, a condition in which
Tara was intact.
The inevitable disruption occurred in the core of Tara.
Components of its
grid system and morphogenetic field were ripped off. Owing to the higher
dimensions of these frequencies and structure many inhabitants, including
the Ur-Tarranates, lost their connection with their collective and,
moreover, their higher soul level, and also Tara's fields. It took about
10,000 years for the climate to stabilize. Those who escaped the disaster
went underground and many of these race members still remain in these
subterranean cities of Tara.
Thus a great many souls were lost, meaning they
had become trapped in dimensional suspension. They no longer had a dimension
and frequency gradient back to their previous dimensional condition. If they
were stranded in, say, the 4th-dimensional band with missing upper
dimensions only, corresponding to higher parts of their consciousness, they
could evolve by reassembling their upper DNA strands for existence on
then Tara.
A period of some 250 million years passed, during which the fragmented
matter of Tara's core and land masses were reduced to their basic
morphogenetic fields, which in turn reduced in frequency and corresponding
dimensions. The third dimension of reality existed with the presence of our
Sun, enabling the morphogenetic components and fragments of
Tara, in
'falling' to this level, to accrete matter and take on planetary forms
orbiting the Sun. Ultimately though all these morphogenetic fields must be
returned to Tara. Tara could not evolve and merge with its upper planet
in its present condition.
The fall having occurred, the Sphere of Amenti, set in the core of
before the fall, was now securely in place with a portal through its core to
that of Tara's intact past; in effect, a time line. Initially some
ET civilizations and animal species were allowed to flourish on
Earth, which
was/is a planet of dimensions 1D, 2D and 3D. (Remember these are frequency
bands and represent a somewhat different interpretation of dimensions from
the academic one, which are purely spatial and not qualitative.)
Whilst Earth was being populated by races essentially unrelated to the
mission of rescuing the lost souls, the second stage of the plan unfolded.
The Palaidorian group consciousness, now the Sphere of Amenti in Earth's
core, which included the Ur-Tarranates (previously the Master Guardian Race,
the Turaneusiams), was divided into five smaller groups or spheres,
corresponding to and encompassing the range of lost souls in genetic
categories denoted by skin color: brown, red, white, yellow, and black.
These were known as the five Cloister races. Their consciousness, however,
incarnated into the anti-particle Earth side, producing races with these
appropriate traits, in which some of the lost souls could combine and link
their consciousness for an evolution back to Tara.
Note that merging of consciousness, such as the lost souls with the
incarnating Cloister races, is not weird but very common, however,
people are not aware of it and, in addition, separation of consciousness in
our society is emphasized. As an easy example, one might wish to imagine the
merging of consciousness of twins. While it is occurring neither will feel
an intrusion but will experience wholeness, a singular condition.
Now the physics of oscillations is such that the wave, every cycle, changes
into its opposite, like a mirror image - positive to negative. This also
gives rise to particles and anti-particles, even though these particles can
be separate from one another. This means even a planet will have an opposite
or anti-parallel side which can be inhabited. It is created simultaneously
as part of an oscillating wave of energy in which one half of the wave
creates, say, Earth and the opposite side of the wave creates the
anti-parallel Earth. (Realize modern physics, relatively speaking, is
elementary and still in its primitive stages.)
In spite of the huge amount of time required for a race to be restored in
this way, the quickest, nevertheless, is by means of the portal system
through the Sphere of Amenti. At this point there was one portal connecting
Earth with Tara's past. The Cloisters, with the aid of the
Priesthoods of Ur
and Mu on Tara, created more portal extensions from
Earth to Tara in the
range two to six dimensions. In time mechanics, this represented five
portals connected to stages of Earth's future corresponding to the
dimensions and frequency development (movement into a future is governed by
ascending frequencies or dimensions).
There were then six portals into the Sphere of Amenti, creating a new track
in time for Earth to evolve back to Tara. These were called the
Halls of Amenti. The next step was to draw from Tara's 5D core the morphogenetic
field which supplied the grid system. The purpose of this was to prevent
Tara's ascension to 7D of the upper planet Gaia (7D, 8D, 9D) which would
have exploded Tara under its present condition.
Now this morphogenetic field
was divided amongst the 3D planets of our Sun system placing a portion of
this morphogenetic field at the core of all the planets, including Earth.
This morphogenetic field is called the Blue Flame, which is an energetic
portal for transmuting the frequencies of the races returning through the
Sphere of Amenti. The Blue Flame was called the
Staff of Amenti and is the
key to man's evolution and return to Tara. It has been called the
Gates of Heaven.
To recapitulate, we have seven portals from the core of Earth to Tara. One
to Tara's past 552 million years ago, five portals to five different stages
of the future as the 2 to 6 strands of DNA are restored and entered into the
Sphere of Amenti as the times arise, and one more Blue Flame energy portal
for purposes of transmutation of bodily forms for attunement with
Tara - thus the latter, the Staff of Amenti, is the final gate after passing
through the Halls of Amenti (the other 6 portals).
The plan was for all five Cloisters to have the imprint of 8 strands of the
1 to 12-strand DNA, with strands 1 and 7 to 12 present in all of them. The
five remaining strands were to be distributed amongst the five Cloisters for
rebuilding. For example, Cloister one had strands 1, 2, then 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12. Cloister two had strands 1, 3, and 7 to 12 and so on. All five races
would produce a full set, a 12-strand DNA. At the completion of this they
could return to the Sphere of Amenti and pick up in the 'gene pool' the rest
of the strands from the other 4 Cloisters and return to Tara.
The Cloisters did not possess gender and, in addition, they incarnated in
the faster evolving anti-parallel Earth, enabling many lost souls of
Tara to
be saved - we can only imagine that these particular souls were least
impaired, and were in the upper bands, and gender discrimination was not
necessary for their evolution during this era of about 225 million years.
However, many digressed during this period or simply were not responding to
the regenesis opportunity, and others were lost souls in a lower category,
needing more stringent requirements for their DNA restoration.
Now, as we are implying, the mechanism for the ascending gradient to return
to Tara was the provision by the Cloister/Palaidorian races of a
template for the lost souls. However, these souls must now pull in, accrue,
frequencies by experience in incarnations. As each strand accrues the 12
sub-frequencies, the next strand is brought in. Each dimension has 12
sub-frequencies - similarly for the DNA. These souls must restructure the
dimensional frequencies lost on Tara, which now correspond to the
values, by rebuilding the DNA.
The dimensions lost on Tara were in the
region of 4D, 5D, and 6D. To rebuild the DNA, 1 to 12 strands, the following
range had to be covered 1D, 2D, and 3D of Earth and dimensions 4D, 5D, and
6D of Tara since they were disrupted. Note that Tara originally evolved via
1D, 2D, 3D but now these frequencies of Earth must be regenerated and pulled
in from the unified field (ground level field of energy of consciousness
units from which everything springs).
We now move into the Third World from 25 million years ago. There were still
many lost souls (and the recovery process is still ongoing today in the form
of the current human race). For those lost souls requiring regeneration of
the gender chromosomes, a provision was made for gender or polarization
within the relevant strand. The first DNA strand D1 was divided into two so
that 50% of the Cloister races had half of strand 1 and the other 50% the
other half. This procedure was actually carried out in the higher
frequency - lower physical density - world of Gaia, an upper
counterpart of dimensions 7D, 8D, and 9D.
Thus 50% of the first Cloister race had DNA 1/2, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
second Cloister race, had 1/2, 3, 7 to 12, and so on, setting up an imprint
for those lost souls who could not achieve ascension back to Tara with the
previous arrangement.
These two groups separated by which half of strand 1
they had formed and were named Root Races 1 and 2. These were known
respectively as the Polarians and Hyperborneans, which were seeded in
But Root Race 1 was seeded on (particle) Gaia and Root Race 2 was seeded on
Gaia's anti-parallel planet (referred to as parallel Gaia or anti-particle
Gaia, etc.). Thus this took place at the level of etheric matter and the
planets provided the masculine and feminine basis.
This is where the physics becomes very complex and confusing. There are
different kinds of 'opposites', even conjugates, and interdependent and
complimentary relationships: particle/anti-particle, positive/negative,
male/female, electrical/magnetic, etc. The particle side (particle Earth or
Tara or Gaia) does have the characteristic of the
magnetic and therefore
female energy, whereas the anti-particle side (anti-particle Earth) has the
electrical and masculine energy. Our particle Earth can have particle and
anti-particles, and similarly anti-particle Earth can have particle and
In simpler terms, we are stating that the population polarity,
masculine/feminine/ exists within each of the planets. That is, on, say,
anti-particle Earth, there is masculine and feminine but this polarity rides
on the more basic polarity of anti-particle Earth
(electrical/anti-particle/masculine). Thus, the masculine aspect of
anti-Earth superimposes on the population polarity masculine/feminine.
may be, say, 10% more masculine on the anti-parallel Earth than on Earth (a
bias acting on both poles within one planet - masculine and feminine).
would give an explanation of why the anti-Earth is under
Phantom Matrix
control. We can know that excessive masculine energy, which is exploring,
risk-taking, active, promotes independence and rapid change (see article
Real Reason Why Women have been Oppressed) will eventually distort towards
ego-development and conflict, lacking in the stabilizing influence of the
magnetic. In addition, it appears that this imbalance has overridden the
advantages of its higher-dimensional status (the fact that anti-parallel
earth is 1-dimensional band higher).
Why are the planets, Earth and its
counterpart, anti-parallel Earth, not on the same dimensional level?
Possibly to allow greater variables in the population from Earth to
Thus the first and second Root Races, Polarians and
established the DNA template for strand 1. Now the Cloister races: brown,
red, white, yellow, and black would provide the remaining strands 2 to 6. As
they were acquired, the souls would return to the Sphere of Amenti and
retrieve the remaining pooled DNA strands 7 to 12 and those strands
developed by the other Cloisters.
For example, the brown race rebuilt DNA 2,
known as Root Race 3, the Lumarians. Now strand 3 was accrued by the red
race, Alanians, Root Race 4, from the second Cloister race. These two
(second and third) root races were the main product of the Turaneusiam experiment in which the Alanians, under the
Templar Solar Initiates,
destroyed much of Tara, creating the fall of man.
These two races now lived
harmoniously, 25 million to 5.5 million years ago, on Earth with advanced
cultures. Many souls ascended, who retained the integrity of the DNA, back
through the Halls of Amenti, through the Sphere of Amenti, where they picked
up the remaining strands and returned to Tara.
The procedure continued in which other Cloisters manifested further root
races for the assembly of DNA strands 4 to 6 but in the meantime, as stated,
many souls ascended who already had these strands intact. However, although
each incarnate originally lived in one body for the whole process, many
members had digressed and had to reincarnate several times before completing
the necessary assembly of their DNA for return to Tara.
As the lost souls returned to Tara, so gradually did the lost portions of
Tara's morphogenetic field within the solar system planets. This activity
ran parallel on these other planets but incarnation into other planets was
not at the physical level. Thus Earth was the main body for the rescue
In summary, after the First World of the Turaneusiam era of
8 million years,
the fall from Tara occurred. The Sphere of Amenti
was formed and the Halls
of Amenti and the Staff of Amenti created. Next the
Sphere of Amenti was
divided into five Cloister races, and a long era of 225 million years, the
Second World, past in which the incarnating Cloisters enabled many lost
souls to return to Tara.
This took place at the etheric level and they did
not need to incarnate into physical bodies. The Third World, about
25 to 5
million years ago, involved physical incarnations into Earth with Root Races
1 and 2, the Polarians, and Hyperborneans, establishing
DNA strand 1, then
followed Root Races 3 and 4, the Lumarians, later known as
Lemurians, and
the Alanians, later known as the Atlantians, who assembled
DNA strands 2 and
This was the First Seeding of the human race, which terminated with the
Electric Wars, after which a Second Seeding was planned.
Part II
To briefly recapitulate on Part I, the five Halls of Amenti (future-time)
portals opened into dimensional fields 2 through 6 with corresponding time
periods, enabling lost souls, through their Cloister races, to assemble
their particular DNA strand (in the range DNA 2 to 6), and then pass through
the other Cloisters and pick up the other strands, assembled by the other
root races.
They would then pick up from their Cloister race, strands 7 to
12. On attaining the full 12-strand DNA, they could gradually transmute into
less dense bodies and ascend to Tara (upper parallel Earth), all achieved in
one long lifetime. This also restored Tara's morphogenetic fields in 3D for
return to the higher dimensions.
Lost souls, as related here, are fragmented. Some dimensional bands of their
inner-dimensional configuration are missing. They are not connected up to
their higher soul level, collective or Source. Those missing frequency bands
have to be filled in. Since the universal dimensional structure is reflected
in the human DNA, the lost souls, if provided with a template (framework)
they can accrue frequencies into this template or DNA imprint from the
unified field and reset the DNA for activation.
Thus this was achieved by
forming a composite entity with the Palaidorian entity, which provided the
DNA template, and then by frequency accretion, through experience, the
could be assembled, enabling the lost souls to evolve back into their soul
The Palaidorians, in effect, provided bodies; morphogenetic
blueprints for the formless consciousness fragments of the lost souls.

The first seeding of
races for the continued rescue of lost souls from Tara proceeded
successfully until extraterrestrial interbreeding created genetic
As a result of this, the dangers of allowing race
members from Earth to possibly contaminate Tara races was given
serious attention by the Sirian-Anunnaki from Harmonic Universe-2
(HU-2) and other beings from higher realms. This occurred about 5
million years ago.
They decided they wanted to stop
the evolution on Earth and prevent ascension of the Turaneusiam race to
for fear of subsequent contamination of Tara. Deterioration was already
occurring on Earth and they needed to protect Tara.
Normally a race's own frequency determines its spiritual selection (level);
and dimensionally speaking with normal evolution there is no problem.
However, the planetary system as previously explained had special access
modes set up, the Halls of Amenti portals, for easier and more rapid
evolution, and there were dangers of incompatible frequencies getting
through. [Note that the clearance level was normally 5D, for access, but
after the last successful initiation of a Stella (ascension) Activation
Cycle in 208,216 BC (which then had to be terminated), with a blocked
(sabotaged) D12 stargate (blueprint energy centre), 2.5 D frequencies could
get through.]
Nevertheless the Elohim and the Palaidorians rejected this plan to terminate
the continuing Turaneusiam experiment and the rescue of lost souls.
Consequently the opposition races or resistance groups resorted to war with
the intention of taking over the portals of the Halls of Amenti.
Battles ensued, involving advanced technologies, lasting about 900 years and
were known as the Electric Wars. This occurred within Earth's atmosphere,
causing death to digressed Earth races and many animal species. Others
either escaped to Tara or were relocated to other planets by the
Earth would have been completely destroyed but the Breneau from HU-5
The Breneau introduced a treaty; a compromise in which the rescue mission
was not allowed to occur via the more rapid method of the Halls of Amenti
portal transmission to Tara but by the method of death,
reincarnation and DNA development.
Now, mutations were present in the Third and Fourth Root Races, the
Lumarians and Alanians, in strands 2 and 3. The plan was to place a seal in
DNA strands 2 and 3, achieved by removing the electrical overtones in these
strands, leaving the magnetic base tones. Normally the overtones were picked
up from the corresponding Cloisters but for the Third and Fourth Root Races
the overtones were removed in the Cloister.
They could still evolve into the Cloister in the Sphere of Amenti and pick up strands 7-12 but not pass
through this level into the Palaidorian Collective (all 5 Cloisters), also
in the Sphere of Amenti, and pick up the other strands, 4-6. This was
called the Seal of Amenti. This then prevented 7-12 from plugging in
(being active), meaning that the particles (magnetic part of spiral vortex)
could not merge with the anti-particles (electrical part), preventing
further assembly of DNA strands 7-12.
This meant the natural merging,
during assembly of strands 3 and 4 (dimensions 3D, 4D), could not take
place. That is, without the electrical overtones, DNA strand 3 would not
fuse with the upper DNA strand 4 (a natural process of DNA development).
This period was still about five and a half million years ago.
[Note that each strand has 12 subfrequencies - each frequency oscillates
from base magnetic tone to electrical overtone (pictured as two interacting
For over 4000 years, as a result of the Electric Wars, Earth could not
sustain life, and experienced severe climactic conditions and slight poleshift due to damaged grid and portal system. Eventually as the Earth
entered stable periods, visiting ETs reseeded animal forms. A pole shift
correction, however, then caused an ice age, destroying life on the surface.
The Earth's grid frequencies dropped rapidly during this time and as a
result, if the higher frequencies of the Sphere of Amenti were allowed to
remain in Earth's core, the latter would explode.
To resolve this, the Elohim, HU-2, relocated the Sphere of Amenti in
space in its natural 4D frequency band (this is the astral inner space). It
was now no longer housed in the 2D core of Earth where it was accessible to
dimensional bands 2 and 3 (and corresponding races handling strands 2 and
3). This absence automatically created a further 4D block in the DNA strand
development, preventing the Third and Fourth Root Races (strands 2 and 3)
from assembling DNA strand 4.
This was a disaster as it meant the races would be stranded in time,
isolated from their future and collective by the missing component in the
dimensional gradient, the form-holding morphogenetic field of D4. With this
blockage the root races, in completing their strand, could not pass into the
Palaidor collective through the Sphere of Amenti. Thus this 4D block was
known as the Seal of Palaidor.
This 'safety' procedure, to avoid Tara contamination, however, gave rise to
a severance of physical body and astral field - a missing frequency band in
the aura. Moreover it caused much of the condition today in most people;
that of a duality between body and consciousness - a lack of natural
perception of the relationship between the two. Humans became trapped in a
physical body. The body could not be regenerated beyond a certain strand
development and it would die.
This now brought about the necessity to reincarnate from one root race to
another - instead of completing the task in one body and being able to pick
up the strands at the collective level from the other root races.
Thus the
Third and Fourth Root Races, the Lumarians and Alanians, respectively, with
established DNA strands 2 and 3 wouldn't pick up the DNA templates of
strands 4, 5 and 6 (they all had 7 - 12 templates) from the collective but
had to regenerate them by accruing frequencies themselves from experience in
order to pass through the portals.
Furthermore, they had to wait for the Fifth Root Race to be introduced, which became known as the
Aeiran Root
Race. Thus the Fifth Root Race could assemble the 4th strand, which then
enabled the others to continue DNA assembly, since the Fifth Root Race
provided strand 4 (the imprint was already there in the appropriate
Cloister) and it could access the Sphere of Amenti in 4D.
Note that the Alanians, the race with the greatest digression prior to
Tara's fall, had to assemble strand 3 (containing a mutation) themselves.
Then strand 4 had to be assembled by waiting for, and reincarnating into,
the Fifth Root Race (from the third Cloister) since it was no longer
available to be picked up in the 'gene pool'.
The Cloisters were normally providing perfect DNA templates for the lost
souls to accrue (fill in) the appropriate frequencies. But now they had the
Seal of Amenti and the Seal of Palaidor.
The Third and Fourth Root Races, the Lumarians and Alanians, as stated could
not pass through to the Palaidorian collective to assemble strands 4 - 6 and
therefore could not plug in strands 7 - 12 for activation. The important and
drastic result of this was that strands 2 and 3, being blocked, pulled in subpersonalities from the astral 4D dimensions, which could not be handled
with Root Races 3 and 4.
Thus they would now have to be handled by the Fifth
Root Race with the availability of DNA strand 4. Owing to the presence of
the Seal of Amenti it was now necessary to incarnate three times, once
within each of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Root Races, to complete the
ascension process for Tara.
In summary, what we are saying is that the original plan for the rescue of
lost souls (see Part I), which was, for each of the five Cloisters (and
subsequently root races) to assemble one strand (from 2 to 6) and pick up
the rest in the Sphere of Amenti and Palaidorian collective (strands 1 and 7
to 12 were given), was prevented by the seals imposed to stop any DNA
mutations getting through to Tara.
This 4D astral seal also blocked the chakra system, causing a build up of
electrical particles accelerating the manifestation of disease. Thus, as
mentioned, it was necessary for the Fifth Root Race to develop DNA strand 4
to free the Third and Fourth Root Races.
After physical death the normal 4D consciousness, perceiving 3D (as solid
reality), would now drop to 3D consciousness, perceiving a second
dimensional reality in Earth's core, changing the nature and format of their
consciousness from human to elemental (Earth's core being the natural abode
of the elementals); that is, their previous consciousness (4D) fragmented
and reincarnated in elemental consciousness forms.
Furthermore, others from
the lost souls' group when coming in, that is, reincarnating through the 4D
blockage and seal, released disembodied astral consciousness fragments. [As
previously mentioned, merging of consciousness, and fragmenting and fusing,
is a natural process; it simply needs to be done constructively and
harmoniously. It does not seem strange for two consciousness' to
combine - each feels like itself alone but enhanced.]
As stated, however, souls coming in as the Fifth Root Race would already
have the template for the 4th strand--- this is the strand which Cloister 3
and the Fifth Root Race could accrue frequencies into, during incarnation
for full assembly, but prior to this the Atlantian Fourth Root Race (DNA 3)
had to pick up the strands 2, 4, 5, 6 (1 and 7 - 12 were given) and strand 4
wasn't then available to acquire in this way. Now the Third and Fourth Root
Races couldn't reincarnate as Fifth root Race members due to the blocked 4D
astral frequency band, causing fragmentation of consciousness and having to
merge with the Fifth Root Race incarnates.
Thus a burden was placed on the Aryan Fifth Root Race as they then had the
responsibility of assimilating the fragmented consciousness of the Third and
Fourth Root Races as they integrated these soul fragments into their own
consciousness, before they could ascend. The Aryan's experience of this was
one of chaotic memories as though of earlier incarnations, and the presence
of subpersonablities in their consciousness.
Such a blockage disconnects the race members from the collective
morphogenetic field. The D4 strand imprint was thus absent. Race memory was
Present humans are in the Fifth Root Race Aryan cycle with
DNA strand 4 to
be activated in the ascension cycle. Humans thus are still subconsciously,
or consciously in a few, involved in cellular clearing, integration of the
emotional, mental and astral bodies, and assembling the 4th strand, which
will then release the Seal of Amenti for ascension back to
Tara. (Humans
have one biological double strand and eleven, mostly unplugged,
electromagnetic double strands.)
The consequences of the Seal of Palaidor was known by the
Elohim and allowed
so that extreme genetic digressions would be removed and would in fact
fragment back into basic consciousness units of the unified field (in
effect, recycled). This fragmentation involved units breaking off the DNA,
disrupting logical sequences and giving rise to what scientists call junk
Thus the Seal of Amenti caused races to enter into incarnation with no
memory of identity or higher realms, normally available in 4D and accessed
through the astral dimension. Races forgot their connections to each other
and to Earth. Humans of the Second Seeding would now have a different kind
of consciousness - a perception of increased duality and sense of separation
from everything. Also a subconscious mind developed which included D2
sub-personality fragments from the elemental unified field. Dream
assimilation was now necessary.
Even advanced visitors couldn't access the
planet's history except through the Sphere of Amenti in 4D.
Earth was thus
in quarantine - races could no longer know they were part of
multidimensional universes of higher-conscious forms.
Humans in general are
still in this condition today.
Part III
In addition to the mutations in DNA strands 2 and 3, strand 1 (6th overtone)
was also affected. Thus the Seal of Amenti referred to these three mutations
in strands 1, 2 and 3.
Then the main problem was the placement of the Sphere
of Amenti in the 4D dimensional frequency band, having been removed from the
Earth's 2D core owing to increasing incompatible frequencies between Earth
and the Sphere of Amenti. This created a barrier to development of the 4D
fourth strand of DNA, referred to as the Seal of Palaidor, and thus the
Fourth and Fifth Root Races had to wait within the Sphere of Amenti until it
could be returned to Earth's core.
The Seal of Palaidor must be released before the Seal of Amenti was released
by assembling the full 4D strand. The Third and Fourth Root Races, Lumarians
and Alanians, could pass into the Sphere of Amenti but not pick up the other
strands by passing through and into the Palaidorian collective because the
Sphere of Amenti had been removed and 4D was not available. Thus the
Root Race could not incarnate.
During this time, about five and a half million years ago, severe climactic
changes occurred, including a great flood. It would take millions of years
before the vibration rate of Earth would be sufficient to sustain the 4D
coding of the Fifth Root Race and the Sphere of Amenti could be returned.
Thus evolution was stunted during this period.
After about one and a half million years, the Sirian Council of HU-2,
working with the Elohim and other groups, devised a plan to restart human
evolution on Earth.
Earth's frequencies were still too low, however, to
sustain life with 4D coding or assemble DNA strand 4, or to receive the
Sphere of Amenti. The souls in the Sphere of Amenti could re-enter into
Earth from 4D by a process known as down-grading. This meant reducing the
Fifth Root Race and others in frequency by passing their race morphogenetic
field through another planet in HU-1. A suitable planet was found to be
Sirius B in the Sirius star system.
To recap: the Palaidorian morphogenetic field and Amenti morphogenetic field
were in the Sphere of Amenti and comprised the collective soul matrix. The
Sphere of Amenti needed to be returned to Earth's core to release the
of Palaidor.
Thus about 4 million years ago a portal bridge was constructed between the
core of Sirius B, the Sphere of Amenti in D4, and
Earth's core in D2. The
soul essences from the Sphere of Amenti were passed into the core of
B. Some of these souls combined their consciousness with etheric
consciousness on Sirius B, creating a hybrid Sirian-human. This race became
known as the Kantarians who founded the Kantarian Federation to serve as
guardians for the Earth humans of the Second and Third Seedings, and became
involved with the old Sumerian and Egyptian cultures as well as that of
The Fourth and Fifth Root Races, by residing within the morphogenetic field
of Sirius B, enabled the individual identity to be retained and frequencies
to be accrued.
They could then pass into the Sphere of Amenti, that is, wait
for the seeding of the Fifth Root Race and assemble the remainder of the
fourth strand. This would release the Sphere of Palaidor but not the
of Amenti. This portal bridge connecting to Sirius B eventually became known
as the Hall of Amorea in the Second Seeding. Later, in the
Third Seeding, it
became known as the Third Eye of Horus.
This option of passage through Sirius B for evolution of the Fourth Strand was reserved for races who
carried the third DNA strand, for example, Alanians/Atlantians, but not, for
instance, the Lumarians who had not completed the third DNA strand.
The human-Sirian imprint was strengthened by further
hybridization from
immigrating Pleiadians. These were originally from Earth but escaped to
Pleiades during the Electric Wars. The
Pleiadian DNA was now being brought
in with further hybridization with the Kantarians (human-Sirian hybrids).
This new hybrid race (smaller group) was called the Dagos. All these
imprints were combined with the original templates of the Turaneuseum master
race project.
This hybridization procedure now enabled Cloister 1 and its Third Root Race,
the Lumarians (Lemurians), to begin incarnating via the
Sirius portal
passage on Earth, now with more compatible frequencies - this was around
three million years ago. (They were also known as the Lamanians, denoting
their passage through Sirius B.)
Next, the Fourth Root Race (second Cloister), originally known as the
Alanians, followed about two and a half million years ago. The Fifth Root
Race, the Aryans, were then entered around 1,275,000 years ago. In all cases
the Cloister race is entered first (for DNA overtone development) and then
the corresponding Root Race projected into incarnations on Earth. This
period from the second seeding about 4 million years ago and extending into
the Third Seeding, bringing us to the present, is referred to as the
World of native American legend.
The Fifth Root Race, the Aryans, could now assemble the important
strand, bringing up the frequencies of energy so that the Sphere of Amenti
could be returned to the Earth's core.
This would release the Seal of Palaidor (4D blocks) and the Lumarian and
Alanian races waiting in the
Sphere of Amenti could now incarnate with the Fifth Root Race. (Remember,
the Fifth Root Race has the template for strand 4 (4D) to be assembled
(accrue frequencies), whereas Lumarians and Alanians had templates 2 and 3
respectively, originally able to pick up other strands in the Sphere of Amenti, but since the
Seal of Amenti was installed they had to reincarnate
into future root races to assemble those other strands themselves.)
Now the Seal of Amenti also affected activation of the grounding codes. All
the races had within each dimensional strand of their DNA, within the
sub-frequencies of each dimension, partial codes (frequency patterns) to
enable the races' energies to link, ground, with Earth's lower dimensions.
They apparently provided an extra refinement to the gradient in the
dimensional increments, which also, vice versa, enabled transmutation to
occur when the overtones were complete and activated.
The grounding codes, however, couldn't be activated while the mutation
(missing 6th overtone in strand 1) was present in the first strand. Thus the
Third, Fourth and Fifth Root Races, who had DNA templates 2, 3, and 4
respectively to be assembled, would be born with the Seal of Amenti (1, 2, 3
strands) and Seal of Palaidor (4D block). Moreover, the Fifth Root Race
mutation already had the D4 template and it was possible to assemble this
(it would automatically have the lower strands).
This would release the Seal of Amenti, which was in effect the seals on
strands 1, 2, and 3. This being achieved, DNA 1-4 could plug into one
another, and with this development the 5th, 6th and 7th grounding codes
would fire. The DNA strands 7-12 were already given, and the completion of
the DNA enabled the body to transmute through the Blue Flame portal and the
Halls of Amenti to ascend to Tara.
Next, the Sixth Root Race, the Muvarians would develop the fifth strand. We
haven't given the names of the Cloisters to reduce complexities but the
Sixth Root Race's Cloister was the Melchizedeks, which initially
corresponded to the yellow-skinned races on Earth. But since the First
Seeding, modifications to this Cloister race consciousness enabled it to
take on various racial strains.
Thus it was not limited to manifesting the
yellow race.
With the establishment of 5 DNA strands they were free of the
Seals of Palaidor and Amenti, and at the completion of strand 5 could